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Why does someone I don't know have my sandwich? Why is someone I don't know sneaking around my middle school?
~ Shigechi to Kira

Shigekiyo Yangu, commonly referred to as Shigechi, is a supporting character in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable.

He is a Stand User who wields the Stand Harvest. Shigechi is rather naïve and unintelligent, never thinking of creative ways to use his stand other than collecting change (although one could argue that he wasn't given the chance due to his early death). He is also greedy and possessive, especially when it comes to money.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure[]

At some point his personality traits cause conflict with Josuke and Okuyasu, where he refuses to give them their earned third of the money they made. At some point he is subdued and gives them their share along with befriending them.

Days later, Shigechi joined Josuke and Okuyasu in eating in a prohibited storage room at school. Unbeknowst to them, Yoshikage Kira was hiding under Shigechi's seat, and swiped away his sandwich bag which Shigechi confused as his own, inside containing the hand of one of Kira's victims. Shigechi accused Josuke and Okuyasu of stealing his sandwich, but Josuke insisted they were innocent and demanded Shigechi use his stand to search the room for the bag. However, before Harvest was able to locate the missing sandwich, a teacher discovered the teenagers hiding in the room, forcing the friends to flee.

Later on in the day, Shigechi encountered Kira and (correctly) assumed the bag Kira was holding was the one he had lost, and demanded Kira return his sandwich. When Kira refused, Shigechi wrestled with him, causing the bag to rupture and the hand to fall out. Realizing his true nature had been revealed, Kira killed Shigechi by blowing him up with his own stand, but not before Harvest managed to deliver one of Kira's suit buttons to Josuke and Okuyasu, giving them a hint into Shigechi's fate and kickstarting the investigation into Yoshikage Kira.

A month or two later, Josuke and his friends would avenge Shigechi and all of Kira's victims by indirectly causing Kira's gruesome death. Unfortunately, due to Shigechi's body being disintegrated and the supernatural nature of stands, there simply was not enough evidence to prove Shigechi had been killed by Kira. His family would never get the closure they deserved.



Harvest Stats


I found it!
~ Harvest's words upon finding an item requested by its user

Shigekiyo‘s stand, Harvest is a colony type stand consisting of 500 entities. Despite being physically weak as individuals, the stand can easily overwhelm the opponent when it gangs up on them. Each one of the 500 units can be destroyed easily but it would have little effect on the user itself since damage to the stand is divided by 500 to the user.

  • Harvesting: Although the stand itself does not possess any special ability of its own, its form as a huge swarm of small units that can be controlled as a group and its long range renders it a very versatile stand. Shigechi usually utilizes Harvest's form as a colony to scour through Morioh in order to collect a specific kind of item he desires, usually being lost coins.
  • Needle: Harvest also has a nifty little needle they can use to inject their opponent with any liquid the user desires. Shigechi cleverly used this ability to inject Josuke and Okuyasu with alcohol, causing their bodies to slowly malfunction due to an overdose in alcohol content.



  • Shigechi's surname is inspired by the Canadian singer, Neil Young, with his stand being named after the artist's album and song of the same name.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Shigechi was not always meant to be bald as in the original manga, Araki intended for him to have small patches of spiked hair. Despite this, the colored manga interpreted him as being bald and having spikes protruding from his head, leading to them coloring his head the same as his skin. This change would follow in every subsequent adaptation of the series.
  • Despite his limited screentime, Araki considers Shigechi one of his favorite characters in the series, ranking #9 in his personal list of Top 10 favorite characters. In an interview, Araki mentions that his death was the most upsetting one in the series for him as he really liked Shigechi and felt bad about killing him off afterwards.

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