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I hope this next fight is between you and me, because I'm gonna put you on your back.
~ Shade to Kai in Spellbound

Shade is a supporting character in the LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu show. He is the Elemental master of Shadow and was a competitor in Master Chen's Tournament of Elements.

He is voiced by Andrew Francis.


Shade made his debut as a former competitor in Master Chen's Tournament of Elements. Shade lasted for most of the event until the Elemental Masters were stripped of their powers. He and the fighters rallied against Chen, who completed a spell that turned his army into fake Anacondrai. A new alliance of Elemental Masters rose up to fight Chen's army at the Corridor of Elders. As Shade and his allies were overwhelmed, Garmadon sacrificed himself to curse Chen's followers.

Months later, Nadakhan imprisoned Shade and the other Elemental Masters in the Djinn Blade. When Jay made his final wish, these events were erased and Shade was freed.

After the supposed demise of the original ninja, Lloyd recruited Shade and many others into a new team in a bid to resist and end Lord Garmadon's oppressive rule.

At some point after, he eventually lost his powers to Obscuria or died.


Shade has a gray skin with combed black hair and wears mainly black and silver on his outfit. He wears black gloves and a sleeveless black vest with silver shoulder braces, a silver wolf symbol with red eyes, and in front of a blue area on the chest. His legs are designed with gray pants and black boots. In Season 9, he now wears a gray armored vest, retaining the wolf symbol on the front, but without the blue area.


  • Shades power is similar to Mr. Pale's powers, they can both turn invisible.

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           Ninjago Logo Heroes

TV Series
The Ninja: Master Wu | Cole | Jay | Zane | Kai | Lloyd | Nya
The Serpentine: Arcturus | Clancee | Pythor P. Chumsworth | Skales
Nindroids: Nindroid Sentries | Echo Zane | P.I.X.A.L.
Elemental Masters: Ash | Bolobo | Gravis | Griffin Turner | Jacob Pevsner | Karlof | Mr. Pale | Neuro | Shade | Skylor | Tox | Ray | Maya | Nyad
Police: Commissioner | Hounddog McBrag
The Resistance
First Realm: Faith | Firstbourne
The Never-Realm: Akita | Krag | The Resistance (Grimfax | Kataru)
Prime Empire Residents: League of Jay | Okino | Blazey H. Speed | Scott
Shintaro: Queen Vania | The Upply (Korgran | Fungus | Plundar | Adam)
Keepers of the Amulet: Chief Mammatus |PoulErik
Merlopia: Benthomaar | Trimaar | Glutinous
Other: Brad Tudabone | Clutch Powers | Cyrus Borg | Dareth | Dr. Julien | First Spinjitzu Master | Flintlocke | Garmadon | Harumi | Hutchins | Lil' Nelson | Misako Montgomery Garmadon | Mistaké | Morro | New Ninja | Ronin | Twitchy Tim | Unagami

The LEGO Ninjago Movie
Master Wu | Secret Ninja Force (Lloyd | Kai | Jay | Nya | Cole | Zane)

Dragons Rising
Arin | Sora | Riyu | Source Dragon of Energy | Euphrasia | Wyldfyre | Alfonzo Frohicky | Arrakore | Geo | Bonzle | Percival Tartigrade | Rapton | Egalt | Rontu | Gandalaria | Source Dragon of Motion | Frak | Roby

See Also
Lego Heroes | Legends of Chima Heroes
