Shihai Kuroiro, professionally known as the Scheming Hero: Vantablack or simply Vantablack, is a minor character in the 2014 Japanese superhero manga series My Hero Academia and its 2016 anime television series adaptation of the same name.
Shihai was a Japanese student who, like many others his age, aspired to become a professional hero one day. His quirk, called Black, allowed him to merge his body into anything dark such as shadows. At the age of fifteen, Kuroiro earned admittance into the hero course of U.A. High School, a program dedicated to cultivating new heroes. He was sorted into Class 1-B, a class of twenty students with like-minded ambitions and lofty potential.
He was voiced by Kōhei Amasaki in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Howard Wang in the English version.
Shihai is a tall young man with white hair and long, thin eyes that are white in color. His skin and complexion are pitch black, most likely due to his Quirk.
His hero costume consists of a simple black jumpsuit, matching his complexion. He also wears light boots and a large wrist-band on his left arm with three rectangle symbols.
Shihai is a sly, deceitful schemer, who prefers to catch people off guard. He appears to enjoy dark concepts and has a penchant for dramatic speech, similar to Fumikage Tokoyami.
Shihai appears to have a crush on Kinoko Komori, as he nervously averts his eyes and stammers while speaking to her and celebrates internally when she praises him in the Joint Training Battle. He's also seen standing jealously behind her while she talks to Fumikage. Shihai struggles to talk to girls in general and tends to think they have a crush on him if they talk to him.
- Black: Shihai's Quirk lets him merge into objects which are dark in color, whether naturally dark or though external circumstances such as shadows. With further training, he can move the objects he's merged with. He was even capable of controlling Fumikage's Dark Shadow and turning it against him.
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