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Heroes Wiki

Scully is a flying squirrel who assisted Princess Odette into finding and saving Alise.


In the movie, he helps Odette to heal Derek because he get's poison by a flying squirrel (Mangler) and he gave Derek an antidote which he recovers soon. He help Odette to find Alise. He also sacrifice his life to save Odette and Alise. In the end of the movie we can see his soul. He sits on a stone on his on statue saying: Long live the age of Goodness. He's the only Scullion who has spectecals because without glasses he sees double.


           The Swan Princess Logo Heroes

Main Characters
Princess Odette | Prince Derek | Alise | Jean-Bob | Speed | Puffin | Lucas

Supporting Characters
Lord Rogers | Queen Uberta | Bromley | Bridget | Chamberlain | Ru | Prince Li | Mei Li

Minor Characters
King William | Whizzer | Scully | Cutter | Jojo
