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Heroes Wiki

Aye! That be the most fun I've had since I crossed the Grand Line!
~ Captain Seamus MacGuffin.

Captain Seamus "Red Eye" MacGuffin is a minor character in the Sonic X comic book series. He was a pirate captain who plundered the Emerald Coast 300 years before the events of the series, until his ship sank. His ghost would continue to haunt the ship, however, and covertly interact with visitors.



In life, Seamus MacGuffin was a vicious pirate who raided ships and coastal towns for riches. Eventually, his ship sank to the bottom of the sea, presumably taking its captain with it, given that his ghost remained inside the ship wreckage.

Sonic X[]

300 years after MacGuffin's ship sinking, Dr. Eggman used it for a scheme to destroy Sonic. He placed two Power Rings there to make Sonic believe they were a Chaos Emerald, and the hedgehog dived into the sea, accompanied by Rouge and Topaz, to retrieve them. While inside the wreckage, they were attacked by a shark, and MacGuffin's ghost, having witnessed it, handed Topaz a candelabrum to fight the carnivorous fish off. Once the shark was dealt with, the heroes were ambushed by Eggman's dragonbots. When Sonic struggled against one of them, MacGuffin sneaked behind one of the robots and deactivated it by removing its battery, which contained two Power Rings. Using them, Sonic defeated the remaining Dragonbot and returned to surface. Though Sonic never learned who helped him, he still had a feeling that he wasn't alone, and Chuck correctly assumed the ghost of Red Eye had something to do with it, unaware that the spirit was standing right behind him and musing about the fun adventure he had.

External links[]


            SonicXLogo Heroes

Sonic's World
Sonic and Friends
Amy Rose | Cheese | Cream the Rabbit | Knuckles the Echidna | Miles "Tails" Prower | Rouge the Bat | Sonic the Hedgehog | Vanilla the Rabbit
Chaotix Detective Agency
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chameleon | Vector the Crocodile
Eggman Empire
Bokkun | Decoe and Bocoe | Dr. Eggman
Other Characters
Big the Cat | Tikal the Echidna

Human World
Main Characters
Christopher Thorndyke | Shadow the Hedgehog
Other Characters
Chuck Thorndyke | Danny | Ella | Frances | Helen | Maria Robotnik | Mr. Stewart | Sam Speed | Scarlet Garcia | Seamus MacGuffin | Topaz

Metarex Saga
Cosmo | Earthia | Galaxina | Molly

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
