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Umm... I-I don't even know where to start with you. I mean, do you even know who you're talkin' to? D-Do you have any idea... any idea who I am? Basically... kind of a big deal... Oh man, that's beautiful... Ya listening? Okay. Grass grows, birds fly, Sun shines, and brotha... I hurt people. I'm a force o' nature. If you were from where I was from, you'd be f****n' dead! Whooo!
~ The Scout

Jeremy Willis, better known as the Scout, is a scrapper from Boston, Massachusetts with a baseball bat and a mean attitude. A natural-born athlete, he can easily outrun all mercenaries in combat. He is one of the playable characters in Team Fortress 2, as well as the main protagonist of the short, Expiration Date.

A scrapper and baseball fan from world country Boston, Massachusetts, as well as the youngest child in his family, the Scout is the fastest mercenary on the battlefield, Using his speed and his double jump to his advantage in order to leave slower opponents struggling to keep up. Carrying a Scattergun, a metal bat, and a pistol, the Scout is ideal for aggressive fighting and flanking, allowing him to inflict massive close-range damage before dashing away to safety. He is an excellent choice for completing objectives quickly as he can capture control points really quickly and push payload carts at the rate of two players.

He was voiced by Nathan Vetterlein,


The Scout, under his real name Jeremy, was born in the southern side of Boston, Massachusetts to his mother and his unknown father. He has seven older brothers, thus making the Scout the youngest out of all of the siblings in his family. According to his biography, at a young age he mostly solves all of his problems using only his fists. Furthermore, As fights in his family usually tend to end before he, as the smallest and weakest sibling, could even maneuver punching distance, the Scout began training himself to run full-time, in which he ran everywhere until he could beat all of his siblings. As revealed in the comic Blood in the Water, the disappearance of his father is a painful memory to the Scout, as he becomes upset and uncomfortable whenever this would be talked about. He even stated that his father is dead, despite having never met him in the past.


Out of all the TF2 Mercenaries, the Scout is the most snarky, arrogant, and foul-mouthed out of all of them. He is incredibly narcissistic and vain in himself as the fastest mercenary on the team, which leads to him have a very big ego. He loves to taunt and mock his enemies and even insult them in the most offensive and vile ways, making the Scout look more like a bully. Despite his arrogant and snarky nature, he is strongly caring and supportive towards his teammates as he would help them in any situation. He is a huge fan of the singer Tom Jones and has bought a lot of merchandise centered around the famous singer.

In Expiration Date, it is revealed that the Scout is in love with Miss Pauling, although it is one-sided as she doesn't like him that way. In the comics, Scout repeatedly tries and fails to impress her. In The Days Have Worn Away however, Scout finally acknowledges that Miss Pauling doesn't reciprocate his feelings, with Miss Pauling also encouraging him to find new girls to date. In the epilogue, Scout is seen as a happy single father of many children, displaying how he's matured as a person over the years and is now capable of raising a family by himself.

Weapons and Skills[]

The Scout gets his name because he's the fastest mercenary on the battlefield, and his double jump leaves slower opponents struggling to keep up. Carrying a Scattergun, Bat, and Pistol by default, the Scout is ideal for aggressive fighting and flanking, allowing him to inflict massive close-range damage before dashing away to safety. He is an excellent choice for completing objectives quickly. He captures control points and pushes carts at the rate of 2 players.

His main weakness is his durability: compared to other mercenaries, he has one of the lowest amounts of health (alongside the Engineer, the Sniper, and the Spy), as well as higher vulnerability to all forms of damage.

The Scout's default Scattergun is no different than other mercenaries' shotguns, being that it deals large amounts of damage up close, but very little damage from a distance. He can substitute the Scattergun for a double-barrel shotgun known as the Force-a-Nature, which can push opponents, allow for an extra boost while jumping, as well as reloading an entire clip all at once, but also dealing less damage and having a much smaller clip (2 shots instead of 6). Another variation similar to the Force-a-Nature is the Soda Popper, a unique double-barrel shotgun that fires faster and builds hype upon dealing damage to enemy mercenaries, allowing for the Scout to preform up to five jumps or increasing the chance to deal critical hits, but like the Force-a-Nature, it only has 2 bullets rather than 6. In addition to the shotgun variations, the Scout can also use the Shortstop, a quadruple-barreled pistol that deals less damage up close than the shotguns, but more damage at a distance. Like the Force-a-Nature and the Soda Popper, the Shortstop has a smaller clip than the Scattergun, but rather than just two bullets, it has four. The Shortstop can also enable an additional action when using the secondary fire, which allows the Scout to push enemies, but also makes the Scout more vulnerable to being pushed or launched by enemy fire.

The Scout's secondary weapon is a pistol by default, which fires quickly and is great for taking down sentries. He can replace the pistol for a variation called the Winger, which deals more damage and allows the Scout to jump higher, but has a much smaller clip than the default pistol. The Scout can also substitute the pistol for an energy drink called BONK! Atomic Punch, which upon consuming, makes the Scout temporarily invincible and run faster, but disables the Scout from attacking (except for taunt killing) during that time. Another energy drink the Scout can use is Crit-i-Cola, which upon consuming, makes the Scout temporarily deal mini-crits, but also makes the Scout 10% more vulnerable to damage, and after wearing off, marks him for death (instant mini-crits on him) for 2 seconds. A third weapon the Scout can use is the Flying Guillotine, a meat cleaver that when thrown, can cause bleeding damage to whoever it hits. If combined with the Sandman's stun effect (see below), it can cause critical damage.

The Scout uses a baseball bat as his default melee weapon; although it deals less damage than the other mercenaries' melee weapons, it does swing at a faster rate. The Sandman, a variation to the Scout's default bat, adds an additional attack to his arsenal, allowing him to launch baseballs which upon hitting an enemy, stun them temporarily, preventing them from attacking. If launched from a long distance, the ball will deal critical damage and demobilize the victim for a considerable amount of time. As mentioned above, when the Sandman is combined with the Flying Guillotine, it will allow the latter to deal Critical damage. The Sandman also enables the Scout to preform his signature taunt kill dubbed "Home Run", which launches enemies a long distance if it succeeds, but the Scout must use it sparingly, as this taunt kill takes the longest to execute. On the downside to all these major advantages, the Sandman reduces the Scout's health from 125 to 110.

Other Media[]

Fall Guys[]

A costume appears for Scout within the 2020 multiplayer party game Fall Guys.


Like the other characters, the Scout is an anti-hero/anti-villain depending on who's side you're playing for.




See Also[]


           Team fortress 2 logo Team Fortress Logo Heroes Team fortress 2 logo

TF Industries
Mann Co. (Saxton Hale) | BLU | RED | Miss Pauling

Team Fortress 2 Mercenaries
Scout | Soldier | Pyro | Demoman | Heavy | Engineer | Medic | Sniper | Spy

God | Zhanna | Margaret
