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It'll be good to get out of the sun for a while.
~ Serana
I did. But something about you makes me think I can trust you.
~ Serana

Lady Serana is the deuteragonist of the Dawnguard DLC for the 2011 action role-playing high fantasy video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Serana is an ancient pure-blooded vampire caught between the eternal feud of her two parents, Lord Harkon and Lady Valerica. When she learned that her father wished to blot out the Sun and usher Nirn into an era reigned over by vampires, she worked with her mother and the Last Dragonborn to stop him.

She is voiced by Laura Bailey, who also voiced Lust in the 2003 Full Metal Alchemist series, Maka Albarn in Soul Eater, Rayne in BloodRayne, Helena Harper in Resident Evil 6, Abigail Walker in the inFamous series, Supergirl in Injustice 2, Mary Jane Watson in Marvel's Spider-Man and Vex'ahlia in The Legends of Vox Machina.



Although her exact age is unknown, she's believed to be predating the Alessian Empire from the early first era. She is one of the few pure-blood Vampires known to exist. Pure-blood vampires are individuals who are granted vampirism directly from Molag Bal, the creator and patron deity of Vampires.

The process is somewhat similar to the creation of the first vampire, Lamae Beolfag. Serana gained her vampirism through a ritual in which members of her family pledged themselves to Molag Bal. Females like Serana and her mother, Valerica, who survive the horrific ordeal are dubbed "Daughters of Coldharbour".

While it is believed that Serana predates the Alessian Empire because she is suprised to hear that there is now an empire in Cyrodiil during the fourth era when she is awakened. Serana, Harkon and Valerica all mention how Harkon was a rich and powerful king long before he became a vampire. But over time Harkon became afraid of death and his own mortality so he made deal with Molag Bal to turn himself and his whole family into vampires. However, Harkon wanted them to become true pure blood vampires not like the people who become vampires through a disease.

Aside from Serana's family being royalty before becoming vampires Serana mentions she spent most of her childhood alone in the castle while her parents were busy even before becoming vampires. Serana spent most of her childhood learning every secret in the castle reading books that helped her learn almost everything about land Skyrim. Serana had no friends growing up just her parents, their and the servants who worked and lived in the castle. Another place Serana spent most of her childhood was in the castle garden learning about plants, potions and alchemy from her mother.


When the Dragonborn is sent to investigate a strange activity occurring at Dimhollow Crypt regarding vampires after learning that the vampires razed the Hall of the Vigilant, headquarters for the Vigilants of Stendarr, killing their leader, Keeper Carcette, among many other Vigilants, (s)he finds out that the vampires are looking for an artifact. After killing the vampires, (s)he discovers a large coffin containing Serana as well as her Elder Scroll within.

After setting her free from centuries-long hibernation and introducing herself to the Dragonborn, they get out of the crypt and set out to Castle Volkihar where Lord Harkon is waiting for her as well as her Elder Scroll which seems to be his primary concern. Lord Harkon offers his own vampirism to the Dragonborn as a reward for securing both his daughter and the Elder Scroll to make them into a Vampire Lord like himself, leaving him/her an option to either join him or remain loyal to the Dawnguard...

Dawnguard Story Line[]

The Dragonborn refuses Harkon's offer and is banished from the castle. A few days later, Serana leaves the castle and sets out to find the Dragonborn in Fort Dawnguard. Isran, the leader of the Dawnguard, is quite offended with Serana's presence in the Fort due to his hatred of vampires and only allows her in the Fort because of the Dragonborn's company.

Serana explains that her father is attempting to complete a prophecy called Tyranny of the Sun which might be harmful even for the vampires and that he needs three Elder Scrolls, a divine weapon called Auriel's Bow, and the blood of a Daughter of Coldharbour, which is in fact Serana herself. She also states that they need to decipher the Elder Scroll she's carrying, but only a Moth Priest can actually read it. To that end, Serana and the Dragonborn set out to find Dexion Evicus, a Moth Priest who recently arrived in Skyrim. They find him having been captured by vampires led by the Orc vampire Malkus, who is bending Dexion to his will to be his thrall. After slaying Malkus and his forces and releasing Dexion, he still attacks the Dragonborn and Serana due to Malkus' enthrallment until being snapped out of it from being attacked and weakened by Serana and the Dragonborn. Grateful to their help, Dexion agrees to return to Fort Dawnguard to decipher the Elder Scroll Serena is carrying, revealing that they will need the other two to fully understand what Dexion foresaw when reading the first one.

After recovering the Elder Scroll (Blood) from Serana's mother, Valerica, in the Soul Cairn, and the Elder Scroll (Dragon) from Blackreach, which was also necessary in order to fight Alduin, Serana and the Dragonborn return to find that Dexion, in his haste to read the Elder Scroll (Sun), forgot to do the preparations first before he read it, and he's been rendered blind as a result due to his oversight. Despite this, he suggests heading to the Ancestor's Glade to gather the Ancient Moth butterflies there to allow safe reading of the Elder Scrolls to avoid meeting a similar fate to him. Arriving at the glade, Serana and the Dragonborn are able to gather enough of the moths to read the Elder Scrolls and locate Auriel's Bow in Darkfall Cave, somewhere midway between Markarth and Solitude.

Heading to the cave and making their way deeper into it, they soon run into a small shrine to Auriel and the last of the Snow Elf Knight-Paladins in Gelebor. He asks that they slay his brother, Arch-Curate Vyrthur, as Gelebor believes that the Falmer have corrupted him in some way, dubbing the Falmer, "The Betrayed". To help them, he opens the nearby Chantry of Auriel wayshrine and gives them the Initiate's Ewer, explaining that they need to travel through Darkfall Passage to the first wayshrine, fill up the ewer there, then proceed to the other four scattered throughout the Forgotten Vale, fill the ewer at each of them, then proceed to the Inner Sanctum, pouring the ewer out so the water will unlock the doors into the structure.

Following Gelebor's instructions, Serana and the Dragonborn proceed through Darkfall Passage and the Forgotten Vale until they reach the Inner Sanctum and complete the rituals that all initiates took to join the Chantry. Proceeding inside, they find several Falmer and Chaurus frozen solid, but taking the items from some of them cause them to awaken and attack. Clearing them out, Serana and the Dragonborn reach Auriel's Chapel, where Vyrthur is waiting for them. Revealing that he had been waiting for Serana this whole time, he awakens the various frozen Falmer and Chaurus to attack Serana and the Dragonborn, even bringing down the chapel's ceiling and summoning an Ancient Frost Atronach to stop them. When all that fails, he erupts with a spell that causes the entire chapel to collapse, stunning the Dragonborn. As (s)he recovers, Serana tells him/her to get up as they can't let Vyrthur escape. Confronting him on the balcony behind the final wayshrine, Vyrthur reveals to Serana that he had become afflicted with vampirism, making him believe that Auriel abandoned him the moment he turned into a undead creature. Furious at being alienated by Auriel, Vyrthur sought revenge by being the original creator of the Tyranny of the Sun prophecy, but while he had Auriel's Bow, he still needed a Daughter of Coldharbor to collect the vampire blood to bring the prophecy to fruition, and Serana would be that candidate.

However, Serana was not going to give up her blood that easily, and faces Vyrthur in battle with the Dragonborn. After a difficult fight with Vyrthur using his Snow Elf magic to his fullest against Serana and the Dragonborn, Vyrthur is slain, causing the final wayshrine to open, with Gelebor stepping out to see that the wayshrine and the Chantry are purified with Vyrthur's death. Learning that the Falmer were not responsible leaves Gelebor with some relief, knowing that with the Falmer innocent of corrupting Vyrthur, there's hope that they can one day attempt to rebuild their Snow Elf legacy, especially with Gelebor and those Snow Elves that might still be alive elsewhere in Nirn. Grateful to the Dragonborn and Serana, Gelebor grants them Auriel's Bow, and offers to transform any Elven Arrows the Dragonborn has into Sunhallowed Arrows to bring out the full power of Auriel's Bow. With the bow in their possession, Serana and the Dragonborn return to Fort Dawnguard.

Revealing to Isran that they have Auriel's Bow in their possession, Isran decides the time is right to assault Castle Volkihar and eliminate Lord Harkon and the Volkihar Clan once and for all. Taking Sorine, Gunmar, Florentius, Durak, Celaan, and an armored troll with them, alongside Serana and the Dragonborn, the Dawnguard lay siege to Castle Volkihar, slaughtering all of the Volkihar Clan until Serana and the Dragonborn confront her father, Lord Harkon. After a difficult fight with Harkon, he melts and dissolves into a pile of red ashes, ending his life once and for all. Isran arrives to see Harkon is dead, and thanks Serana for all her help in stopping the prophecy from coming to fruition, gaining a newfound respect for her and seeing that not all vampires are as dangerous as he thought. From that point on, Serana remains with the Dawnguard at their base in Fort Dawnguard, and can be convinced by the Dragonborn to visit Falion in Morthal to be given the ritual to purge her of her vampirism, allowing her to finally be human again, but still prove herself a powerful magic user without her vampire powers and abilities.

Characteristics and Personality[]

She is enterprising and friendly, but also lonely due to her troubled childhood and her mother's self-exile, which is why she confides in the Dragonborn. She harbors a degree of resentment towards her mother, Valerica for locking her away for centuries and is angry that her feelings weren't taken into consideration. However, she tends to comment or complain occasionally when she travels with the Dragonborn, though her complaint about her dislike for sunlight can be forgotten when she is cured of her vampirism.

As a child she was close with her mother, but once her parents began to fight, she felt trapped between both. Her mother would often feed her negative opinions of her father and after a time Serana began to believe them. She was never very close with her father Harkon before her family were vampires, but once they became followers of Molag Bal, it only worsened as her parents became drunk with power and were always in conflict. Her father started to see her as a means to an end and would often state "Power takes precedence". Despite this she still admits to loving him as he is still her father.

She feels trapped between the conflict that consumes her parents and sees herself as a pawn that they are using against each other. Deep down she wishes they were able to reconcile and become a family again, but realizes that it's not possible. When questioned about her vampirism, she can be defensive. She doesn't like to talk about the actual ceremony as it was degrading, but she doesn't seem to regret the power it has granted her, and rather sees it as a gift that she earned. The only regret she does seem to have is how it tore her family apart.

The regret she has about vampirism tearing her family apart is the reason why she doesn't want another one. Serana does not wish to go through the same pain again. Spending most of her life growing up in a castle and the rest locked away in a tomb Serana doesn't like to stay in one place for to long. Serana wishes to travel see all the things she read about as a little girl and learn about the things that happened when she was sealed up.

Serana didn't like listening to her parents argue and watching them fight as little girl which is what made her find comfort in reading and being alone. As she got older Serana hated the idea of her father trying to get his daughter on his side or her mother trying to her daughter on her side. Serana wanted to be independent have a will of her own she also wanted to think and do things for herself. After she meets the Dovahkiin, Serana finally got the courage to be strong enough to tell her family the truth.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Vampirism: Like with all humans this disease turned Serana into it a vampire given abilities beyond a regular person. Because of all the great powers given to her by this cursed disease Serana doesn't hate being a vampire to her it is not a disease or a curse.
    • Super Hearing: Serana's vampirism gives her sensitive hearing this allows her hearing to even pick up echolocation like a bat.
    • Super Vision: Serana's vampirism increases her vision but also makes her eyes more sensitive to sunlight.
    • Super Smell: Serana's vampirism improves her sense of smell enabling her to smell anyone she can't see. But just like her vision the vampirism makes her nose sensitive to some smells.
    • Super Senses: Serana's vampirism enhances all of her senses her sense hearing, sense vision, sense smell, sense taste and sense touch.
    • Healing Factor: Serana's vampirism helps her heal any injuries faster than a regular body heals. This enables her to come out of every battle unscathed.
    • Soul Immunity: Serana has endured travelling to the Soul Cairn, a twisted realm of the many afterlives that can tear apart a living man's soul.
    • Immortality: Serana's vampirism keeps her from dying enabling her to survive every attack. She has eventually lived for thousands of years.
  • Undead: Serana's vampirism turned her into a soulless being who is not a part of the living but also not a part of the dead.
    • Vampiric Bite: Serana's vampirism, like all vampires, gives her a venomous bite and saliva that turns others into a vampire. If optional, much like Harkon, she can turn anyone into a vampire.
    • Vampiric Blood: Just like all vampires, Serana has the disease that changed her into a vampire flowing through her blood. It is passed on to someone else who drinks a vampire's blood.
    • Superhumanity: Serana's vampirism means that she is stronger, faster and tougher than the average man. She lifted Vythur off his feet upon confronting him.


  • Stealth Mastery: By default, Serana prefers to be quiet and sneaky, which is emphasized by her moving so quickly and silently and preference of daggers.
  • Magic/Necromancy: Much like her father, Serana is a master of magic and necromancy, being capable the dead to fight for her for a time, partially trap the Dragonborn's soul to protect him/her from the Soul Cairn's soul rendering environment, absorb an opponent's lifeforce for herself, and cast various powerful spells like ice spikes.
  • Fangs and Claws: Serana's vampirism caused a growth in her canine teeth and nails just like all vampires which gave her fangs and claws, though it is unclear if she ever used them.
  • Swordsmanship: Before becoming a vampire Serana learned how to use the sword by her father and the elite vampires of the Vokihar Clan. She can use swords if given by the Dragonborn.
  • Knife/Dagger Skills: Serana is skilled with a dagger and because she prefers stealth over brute force, she chooses to use light armor and daggers.
  • Archery: Serana possess great skill with a bow and arrow, but has less favor using archery: preferring to use her magic and daggers in battle


  • Family ties: While Serana enjoys being a vampire, it's the fact that she cherishes family before adheres to her personal preference of not wanting another with anyone. While she has hated her father (due to his neglect) and resented her mother (for abandoning her), she still loved them.
  • Sunlight: Serana's vampirism makes her skin and eyes more sensitive to sunlight which also drains her energy.
  • Silver Allergy: Serana's vampirism makes her undead which are vulnerable by silver weapons in the Elder Scroll series
  • Blood Craving: Serana's vampirism makes her undead so she has no pulse and has to drink blood to keep her heart pumping. Undead have no pulse and no warm blood make her body cold.


Nordic ruins. Even older then I am. I wonder if the draugr are as gullible as they were when I was a girl.
~ Serana
I'm okay with the dark, but I've spent more than my share of time in caves already.

~ Serana
This is the kind of thing I wanted to see. Makes everything else worth it.
~ Serana seeing something breathtaking
Cyrodiil is the seat of an empire? I must have been gone longer than I thought.
~ Serana
If you think I'm going to let you have all the fun you're crazy.
~ Serana told to wait



  • Serana is one the handful of companions who cannot be romanced by the player character.


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