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We are a movement, unified by a common belief: that humanity and all the other peoples of the known worlds do not deserve to be kept in darkness and ignorance.
~ The Serpent's Hand slogan.
You are the monsters you are so afraid of. Let go of your fear, and join us in the light.

And if you will not… if you keep imprisoning and killing innocents, if you keep forcing the world to stay in the dark… then you will meet the fate of all the slavers and murderers in the worlds' history before you.

We will free those you keep imprisoned. We will rescue those you try to kill.
~ The Serpent's Hand in "North Star".
The Serpent's Hand. Yes, I have heard stories. Freedom fighters, anarchists, revolutionaries. The revival, in any case. The original Hand of the Serpent was a knowledge cult worshiping legends of me I left throughout your history. The Ouroboros, the Shesha, the Nagaraja. I am… heartened to know the cause is still being fought in my name.
~ The Serpent to an unnamed Wanderer in the Wanderer's Library's "Conversations With The Serpent".
Consider, Overseer, a snake a hundred feet long but only six inches thick. The snake slides along the forest floor for five years. One day, it grows a human arm out of its side, random as anything. The snake spends the next year struggling to press itself against the rocks to cut the arm off, as the snake believes it to be harmful. But one morning, the snake pulls itself up one branch at a time and by sunset, is staring down on a world it never before knew existed.

It is then that the serpent would be thankful for its hand.
~ Dir. Dominik Ilyushin in "The Director, the People, and the Boltzmann Jaw".

The Serpent's Hand is an anti-heroic group in the SCP Foundation series. It is a small but formidable militant leaderless resistance organization opposed to the SCP Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition, whom it wages guerrilla warfare against.

It has been responsible for the freeing of several SCPs in the past, as well as the loss of several GOC cells. It is considered a "para-environmental terrorist organization" by the GOC and their agents have standing shoot-on-sight orders for all Hand agents. Despite this, the Hand has on numerous occasions proven itself to a benevolent force which only seeks to enlighten humanity and protect knowledge.


See, the Serpent’s Hand isn’t like the jailers or the bookburners or whichever government agency it is this time. We don’t have ID badges or clearance levels or background checks or superior officers. There’s no database with all our names and pseudonyms and locations.

What we have instead is a community.

Vee didn’t get a hemophilia diagnosis because some men in suits showed up at the local hospital with guns and amnesia drugs. She got it because her preschool teacher knew what she was looking at, and the preschool teacher knew a librarian and the librarian knew a pediatrician who specialized in exactly this sort of thing.

In the Serpent’s Hand, we don’t have chains of command or orders from on high. Instead, we look out for each other. We hand down books and favors and small kindnesses the way I used to hand down clothes to kids I babysat.

And Vee bakes bread for everyone we know, and makes phone calls for adoption agencies to get anomalous kids paired with parents who won’t sell them down the river when the jailers come knocking. I plant tomatoes and help maintain the Wanderers’ Library digital card catalog. A preschool teacher did her a favor once, and a girl handed me a box of books and told me to take care of it, and it’s important to us both to pay it forward.

We do what we can. That’s all it is, that’s all it’s ever been. Just people doing what they can.
~ From "it is in your spirit or it is nowhere".

Goals and Motives[]

Whereas many organizations involved in the supernatural and paranormal in the Foundation universe aim to suppress public knowledge of anomalous (supernatural) events and objects in order to preserve a sense of normalcy, the Hand seek to spread awareness of the anomalous to the public and integrate the anomalous into society.

This drives them to extreme opposition to the GOC, who see the anomalous as in and of itself anathema to the human race and regularly destroy anomalous objects, often using anomalous technology to do so themselves. They are also opposed to the Foundation due to its containment of anomalies, including imprisonment of sentient anomalies, although they do not despise them as much as they do the GOC.

Many members of the Hand are anomalous themselves or are heavily connected with anomalous humans or humanoids (such as anomalous friends or family).


As a leaderless resistance organization, the Hand does not have any organizational structure; the only true requirement for joining the Hand is to decide that one is a member and carry out acts in the name of the Hand.

This is only partially understood by the Foundation and the GOC. However, most members are known to utilize portals to an extra-dimensional library known as the Wanderer's Library, the nexus of all realities.

Within the Hand there is a group known as either the Serpent's Nest or the Serpent's Fang which acts as the unofficial leader of the organization. The Nest is represented by a sapient female cat named Midnight, M. for short, who joined the Hand after her master a unknown Magus died and was subsequently captured by the GOC before escaping.

One prominent member in the Hand, often theorized to be one of its leaders, is an enigmatic figure known as L.S. It is possible that L.S. is Alison Chao (also known as the Black Queen), the daughter of Dr. Gears, as it may be an acronym for "Little Sister". However, it also possible that it is simply a code word used for friendlies, and it could possibly mean "Lease Signatory".

The Serpent's Hand also overlook the information contained in the Wanderer's Library, often using the 7th Chief Archivist of the Library Jericho Benalsh'a format to present the documents, regarding several anomalies, people and groups which exist in the multiverse. While discussing these information members will leave funny comments which shows that the Serpent's Hand is comprised of young people who from time to time don't take things much seriously.


The Serpent's Hand highly revere the Library's knowledge and seek to protect it at all costs. Because of this, some of them also worship the figure of the Serpent as the source and guardian of all knowledge. The Hand even considers lying as a far greater taboo then hiding the truth.

Almost all men of the Serpent's Hand are skilled in thaumaturgy/magic, being capable of conjuring various powerful and complex spells.

The Hand also have a special holiday of their own known as ⌬ ⤘♾ ⎌ ⎳Ȿ ^ ꜠ ꜡ ỻ ' which they celebrate it in the Library. This holiday was assimilated alongside other holidays into Christmas through the parasitic meme designated SCP-4104, with its "Contagious Insanity" helping spread the Spirit of Christmas to those unaffected by the meme.



The Serpent's Hand originally started out in the ancient times as a warrior cult known as the Hand of the Serpent. This cult was made out of long-lived monks who worshipped the Serpent as the god of knowledge and the creator of the Wanderer's Library and believed that the spread of knowledge was greatest honor one might receive. However, as time went on the cult slowly died out, leaving behind their teachings.

Eventually in the modern age, a group of people found the teachings left behind by the Hand of the Serpent and became inspired to spread the knowledge of the universe to the entire world and together reformed the group into the New Serpent's Hand. However, in their goal of spreading the knowledge the group faced opposition from the SCP Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition who were determined to keep humanity ignorant of the anomalous world, and because of this the Hand deemed them their enemies and would come into conflicts with the organizations.

Possible Endings[]

Quiet Days[]

One day, for unknown reasons, every single anomaly which ever existed was either neutralized or normalized, much to the shock of all of the GoIs. In the aftermath, the Serpent's Hand began losing most of its members as they didn't have a cause to fight for anymore before being completely destroyed by the Chaos Insurgency.


In December of 2018, after the Veil of Secrecy was destroyed as a result of Mekhane's appearance on Russia and the destruction of SCP-610, the anomalous world became public knowledge, which allowed the Hand to finally go public. They proceeded to fuel several riots in Mexico and coupled with the Chaos Insurgency handling the drug trade, it eventually lead to a civil war in 2021. In 2022, the war arrived to Texas/New Mexico border which prompted the Foundation to send its forces to stop the Hand and the Insurgency.

A Quiet Night[]

When the Foundation began using SCP-3475 to force the concepts of the anomalous out of humanity's collective consciousness this accidentally caused everyone to forget everything which included even normalcy. This also caused several manifestations of SCP-2747 which went on and destroyed parts of reality which also included people and soon began spreading to other realities such as the Wanderer's Library, destroying much of the Serpent's Hand, leaving only X.N. and H.Y.U. as the last remaining members.

0 Texts Found[]

The Hand and the Serpent eventually decided to go all in and forcefully grant humanity all of the knowledge. They devoured the knowledge of the Tree and spread it throughout the world in order for humanity to ascend to paradise. However, they did so seemingly in secrecy as one of the Horizon Initiative's holy texts about Saint Manos which prophesied this event became corrupted and lost.

Relationships with Other Anomalous Factions[]

The Serpent's Hand refers to the SCP Foundation as the "jailors", for locking up the paranormal, and believes that keeping the secret from the public is wrong. The SCP Foundation created the Mobile Task Force Sigma-3 also known as "Bibliographers", a special MTF made only for disrupting and researching the Hand and the Library's activities. Despite this, the two groups have secretly worked together against more dangerous anomalies and open hostilities are rare. Several Serpent's Hand members such as Tilda Moose, Katherine Sinclair, and Anjali Okorie had defected from the group and joined the Foundation.

The Global Occult Coalition on the other hand is viewed with extremely open hostility by the Hand, due them destroying anomalies and are often called "bookburners" because of this. The Hand is only known to use unprovoked violence against the GOC, since they regard them as the Hand's archenemy.

Due to their incompetence, the Unusual Incidents Unit when encountering members of the Hand are ordered to comply with orders given by the members despite their opposition to the group since the UIU agents are no match for the Hand with their knowledge and magic. However, the UIU proved to be more competent than at first thought as Agent Dell under the name Onsis became a mole within the Hand and during one mission they were able to trap Chaos Insurgent Maria Niven and other Hand members inside a lower narrative which allowed the UIU to capture them and steal their manuscripts.

The Hand appears to have friendly relationships with the Manna Charitable Foundation, some non-violent groups of the Church of the Broken God, and the Fifth Church, while the Hand appear to have a complicated relationship with the Office For The Reclamation Of Islamic Artifacts, the Horizon Initiative, and Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd. as they sometimes help each other out while other times have hostile confrontations.

An iteration of Nobody had managed to access the Serpent's Hand's online chat. The present members were alarmed and attempted to ban him only for him to come back. Eventually, he confronted Hand member Claire Lumineux and relinquished his title and powers to her, causing Claire to become the new Nobody but as a result she was forgotten by the rest of the Hand.

The Children of the Scarlet King and the Chaos Insurgency, the latter being referred to as the "madmen", are enemies of the Hand, despite sharing the same goal of breaking the Veil and utilizing anomalies.

Apparently the Oneiroi, Dr. Wondertainment and the Wandsmen have ties with the Hand and appear to be on good terms.

Some members of the Serpent's are also members of the group known as Are We Cool Yet?, but appear to be some of more pacifist in compared to most AWCY? members.

Jude Kryiot and JJ of the Gamers Against Weed are also members of the Serpent's Hand. Despite this, the Hand don't affiliate with the group and nor do they wholly approve of their actions.

The Serpent's Hand appear to view Sarkicism as a major threat to the world, and think that this dangerous religion should be stopped, but still accept former members of the religion as seen with Vlad, child of SCP-4294. The Hand also have similar view to SAPPHIRE due to their hostile and unreasonable nature towards the anomalous and religion, which prompted the Hand to refer to them as the "Deniers".

Despite referring to the Faeries as "friends" and together crafting the Blue Lily Chains as a sign of friendship, a large number of the Serpent's Hand regard them as hostile misanthropic monsters who hate humanity for no real reason and believe that they deserved to have their names lost.

The Serpent's Hand is aware of the existence of the Three Moons Initiative and some members seem to view them as some lunatics, but despite this one member invoked the name of the Initiative's god, Jalakåra.

A group comprised of Serpent's Hand members once collaborated with the Black Rabbit Company to take down the latter's evil creator the Hashimoto Cybernetics Corporation and free the other creations.

Due to its close relationship with the GOC, Goldbaker-Reinz Insurance Group Ltd. worked tirelessly in suppressing financing to terroristic organizations like the Hand.

The Hand had ties with the Cryptid Specialist Group, a group of scientists affiliated with IUCN devoted to protecting anomalous lifeforms through influencing the activities of conservation agencies and NGOs.

SCPs Associated with the Hand[]

  • SCP-0166: A semitic girl who irreversibly warps the area around her to include Gothic architecture, poisonous flora, excess grime, and occult paraphernalia, while every individual near would experience increased hunger and libido, and decreased inhibition and empathy. Her father had left her in a monastery belonging to a Catholic sect of the Serpent's Hand which raised her until she was taken by the Foundation.
  • SCP-268: A tweed-wool newsboy cap that gives its wearer permanent antimemetic properties that allow the wearer to go everywhere they want without being perceived. It belongs to L. S. who thanks to her properties achieved by the cap was able to break inside the site where it was contained and reclaim it without a problem.
  • SCP-285: A shapeshifting Mister named Mr. Hax created by a member of Gamers Against Weed as part of their parody line of Misters, but after its creator joined the Serpent's Hand it was then used to violently attack the Unusual Incidents Unit against its own will. It possessed some digital documents that possessed information regarding the creator and the two groups before they became corrupted after 285 was abandoned by its creator who severely abused it.
  • SCP-900-J: A world-destroying monster that at some point came into conflict with the Serpent's Hand, before it was captured by the Foundation.
  • SCP-1000: The species of Bigfoot who were previously the dominant species on Earth before being mostly extinguished by humanity. An outcast group of the Serpent's Hand, named the Children of the Sun held valuable information regarding SCP-1000 before they were destroyed by the Foundation.
  • SCP-1083: A blue-tinted piece of quartz in the shape of a deformed human skull that when held with both hands by a person the entity inhabiting it would grand that person knowledge, but if they were unworthy due to committing crimes it would show them the truth behind their actions which would cause that individual to become suicidal. It was somehow related to the interdimensional group known as Alexylva University, but previously held by the Serpent's Hand before they left it in one of their abandoned safehouses.
  • SCP-1203: A girl who is the embodiment of the Ouroboros as after reaching maturity she would give birth to a baby girl that became her new body while her previous one died and if this process is interfered then the individuals responsible for the interference would die through gruesome ways. She was being accompanied by some members of the Serpent's Hand near the Feathered Serpent pyramid before the Foundation found them and put the girl under their custody.
  • SCP-1291: A man named Roy Wilson who possibly had some tie with the Serpent's Hand before summoning an entity that went on to possess him. This caused Wilson to be bounded to wheelchair due to his body degrading and possess a temperature of 155°C and self-sustenance. If someone is present near him their mental state starts deteriorating until becoming comatose and if someone touches him then tumors will grow all over the individual's body.
  • SCP-1527: A remote settlement previously inhabited by possible members of the Serpent's Hand who had sealed some being named the Bellmaker. The buildings are made out of indestructible white stone and possess artifacts featuring an unknown language. At the center of the settlement there's a church designated SCP-1527-1 with a bell that when rang by the entity every 12:25AM it would manifest crustacean-like entities with telepathic powers which would try to escape the town and form a way for their master to escape.
  • SCP-1591: A levitating glass sculpture in the shape of a star, surrounded by 14 sheets of stained glass which emitted light that increased in luminosity with any prolonged contact with the light resulting in objects and individuals becoming transparent and vanishing entirely. This sculpture was previously one of the many stars present in the infinite space of the Wanderer's Library which was taken by some Italian members of the Serpent's Hand before they themselves faded away from the light.
  • SCP-1765: Three reality bending female beings who were summoned by the Serpent's Hand after being captured by the SCP Foundation. These powerful entities became curious of how the Foundation worked and took over the entire site they were in and turned it into their own research facility where they tested the personnel and captured members of the Hand.
  • SCP-1783: A two-dimensional pug-like entity made out of cardboard that appeared as a living cartoon character and can transform people into lifeless two dimensional cardboard cutouts. It manifested out of nowhere among members of the Serpent's Hand who tried to get rid of it, but after seeing that it could not be destroyed and that they were about to transform into cardboard cutout they decided to break inside one of the Foundation's sites and leave it to personnel before they killed themselves.
  • SCP-1926-R: The city of R'lyeh in which Cthulhu was slumbering. A Serpent's Hand member wrote in a letter confiscated by the Foundation that the old god would soon awaken and cause something unknown.
  • SCP-2091-1: A man named David Lennox who had been transformed into a living sculpture of a grizzly bear. He did this with the help of a member of the Serpent's Hand in order to evade death and look after his granddaughter.
  • SCP-2635: An uncooked red potato that when held by a group for over a year half of its members would spontaneously combustion and die, or if it was one person holding it then they would die through the same manner, while everyone else would not notice the deaths. It was created by an anti-Russian member of AWCY?, before the Serpent's Hand stole it from the Chaos Insurgency and used it to kill the heads of several states and accidentally killing the leader of the Hand's Task Force.
  • SCP-2975: A living house known as the "House of Memory" which was built atop a deep cavern named the Gate of Horn which led to a dream-like world magically located at the center of Earth where an evil eldritch being known as the White Sun slumbered. The Hand sought to destroy the house since an apocalyptic cult worshiping the entity planned to awaken it, but instead contacted the Foundation to deal with it.
  • SCP-3406: A ritual developed by the Serpent's Hand that allowed sapient but immovable beings to gain the ability of locomotion, being designated SCP-3406-1. The ritual is performed by surrounding a human with seven identical metal sculptures while the human recites phrases of an unknown language which causes the beings to grow limbs or use limb-like appendages already attached to their bodies. The Hand created this ritual for their fellow members who had their consciousnesses trapped within objects, but was later confiscated by the Foundation and was then leaked to the other GoIs.
  • SCP-4247: An individual named Bob trapped inside the narrative of his own file and can only exist as a concept when the Foundation personnel read the file, although he would attempt dissuade the readers from reading his file in order to escape. He was a member of the Serpent's Hand and during a raid by the Foundation he attempted to escape by transferring himself into a book but accidentally ended up in a Foundation personnel's clipboard in which his file was transcribed.
  • SCP-4569: A 151-page book originating from the 16th century formerly owned by the Serpent's Hand. When read by someone the book will always display the reader's biography, stylized after a fairy tale and written in the reader's language, up to the point they are reading it. After finishing it, the reader would hear a voice designated SCP-4569-A which would narrate all of their actions and experience, often inducing paranoia despite its calm and soothing voice. The readers can prevent hearing SCP-4569-A by not reading the book normally or the way it is supposed to be read.
  • SCP-4612-A: A dead god residing in an underground structure beneath Provisional Site-91. The Serpent's Hand were the first to discover it thanks to information gathered from the Wanderer's Library.
  • SCP-5024: An extradimensional infovorous entity which exists as a pocket dimension whose interior resembles that of an empty library, created by Charles Dupuis who originally intended to have it replace the Wanderer's Library after he deemed it lost and useless as a result of various individuals taking advantage of it. This entity is capable of snatching people while they travel through a Way and trapping them inside itself before proceeding to suck all information from them, which includes their knowledge, understanding of basic functions and personal information. As it became a major threat to the Hand, the group decided to collaborate with the Foundation to neutralize it for good.
  • SCP-5233: A humanoid resembling a middle-aged man who can transform his right hand into a earwig's abdominal pincers from which can produce numerous earwigs, designated SCP-5233-1, that he can control, and possesses a pair of nonfunctioning insect wings. He was originally a normal earwig which was kept as a pet by two young boys who were members of the Hand, and after it was killed by one of their bullies, the duo used a magic ritual to bring him back as a hero to get back those who wronged them.
  • SCP-5312: A online question-answer forum that specializes in the anomalous and possibly managed by a Serpent's Hand group, in which anonymous users ask questions related to anomalous phenomena happening to them and an entity would write the answer which would be stored in a backlog organized into a number of subcategories about broad categories.
  • SCP-5434-1: The Greek god Himeros who is the last of the Erotes and an associate of the Hand. After the Foundation closed Himeros' smartphone application that served to help various people struggling with love, the god became depressed which led to the Hand convincing the Foundation to find an alternative way to contain the application and make Himeros happy.
  • SCP-5661: A massive chamber at the center of Earth which can sustain life and at its center lies a spherical spatial distortion, designated SCP-5661-1, where two humanoids, SCP-5661-KORE and SCP-5661-SATURN, are fighting for an indefinite period of time. SCP-5661-KORE is an ancient prehistoric female human with a sword which she uses to fight the other humanoid and heal herself. SCP-5661-SATURN is an ancient demon with long limbs, ten arms and large horns who can regenerate while separated limbs disintegrate. SCP-5661-SATURN had threatened SCP-5661-KORE's people in prehistoric times, causing her to open a chasm to the Earth's core in order to trap the demon forever while sacrificing herself in the process. A member of the Serpent's Hand was able to access SCP-5661 where they began to paint the environment inside while paying respects for SCP-5661-KORE, but were caught off guard by the Foundation personnel forcing them to flee.
  • SCP-6000: A Way created in the Amazonian forest by some members of the Serpent's Hand through a thaumaturgic ritual. Under the influence of the Serpent, the Way began expanding throughout Earth, eventually turning the entire planet into a new area of the Wanderer's Library. This resulted in the entire universe becoming another story stored within the Library.
    • SCP-6000-A: A pyrokinetic member of the Serpent's Hand who was part of the group responsible for creating the Way. As a result of the ritual she came into contact with the Serpent who proceeded to transform her into a human-serpent hybrid. After the Wanderer's Library enveloped the entire Earth, SCP-6000-A reverted back to her normal human body.
  • SCP-6001: A microscopic portal to a parallel universe in which the Foundation collaborated with the major groups of interest and established worldwide peace. Together they formed the Compendium as the benevolent ruler of the Earth and began using the anomalies to benefit not only humanity but all life on Earth which eventually lead to Earth becoming a near perfect utopia. The Serpent's Hand, alongside the Chaos Insurgency and the Wanderer's Library, were part of the Compendium being known as "The Wanderers", but prior to the Compendium's formation the Wanderers were at war with the Foundation after finding what they had done to SCP-231-7. When the portal was opened to the main universe the Compendium made a poll to decide whether to contact this chaotic universe and offer them help for them to become an ideal world just like them or cut all ties with them just like they did with other universes filled with never ending conflicts, with the Wanderers voting for contacting with this universe.
  • SCP-6314-L: An intelligent loris named Liv the Literate Loris created by Dr. Wondertainment and a member of the Serpent's Hand.
  • SCP-6314-M: A humanoid moose named Melanie the Manly Moose created Dr. Wondertainment. Uses xe/xyr pronouns and is a member of the Serpent's Nest, a group which acts as leaders of the Hand.
  • SCP-6333: The collective designation for a set of plant-based anomalies, SCP-6333-1 and SCP-6333-2. SCP-6333-1 are seeds which produce visible and infrared light when in proximity with other SCP-6333 plants and seeds. SCP-6333-2 are plants grown from SCP-6333-1, which have heightened longevity, possess irregular shape, don't produce flowers and seeds, flourish better when in proximity to any type of anomalies, have negative reaction when artificial substances are applied to them, and grant positive effects to their caretakers. It came in the attention of the Foundation and allied groups of interests by the Hand during a conference of ambassadors.
  • SCP-6500: An entropic event which would have caused the total eradication of anomalies. It was foreseen by the Wanderer's Library as "Cipactli’s Feast" or "The Impasse" which would lead to the "Final Occult War". The Serpent's Hand originally began helping the Foundation in stopping the event, but after it became apparent that it was caused by the Foundation's continuous attempt at containing the anomalous the Hand resumed their usual attacks on the group. In their attempt to stop the event the Foundation recruited Kaito Eguchi, a Japanese monk with loose connections with the Hand, since he possessed an artifact that would help in fighting SCP-6500. In the path in which the Foundation deliberately caused a "Broken Masquerade" scenario and dissolved into Vanguard, they alongside representatives of other Groups of Interest, which also included the Hand, held a meeting discussing the management of anomalies in the new state of the world.
  • SCP-ES-234: A cat named Marw capable of reincarnating into different cats after his death, often gaining unique personalities and anomalous properties. An incarnation of Marw known as "The Library Cat" resided within the Library and is a member of the Hand.
  • SCP-PL-399: A series of anomalous events that transpired during the Warsaw Uprising, experienced by Polish people who were already anomalous or aware of the anomalous world, which included Hand members . These events consisted of supporting letters, words and whole sentences appearing in the sky, a disembodied voice whispering to people, people against the insurrection mysteriously dying, the increase of the anomalous population, and the increase of magic and divine power in the lower portions of Warsaw.

In Other Media[]

Foundation After Midnight Radio[]

In the Foundation After Midnight Radio podcast series, which takes place in-universe, the Serpent's Hand is talked about in Episode 08 along with a couple of other GoIs.





  • In the universe of SCP-5000, in which the SCP Foundation began exterminating the entire human race, the Serpent's Hand began helping the GOC and CotBG in preserving humanity and fighting against the Foundation. However, the Foundation was able to get rid of the Hand by trapping them inside of the Wanderer's Library after destroying the Ways.
  • In the tale "Snippets of an Unveiled World" which took place in the "Broken Masquerade" canon, when PETA tried to protest the containment of the animals held by the Foundation on the paranatural microblogging platform Void, the Serpent's Hand official account responded to their post by insulting them, which became way more popular than PETA's post. In "#StormSite19", when someone suggested as a joke to raid Site-19, in a similar manner to Storm Area 51 event, the Serpent's Hand official account was the first one be onboard to that idea, before it was abandoned after things became somewhat serious.
  • As noted in the tale "The Conspiracy Of Sigma 3", sigma meant "hissing" in Hellenic, and in Mycenaean alphabet Sigma is the 18th letter, with the number 18 being 6 tripled and forming the number of the Devil, or the Serpent as depicted in the Abrahamic religions.
  • Some members of the Serpent's Hand created a cheap web series titled "Habil and Qabil", a comedic live action internet series which revolved around fictional depictions of SCP-073 and SCP-076-2 and their friends in Site-17.

External Links[]


           SCPFoundation SCP Heroes SCPFoundation

Major Organizations
Church of the Second Hytoth | Dr. Wondertainment | Gamers Against Weed | Global Occult Coalition | Horizon Initiative | Manna Charitable Foundation | Nobody | Prometheus Labs, Inc. | SCP Foundation (O5 Council) | Serpent's Hand | Three Moons Initiative | Unusual Incidents Unit

Minor/Recurring Organizations
Stuff Industry

Safe SCPs
SCP-011 | SCP-085 | SCP-105 | SCP-131 | SCP-163 | SCP-181 | SCP-187 | SCP-208 | SCP-343 | SCP-387 | SCP-492 | SCP-507 | SCP-516 | SCP-590 | SCP-999 | SCP-1230-1 | SCP-1281 | SCP-2053-1 | SCP-2295 | SCP-2412 | SCP-2622 | SCP-2800 | SCP-2816-2 | SCP-2980-1 | SCP-3161-1 | SCP-3355 | SCP-3973 | SCP-5094 | SCP-5443 | SCP-7952 | SCP-8000

Euclid SCPs
SCP-049 | SCP-073 | SCP-326 | SCP-336 | SCP-451 | SCP-666-1 | SCP-706 | SCP-781 | SCP-789 | SCP-1252 | SCP-1338 | SCP-1342-3 | SCP-1530-3 | SCP-1609 | SCP-1690 | SCP-1810 | SCP-1959 | SCP-1985 | SCP-2040 | SCP-2045 | SCP-2101-1 | SCP-2241 | SCP-2273 | SCP-2331 | SCP-2370 | SCP-2639-A | SCP-2726-A | SCP-2785 | SCP-2792 | SCP-2999-B | SCP-3082-2 | SCP-3090 | SCP-4128 | SCP-4158 | SCP-4197 | SCP-4231-B | SCP-4793 | SCP-5239 | SCP-5935 | SCP-7000

Keter SCPs
SCP-734 | SCP-990 | SCP-1233 | SCP-1440 | SCP-2006 | SCP-2662 | SCP-3740 | SCP-4051 | SCP-4239-1 | SCP-4343 | SCP-4455 | SCP-4640 | SCP-4999 | SCP-5031 | SCP-5151 | SCP-5726 | SCP-6113-1

Neutralized SCPs
SCP-1508 | SCP-1762-2 | SCP-2420 | SCP-3507 | SCP-4017 | SCP-4026-1

Thaumiel SCPs
SCP-179 | SCP-2137 | SCP-3894-Alpha | SCP-4606 | SCP-6101 | SCP-6666-A

Archon SCPs

Esoteric SCPs
SCP-040 | SCP-1867 | SCP-2085 | SCP-3700-1 | SCP-4755 | SCP-5699 | SCP-7373

Joke SCPs

International SCPs
French Branch

Spanish Branch

Japanese Branch

SCP-001 Proposals
SCP-001 (The Gate Guardian) | SCP-001 (Dr. Wondertainment) | SCP-001 (The Broken God) | SCP-001 (The Foundation) | SCP-001 (The Council) | SCP-001 (The Serpent)

Ashur | Bes | Deimos | DJ Chaac | Gate Guardian | Jalakåra | Mekhane | Nahash | Pangloss | Rakmou-leusan | SCP-2662 | Yehom

SCP Foundation Personnel
Alto Clef | Calixto Narváez | Dr. Iceberg | Katherine Sinclair | Michael Edison | Simon Kells | Stuart Hayward | William Wettle

James Talloran | Thomas Yaltz

Agent Kramer | Agent J████ | Daniel Johnson | Dmitri Strelnikov | Max Lombardi | Sarah Crowely | Troy Lament

Task Forces
Auxiliary Task Force Alpha-1 | Mobile Task Force Theta-90 | Mobile Task Force Tau-5 | Mobile Task Force Omega-9

D-14134 | D-87465

Glacon | Screamy

O5 Council/Administration
Calvin Lucien | O5-█ | The Archeologist

Alexander Sukarno | Alex Thorley | Marion Wheeler | Olympia | Pietro Wilson

Andrew Llewellyn | Derdekeas | Eric | Fruit Cake | Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V | Jenna | Joey Fucknuts | Kit | Kind Man | Lewitt-Zairi Family | Mirage | Nobody | Reality-Bender | Tobin Hollis | William

From Other Media
Connor Cornwall | D-9341 | SCP-105-C | Big Charlie

Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from scp-wiki.net and its authors.
