Silas Greaves is the protagonist of videogame Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. He is a famous bounty hunter who rose to fame in the 1880s, and was said to have crossed paths with legends such as Billy the Kid.
He was voiced by the late John Cygan, who also voiced Dash Rendar in Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance and Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, Canderous Ordo in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and Iron Man in Punisher.
In 1910, the famous former bounty hunter Silas Greaves appears in a bar in the town of Abilene and begins to tell the audience the story of his life. Ben, the owner of the bar, and several other people listen to him, who perceive his story differently; for example, Jack constantly doubts the verisimilitude of what Silas tells, and Dwight, familiar with the history of the Wild West from tabloid novels, fervently defends him. The narrative is not conducted in chronological order, Silas jumps from one event to another, exposes generally accepted versions of famous historical events; It soon becomes clear that in some places his memory fails him, and sometimes he clearly exaggerates his own role in what was happening. He tells about his meetings with the famous bandits of the frontier and how an Indian chief once warned him about the danger of absorbing his soul into darkness. It turns out that he became a bounty hunter for a reason — he was motivated by a desire to avenge his brothers, who were killed by three bandits in Juarez in 1868. Silas knew the names of all three criminals and began to track them down. He managed to find and kill two people — Johnny Ringo and Jim Reed. However, the third, Roscoe "Bob" Bryant, constantly eluded him. After telling about the numerous attempts to find the elusive "Bob", Silas remembers the warning of the Indian chief and notices that because of Bryant, his whole life has been spent in pursuit of revenge, he has no friends and family, and countless murders make him even worse than Bryant himself. Finally, the impatient listeners directly accuse Silas of lying, and then it turns out that Silas was telling tall tales for a reason. Commenting on his adventures, Ben inadvertently blurted out too much and revealed his true identity. The owner of the bar turned out to be none other than Roscoe Bryant, who had retired from dirty business. Silas can only make a decision — to take revenge on his old enemy or forgive him.
The death of the brothers changed Silas's life a lot. Since then, he has been determined to avenge his brothers, achieving the goal cost him 45 years. Suffice it to say that Silas is a very dedicated person. Although he is a cold-blooded bounty hunter, Silas actually evaluates his enemies differentially. In general, he believes that people should be held accountable for what they have done, and sometimes for some tough criminals, death is just a price to pay. However, with regard to people he considered "despicable", such as Henry Plummer and Roscoe "Bob" Bryant, he shows absolutely no remorse in killing them. Silas is undoubtedly an excellent storyteller, able to immerse listeners in his vivid presentations. However, he has a habit of exaggerating stories beyond measure, and sometimes he generously distorts details.
- Silas has a profound knowledge over the Native American culture. He claims he once was married to two Indian girls, who are sisters.
- Atypical for a cowboy-style gunslinger, Silas dislikes horses.
- Silas' appearance is very similar to the "Man With No Name" character (played by Clint Eastwood) from the Dollar Trilogy. Only Eastwood's character has a brown poncho that is much larger.
- Silas' overall appearance also resembles John Marston from Red Dead Redemption, especially when Marston wears the Poncho Outfit.