Images and videos of the Sebastian Castellanos from The Evil Within.
The Evil Within[]
Sebastian with Joseph Oda and Juli Kidman.
The Evil Within 2[]
Sebastian´s new look in E3 2017 trailer.
Sebastian Castellanos having a nightmare about gets burn alive by his daughter Lily.
Sebastian in a chair with Juli Kidman at his side.
Sebastian return to STEM.
Sebastain before Stefano takes his picture.
Sebastian see the picture of Stefano.
Sebastain gunpoint to Theodore Wallace after they met.
Sebastian with Esmeralda Torres
Sebastian see the Memory of Himself.
Sebastian releasing his stress for failed to save his daughter Lily.
Sebastian mourning Yukiko Hoffman's death.
Sebastian and Lily fake reunite.
Sebastian finally standing up to Sadist.
Sebastian killing
Sadist with Chainsaw.
Sebastian and Lily real reunite.
Sebastian and Myra have their final kiss.
Sebastian smiling at his daughter Lily.