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Sisterhood of the Radiant Heart was a council of good witches who wielded white magic as their power and used it to protect the world from the dark forces of evil. Sheriff Augustus Corbin accidentally mentions them when he mentions two nunneries in Sleepy Hollow, one good and one evil in the Tv Show Sleepy Hollow.


18th Century[]

The leader was Katrina Crane from the foundation in the eighteenth century, during the Revolutionary War the sisters opposed the Blood Moon, a dark coven led by Serilda of Abaddon, Katrina also followed the spell that made her both she and the others vulnerable, including Serilda who was captured and executed.

After that, they all turned against Katrina, after she tempted Ichabod's sealed fate, and imprisoned her in purgatory with four talking of taking control of the coven. They then tried to possess Jeremy Crane because his powers were too great, but their spells had no effect on him and they were forced to send the Golem to Purgatory as they had Katrina and stop Jeremy's heart to prevent him from cause more chaos.

21st Century[]

The coven appears to still be active and Ichabod Crane is reported with the Headlesshorsessman, but since those eighteenth century members are dead, the organization is of unknown status.

Powers and Skills[]

  • Elemental Control- All those who use magic are able to manipulate the elements in their favor.
  • Telepathy- Used by all of the members at one point in the series.
  • Holy (White) Magic- Being in the Sisterhood of the Radiant Heart, one does expect them to use holy or white magic.
  • Navigation Magics- Used by Katrina Crane in the last episode of the first season. Finds magical pulses on the earth.
  • Hexes- Able to curse or place a spell upon an object or person.


  • Thomas Jefferson called the coven "The Order of the Sacred Heart" when he talked to Abbie and Crane about how he made a hologram of himself within the Fenestella in “What Lies Beneath”. August Corbin explained that the coven went under many different names throughout history to stay hidden in Pilot.


            Sleepy Hollow logo Heroes

Ichabod Crane and Variants
Original | Disney | 1999 | Sleepy Hollow

The Witnesses
Ichabod Crane | Abbie Mills | Molly Thomas | Lara Thomas

Continental Army
Abigail Adams | Benjamin Franklin | George Washington | Thomas Jefferson | Arthur Bernard

Sisterhood of Radiant Heart
Katrina Crane | Alfred Knapp | Grace Dixon

Westchester County Police Department
August Corbin | Frank Irving | Devon Jones | Luke Morales

Katrina Van Tassel (1999) | Young Masbath | Diana Thomas | Jenny Mills | Nick Hawley | Joseph Corbin | Jake Wells | Alex Norwood | Cynthia Irving | Lena Gilbert | Macey Irving | Seeley Booth | Temperance Brennan
