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Hero Overview

~ Scrat

Scrat is the overarching protagonist and mascot of the Ice Age franchise. He is an acorn-obsessed saber-toothed squirrel.

He is voiced by director and producer Chris Wedge, who also voiced Wonderbot from Robots.


Scrat appears that he was getting his acorn. But instead of getting his acorn, and he gets falling off into "Blue Sky Studios" logo.


Scrat is a squirrel who is totally obsessed with acorns, however he never manages to achieve one and instead causes himself massive physical pain. Scrat is also responsible for several important occurrences in the Paleolithic ice age such as Pangea and the formation of Death Valley. Scrat's uncontrollable desire for acorns has proven to be very self-destructive, and to everyone around him, even destroying an entire civilization of Scratlantis.


Scrat is a saber-tooth squirrel with a gray bushy tail, pink thumbs and toes, sharp teeth, short furry ears, and a gray torso.


Ice Age[]

Scrat attempts to find a place to store his acorn for the winter. Eventually, as he tries to stomp it into the ground, he inadvertently causes a large crack to form in the ice that extends for miles before setting off a large avalanche which nearly crushes him. He barely escapes but finds himself getting stepped on by a herd of prehistoric animals migrating south in order to escape the forthcoming ice age.

20,000 years later, Scrat, frozen in a block of ice, ends up on the shores of a tropical island. As the ice slowly melts, an acorn that was also frozen in the same ice block is washed away, to his horror. Scrat then finds a coconut and tries stomp it into the ground, only to mistakenly trigger a volcanic eruption.

Ice Age: The Meltdown[]

Scrat climbs up the glacier and at the top sticks the acorn he has into the ice. This forms a crack in the glacier, which widens into a fissure, diverting the flood and saving the animals in the valley; Scrat is then washed away.

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs[]

He has been fighting with Scratte for the acorn.

Ice Age: Continental Drift[]

Scrat inadvertently causes the break up of Pangaea, which also costs the animals their home and (with the land bridge destroyed,) travel to the land where Manny, Sid, Diego, and Granny found themselves in when they were separated.

Scrat sees a clam open up revealing Scratte he made a loving look but turned her down and the siren turned into a acorn which grabbed his attention which made him run up to the clam to hug it before the siren changed its form Scrat starts to jump on it a lot of times knocking the siren unconscious. when more sirens come up from the ocean, he saw the unconsious siren, and the other sirens starting hissing at him and take the form of more acorns and gets attacked but he manages to get away.

In the film's epilogue, Scrat discovers the island on the map, known as Scratlantis (a parody of Atlantis), but his uncontrollable urge to hunt acorns in the acorn-rich city inadvertently causes the entire island to sink when he unplugs an acorn drain holder; Scrat is then ejected into a newly created desert landscape, through which he screams.

Ice Age: Collision Course[]

Scrat is once again trying to bury his acorn but accidentally activates an abandoned alien ship that takes him into deep space, where he unwittingly sends several asteroids en route to a collision with Earth including one of them that threatens all life on Earth.

In the film's epilogue, Scrat keeps struggling to control the alien ship until it crashes on Mars, destroying all life on the planet.

In a mid-credits scene, Scrat finds his acorn, but gets beaten by some doors.

Scrat: Spaced Out[]

This mini movie serves as deleted scenes from Ice Age: Collision Course. It starts in the events of the film.

When Scrat is preparing to go back to Earth, he gets captured by slender, tall, anthropomorphic female alien saber-toothed squirrels from a species named Scratazon. The leader of the aliens gets his acorn, but she is surprised by Scrat and ends up dropping it. The leader orders her friends to kill Scrat, but they are unsuccessful. In the scuffle, Scrat drops his acorns and the Scratazons steal it and try to leave.

Scrat sees this and uses a tractor beam to recover his acorn, but the leader of the aliens uses one too. They engage in a tug of war until the nitrogen of the acorn breaks causing the nut to blow up. The explosion destroys the ship and forms a black hole that starts to suck everything in it. Scrat jumps the debris and manages to get his acorn, just to be sucked by the black hole.

However, Scrat gets spit out from the black hole with his acorn and prepares to eat it, unluckily the black hole opens again and sucks his acorn, leaving Scrat to be stranded in space while screaming in frustration.

Ice Age: Scrat's Nutty Adventure[]

In this game, Scrat appears as the playable character and protagonist.

Scrat is searching for a new acorn and founds out about the existence of Cristals acorns. He starts to search them and fights with Manny, Sid and Diego's old enemies like Maelstrom and Cretaceous, Carl and Frank and Rudy, he even has to fight a giant pterodactyl. At the end he enters in a temple and gets kidnapped by another space ship which reveals to be commanded by a Scratazon.

Ice Age: Scrat Tales[]

He returns from space.


Scrat finds his acorn and hops over to it to shove it into the ground, but then has a second thought and realizes that no one is around to steal it from him, so he eats the acorn instead, leaving only its cap before hopping away.


He doesn't speak, but his vocals are done by Chris Wedge. Kevin Bacon was considered to voice Scrat before Chris Wedge was cast.


  • Scrat's burp in a Sodastream commercial:


  • Scrat was the official mascot of Blue Sky Studios from 2013 until the company's closure in April 10, 2021.
  • Despite the fact that the saber-toothed squirrel was made to be a fictional creature, a similar species called Cronopio was discovered in the Rio Negro region of Argentina in 2011 by the paleontologist Guillermo Rougier.
  • Scrat made an appearance in the animated film, Dragon Rider.
  • Despite him being a protagonist, he was the one that was indirectly responsible for the events of the films.

External Links[]


           IceAgeTitle Heroes

The Sub-Zero Heroes
Manny | Sid | Diego | Ellie | Crash and Eddie | Peaches | Granny | Shira | Louis | Julian

The Tribe
Nadia | Runar

Dinosaur World
Buck | Momma Dino | Baby Dinos | Roger | Gavin | Gertie | Roger | Zee


Brooke | Teddy

Scrat | Precious | Prancer | Clint
