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Heroes Wiki

Silkie is a supporting character in Teen Titans Go!. He is a mutated larva created by Killer Moth for his plots of World domination until he defected and lives with the Teen Titans as his current pet.

He is voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in most episodes, Tara Strong in "Missing" and Greg Cipes and Dave Stone in "TV Knight 4".


Silkie is a medium-sized mutant larva, it has pink skin with darker stripes. His head is larger than his body, he has bulging light green eyes, pronounced lips and two antennas. His body resembles that of a dung beetle, having an exoskeleton that serves as a shell, six legs and a tail that resembles the mandibles of a beetle.


Silkie is usually a calm and lazy pet but also shows a voracious appetite, although it is not unusual to see him vomit what he eats. Silkie also can show a wrathful side sometimes, what makes him eat other subjects. Although he doesn't usually express it, Silkie loves spending time with Starfire and the other Titans, although this is shown when Killer Moth makes him mutate and gains the ability to speak. Silkie also has a lot of charisma, which is the reason why she managed to make Sonia Conchita Hernández fall in love with him. After Beast Boy accidentally casts a spell on her, Silkie becomes smarter and decides to create a robot to save Earth from a giant meteorite. In "Some of their parts" it is revealed that the five fragments of his personality are the intelligence, laziness, barfy, hunger and passion.


           TeenTitansLogoPrimeEarth Heroes

Teen Titans | Titans East | Titans West | Titans North | Titans South

Aqualad | Beast Boy | Cyborg | Kid Flash | Raven | Robin | Speedy | Starfire | Superboy | Wonder Girl

Anima | Aquagirl | Argent | Arsenal | Bart Allen | Blue Beetle | Bombshell | Bumblebee | Bunker | Shazam | Captain Marvel, Jr. | Cassandra Cain | Cassie Sandsmark | Crush | Damage | Damian Wayne | Djinn | Flamebird | Green Lantern | Impulse | Jackson Hyde | Jakeem Thunder | Jason Todd | Jericho | Jesse Quick | Jon Kent | Klarion the Witch Boy | Kole | Hawk & Dove (Hank Hall) | Lorena Marquez | Mia Dearden | Mirage | Miss Martian | Nightwing | The Offspring | Power Boy | Power Girl | Ray Palmer | Ravager | Roundhouse | Red Arrow | Red Star | Static | Steel | Supergirl | Terra | Tim Drake | Wally West | Zatara

TV Shows
Teen Titans (2003)
Robin | Starfire | Raven | Cyborg | Beast Boy | Terra | Kid Flash | Thunder | Lightning | Kole | Gnarrk | Hot Spot | Speedy | Bumblebee | Más y Menos | Aqualad | Melvin | Timmy Tantrum | Teether | Herald | Arella Roth | Argent | Bushido | Red Star | Killowat | Pantha | Jericho | Wildebeest | Red X | Tramm | Ravager | Jinx | Larry | Val-Yor | Silkie

Teen Titans Go!
Robin | Starfire | Raven | Cyborg | Beast Boy | Bumblebee | Silkie | Aqualad | Speedy | Halloween Spirit | Más y Menos | Kid Flash | Batman | George Washington | Easter Bunny | Sticky Joe | Team Robin | Super Robin | Birdarang & Beat Box | Pain Bot | Sparkleface & Butterbean | Unicorns | Superman | John Stewart | Wonder Woman | Batgirl | Wonder Twins | Polly Ethylene and Tara Phthalate

Nightwing | Starfire | Raven | Beast Boy | Hawk | Dove | Wonder Girl | Red Hood | Superboy | Krypto | Ravager | Aqualad | Barbara Gordon | Blackfire | Tim Drake | Batman

DC Animated Film Universe
Nightwing | Starfire | Beast Boy | Raven | Blue Beetle | Robin | Cyborg | Speedy | Bumblebee | Kid Flash | Terra | Superboy
