Shennong, also known as The Flame Emperor and Third Prince, is a character in the Warriors Orochi series, a crossover of Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors. He is one of the Three Divine Sovereigns who is reputed to have ruled ancient China.
He is voiced by Kohei Fukuhara.
Warriors Orochi 3[]
Living in the mystical world, Shennong is very likes to collecting and growing the plants. He is often exposed to flower making his body with transparent, staying within the mystical realm and realizing that the humans's clashing within the dimensional world. Upon compared to the other deities, Shennong alight from his home to offers supports and starting attacked the enmity on Yangping Gate alongside with Hidetada Tokugawa and Liu Xun. Even then Ma Chao worked with Sima Zhao and Hanbei to destroyed the Hydra.
He later joins them in their missions after listened to their solutions. Tamamo, a sorceress who is frequently creating mischief in the mystical realm behind the back of the fellowed deities, makes the monsters to attacking the other mystics. She then gain the Divine Mirror and trapped the humans among a duplicate of the dimensional worlds. Thwarted the demoness with the help of Kaguya and the heroes, Shennong arrived in Shizugatake to save the presents from being defeated by a group of the fakes, together with Gan Ning.
He was understand that Tamamo maybe someday to flees despite worked with his sovereigns, combining their powers to imprisoning her. Unsuccessful with that afraid of them, Tamamo fleeing the Killing Stone once again and is untraceable. Unable to finding her, Shennong and the deities are returning to the past and seals Tamamo among the mirror instead. Since finishing to fixing the Divine Mirror, he managing to help destroyed the remaining tails of Kyubi, which lead chaos within the ranks of alliance.
Warriors Orochi 4[]
Shennong and Taigong Wang are arriving in the new world to against Ares and Loki with the warriors. But later, he following Sanzang and Nuwa returned to the mystical world through their mission, discovered that Athena into fights the demons from Da Ji. Upon Da Ji resurrected Orochi X, which would to be revealed as Sun Wukong tried to ambushed the warriors with the helps of the demon army. Shennong intending to escaped from the realm with all the deities, while they done to remained with the safety.