“ | You've seen what SkyClan will do to defend our home. This is our territory. Stay out of it. Or we'll thrash you again. But our warrior code is clear: victory does not require death. | „ |
~ Sharpclaw after defending his home from rouges |
Sharpclaw is a supporting character in Firestar's Quest, SkyClan and the Stranger, and Hawkwing's Journey, and an antagonist in SkyClan's Destiny. He was formerly SkyClan's abrasive yet good-intentioned deputy, and was killed trying to defend is Clanmates from Darktail and his rouges.
Sharpclaw is a muscular tabby tom with dark ginger fur and green eyes.
Firestar's Quest[]
Scratch was a kittypet along with his sister Flower and his mother Jessamy. The three decide to leave the twolegplace to become rogues, with Scratch eventually parting ways with his family. Some time later, while out hunting near a fallen tree, Firestar and Sandstorm spot the dark ginger rogue running along a stream. Firestar tries to call out to him, but he quickly goes out of sight. The later find him again, and he looks over his shoulder towards Firestar's call this time, but doesn't stop moving.
The next day, Firestar and Sandstorm encounter a queen defending her kits from an attacking fox, when Scratch jumps onto the fox's head and latches his claws onto it until the predator runs away. Firestar thanks him, saying that it would have been bad if he didn't show up. Scratch tells the orange tom not to thank him, as he doesn't like foxes any more that he does.
All of the cats present then introduce themselves, with the queen telling them her name is Clover, and her kits are Tiny, Rock, and Bounce. Scratch then inquires as to why Firestar and Sandstorm are there and how long they plan on staying. The ThunderClan leader, surprised by the ginger rogue's harsh tone, explains that they saw him a few days ago while hunting in the gorge. Scratch asks why they where hunting with two crazy kittypets, and Sandstorm argues that the kittypets they were with - named Cherry and Boris - were okay cats. Clover comments that it doesn't matter why they're here, because they helped save her kits. Scratch retorts that he could scare off any fox alone.
He then asks Firestar what his story is, and the latter explains that he and Sandstorm are trying to restore SkyClan, mentioning Skywatcher. Scratch then reveals that he's seen Skywatcher a few times, but has never talked to him because he looked insane. Firestar retorts that Skywatcher isn't insane, and that he knows more about SkyClan than anyone else. He then tells the rogue that the lost Clan once lived in the gorge, and that Skywatcher told him he could rebuild it from its descendants, offering Scratch and Clover to join.
Clover immediately agrees so that her kittens can be protected, and Scratch offers to look after her instead. She points out that the ginger tom rarely comes to that part of the forest, asking how often they even speak to each other and ignoring his annoyed hiss. Firestar then asks for the rogue's answer, and he states that he can manage by himself, though admits he likes the idea of teaching others how to defend themselves and likes the moves the Clan cat duo used on the fox. Firestar tells him he can teach him more battle moves if he joins, and the rogue tom is surprised at his willingness to share his techniques. The orange leader tells him that Clanmates don't fight each other outside of training, and Scratch says that it sounds like a good way to live, and though he can't promise anything, he'll still try. Firestar says he won't force him to decide, and just wants him to come to the gorge for a while to see what he thinks. When Sandstorm asks the rogue what his name is, he tells her that he faintly remembers his mother calling him Scratch.
Firestar starts to become unsure of letting Scratch join SkyClan, as he refuses to sleep in the warrior's den. Skywatcher comes to the gorge and states that Scratch looks like he would tear someone's throat open for looking at him funnily. Firestar tells him that the ginger tom is a skilled fighter, and that he'll be a cat SkyClan needs once he learns the warrior code. Four days later, Scratch yells at Cherry and Boris, who also agreed to join SkyClan, for not looking before jumping into a twoleg's backyard. They apologize, and the aggressive tom growls that they nearly landed on top of a dog, and would've been killed if Firestar hadn't distracted it, adding that they still lost the squirrel they were hunting. The orange tom notes that though Scratch is a talented hunter and fighter, he doesn't have any patience for his kittypet Clanmates. The ginger tom asks Boris and Cherry if they want to just stand around, because he wants to get back to camp before the mist clears and the twolegs come.
After hearing that Firestar is going to hold a meeting to tell the other cats in the area about the Clan, Scratch suggests that he go meet a group of rogues that live near the camp and invite them to the meeting. They two first come across a rogue named Leaf, who's already familiar with Scratch. Firestar explains SkyClan to her and invites her to join, though she's unsure. She asks Scratch if he agreed to join, and he tells her that he's thinking about it, and likes the idea of Clanmates protecting each other, to which Leaf agrees to attend the meeting. Next they go to a rogue named Tangle, who treats them with hostility. They quickly leave, with Scratch commenting that he knew Tangle wouldn't listen. They then go to Patch, who's also met Scratch in the past. Patch agrees to go to the meeting, as well as Rainfur back in camp. After the meeting, Scratch decides to stay in SkyClan, but Firestar worries that he's only interested in becoming leader and gaining power and respect.
Later, Firestar returns from a hunting patrol to find Sandstorm and Scratch arguing over who should get to eat first. The ginger warrior states that since the warriors are the ones who catch the prey, they should be able to eat before anyone else in the Clan so that they may continue their duties. Firestar breaks up the fight and explains to the tom that the warrior code states kits, queens and elders must be fed first. Still angry, Scratch glares at Clover and tells her to eat. Later, the orange leader call a Clan meeting to give the SkyClan cats their warrior names, with Sandstorm guiding them on what to do. Scratch is renamed Sharpclaw, and he is assigned to mentor Cherry, who has been renamed Cherrypaw. He asks what he should do if his apprentice doesn't listen, and Sandstorm says that he may do whatever he likes. Firestar adds that it should be within reason, and to ask them what Clan cats usually do if he wants to punish her. He then asks about the leader position again, and Firestar replies that he's strong and not afraid to take charge, but it will be StarClan who decides the leader. In disbelief, Sharpclaw asks how StarClan will choose, and the orange tom says that they'll send a sign.
The next day, Firestar wakes up Sharpclaw to go on a border-marking patrol. He brings Cherrypaw along, reminding her that warriors and apprentices aren't supposed to eat before the rest of the Clan. When Firestar warns that they may encounter rogues, Sharpclaw comments that they'll teach any rogues they come across to stay out. When Cherrypaw accidentally scares away all the nearby prey by shouting, her mentor grumbles that she scared it off and Firestar hopes that he won't be too hard on her, though she doesn't seem to be taking it hard. When his apprentice catches a blackbird, the dark ginger tom praises and thanks her. They return to camp to find that Skywatcher has died while they were gone, and hold vigil for him. That night, Firestar notices none of the SkyClan cats sleeping, not out of grief for Skywatcher, but because of the superstition that falling asleep after a cat dies will soon result in your own death. Sharpclaw insists that it's true because a cat named Foxy fell asleep the night his brother died and was ran over a few days later, and Firestar must convince them all that it's safe to sleep. The next day, Rockkit, Tinykit and Bouncekit spread a rumor of a nearby cave full of giant cats with glowing eyes, and Sharpclaw suggests that whatever is in there, they must attack it before it can attack them. That night, the cats go to the cave to find the moss shining with moonlight, and Firestar explains that the SkyClan cats of the past called it the Shining Cave. Sharpclaw asks about its significance, and Firestar replies that they'll find a use for it soon enough.
When Rainfur begs his Clanmates to help save his mate Petal and children Sage and Mint from their abusive twoleg, Sharpclaw is convinced that it's a trap. After Rainfur convinces them to help, he goes with a patrol to the twolegplace where he and Patchfoot start a mock fight in the backyard to draw the twoleg out. The other cats slip in while the door is open, rescue Petal and her kits, and escape back to camp. When they return, Cherrypaw is disappointed that she didn't get to go, and her mentor tells her that it wasn't difficult and she should have seen the twoleg bumbling around. Firestar feels like the ginger tom is a good choice for leadership for his bravery, but thinks he is too power-hungry and doesn't respect the warrior code enough.
Firestar, Sharpclaw and Cherrypaw all go to investigate when Patchfoot returns to camp badly wounded one day, finding a hoard of rats with a leader who can speak to cats. They manage to escape the hostile rats, realizing that the past SkyClan had been driven out of the gorge by them. Telling this to the rest of the Clan, Sharpclaw encourages his fellow warriors to fight back against the rats, banishing the Clan's doubts. Later that day, Sharpclaw is unsure of the cat Firestar has chosen to be SkyClan's medicine cat: a kittypet named Echo who had been having odd dreams from StarClan. He thought that one of his Clanmates would be chosen for the role, but wishes Echo luck regardless. SkyClan holds their first Gathering that night, where Leafdapple and Sharpclaw talk about their apprentices. The ginger tom says that he would've had his ears clawed off if Sandstorm hadn't been with him during an earlier training session. Cherrypaw states that one day Sandstorm won't be there, and he gives his apprentice an affectionate swipe.
Sharpclaw states that they should drive out the rats now, but Firestar insists that they should wait until Patchfoot recovers. On a dark night soon after, the rat hoard attacks SkyClan camp. Sharpclaw fights fiercely, tossing many rats off of a cliff. After the rats retreat, the orange tom stops Sharpclaw from chasing after them, telling him they may lead him into a trap. After that, Sharpclaw becomes more cautious instead of just rushing into battle head-on. He rallies his Clanmates to attack the rats at their nest, and as they go to track down the rodents, he find out that they're hiding in a barn. He and a small patrol go inside to lure them out, and the rats attack with the rest of the cats joining in the fight. Sharpclaw and Cherrypaw fight side-by-side before they both climb up a tree for safety. Leafdapple is the one to encourage the Clan this time, and the ginger warrior supports her, stating that if he dies in this fight then he may as well take as many rats as possible down with him. They draw the leader out and Firestar kills it, with the other warriors taking out the remaining rats at Sharpclaw's orders. He screeches at the rats as they flee, threatening to kill any who enter SkyClan's territory again.
Unfortunately, Rainfur is killed during the battle, with Leafdapple and Sharpclaw carrying his body back to camp. After this, Shortwhisker - previously a kittypet named Hutch - decides to leave the Clan and return to his old life, much to Sharpclaw's anger. Later, while Cherrypaw is taking her warrior assessment with Firestar, Sharpclaw and Clovertail go on a patrol, and the former still misses Rainfur, almost calling him to join the patrol before remembering his death. StarClan tells Echo - now renamed Echosong, that they've chosen Leafdapple to be SkyClan's leader. Leafdapple goes to the Skyrock (the SkyClan equivalent to the Moonstone) to earn her nine lives and the new name Leafstar. When she returns to camp, she picks Sharpclaw to be her deputy, and he says that he's honored. Firestar reflects on is ambition to be leader and how he didn't understand the warrior code at first, imagining that he'll make things difficult for Leafstar if he doesn't respect her authority, but will balance well with her if he does. Leafstar then hold a warrior ceremony for Cherrypaw, giving her the new name Cherrytail. As Firestar and Sandstorm start their journey back to ThunderClan, the latter is assured that the new SkyClan is in good paws.
SkyClan's Destiny[]
Leafstar and Sharpclaw continue to lead SkyClan, but the deputy and leader constantly find themselves at odds with the latter's decisions. Sharpclaw openly disagrees with Leafstar's daylight warrior idea to let kittypets be a part of the Clan during the day and then return home to their twolegs at night. She doesn't want to start Rockpaw's Bouncepaw's and Tinypaw's apprentice ceremonies without the daylight warriors, but Sharpclaw insists that she does anyways, having no respect for his kittypet Clanmates.
While organizing patrols, he irritably comments that Ebonyclaw's apprentice, a fellow daylight warrior named Frecklepaw, isn't present, believing the daylight warriors aren't much use to the Clan. He then addresses the rest of his Clanmates who live in the gorge full-time with a much friendlier attitude. Leafstar asks to speak with him after this, and while in private she tells him there was no reason for the way he treated Ebonyclaw. He tries to argue at first, but quickly backs down and admits that he was being too harsh. Leafstar is shocked when he calls the daylight warriors "kitty-warriors", with the deputy stating that he was just trying to be accurate about their role, then questions their loyalty to SkyClan and the warrior code since they go back to their twolegs at night. He then calls Snookpaw "Snookypaw", as the apprentice's kittypet name is Snooky, and criticizes Ebonyclaw for wearing a collar. Leafstar defends Ebonyclaw, saying that she tries to keep it from jingling while she hunts, and Sharpclaw just responds that Leafstar's head is full of bees before leaving to go on patrol.
When Sharpclaw's patrol returns, the deputy complains about the amount of snow still around in newleaf. He then asks to scope out the nearby caves, saying they could be useful for extra dens or storing fresh-kill. As he and Leafstar sort out those to help with the project, Rockshade and Sparrowpelt say that a daylight warrior named Billystorm only wants to help with the more enjoyable aspects of Clan life, and that he shouldn't be allowed to return to camp the next day. Sharpclaw interrupts them and says that Billystorm's involvement is Leafstar's business alone, though he then tells his leader that they have a point. He suggests that Billystorm should be given extra tasks so that the daylight warriors don't think they'll have an easier time than full-time warriors. Leafstar agrees and responds that they can help with building the new dens, and that may make them want to stay, but Sharpclaw doubts this idea.
He sternly tells Rockshade, Bouncefire and Tinycloud that the deputy is the one who organizes patrols when the three complain about wanting to go hunting. A few days later, Leafstar scolds Harveymoon and Macgyver for playing in the moss, and the deputy tells her that he's been putting up with the two's antics all day. He tells the two toms that they're acting stupid and being disloyal to the Clan. When Harveymoon argues that the daylight warriors shouldn't have to help with the dens since they don't sleep in them, Sharpclaw hisses in anger and Leafstar punishes them by banishing them back to the twolegplace until the next full moon. Still bristling, Sharpclaw thanks his leader for backing him up, and she snaps that she didn't do it for his sake, surprising the ginger tom.
Sharpclaw and Patchfoot climb up after Sagepaw when the young tom slips off the edge of the cliff and hangs onto the edge. He calmly tells Sagepaw to hold as still as possible as he climbs, but the rock Sagepaw is clinging to starts to crumble just as Sharpclaw tries to grab him, missing the apprentice. He rushes over to where Sagepaw had landed, angry at himself for not being fast enough even as Leafstar assures him that he did his best. A Clan meeting is called after the incident, with Leafstar praising Sharpclaw and Echosong, going on to state that no cat has any more claim to SkyClan than another. The deputy agrees, adding that a place in the Clan is earned by courage and loyalty, glaring at the daylight warriors as he does so. Waspwhisker suddenly rushes in, interrupting the meeting and yowling about intruders. Bouncefire says that the patrol Leafstar sent hunting should've been patrolling the borders instead, and Sharpclaw looks at his leader with query. The SkyClan leader orders the intruders to be brought back to camp.
At their leader's orders, a patrol escorts a small group of cats into the camp, who introduce themselves as Stick, Shorty, Cora and Coal. They claim to be searching for Firestar and Sandstorm, and Sharpclaw is impressed at their willingness to risk coming there, though doesn't trust them. The group inquires as to what life in SkyClan is like, and before Leafstar can answer, Sharpclaw invites them to join, saying that they could always use more help in the Clan. The rest of the SkyClan cats let out a gasp and look at their deputy uneasily, as Sharpclaw has seemed to tell Leafstar what to do with the intruders. The leader still allows the group to learn about her Clan however, sending Coal to the medicine den for Echosong to answer his questions. Sharpclaw doesn't seem too pleased with this decision, looking at his leader with narrowed eyes.
Sharpclaw supports the newcomers during their stay, overrunning Leafstar's opinion for Stick's, much to the brown tabby she-cat's annoyance. He starts ordering his Clanmates around without her permission, and later plans out an attack against a hoard of rats. He has Stick organize the battle patrols, attributing the death of Rainfur during the last attack on the rats to not being prepared enough. When Leafstar argues that Firestar knew what he was doing when they fought against the rodents, Sharpclaw retorts that the ThunderClan leader doesn't have as much experience with fighting rats as Stick does. Seeing that her deputy doesn't intend to change his mind, Leafstar decides to avoid another argument by letting him continue with his battle plan. When she voices her concern to Echosong that the ginger tom may be envious of her taking leadership of the Clan instead of him, the medicine cat gravely tells her not to worry about it.
Later, Leafstar sees Sharpclaw discussing the strategy with Stick and Shorty, his eyes gleaming as he states that with their help, the rats will be taught that they aren't welcome on SkyClan territory. A few nights later, the warriors go to face the rats once more. Sharpclaw reminds them of Stick's plan to block some of the holes and scare the rats out through the uncovered ones to make it easier to kill them. Leafstar assigns her deputy with catching the rats as they come out, to which he lashes his tail excitedly as his eyes glitter. The cats take their positions and the fight begins, though as it rages on Leafstar begins to feel uneasy about killing all the rats. Sharpclaw, eyes wild and fur drenched in rat blood, yowls at her to show no mercy. Soon enough the battle is won, though Waspwhisker and Cora are badly injured. The leader and deputy exchange a glance, knowing that it isn't the time to celebrate their victory as they must get the injured cats treated.
The next day, the daylight warriors show up and hear about the battle, disappointed that they didn't get to join. Sharpclaw tells them that the Clan needs warriors who are able to fight at any time, including at night. While Echosong Frecklepaw are tending to the wounded cats, Billystorm voices his concern to Leafstar about her deputy. Soon after, Sharpclaw tells Leafstar that the cats fought well last night, and while she at first thinks he's talking about SkyClan's warriors, he then clarifies that he was talking about Stick and his group. He then hints toward the idea of having the newcomers join the Clan again, though Leafstar isn't sure about this. Leafstar is told by Billystorm that Sharpclaw has been taking cats out to train in the twolegplace at night in secret. She doesn't believe this at first, but then happens upon one such training session being overseen by the deputy and Stick, and she's shocked and confused as to why he didn't tell her.
At the next Clan meeting, Petalnose suggest they sent out a patrol to monitor the remaining rats, but Sharpclaw disagrees, stating that border patrols and hunting parties could already do that. After the cats disperse, Leafstar, Echosong and Sharpclaw are alone together. The ginger deputy comments that Leafstar acts like she wants to appoint Frecklepaw as Echosong's apprentice, and the leader replies that she was thinking about doing so. Sharpclaw is shocked, arguing that she can't be a daylight medicine cat, as it would be inconvenient if someone got sick or hurt while she was gone. Leafstar diffuses the situation before Sharpclaw and Echosong can get into a fight, saying that they'll wait for StarClan to send a sign before they do anything with Frecklepaw. Sharpclaw mutters that there won't be a sign, and Echosong glares at him as the three split apart.
Leafstar is suspicious of her deputy when a hunting party he's in doesn't return with any fresh-kill and doesn't mention where they went. When the dark ginger tom asks if they can speak in private, she catches the scent of the thunderpath on him, but disregards it. She agrees warily, and at the top of a cliff Sharpclaw says that Stick, Coal, Shorty and Cora should be made into full SkyClan warriors. He then admits that he didn't talk to any of them to see if that's what they want, but reasons that it must be since they're staying in camp and are carrying out all the tasks they're given. Despite her doubts, Leafstar agrees to make them warriors. Sharpclaw, thrilled that she agrees, offers to go down and tell the newcomers right away, but Leafstar declines. She then calls a Clan meeting to give the four their warrior names, but they interrupt her and say that they'd like to keep the names they have now. Both Leafstar and Sharpclaw agree to let their names remain as they are.
The day after, Leafstar finds her deputy assigning patrols and informs him that she's going to visit twolegplace with Billystorm, much to his surprise. He starts to make a rude comment about Billystorm, but backs down and stays quiet. In his gaze she notices concern for her and confidence that he can manage the Clan in her absence. When the two get back, the ginger tom suggests that SkyClan's territory be expanded now that they have so many members. She agrees and lets him organize patrol to investigate either side of the gorge, adding that some of their Clanmates may not like being paired up with their newest members. Sharpclaw retorts that they'll just have to get used to it, but the leader responds that it isn't so simple. He glares at her as she dismisses him to speak with Ebonyclaw.
Shrewtooth comes home after being missing for a while, revealing that he was being held captive by an abusive twoleg like the one Petalnose lived with. Enraged, Sharpclaw yowls that all twolegs are enemies of SkyClan and starts to form a battle plan before his mind wanders off. At her deputy's suggestion, Leafstar calls a Clan meeting to explain the situation. Sharpclaw then asks the Clan what they think should be done, shooting down each idea scathingly. Stick suggests that they terrorize the twoleg, and the deputy agrees, starting to form a strategy. He wakes up Leafstar the next night, insisting that they need to act now while the weather is clear. Sharpclaw leads the attacking patrol, yowling at the twoleg to stay away from his Clanmates, and the plan to scare the twoleg into never harming SkyClan again is successful. The daylight warriors come by the next day and are hurt that they got left out again, and Sharpclaw responds that they need to make more of an effort to join in with their Clan's events.
Sharpclaw participates in the battle against the rogue Dodge and his cats Harley, Skipper, Onion, Red, Misha, and Nutmeg. He also gains the respect of a loner named Egg, who he persuades to join SkyClan and is then assigned to mentor. After seeing how fiercely Sharpclaw fought in the battle, Leafstar realizes that he wasn't actively trying to fight with her, and that he only wants what is best for the Clan. Later, while assessing Rabbitpaw alongside Leafstar and Billystorm, Sharpclaw hears from Macgyver and Harveymoon that there are hostile dogs in twolegplace, sending out a patrol to deal with them. Sharpclaw leads the patrol and separates from Leafstar and Rabbitpaw, soon realizing that they're in danger. The patrol finds the dogs and fight them off before guiding the injured Leafstar back home.
SkyClan and the Stranger[]
The Rescue[]
Leafstar nots his rock-solid dedication to his duties as deputy as he scolds Honeypaw and Sandypaw for messing around. He then listens to Shrewtooth, Mintfur and Ebonyclaw report finding an old fox scent in the territory while patrolling, praising their idea of marking where it came from by bending down branches, saying he never would have thought of it. Later, Leafstar sees Sharpclaw and Cherrytail going somewhere and stops them to speak with them. When she asks if they're checking the fox scent, the dark ginger warror awkwardly replies that they're going hunting, but can check it while they are. The leader takes note of their nervousness and wonders aloud what's going on with them after they leave. Clovertail overhears this and says that it's obvios the two like each other, adding that they may become mates and even have kits in the future. Leafstar is surprised, saying that she always thought Sharpclaw would be too dedicated to his role as deputy to take a mate. When she expresses this to Echosong, the medicine cat assures her that he's a loyal deputy that would never abandon his duties, no matter what he and Cherrytail felt for each other.
Later, Sharpclaw asks Leafstar if she wants to go on a patrol with him, but she refuses. He then teels her that the fox scent hasn't come back, but he sent a border patrol to check just in case. Leafstar asks to join Sharpclaw's patrol the next day, but he says she should stay in camp as she's close to giving birth to her and Billystorm's litter. She angrily protests this, but he calmly points out that any other pregnant ueen would be confined to the nursery by now. She understands and reluctantly agrees, and when helping Echosong gather herbs, the medicine cat remarks that the deputy is only looking out for her.
A few days later, Sharpclaw is greatly concerned when Leafstar enters the camp while going into labor. When an elderly twoleg captures Leafstar and her newborn kittens, a patrol soon finds her in the twoleg's house. The twoleg then spots the patrol and opens the door, offering a bowl of milk to Sharpclaw. He hisses at the twoleg and almost attacks before Leafstar calls from the window that the twoleg means no harm and not to attack. The patrol then flees and returns more prepared, with Sharpclaw sending Fallowfern in to get Leafstar and her kits out. A kittypet named Harry, who also lives in the house, helps with the escape and joins the Clan cats as they flee. Harry then decides to join SkyClan, revealing that his real name is Sol.
Beyond the Code[]
When Leafstar suggests the Clan rest during the day since it's so hot, Shrewtooth worries that their enemies could ambush them, but Sharpclaw points out how they won't all be sleeping at once. He then offers to calm the Clan down for Leafstar while she nurses her kittens, settling Rockshade's and Billystorm's arguement afterwards. He then tells Leafstar that he'll be letting everyone rest until sunset, as they have enough fresh-kill that will spoil in the heat if they don't eat it. When night falls, Ebonyclaw and Billystorm offer to hunt for their Clanmates without taking any food for themselves, as their twolegs will feed them. Sharpclaw thanks them and begins organizing patrols, with Leafstar noticing his hidden relief.
Later, Sharpclaw's patrol returns panicked and injured, and as Echosong cares for them he tells Leafstar that they had been attacked by a badger. He adds that they chased it out of their territory, but all got injured in the process. He states that he doesn't think hunting at night is a good idea with the competion of nocturnal predators, but the leader argues that prey hides from the heat too well in the daytime. The deputy asks what they should do, and his leader says she doesn't know, but for now they'll send out bigger patrols consisting of eight cats each. Sharpclaw comments that this will make stealth more difficult, but offer better protection.
When Leafstar's new apprentice Sol comes back with a large amount of prey, the Clan feasts. Sharpclaw tells Leafstar of his concerns regarding Sol the next morning, questioning how he suddenly got so good at hunting so quickly when he was previosly struggling. The leader reasons that it might have just clicked for him, and that cats can learn to hunt without formal training, but Sharpclaw finds this hard to belive. She deiceds to go on a hunting patrol with her apprentice later to see how he does it, where she finds that he folllows foxes around and steals their prey. Sharpclaw is amazed when the two return with another abundant supply of fresh-kill until Leafstar tells him that a fox caught it. The deputy asks if they're joking, Sol says that he doesn't see anything wrong with it, to which the ginger tom retorts that he knows nothing of the warrior code and is risking luring foxes to the Clan. Leafstar promises that it won't happen again, asking Sharpclaw not to tell anyone of the prey theft as there's no need to while the deputy glares at her apprentice.
Cherrytail teaches Sol some hunting techniques the next day, and Sharpclaw remarks that he isn't a born hunter, adding that Leafstar is putting going through a lot of trouble just for him. he later tells Leafstar that he'll ask Patchfoot to help with Sol's training, as he's very experienced, before telling her that he doubts Sol has any natural skills. That night, the foxes Sol has been stealing from track down the camp, and Sharplcaw orders everyone to surround them after Leafstar alarms the Clan. He orders everyone closest to him to attack the male fox while everyone closest to Leafstar handles the female one. H gives orders from a distance during the fight, and soon the two foxes are driven away.
At the next Gathering, Sharpclaw is irritated when Sol announces that he thinks he's ready to become a warrior. Leafstar refuses though, and as Sol runs away in despair, a violent storm starts. As large puddles begin forming at the bottom of the gorge, Sharpclaw suggests evacuating all of the lower dens in case of a flood. Soon the whole camp is flooded though, with Sharpclaw carrying Leafstar's daughter Stormkit as everyone evacuates. They all wait at the tom of the gorge until the flood dies down, and when scoping out the cam to assess the damage they find that Lichenfur had been left behind and drowned. After holding vigil for him, they start repairing their ruined camp.
After the Flood[]
Sharpclaw takes charge of most of the heavy lifting while clearing out debris from the camp, giving out orders to move a large branch before going to speak with Cherrytail. Lafstar notes how the two have been arguing over how hard Cherrytail has been working during the repairs despite being pregnant with their kits. His mate tells him to relax, and he says he would, but hesitates to say why he isn't. Cherrytail teasingly says that it's no secret that she's expecting their litter, but Sharpclaw urges her to be quiet, somewhat embarassed. H then pads up to his leader and asks if she has a moment to talk, or if she'd rather tease him as well. He then asks if she thinks the flood was sent by StarClan, saying he doesn't know why. Leafstar wonders if StarClan is angry with her for not making Sol a warrior, to which the deputy comments that after finding him trying to make nests out of ivy leaves, he tried getting Sol to help clear the stream, but Sol stated he has something better to do. Leafstar urges him to be patient, as Sol hasn't been in SkyClan long enough to learn everything, and Sharpclaw retorts that he hasn't learned anything at all.
Soon after, Leafstar's kits go missing and Sharpclaw orgainizes search parties to look for them, telling their mother that she should stay in camp until they're found. Leafstar sees Sharpclaw leading a patrol that night, and Honeypaw tell her that the deputy thinks Billystorm had stolen the kits and is taking a patrol to his twoleg house. Leafstar then rushes over before the patrol arrives, and when they do she explains that Billystorm wasn't the culprit. When Sharpclaw asks how she can be sure, she reveals that Billystorm is with her, and he invites the patrol to search his twoleg's house if they wish. Sharpclaw says that won't be necessary, and after returning to camp want to continue sendingmout search parties. Lafstar tells him that they still need to eat and defend themselves, and Sharpclaw asks if she's calling off the search, but she replies that she, Billystorm and Echosong will continue looking.
When eight unnamed rogues attack SkyClan camp, Sharpclaw takes them by surprise when he shows up with a patrol. During the fight, he defends Cherrytail from one of them, who compliments is timing. As the rogues flee, Sharpclaw yowls that they've now seen what SkyClan will do to defend their home, telling them to stay out before adding that their warrior code states that they don't need to kill to win their battles. Sharpclaw then stands beside his mate as the Clan celebrates their victory. Later, Leafstar's kits are finally found, and it's discovered that Sol had been the one to take them, intending to pretend he rescued them so that Leafstar would make him a warrior. Leafstar is enraged by this, and after reprimanding Sol for what he'd done, banishes him from SkyClan.
Ravenpaw's Farewell[]
Some time after Cherrytail gives birth to her and Sharpclaw's kits - Hawkkit, Cloudkit, Blossomkit and Duskkit - their litter are all made into warrior apprentices. Upon Ravenpaw, Barley, Bella and Riley all journeying to SkyClan, Leafstar introduces her deputy to them, who scowls at the outsiders. When Ravenpaw says he witnessed a bunch of kittypets causing trouble for the Clan, Sharpclaw raises his hackles and asks if they were trespassing. Ravenpaw clarifies that they were all on the other side of the border, and Leafstar tells the dark ginger tom to settle down. He sits down and remarks that the kittypets have been a nusance, but nothing more. When Ravenpaw suggests making a new border, the deputy points out that he isn't a Clan cat and asks what he knows about borders. Regardless, Leafstar decides to go with the loner's plan.
Later, Sharpclaw guesses that Riley and Bella showed up because they wish to join SkyClan, which they confirm. He gives them separate tasks before Macgyver says that the daylight warriors will be taking part in the battle with the kittypets as well as every part of this plan, to which Sharpclaw thanks him for his words. He later leads the battle patrol to the gorge's edge, signaling everyone to spread out along the border. he then leads them into the fight, and soon enough the Clan successfully drives away the kittypets.
Hawkwing's Journey[]
After a fire sweeps through SkyClan's camp, Sharpclaw and Cherrytail discover their son Duskpaw dead. Hawkpaw, their other son, sees his parent's eyes full of grief and feels guilty that he couldn't save his brother. Cherrytail then flings herself onto Duskpaw's body, wailing in anguish, while Sharpclaw stands by, frozen in shock. Sharpclaw gradually becomes colder after Duskpaw's death, and Hawkpaw - later Hawkwing - knows that he blames him just as much as he blames himself. He notes that his father is thinking of his deceased son every time he looks at him.
The next morning, while walking alongside Leafstar and Sharpclaw, Echosong mentions having a vision recently, to which the deputy irritable asks what it could mean. The medicine cat suggests finding the other four Clans, and Hawkwing can tell by his father's tone how much he hates the idea. When Nettlesplash interrupts, Sharpclaw snaps at him to let Echosong finish.
Later, when a band of rogues lead by a black-and-white tom named Darktail show up at the gorge, Hawkwing tells Leafstar and Sharpclaw about them, after which they agree to go meet Darktail. He later says farewell to a patrol leaving to find the other Clans, remarking that he's curios as to how ThunderClan is doing and can't belive that Firestar is dead.
When Hawkwing accuses Darktail of deliberately leading a patrol into a badger's den, Sharpclaw reprimands him, but his son believes that he secretly agrees. Sharpclaw later accuses Darktail as well, pointing out that he should know the difference between a fresh badger scent and a stale one. The deputy later states that SkyClan should focus on defending themselves instead of finding the other Clans. When Darktail reveals his true intentions and orders his rogues to attack SkyClan, Sharpclaw fights him head on. Darktail comes out victorious though, killing Sharpclaw as Hawkwing watches in horror. Hawkwing is then selected to succeed his father as deputy, but feel guilty that he was once again unable to save a member of his family, wishing he had fought Darktail instead.
- His name is the same as the rank of ancient cats equivalent to the modern day warrior.
- His eyes are mistakenly depicted as blue in The Ultimate Guide and Cats of the Clans He's also depicted with a white underbelly in the latter.
- He's mistakenly called "Sky" on page 309 of Firestar's Quest.
External Links[]
- Sharpclaw on the Warriors Wiki
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