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Heroes Wiki

The stars have looked down on this place for countless seasons. The stone beneath my paws has stood for endless moons. This great rock did not rise from the ground for me to sit on it. These trees did not grow to give you shelter. The grass did not cover the moor to soften our paw steps. The rabbits didn't hollow burrows for us to shelter in. The forest did not burn to destroy your home. This land isn't ours. We live here for a few short moons then disappear. But the land lives on. It isn't ours to claw into morsels and share like prey. We must honor it and protect it. It feeds us and shelters us. Can we be united in that?
~ Tall Shadow to her and Clear Sky’s cats.

Shadowstar, better known as Tall Shadow, is one of the overarching protagonists of Erin Hunter's Warriors books franchise.

Shadowstar was the first leader of ShadowClan, and formerly a Tribe cat known as Tall Shadow, who decided to journey down the mountains with Shaded Moss as group leader. After Shaded Moss’s death, she and Clear Sky took over but disagreed on territory and split up, with her group known as the moor cats. Her group would eventually be renamed ShadowClan and herself renamed Shadowstar after receiving her nine lives.


Shadowstar is a night-black she-cat with dark green eyes.


Dawn of the Clans[]

Tall Shadow lives in the Ancient Tribe alongside her brother Moon Shadow. When Stoneteller suggests for some cats to journey down the mountains to find a new home, Tall Shadow is amongst the cats to go, led by Shaded Moss. After Shaded Moss dies from a Twoleg monster, Tall Shadow takes charge and leads the rest of them into their new home, but gets into an argument with Clear Sky over whether to live in the forest or moor. This leads to the settlers splitting up, with Tall Shadow setting up her group in the moor and Clear Sky in the forest. Later on, her ‘group’-mate Gray Wing brings Clear Sky’s kit Thunder to her group to be raised (after Clear Sky rejected his kit).

Later in a forest fire, Moon Shadow dies, sending Tall Shadow into a depression and she tries to give her leadership to Gray Wing, despite his lack of confidence and determination. Soon, she recovers and helps Gray Wing and Thunder confront Clear Sky. She tries to encourage the cats into not fighting and Clear Sky to not be selfish and keep claiming land as his. But when that fails, she later leads the battle against Clear Sky’s cats in the forest. The battle is stopped when spirit cats of their fallen friends appeared and demand the leaders to unify.

Afterwards, Tall Shadow decides she wants to move to the pines across the Thunderpath and meets her nephew, Sun Shadow, Moon Shadow's son, soon after. She helps lead her new group to find the blazing star and against One Eyeand Slash. Her group is named ShadowClan, and herself appointed leader and renamed Shadowstar after receiving her nine lives.

Shadowstar’s Life[]

Shadowstar and her deputy, Sun Shadow, are attacked by dogs, and the latter dies. She recalls a pair of amber eyes watching them die and becomes increasingly paranoid at the thought of someone wanting her dead and avoids picking Sun Shadow's successor. Shadowstar admits to Pebble Heart that she is on her ninth life, and ShadowClan might crumble if she dies. A cat pushes Shadowstar onto the Thunderpath, but she narrowly avoids death, and Raven Pelt reveals it was Quick Water. Skystar exiles her, and Shadowstar appoints Raven Pelt as the new deputy, grateful for his loyalty to her and his devotion to ShadowClan. ShadowClan and WindClan go to war with SkyClan and ThunderClan over Quick Water, and Shadowstar and Quick Water kill each other. Shadowstar forgives Quick Water in StarClan, leaving Raven Pelt to lead ShadowClan in her place.


Warriors LogoHeroes

Alderheart | Berrynose | Blossomfall | Bluestar | Bumblestripe | Brackenfur | Brambleclaw | Briarlight | Brightheart | Bristlefrost | Cloudtail | Cloud Spots | Cinderheart | Cinderpelt | Daisy | Dustpelt | Featherwhisker | Ferncloud | Finchlight | Finchstar | Finleap | Firestar | Goldenflower | Goosefeather | Graystripe | Hollyleaf | Honeyfern | Ivypool | Jayfeather | Leafpool | Lightning Tail | Lionblaze | Lionheart | Longtail | Millie | Moonpaw | Mousefur | Nightheart | Owlstar | Pinestar | Purdy | Redtail | Sandstorm | Snowfur | Sorreltail | Sparkpelt | Spotfur | Spottedleaf | Squirrelstar | Stemleaf | Stripestar | Sunbeam | Sunstar | Swiftpaw | Thornclaw | Thrushpelt | Thunderstar | Twigbranch | Wafflepelt | Whitestorm | Yellowfang

Brambleberry | Crookedstar | Dappled Pelt | Duskfur | Feathertail | Frostdawn | Harelight | Icestar | Leopardstar | Mudfur | Mistystar | Mothwing | Oakheart | Owlnose | Reedwhisker | Riverstar | Silverstream | Stonefur | Sunfish | Willowshine

Badgerfang | Blackstar | Blazefire | Cloverfoot | Dovewing | Flametail | Fringewhisker | Juniperclaw | Lightleap | Littlecloud | Needletail | Nightstar | Puddleshine | Raggedstar | Rowanclaw | Runningnose | Sagewhisker | Shadowsight | Shadowstar | Sparrowtail | Pebble Heart | Snowtuft | Spireclaw | Tawnypelt | Tigerstar II

Ashfoot | Barkface | Breezepelt | Crowfeather | Deadfoot | Galestar | Gorsestar | Gray Wing | Harestar | Hawkheart | Heatherstar | Heathertail | Jagged Peak | Kestrelflight | Moth Flight | Mudclaw | Nightcloud | Onestar | Tallstar | Whistlebreeze | Whitetail | Windstar

Bellaleaf | Billystorm | Cloudstar | Echosong | Fidgetflake | Frecklewish | Hawkwing | Kitescratch | Leafstar | Micah | Needleclaw | Pebbleshine | Rileypool | Rootspring | Sharpclaw | Sparrowstar | Star Flower | Skywatcher | Tree | Violetshine

Outside of Clans
Arc | Barley | Brook | Crag | Fallen Leaves | Fang | Half Moon | Jake | Midnight | Monkeystar | Moonlight | Petunia | Ravenpaw | Sasha | Shanty | Smudge | Spiresight | Stalk Purr | Stick | Stormfur | Tadpole | Tumble Leap | Turtle Tail
