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What, what, WHAAAAT?!?!
~ Sheila Broflovski
I was just trying to make the world a better place for children!
~ Sheila to Satan when being delusional after temporarily killed Terrance and Phillip who were actually innocence.

Sheila Broflovski is Kyle Broflovski's Jewish mother and a major character in South Park.

She is a delusional moral-obsessed control freak who is always trying to ruin the her son, Kyle and his friends' fun thinking she is doing this to make the world a better place for children which shown she is stupid. She is describe by Cartman as a bitch for ruining the Kids' fun.


In earlier seasons, Sheila often spearheaded public opposition to things she deemed harmful and delusional to children or to the Jewish community. She led a group to New York City to protest Terrance and Phillip, a Canadian comedy duo whose television show's toilet humor is what she believed to be a negative influence on Kyle. Her outrage escalated in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut when she further protested Terrance and Phillip by forming "Mothers Against Canada", which eventually instigated a war between Canada and the United States making her one of the main villains of the film. At the climax of the film, she takes her crusade against the duo to the extreme by fatally shooting Terrance and Phillip; despite her son's protests, which fulfills an apocalyptic prophecy allowing Satan, his minions, and his lover Saddam Hussein to invade the Earth. This aspect has been toned down in recent years, and is more or less completely absent from newer episodes.


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           South Park sign Heroes

The Main Boys
Stan Marsh | Kyle Broflovski | Eric Cartman | Kenny McCormick

Kids of South Park
Butters Stotch | The New Kid | Wendy Testaburger | Jimmy Valmer | Craig Tucker | Tweek Tweak | Pip Pirrip | Clyde Donovan | Timmy Burch | Tolkien Black | Bebe Stevens | Heidi Turner | Red McArthur | Lola | Jenny Simons | Shelly Marsh | Kevin McCormick | Ike Broflovski | The Goth Kids | Scott Malkinson | Annie Knitts | Bradley Biggle | Nichole Daniels | Kelly | Karen McCormick

Adults of South Park
Randy Marsh | Sharon Marsh | Jerome "Chef" McElroy | Herbert "Janet" Garrison | Gerald Broflovski | Sheila Broflovski | Liane Cartman | Stuart McCormick | Carol McCormick | Steve Black | Mr. Mackey | Sergeant Harrison Yates | Mayor McDaniels | Tuong Lu Kim | Jimbo Kern | Ned Gerblansky | Mr. Slave | Big Gay Al | PC Principal | Strong Woman | Father Maxi | Officer Barbrady | Dr. Mephesto

Other Characters
Terrance and Phillip | Satan | Jesus Christ | Santa Claus | Super Best Friends | Mr. Hankey | Toolshed | Human Kite | Super Craig | God | Doctor Timothy | Freddy Krueger | Ugly Bob | Brian Boitano | Gene Hackman | Cesar Millan | Marvin Marsh | Robert Smith
