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Hero Overview

Shin Asakura is the deuteragonist of the action-comedy manga series Sakamoto Days.

He's an assassin and the former apprendice of the legendary hitman Taro Sakamoto who possesses psychic abilities. He comes back years later to his now retired master in order to convince him to get back in action. He ultimately ends up retiring as an assassin as well and starts working in Sakamoto's family business as a store clerk.

He is voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki in Japanese (who also voice Baki Hanma from Baki The Gappler, Shinichi Izumi from Parasite, Yuno Grinberryall from Black Clover and Shanks as kid from One Piece) and Dallas James Liu in English (who also plays Zuko from the Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender).


Shin is a slim, young man of medium height. He has blonde, medium length hair that splits in the middle, and black eyes. He usually wears a green store apron over his clothes.


Shin is usually level-headed and tends to be left Exasperated when someone does something strange or stupid. However, he is extremely loyal and kind, and he admires Sakamoto like a hero, even though he does (unintentionally) get on his nerves.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Mind Reading: Shin has the power to read minds, though it has a limited range.
  • Peak Human Condition: Due to his training as a hitman, Shin's body has been trained to perfect condition.

External Links[]


           Sakamoto Days Logo Heroes

Sakamoto Store
Taro Sakamoto | Shin Asakura | Lu Shaotang

Akira Akao

Japanese Association of Assassins
Taro Sakamoto | Takamura | Hyo | Yoichi Nagumo | Shishiba | Osaragi | Kindaka

Heisuke Mashimo
