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Nahare, better known as Shin, the East Supreme Kai, the Universe 7 Supreme Kai, or simply the Supreme Kai, is a supporting character in the Japanese martial arts fantasy franchise Dragon Ball.

Shin was the East Supreme Kai of Universe 7 initially responsible for overseeing the development of life in the Eastern Quadrant of the universe. After the other Supreme Kais in Universe 7 were killed and/or absorbed by Majin Buu, Shin became the primary overseer of life in his universe despite his inexperience.

In Japanese, Shin is voiced by Yūji Mitsuya in most appearances and by Shinichiro Ohta in Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super. In English, Shin is voiced by Kent Williams in all appearances.

In Dragon Ball DAIMA as a mini, he was voiced by Nia Celeste.


Shin appears as a supporting character in the 1984-1995 manga series Dragon Ball and its 1989-1996 anime television series adaptation Dragon Ball Z, the tritagonist of the 2024 sequel anime television series Dragon Ball DAIMA, and a supporting character in the 2015 sequel manga series Dragon Ball Super and its 2015-2018 anime television series adaptation of the same name.




Shin is the god who bares the appearance of a short, purple alien with a white mohawk. He is assisted by his servant Kibito. He is the last surviving Supreme Kai since Majin Buu came to his world and killed/absorbed the others.

However, he managed to avenge them by killing the monster's creator, the wizard Bibidi and leaving Buu's cocoon on Earth. Millions of years later, he returned to Earth when Bibidi's son, Babidi, sought to revive Majin Buu and enlisted Goku's, Gohan's, Vegeta's, Krillin's and Piccolo's help to stop him.

While they failed to prevent the release of Majin Buu, he was generally surprised by the incredible powers of Super Saiyans and assisted Gohan. One fusion later, he resumes his role as the second Supreme Kai.

Majin Buu Saga[]

East Kaioshin lives on a small planet far away from Earth. He came to Earth to warn the Z-fighters that a wizard called Babidi was going to unleash a monster called Majin Buu. He has a bodyguard called Kibito. He took the injured Son Gohan back to his planet to help him get stronger so he could defeat Buu. He shows Gohan the Z-Sword and Gohan proceeds to pull it out of the rock it was in.

Powers & Abilities[]


  • Ki Manipulation
    • Flight
    • Telekinesis: Shin was able to wrap a field of his own ki around an object or living being and use it to move said object and/or entity with nothing more than conscious thought. His telekinetic strength was fairly impressive, as the Supreme Kai was able to use the ability to briefly restrain Super Saiyan 2 Son Gohan whose strength eclipsed his own.



  • Due to his training being incomplete, he was unaware about certain facts of the Kai, such as believing Potara earrings would cause a permanent Fusion, even though that was only if a Kai was one of the fusees; and its permanence could actually be undone by Dragon Balls.


           Dragon Ball transparent logo Heroes

Dr. Slump
Arale Norimaki | Senbei Norimaki | Obotchaman | Sankaku Sagata | Akane Kimidori | Aoi Kimidori | Abale | Kurikinton Soramame | Midori Norimaki | Ultraman | Gatchan | Peasuke Soramame | Koita Ojo | Hiyoko | Chivil | Polly Buckets | Old Woman Spring | Turbo Norimaki | Suppaman | Taro Soramame | Tori-bot | Nitro Norimaki | Tsukutsun Tsun | Tsururin Tsun | Tsuruten Tsun

Dragon Ball
Z-Fighters | Goku | Grandpa Gohan | Bulma | Master Roshi | Oolong | Yamcha | Yajirobe | Dr. Brief | Chaozu | Puar | Sea Turtle | Launch | Ox-King | Chi-Chi | Krillin | Fortuneteller Baba | Tenshinhan | Nam | Upa | Bora | Shenron | Mr. Popo | Karin | Kami's Predecessor | Kami | Piccolo Jr. | Master Mutaito | Dr. Flappe | Android 8 | Suno | King Furry | Annin

Dragon Ball Z
Gohan | King Kai | Guardian of Planet Vegeta | Vegeta | Dende | Porunga | Future Trunks | Future Gohan | Android 16 | Android 17 | Android 18 | Kid Trunks | Goten | Hercule | Videl | Pikkon | Nail | Good Buu | Guru | Moori | Katas | Pan | Uub | Tarble | Kibito | North Kai | East Kaioshin | South Kai | West Kai | Old Kai | Bee

Gogeta | Gotenks | Vegito | Kibito Kai | Kefla

Dragon Ball GT
Giru | Para Para Brothers | Sugoro & Shusugoro | Nuova Shenron | Goku Jr. | Puck

Pansy | Bardock | Beerus | Whis | Jaco | Gine | Broly | Cheelai | Lemo | Dr. Hedo | Gamma 1 | Gamma 2

Live-Action Movie
Goku | Bulma | Master Roshi | Chi-Chi | Yamcha | Grandpa Gohan | Shenron

Video Game Exclusive Only
Android 21 | Beat | Note

Dragon Ball Super
Cabba | Hit | Vados | Gowasu | Zeno | Great Priest | Future Mai | Earth's Resistance | Toppo | Jiren | Caulifla | Kale | Brianne de Chateau | Dyspo | Heles | Belmod | Champa | Sous Roas | Merus | Kusu | Sour | Marcarita | Monaito | Esca | Super Shenron

Dragon Ball Daima
Panzy | Glorio | Kadan | Neva
