“ | You're obsessed with Clan loyalty. If you could see beyond your nose, you'd realize... there's a lot more to life than what we've got in one little Clan. Graystripe is a great and worthy warrior. If the warrior code can't deal with this... then maybe the warrior code needs to change. I know you're worried because you love me. And I love you too. I'll always be your daughter. But you have to let me choose my own future. | „ |
~ Silverstream standing up to Crookedstar about her relationship with Graystripe |
Silverstream is a supporting character in the Warriors book series. She was a RiverClan warrior and the only survivor of the Clan leader Crookedstar's three children, who grew up spoiled by her father because of this. She one day met a ThunderClan warrior named Graystripe, and the two soon became mates in secret. A few months later, Silverstream would give birth to their children - Featherkit and Stormkit - but unfortunately would die in childbirth. She then watched over her mate and kits in StarClan.
Silverstream is a sleek tabby she-cat with sleek, soft silver fur, black stripes, and bright blue eyes.
Crookedstar's Promise[]
Silverkit is born to Crookedstar and Willowbreeze alongside her sisters Minnowkit and Willowkit. However, her mother and littermates catch greencough soon after, and unfortunately die from it. Shaken by their deaths, Crookedstar starts to avoid Silverkit, terrified of losing her too. His brother Oakheart convinces him to start bonding with her, stating that by avoiding her, he's doing the same thing their mother Rainflower did to him.
The Prophecies Begin[]
Fire and Ice[]
While hunting a water vole on the frozen river during leafbare, Graystripe falls through the ice and starts to drown, with Fireheart, Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw all unable to reach him. SIlverstream then sees the ThunderClan warrior and saves him from the river, aggressively asking what he was doing on RiverClan territory. She then tells him to go drown on his own territory and leaves, with Graystripe looking back at her and Cinderpaw commenting that she's pretty.
Silverstream and Graystripe soon start visiting each other in secret on the border between their two Clans, quickly falling in love despite the warrior code forbidding it. Upon catching the two of them in the act, Fireheart is frustrated at his friend's lack of concern for the code, and tries persuading his mate to break up with him, to no avail.
Later, ThunderClan comes to help WindClan when RiverClan and ShadowClan raid them, with Silverstream attacking Fireheart during the battle, not recognizing due to blood getting in her eyes. Graystripe calls out for her to stop, and she realizes who she's attacking, letting Fireheart go while horrified with herself for nearly killing him. By instinct, Fireheart is about to attack her in turn, but stops and lets her flee the battle unwounded when her mate looks at him with horror. However, the ThunderClan warrior Darkstripe had seen the whole thing and reported it to the Clan's deputy Tigerclaw, who begins to suspect something going on between Graystripe and Silverstream.
Forest of Secrets[]
When Fireheart is investigating how RiverClan's former deputy Oakheart really died, doubting Tigerclaw's claims that he killed him to avenge Redtail's death, Silverstream and Mistyfoot bring the latter's adoptive mother Graypool to talk to him. Later, when RiverClan's camp floods due to the melted ice and snow and the must relocate, Fireheart and Graystripe help by catching prey for them, during when Silverstream reveals that she's expecting the gray tom's kits. Graystripe is ecstatic, but Fireheart worries that the kits will expose their secret relationship. The silver tabby believes that no one will give her trouble about it though, since mothers have the option of whether or not they'll publicly reveal the father of their litters. When two of Mistyfoot's kits go missing, Silverstream helps her search for them, but Fireheart and Graystripe find them first and return them.
Later, Fireheart has a dream where he sees a faceless silver she-cat who leaves two crying kittens. When visiting her mate again at the Sunningrocks, Silverstream goes into labor early, and the gray tom yowls to Fireheart to go fetch Yellowfang. He gets Cinderpaw instead though, as Yellowfang is busy, and the apprentice starts helping the RiverClan warrior give birth, delivering a silver she-kit named Featherkit and a gray tom named Stormkit. Tigerclaw then shows up and demands to know what's going on, to which Cinderpaw hands him a newborn kit and tells him to start licking them while Fireheart licks the other. Silverstream starts bleeding out excessively though, and says goodbye to Graystripe before dying of blood loss while her mate begs her not to go. Fireheart then remembers his dream of the faceless she-cat and realizes it was an omen that Silverstream was going to die and leave behind her kits.
Wracked with grief, Graystripe buries Silverstream by the river while their kits are taken to be cared for in ThunderClan camp, assuming that her Clanmates wouldn't want to hold vigil for her if they knew about her secret. Thinking they're dead too, he then asks for Featherkit and Stormkit to be buried alongside her, and cheers up a bit when Fireheart informs him that they're alive. He then explains that he buried his mate by the river because of how much she loved it.
Rising Storm[]
While Silverstream herself does not appear, Cinderpelt feels incredibly guilty for her death, blaming herself for not being able to save the silver tabby. Yellowfang is able to make her feel better by telling her to put her energy into the present and stop dwelling on the past. Meanwhile, RiverClan - Leopardfur especially -is insistent on Silverstream's kits being taken to RiverClan, stating that traditionally, half-Clan kits are raised in their mother's Clan. Graystripe eventually agrees to let them take the two to prevent a war between the two Clans, and goes with them so he can help raise them.
The Darkest Hour[]
After Bluestar's death, Fireheart goes to the Moonstone to receive nine lives from StarClan, where Silverstream appears to grant him his third life. She gives him a life of loyalty to what he knows is right, telling him to use it to guide his Clan in troubling times. Later, Firestar loses his first life in a battle against BloodClan, and wakes up in StarClan, where his nine life-givers as well as the recently-deceased Whitestorm greet him. When he revives, he feels all nine StarClan cats fighting alongside him as he deals a killing blow on Scourge, the leader of BloodClan.
Firestar's Quest[]
After Firestar finds out about the now-dissolved fifth Clan SkyClan, Silverstream tells him in his dreams to do what he thinks is right, reminding him of the life she gave at his ceremony. She then catches a fish for him, which he feels warm while eating, and encourages him to set out to restore SkyClan.
The New Prophecy[]
After Stormfur, Feathertail, Brambleclaw, Squirrelpaw, Tawnypelt and Crowpaw travel to the sun-drown place to hear Midnight the badger's warning of the forest being destroyed, they encounter a group of cats in the mountains known as the Tribe of Rushing Water on their way back to the Clans, with the Tribe trying to kidnap Stormfur with the belief that he's the prophesized cat to save them from a vicious mountain lion named Sharptooth. After the group rescues Stormfur and leaves the mountains, Silverstream appears to her son in his dreams, urging him to go back and help the Tribe. He's conflicted on which prophecy to follow, but she tells him that prophecies can mean many things, and a cat must choose a path.
The group returns to the Tribe, where Feathertail sacrifices herself to kill Sharptooth. During her vigil, Silverstream tells Stormfur not to let his grief consume him, assuring him that she'll take care of his sister in StarClan.
As the four Clans travel to a new home at the lake, they stop by the Tribe, where Leafpaw briefly sees Silverstream and Feathertail in the waterfall's mist, watching Crowfeather's warrior ceremony.
Silverstream is once again briefly seen sitting alongside Feathertail and several other StarClan cats as they welcome Leafpool as ThunderClan's new medicine cat at the Moonpool.
Graystripe's Adventure[]
The Lost Warrior[]
When the forest is destroyed, Graystripe is kidnapped by twolegs and unwillingly becomes a kittypet. Silverstream and Feathertail show up in his dreams one night, encouraging him to not give up and telling him that though his daughter may be dead, Stormfur is still alive. The two appear again later, telling him to go find ThunderClan, and encouraging him to bring a fellow kittypet named Millie with him.
The Power of Three[]
While Millie is giving birth to her and Graystripe's kits, the medicine cat apprentice Jaypaw has a vision of Silverstream watching. He doesn't know who she is, but senses the strong connection she and the gray warrior have. He then asks Graystripe about her, and he tells him about how they were mates before she died giving birth to their kits. Jaypaw is happy that he cares so much for his new mate, and worries that Millie may die in labor as well, though luckily she and her litter all survive.
Long Shadows[]
In one of Jaypaw's visions, he sees Silverstream fretting over Millie's greencough, saying Graystripe shouldn't have to suffer the heartbreak of losing his mate all over again. The apprentice tells Graystripe about this, and he fondly remarks that it's just like Silverstream to care so much.
Mistystar's Omen[]
After Leopardstar's death, Silverstream appears to Mistyfoot during her leadership ceremony in StarClan to giver her seventh life. She tells Mistyfoot how proud she is, and grants her a life of finding happiness, even when there seems to be none, telling her to never forget how to be joyful. While being given the life, a bright flash of silver light causes Mistyfoot's fur to bristle up, and she murmurs a thanks to the silver tabby.
Omen of the Stars[]
Fading Echoes[]
While the two are on their way towards the Dark Forest, Silverstream runs up to meet Jayfeather and Yellowfang, asking the latter if she's seen Feathertail lately. Yellowfang replies that she saw her at the warm-rocks earlier, and Silverstream thanks her before running off.
Ravenpaw's Farewell[]
When learning of Clan life, Barley's niece and nephew Bella and Riley wish to join ThunderClan, but Ravenpaw doubts if they can, saying he doesn't know where they went ever since the forest was destroyed. In his dreams, Silverstream tells Ravenpaw that ThunderClan is too far away. He's confused by her voice, and deduces that she was a RiverClan cat, which she confirms. She tells him that he's dreaming, and their conversation won't disturb Barley, who is sleeping nearby. When asked why she's visiting him, she says that StarClan hasn't forgotten him, and she's been watching over him, Bella and Riley.
Silverstream then says that the two would make great warriors, but will need Ravenpaw's help, as every cat should get a chance to follow their heart. The thin black tom reminds her that the Clan have left long ago, but she tells him that there's a fifth they could join, which he realizes is SkyClan. He's unsure the fifth Clan had survived though, but she insists that he bring them there to prove they can be warriors, adding that a true warrior will do anything for their Clan as she vanishes and the dream ends.
Soon Ravenpaw, Barley, Bella and Riley all set out towards SkyClan, and the black tom has another dream of Silverstream as the four rest for the night. She tells him to come sit with her, looking very upset, and Ravenpaw realizes that he'll die before he can return home. She somberly confirms this, but tells him not to fear dying, even so far from home, because the fact that he is loved and not alone is all that matters. Ravenpaw worries for what will happen to Barley when he's gone, but the silver tabby assures him that he'll understand and won't love him any less. When Skywatcher and Cloudstar then appear, Silverstream nods at them before walking away.
Omen of the Stars (cont.)[]
The Last Hope[]
In the aftermath of the battle against the Dark Forest, Silverstream appears with all the other cats who gave Firestar his nine lives (minus Spottedleaf, who's spirit had been killed in the battle). During Firestar's vigil, Jayfeather begins listing the lives the deceased lead had been granted, mentioning that Silverstream had given him a life of loyalty. Graystripe calls out to her, and she promises that she'll be waiting for him to join her in StarClan.
The Broken Code[]
A Light in the Mist[]
When a hole is formed in the barrier cutting StarClan off from the living world, Silverstream is one of several StarClan cats who go through it to help fight against Ashfur in the Dark Forest, who had been causing the connecting to be lost among other things. After Ashfur is defeated and the barrier is destroyed, the living and Dark Forest cats are allowed to see StarClan for a short while, during which Graystripe reunited with his deceased kin. While he's visiting with Millie and Briarlight though, Silverstream sits nearby, looking somewhat jealous.
“ | Good-bye, Graystripe. I love you. Take care of our kits. | „ |
~ Silverstream's last words |
“ | Silverstream: With this life, I give you forgiveness. Leopardfur: Stormkit and Featherkit are safe and happy in RiverClan. Silverstream: I know. |
„ |
~ Silverstream during Leopardfur's leadership ceremony |
“ | With this life I give you loyalty to what you know to be right. Use it well to guide your Clan in times of trouble. | „ |
~ Silverstream during Fireheart's leadership ceremony |
“ | Mistyfoot: Silverstream, is that you? Silverstream: Well met, Mistyfoot. I am so proud of what you have become. I give you a life for finding happiness, even in the most unlooked-for places. Whatever happens, never forget to be joyful. Mistyfoot: Thank you. |
„ |
~ Silverstream during Mistyfoot's leadership ceremony |
- She has 1/4 WindClan blood due to her grandfather Reedfeather.
- Author Kate Cary believes that Graystripe will chose Silverstream over Millie in StarClan.
- She has the same soft fur and face stripes and Willowbreeze, and the same ear shape and tail length as Crookedstar.
External links[]
Silverstream on the Warriors Wiki
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ThunderClan RiverClan ShadowClan WindClan SkyClan Outside of Clans |