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The story of Kuai Liang (aka Scorpion) from the New Era timeline of Mortal Kombat.


Kuai Liang was the younger brother of Bi-Han and the son of the Lin Kuei grandmaster. He was a pyromancer, in contrast to his brother's Cyromancy, which was said to be "a family secret". They would later welcome Tomas Vrbada as an adoptive brother after he lost his family. They were family friends of the Shirai family, with Kuai growing especially close to Harumi. Scorpion was dedicated to the Lin Kuei and its mission of defending Earthrealm, alongside Lord Liu Kang.

Mortal Kombat 1[]

Chapters 1-2[]

Scorpion and Kung Lao (3rd Timeline)

Scorpion fighting against Kung Lao in Madam Bo's tea house.

Before Raiden and Kung Lao can pay their tab at the tea house, the Lin Kuei arrive to seemingly extort Madam Bo. Their representative, Smoke, demands payment. When Bo refuses, Smoke attacks her and has his men start vandalizing the teahouse. Kung Lao and Raiden immediately confront the Lin Kuei, with Kung Lao personally fending off Smoke while Raiden backs him up while subduing the underlings. Before they can check on Madam Bo, however, two more Lin Kuei attack them: the cryomancer Sub-Zero, and the firebrand Scorpion. Kung Lao fights off Scorpion while Raiden fights Sub-Zero. The battle eventually ends, with Kung Lao emerging victorious over the self-proclaimed Grandmaster.

With the Lin Kuei routed, Kung Lao and Raiden rush to Madam Bo's aid. Thankfully, the old war horse proves sturdier than she appears. Afterwards, they are approached by a mysterious figure with glowing eyes, who regards Bo with familiarity. He introduced himself as Lord Liu Kang, the god of fire and protector of Earthrealm. He reveals that Bo had been training them for the day when they would rise as the realm's Champions and that day has finally come. The Lin Kuei, it turns out, weren't common thugs, but guardians of Earthrealm under Liu Kang's supervision: this brawl was a test to measure Kung Lao and Raiden's worth.

Afterwards, Scorpion and Sub-Zero accompanied Liu Kang to Johnny Cage's mansion to recruit him and Kenshi Takahashi as potential champions. However Johnny initially believed it all to be a prank, which angered his brother, and Scorpion tried to calm him down, and had to aid him when Johnny fought them in the subsequent confrontation. Liu Kang eventually managed explains that both the actor and the swordsman have been chosen as Earthrealm's Champions, joining Kung Lao and Raiden at the Wu Shi Academy to train for the upcoming tournament against Outworld.

Chapters 8-9[]

After the tournament, events began to develop due to the schemes of the sorcerers Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. Sub-Zero, Scorpion and Smoke waited for Liu Kang's next order, with Sub-Zero starting to get impatient about it. Smoke advises that they should follow their father's teachings and not rush things - a sentiment Scorpion agrees with - but Sub-Zero only warns him to mind his place, reminding him that while he might've been adopted into the Lin Kuei, he doesn't have their blood. Kung Lao and Raiden then show up with a summons from Liu Kang, who tasks the brothers with traveling to a place known as Ying Fortress, currently occupied by Outworld; once there, they're to destroy the soul stealers there and capture Shang Tsung. Raiden volunteers himself and Kung Lao to help, but Sub-Zero claims that having non-Lin Kuei along for the ride would only hinder them, with Scorpion explaining - not unkindly - that the Lin Kuei's stealth skills take years to master.

Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Smoke (3rd Timeline) 02

The three Lin Kuei scouting out Ying Fortress.

Later on, when the three Lin Kuei are scouting out Ying Fortress, Scorpion criticizes Sub-Zero when the blue ninja talks of the glory he thinks completing the mission would bring them. Sub-Zero responds by mocking Scorpion for taking after their father so much, claiming their old man was blind to the Lin Kuei's superiority, and that the clan could help lead Earthrealm rather than just defend it. He states that the Lin Kuei's past of serving will not be his future, before the three brothers scale the fortress walls. Right as they reach the top though, they are attacked by Nitara and Sareena, with the Vaeternian knocking Smoke off the wall before she and the demoness engage the other two Lin Kuei.

Sub-Zero and Scorpion defeat the two women, only for Ermac to show up as another defender of the fortress. Sub-Zero admits he'd been hoping for such a fight ever since Liu Kang told him about Ermac, and he and Scorpion dispatch the sorcerous creation before continuing with their infiltration. Entering a courtyard, they discover some of the finished soul stealers, and come across Quan Chi overseeing the construction of another before heading deeper into the fortress. Instructing Smoke to stay and keep the soul stealers from being activated, Sub-Zero heads after Quan Chi with Scorpion, with the pair following the sorcerer into a treasure room filled with piles of gold and other riches. To Scorpion's disapproval, Sub-Zero expresses joy in coming across such a prize. Shang Tsung then shows up in the treasure room, having come to get an update on the soul stealers from Quan Chi. Sub-Zero and Scorpion take the opportunity to attack the two sorcerers and defeat both, only for a squadron of Outworld soldiers to storm the room and engage the Lin Kuei right after, overwhelming and capturing them. With both of Liu Kang's agents restrained, Shang Tsung reveals he's aware of how much Sub-Zero chafes at being Liu Kang's subordinate, and offers him the means to gain independence and power for the Lin Kuei. Sub-Zero responds only with silence.

The captured Scorpion and Sub-Zero are led through the fortress by Shao and Shang Tsung, with the Outworld general claiming that his realm and the Lin Kuei both share the fate of being bound to Liu Kang, and the sorcerer assuring Sub-Zero that he'll be free to remake the Lin Kuei as he pleases once Earthream is under Outworld's control. Ignoring Scorpion's pleas to not listen to their enemies' words, Sub-Zero warns Shang Tsung that even soul stealers won't be enough to win a war against Earthrealm, but Shang Tsung replies that he only believes that because he doesn't know their true purpose. Putting on a crown that allows him to command the statues, Shang Tsung gives a demonstration of such with a handful of the statues, and offers several battalions' worth to the Lin Kuei if they ally with him. Stepping forward, Sub-Zero raises his arms in acceptance of the offer.

Scorpion (3rd Timeline) 05

Upon Sub-Zero's betrayal, Scorpion unleashes his fire power to melt Shang Tsung's stone warriors before escaping from the Ying Fortress.

Scorpion is understandably distraught at this betrayal of their father, but Sub-Zero responds by claiming the man in question was an old fool, and revealing that he had left him to die in the accident that took his life, rather than trying to save him as he had told Scorpion. He claims the Lin Kuei will now achieve greatness, but an enraged Scorpion isn't having it. With the chains around his wrists, he attacks the Outworld soldiers holding him, then Shao, then Shang Tsung, and finally his brother, before breaking his chains and fleeing the cavern as Shang Tsung unleashes more of the stone warriors on him. Returning to the treasure room where he and Sub-Zero faced Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, Scorpion comes across Quan Chi again, this time with Rain. He attempts to sneak past them, but the Outworld High Mage spots his reflection on the surface of a gold plate, forcing him to fight off both. Right after that though, Havik and Darrius show up and attack; in the ensuing fight, Scorpion is nearly forced face first into a vat of molten gold, but he managed to escape their grasp, forcing Havik's face into the gold in his place, melting off the man's nose, lips and part of his face, before overcoming the pair and meeting back up with Smoke in the courtyard, whereupon he informs the man of Sub-Zero's betrayal.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero (3rd Timeline) 01

Kuai Liang fights against his traitorous elder brother.

As the two men leave the fortress to keep the Lin Kuei from being corrupted any further, Smoke vows to stay by Scorpion's side whatever happens, and Scorpion declares the man his brother even if they don't share blood. Unfortunately, who should show up then but Sub-Zero, who rages at the pair for forsaking their oaths to obey him. He and Scorpion fight - with Scorpion getting a scar over his right eye courtesy of an ice dagger during their battle - before Scorpion defeats his treacherous brother and declares himself out of the Lin Kuei. Smoke questions this course of action, arguing that Scorpion could instead expose Sub-Zero's betrayal and become Grandmaster in his place, but Scorpion replies that Sub-Zero has loyalists in Cyrax and Sektor; he and Smoke must therefore choose a path of their own in order to serve Earthrealm and honor their father. They escape the fortress with Sub-Zero, but as they do, the soul stealers are activated.

Chapters 12-13[]

Scorpion and Smoke later joined Liu Kang's forces in a renewed assault on Ying Fortress to defeat the Deadly Alliance. While spying on them, Scorpion urged Liu Kang to grab Shang Tsung's Crown, which would disable the Dragon Army. While Mileena distracted the sorcerers, Scorpion led the others in attacking the Dragon Army. But while they were successful in disarming the Deadly Alliance, an unexpected revelation was made, as the sorcerer's benefactor revealed himself to be an alternative "Titan" version of Shang Tsung himself, who had been Liu Kang's archenemy. In the following battle with his minions, Dark versions of Raiden and Sindel respectively, Scorpion and the others were beaten off, leaving Mileena to deal with them. Afterwards, both Smoke and Scorpion were disappointed that the Lin Kuei refused to aid them, but the latter urged his brother to focus on their current crisis. Scorpion planned out a strategy to deal with the Dragon Army by dividing their forces, telling Raiden, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi to destroy the portals, with Kenshi and Jerrod grinding down the army, and the others battling the Dark doubles.

Chapter 15[]

Scorpion would participate in the Battle of Armageddon along with the Union of Light, and can be selected as the playable Final Warrior. If so, Scorpion fights his way up the Pyramid, and joins Liu Kang in defeating the Titan Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. After the battle, Scorpion and Smoke did not join the celebrations, electing to found an opposing clan to the corrupted Lin Kuei.

The Shirai Ryu[]

As revealed in his ending, they were hunted by Bi-Han's loyalists, and fled to Japan. There, they were aided by Harumi Shirai, with Kuai being impressed with how she had grown since they were children. Harumi agreed to aid them in founding a new clan, and Kuai found himself falling in love with her, and Harumi agreed to be his bride. In honour of her, Scorpion dubbed the clan as the Shirai Ryu. Scorpion and the others found that building up their new clan to be somewhat frustrating, until Smoke found a orphaned boy called Hanzo Hasashi, who acted as the their first true initiate. As the clan slowly grew, Scorpion also mentored Raiden in being able to channel anger while in combat. Scorpion would also take on Takeda Takahashi for a time, but he left to fight a war with the criminal underworld.

Khaos Reigns[]

Kuai Liang agreeing to spare Cyrax

Kuai Liang accepts his wife's request to spare Cyrax, due to the latter saving her life during the Lin Kuei ambush.

After averting the destruction of their timeline, Kuai Liang, the Shirai Ryu and his soon-to-be wife Harumi Shirai are at the Wu Shi Academy ready to be married. Suddenly, the wedding is interrupted by a surprise attack led by Bi-Han with Sektor and Cyrax. After saving his wife from assassination, Kuai Liang reveals the true intentions of Bi-Han and Sektor to Cyrax, who turns on her Grandmaster and helps with their apprehension; however, Scorpion is still distraught over her support of his brother and Sektor. She allows him to execute her, but Harumi stops him due to Cyrax saving her life, which he agrees.

Kuai Liang is present during a trial in Outworld held against Bi-Han and Sektor for their crimes against Outworld and Earthrealm. The trial is interrupted by the arrival of Titan Havik and his forces, who assault the trial and kidnap Geras. Bi-Han, refusing to let him get captured, runs through the portal to save him, much to Sektor's dismay. Going over what transpired, Liu Kang tasks Kuai Liang, Cyrax and Sektor to infiltrate Titan Havik's timeline to save Geras. Cyrax, still wanting forgiveness from Kuai Liang agrees to go, however Sektor only agrees to save Bi-Han. Within Titan Havik's timeline, they come across variants of people they know, including Chaos inhabitants as well as variants of other timelines whose timelines had been merged into Titan Havik's, including a variant of Johnny Cage and Rain. They head to Titan Havik's Khaoseum to find Rain's wife, a variant of Tanya. There, they are spotted by a Chaos variant of Kenshi, one of Titan Havik's lieutenants, and forces the group into the Khaoseum to fight for their lives. Having survived against other Chaos variants, the group flee into the underground workings of the Khaoseum called The Maze.

Scorpion vs

Kuai Liang faces off against the corrupted Bi-Han, now transformed into Noob Saibot.

Inside The Maze the group are split up, eventually at the cost of Rain's life. They find a variant of Orin that transports them to Havik's Citadel, where they encounter the now corrupted Bi-Han, who has been transformed into chaotic being known as Noob Saibot. Kuai Liang, still resenting his elder brother for his treachery, tells Sektor they will only save Bi-Han if it doesn't compromises the mission to rescue Geras but reiterates that Bi-Han is not a top priority, angering Sektor. They reach the inner sanctum and free Geras as well as steal Titan Havik's Kamidogu which he had been using to warp not only his reality but other timelines using the time crystals in other Geras' bodies.

At the temple, Liu Kang restores Bi-Han's mind, removing the chaos influence but not his physical body. Sektor is emotionally pleased to have Bi-Han back, revealing the two to be romantically involved. The temple is then invaded by Titan Havik's forces, where he retrieves the Kamidogu. Refusing to show weakness to Kuai Liang and Liu Kang, Bi-Han mercilessly kills the chaos variants with his new abilities. Disappointed in him, Liu Kang and the others head to the The Gateway where Titan Havik plans to corrupt the timelines.

At the Gateway, Liu Kang and Bi-Han fight off Titan Havik's forces until only Havik remains. Having knowledge of Titan Havik's abilities and thoughts, Bi-Han overpowers the Titan and severs his limbs until his healing factor could not keep up. Wanting to kill the Titan to end the madness, Liu Kang demands him to stand down as Titan Havik's death would destroy his timeline and all timelines the chaotic Titan had merged with. Liu Kang insists on banishing the Titan to the Void, but Bi-Han argues with Liu Kang. Sektor pleads with him to desist, but an enraged Bi-Han attacks Liu Kang but is stopped by Geras. Sektor is amended for her crimes and made the temporary Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei in Bi-Han's absence, but is warned by Liu Kang that further transgressions by the Lin Kuei will result in severe punishment.

Bi-Han is put in a comatose state and taken by the Shaolin Monks to the Temple of the Elements to help restore him, however, due to the complexity of Havik's magic, Liu Kang informs Kuai Liang that the process could take years. Kuai Liang meets with Cyrax, who is still racked with guilt over being deceived, is forgiven by Kuai Liang who offers her to join the Shirai Ryu as its newest initiate.
