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“ | I can kill anything that exists - even if it's a god. | „ |
~ Shiki Ryougi |
Shiki Ryougi is the main protagonist of the Kara no Kyoukai franchise. She is a girl who possesses the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, a supernatural ability that allows the user to see the inherent mortality of everything (both living and non-living) in the form of lines. In her case, however, what she sees is the Origin of what she is observing. She assists the Garan no Do Agency (run by her boyfriend Mikiya Kokutou and the magus Touko Aozaki) in handling paranormal cases when combat is required.
She is voiced by Maaya Sakamoto, who also voices Aigis and Aerith Gainsborough.
Shiki's family, the Ryougi, are or were members of the Demon Hunter Organization. Their special skill involves creating two separate and distinct personalities within themselves. When a child is born, he or she is given a single name written in two different Kanji, each one relating to each personality. Shiki has an older brother, however he was unable to manifest a second personality within himself, thus making him ineligible to succeed as the head of the family. Like her brother, Shiki's mother and father are unnamed, but are seen in the movies. (Shiki's father in the second movie during a sword fight; her mother in the fourth movie after she comes out of her coma; her brother is seen in the seventh movie in a flashback.)
Children in the Ryougi family usually come into the world as males, their personalities influenced by the artificial and intentional development of dual personalities. However, Kaname failed to awaken his second persona. Instead, Shiki came into the world with such a unique attribute and thus took over as the family head in place of Kaname. Shiki had two personalities: the male persona of SHIKI, also known as "yang," and the female persona of Shiki, referred to as "yin.".
Although this disorder is manifested by a dual personality, it is not a result of Dissociative Identity Disorder; instead, the disorder centers on whose actions finally predominate. It's always easy to know which Shiki is talking at any given time, since each has a distinctive way of speaking. Of note, female Shiki speaks with deference and reserve, referring to herself with the gender-neutral pronoun watashi. Meanwhile, the male persona is much bolder and refers to himself with the masculine pronoun ore. The two personalities were unable to communicate verbally, yet each possessed an instinctive understanding of the other's emotions. When one emerged into the forefront, it was as though the other gently slipped into slumber; and in that moment of transition, they became acutely aware of each other’s desires.
Pre-accident, Shiki could be described as carrying a sense of femininity; however, the accident and coma erased that, as Shiki could no longer feel SHIKI inside her. Convinced that she had died, she felt a profound disconnection from the memories of the old her. She acknowledged that she was Shiki, yet there was an unnerving separation-she was not really Shiki. She wants to regain her "lost" self and the "dead" SHIKI, and she decides to put on an icy mask, similar to that worn by the male Shiki's, using a coarse masculine speech pattern along with the word "ore." In this way, she tries to be the female Shiki. Touko notices the feeling of detachment which Shiki feels and thinks that this current Shiki is a third, completely different personality.
She is an enigmatic, grim, cold, mean, heartless, cynical, moody, merciless, and highly brooding girl who seemingly cares for nothing but usually reacts in such surprisingly feminine ways. Mikiya thinks that if she were to be compared with an animal, it would be something like a rabbit. Because she had been aware of her abnormality since her childhood, being such a killer that could not kill, she despised herself and other people. Her cold personality developed from there, and in secrecy, she wished to experience the happiness of a normal person. Her fate has changed drastically since finding the materialization of that dream. Owing to her impulse to kill, she tries to feel the sense of living through killing but has never succeeded due to various accidents and benevolent obstructions. With a sense of uncertainty in living, she listlessly goes to Touko's office on a daily basis. Shiki also refuses the Mystic Eye Killers that Touko gave her to let her live as normally as possible, free from the disturbing sight of death, every time she would put them on. This may be tantamount to an act that expresses self-destruction in character or maybe it is rather a moment similar to that which reveals the depth of one's heart, like limpid water. Although Touko invested a great deal in their making, Shiki sent them away, countering, "Why should I do it to please you?" Her reasoning for refusalparalleled her rejection to wear Reien Girls' Academy uniform, as according to her, it made her look utterly silly.
She can be said to behave "like a stone head, like a stone head" on occasions, proof that she lives by emotions alone. To her, people fall into two clear-cut categories, without such comforting divisions as good and evil. She makes her choices based on who is "worthy of her company" and who is "unworthy of her company," frequently settling for someone with whom she can coexist, although abhorrence may still be in her heart. Touko exemplifies "dislike," Azaka typifies "like," and Mikiya, as she puts it, represents "I do not know." Strawberry ice cream is one of the few joys she loves, yet it is also one of the things she despises. Because of her intense aversion to cold foods, she nevertheless repeatedly acquires it from the convenience store nearby. Such was her persistence in acquiring this frozen dessert that it had even led Mikiya to say thoughtless things, such as ". are you. trying to conquer your weakness.?" Although she is not exactly a dog lover, she likes their personalities, especially because of Mikiya's sweet nickname "Puppy-kun." Allowing herself the sum of 50,000 yen per month, money is not a problem to her. Whenever she wants some extra money, she delicately sends an air of longing, like, "I wanna go shopping," and Akitaka Suzurigi arranges it for her just in time.
SHIKI embodies the aspect of "Denial/Negativity," serving as the personality that governs it. A lost killer, he is the source of Shiki Ryougi's destructive urges. Despite being consumed by a singular emotion—the desire to kill—he harbors a deep loathing for these very impulses and has willingly accepted the role of Shiki's subordinate personality. His mannerisms and speech reflect the youthful exuberance of his years. Mikiya's appearance changes the dynamic of their relationship, in which he must then substitute for her at the time of the accident and disappear.
「Shiki Ryougi」[]
Shiki has a real third personality. Called "Shiki Ryougi," this part represents the will of the body, appearing as a separate personality that is deeply connected to the Root. Because she shares some relation with the Root, she is considered both part of it and one with it. If it were to be read, 「 」 would be pronounced as Void. Since she had always lived in the gap between Shiki and SHIKI, she chose to hide her existence from both of them once she had created them. This personality exists in the body, whereas the other personas only exist in the mind. Shiki Ryougi was destined to be deleted by the Counter Force even before birth because she possessed the Origin of 「 」, which would have been linked to the Root itself. However, the Ryougi used certain methods to prevent that from happening. When Shiki Ryougi was born, the Ryougi found the child to be completely empty without a personality of her own. To fix this, they forced the awakening of Shiki's Origin. With the Origin Awakening, Shiki Ryougi awakened her personality and was then able to see everything that was written into the Root. She thought everything was boring and meaningless; thus, the completely split personalities of Shiki and SHIKI were made, just as the Ryougi family had wanted for her, and she hid behind the two. Because Shiki Ryougi knows everything, nothing interests her, and she usually sleeps within Shiki.
Shiki is a young woman who is descended from the Ryougi clan of demon hunters. Members of the Ryougi clan are born with multiple personalites; in Shiki's case, she has a calm and stoic female persona named 'Shiki' (式), and a warm and outgoing male persona named 'SHIKI' (織), who knows nothing but an urge to kill. At a young age, Shiki was chosen to succeed as the head of the Ryougi family because her older brother could not manifest another personality.
However, while she is in high school, Shiki is hit by car, killing the SHIKI persona and putting her into a coma for two years. After awakening, she is afflicted by a sense of loneliness due to SHIKI's absence, though she retains his murderous feelings. The near-death experience also gives Shiki the incredible power of the Mystic Eyes of Death perception, which she fears at first, but is later taught by a magus named Touko Aozaki to control. Shiki's classmate and love interest, Mikiya Kokutou, who waited for Shiki the whole time she was comatose, urges her not to give in to her instincts and kill a human being.
After leaving the hospital, Shiki goes with Mikiya to work for Touko Aozaki at the Garan no Dou detective agency, which deals in abnormal and supernatural cases. She uses her abilities to defeat demons, evil spirits, and other hostile entities.
Mystic Eyes of Death Perception[]
Shiki awakens from her two-year coma with the Mystic Eyes of Death perception, an ability that allows the user to perceive the death of something, living or nonliving, in the form of lines and dots on the target that, when cut or stabbed, will cause the object to be sliced and killed with ease or, in the case of the dots, erase a being/object's entire existence completely.
Shiki shares her given name and Mystic Eyes power with Tsukihime protagonist Shiki Tohno. However, Ryougi's eyes are more powerful than Tohno's because she can activate or deactivate them at will, and using them does not cause her any distress or pain. In addition, whereas Tohno can only kill physical targets, Ryougi can "kill" concepts or things without a physical form, such as when she is able to kill a demon possessing her by seemingly stabbing herself in the chest, but leaving no harm to her physical body, or when she "kills" a disease inside of a young girl.
Other appearances[]
The version of Shiki in Fate/Extra is similar in nature to her Melty Blood counterpart. She appears after Taiga makes a wish upon the Tiger Thermos found for her by the Protagonist. She is classified neither as a Servant or a Master, and her existence causes the air to continuously warp like a human moan. She gives off a murderous aura far above that of a human, and while she isn't a Heroic Spirit, she is called a demon, Aramitama, a being who dies, kills, and curses, and Death itself by the Servants.
She doesn't like existing within the Moon Cell, and wishes to leave as soon as possible. She has been set to kill one hundred Servants for an unknown reason in order to return to her world, but she assures that it is nothing personal. She notes that she has already killed 99, and that the Protagonist's Servant will be her one hundredth. She doesn't care about Masters, so she is willing to let the Protagonist be if their Servant dies willingly. She is called "Monster" when fought, and her special ability is called Boundary of the Void.
After being defeated, she contemplates that her journey is not yet over, thanks the Protagonist for setting her free, and notes that she would like to have a similar fight again. It seems that she is warped elsewhere, and the Servants believe she has been flung through time, either to the past or the future. Archer speculates that she is some form of spirit connected to the Moon Cell's Holy Grail War.
Carnival Phantasm[]
She makes brief cameos during the series and a small appearance in Episode 12 as she is seen cooking at the Ahnenerbe party.
With her Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, she can see the points and lines of a target's death. A cut along any line will bifurcate the object, no matter the sharpness of cutting tool used, and ultimately destroy the object's origin, causing instant death. Her abilities extend to cutting things with no physical existence, such as Fujino Asagami's manifestations of her telekinetic powers. Unlike the other Shiki, Ryougi shows no definite proof after her release from the hospital that the use of her eyes causes mental strain on her brain, leading to the hypothesis that one's mentality greatly affects whether or not the brain can handle the power of the eyes. It doesn't matter if the target has a spiritual body like a Servant or they are dead like the ghosts surrounding Kirie Fujou, as it only matters if they are "living" in the sense that they can interfere with the current world. She has a hard time with Souren Araya's Śarīra because it belonged to an enlightened one who achieved "becoming extinguished, alive." Killing it using the lines of death would require her to decipher advanced "lines of death" levels higher than the normal concept of death.
Shiki has also shown that she is a fair combatant without a weapon. As seen in Kara no Kyōkai Movie 5: Paradox Spiral, when she approaches the bullies that were attacking Enjou Tomoe. When one of the guys attacks her, she quickly grabs his wrist and slams him face first into and nearby pipe. She quickly grabs the other assailant's stomach and using some kind of nerve strike causing the him to vomit and pass out. Giving the first bully enough time to recover, Shiki kicks him on the left side of the face with enough force to draw blood knocking him out.
Shiki has a Magical Prosthetic Arm that allows her to grab things from a distance, and also affect intangible objects. As seen in Kara no Kyoukai 1: Overlooking the Scenery, when she went up against Kirie Fujou who at the time was a ghost had several ghostly figures under her control. Shiki used her Magical Prosthetic Arm to grab her in her ghostly form. It has been stated by Touko that her second arm prior to going up against Kirie will be twice as strong as the original, and that it would take an elephant to destroy it. It also showed great durability when Shiki was running at high speed and jumped off of a building and landed on the other building grabbing the roof as she landed. Shiki had to cut off her first Prosthetic Arm because a ghost was grabbing it and was going to throw her off the Fujō building. Shiki's puppet arm has a hidden compartment to store a secondary knife.
Shiki also possesses heightened physical abilities, allowing her mobility in combat. She apparently has enough self-discipline to endure a great deal of pain, since she did not stop a charging attack against Fujino when her arm was twisted in midair. This arm was later replaced by a prosthetic crafted by Touko. With her bare hands, she was able to cut through Souren Araya's Boundary Fields.
External Link[]
- Shiki Ryougi on the TYPE-MOON Wiki
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