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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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I'm a pacifist.
~ Simon to Jared on attacking Mallory in the film.
Cool pet.
~ Simon petting Byron the Griffin.

Simon Grace is Jared Grace's older twin brother and one of the main characters of The Spiderwick Chronicles series. In the film, he is portrayed by Freddie Highmore, who also portrayed Jared Grace. Highmore also played other characters, such as Arthur, Charlie Bucket, Norman Bates, and Shaun Murphy. In the show he is portrayed by Noah Cottrell.


Simon carries a soft spot for animals in his heart and has many pets like Jeffrey and Lemondrop, his mice. He also helps care for the fantastical creatures and is fiercely loyal to Jared, since he is the peacemaker of the three children.



  • Like Jared, Simon Grace is played by Freddie Highmore in the film adaptation.
  • Once, Simon is abducted by goblins and Jared saves him.