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Shinsha is a protagonist of the video game Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: ISEKAI Memories, she is the self proclaimed daughter of Rimuru Tempest. Eventually Rimuru Tempest accepts her as his daughter and welcomed her into Tempest.




Shinsha was created when Izis used her Unique Skill Megalomania to grant Shuna's wish of wanting a more cuter Rimuru to life. When one time Izis pulled Rimuru and Shion into the Mirror World the then nameless Shinsha devoured Dodomeki (Izis' clone of Shion). There Izis manipulated her to devour Guitar Wolf (Izis' clone of Ranga), Vajra (Izis' clone of Gobta). the Orc Desert (Izis' clone of the Orc Diaster Geld) and Orcinus Alter (Izis' clone of Charybdis in hopes of getting her stronger. Shinsha attempt to win Rimuru’s approval though doesn’t work out for her. She explores Ingrassia's capital and even befriends Class S. When Falmuth attacked Tempest she attempts to make a group of knights stop though lies to her in the end.

When Izis attempt to have Kokuyou assassinate Rimuru Tempest during his Harvest Festival Shinsha intervened but was not strong enough to stop him until Noir intervened and defeated him, however he then turned his attention to Shinsha but thanks to Izis' interference she sends her to safety.

Izis would use her dreams to create an copy of Tempest called Mad City and a copy of Rimuru called Emils. With many clones of her in the dream she helps everyone stop the Central World from being destroyed.

Shinsha eventually woke up eventually and was tricked by Izis into helping her create golems with intention of killing people so Izis can awaken her though it ended up having Izis awakening instead and Izis tricks her to watch after her sleeping promising to watch her.


  • While Shinsha do some villainous acts it was the result of her being young and childish or being manipulated by Izis. When she was tricked into making golems for Izis' to awaken she felt remorse for the peoples' death so she has no evil in her body.

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           TSSDK Logo (Render)png Heroes

Jura-Tempest Federation
Founder and Ruler: Rimuru Tempest

Twelve Guardian Lords
Benimaru | Shion | Geld II | Gabiru | Ranga | Diablo | Kumara | Zegion | Ultima | Adalman | Carrera

Gobta's First Corps
Leaders: Gobta | Rigur
Members: Gobte | Gobto | Gobzo | Star Wolves

Gabiru's Third Corps
Leaders: Gabiru | Gazat
Members: Kakushin | Sukerou | Yashichi

Benimaru's Fourth Corps
Leaders: Benimaru | Momiji | Gobwa

Leaders: Souka
Members: Touka | Saika | Nansou | Hokusou | Glenda Attley | Girard | Ayn

Shion's Personal Army
Leaders: Shion | Dagura | Liura | Debura | Gobzo

Black Numbers
Leaders: Diablo | Testarossa | Ultima | Carrera
Members: Moss | Veyron | Agera | Esprit | Zonda | Cien | Venom

Immortal Legion
Leaders: Adalman | Albert | Venti

Rigurd | Hakurou | Rugurd | Gard Mjöllmile | Regurd | Souei | Vesta | Testarossa | Ultima

Dungeon Dominators
Rimuru Tempest | Milim Nava | Ramiris | Gaia

Ciel | Masayuki | Treyni | Dryads | Charys | Beretta | Veldora Tempest

Chosen Heroes
Chloe Aubert | Hinata Sakaguchi | Granbell Rosso | Masayuki Rudra Nam Ul Nasca

Demon Lords
Milim Nava | Guy Crimson | Dino | Luminous Valentine | Ramiris

Western Holy Church
Members: Hinata Sakaguchi

Freedom Academy
Shizue Izawa | Chloe Aubert | Rimuru Tempest | Aslan Coleus | Bernie | Cyrus Malukshure | Elyun Grimwald | Fuze | Jinrai | Jiwu | Masayuki Rudra Nam Ul Nasca | Mjur Farmenas | Phos | Stella | Veldora Tempest | Youm

Kaval's Party
Kaval | Elyun Grimwald | Gido | Shizue Izawa

Team Lightspeed
Masayuki Honjou | Bernie | Jinrai | Jiwu

Lizardman Tribe
Gabiru | Souka | Abiru

ISEKAI Memeoires
Shinsha | Izis
