Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview

Sky is the tritagonist of the Winx Club franchise.

He is the crown prince of the planet Eraklyon of the Magical Dimension and the leader of the Specialists, as well as the boyfriend and betrothed of Bloom. his parents are King Erendor and Queen Samara, and in season 6 it founds out that he has a cousin, calling Thoren.

He was voiced by Billy Bob Thompson, Dan Green, Daniel Brochu and Matt Shively.


Sky is the leader of the Specialists. He is the crown prince and later king of the planet Eraklyon. He and Bloom date throughout the series; Sky later proposes marriage to her in Magical Adventure. Sky is the son of King Erendor and Queen Samara, who initially paired him with a princess named Diaspro. Sky broke up with Diaspro after learning of her selfish demeanor. He is best friends with his bodyguard Brandon.


As king of Eraklyon, Sky was born to take command. That's why he is an excellent leader of specialists. Sky is smart, funny, courageous, charming, compassionate, and a loyal friend, especially to his best friend, Brandon. In fact, they have known each other very well for a long time and share many things together, even leading them to exchange roles. Ever since he got together with Bloom, his true love has become very romantic and he has sworn great loyalty to her and promises that he will never abandon her, nor any of his friends.

Sky is a very determined and altruistic boy. He also proves to be very good in battle, always taking action and being ready to help his friends. However, in the first seasons he is very at odds with Riven, who, arrogant and narcissistic, has a great rivalry with him, until the sixth season. And also some problems with Bloom who occasionally relates to her, showing that he also has a bit of jealousy, which thus shows the negative side of her. Traits that can make him possessive, overprotective and paranoid and he was genuinely annoyed by how close they were, although it could be possible that this was because he had no experience with non-real or earthly mannerisms. This also makes him occasionally question Bloom's loyalty.

He is also very faithful to his kingdom, despite being a bit in conflict with his father, despite loving and respecting him a lot, to whom, for his own safety, he would almost like to leave the title of crown prince, given that in the first season he swaps his name with Brandon. Even though he's done with Diaspro, he seems to want to continue a friendly relationship with her, even if it won't be possible, as she wants them to get back together.


Sky is a young, muscular and fit blonde adult with light skin, blue eyes, and long hair, until the fifth season when he cuts his hair. Like all Specialists, his outfit is blue and white, with a blue cloak.


  • For the majority of Season 1, Sky switching identities with Brandon is quite similar to what Queen Amidala did in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.
  • He is the only member of the Specialists who came from monarchy rule (as a king).
  • He once thought Bloom was a sailor when she mentioned that she went to Six Flags during the Pixies rescue mission.
  • In the first season, it is shown that Sky has a dog named Lady. He is the only known Specialist to have a pet.
  • He is an accomplished boarder as he was clearly impressed with Aisha's skill.
  • Sky and Bloom are the only ones known to have exes, who are Diaspro and Andy respectively.
  • Sky, Nabu and Aisha had arranged marriages, but unlike Nabu and Aisha's, his went downhill and ended up being called off in favor of Bloom.
  • In the Secret of the Lost Kingdom, the scene where Sky meets Bloom on the Alfea rooftop on his board is similar to that of Aladdin meeting Jasmine on the magic carpet in the Disney movie Aladdin.
  • One of Sky's guardians has a similar appearance to Diaspro.
  • He and Brandon are the strongest of the Specialists.
  • Though they are friends, he has a strong rivalry with Riven.
  • In the fifth season, he is the prince of Eraklyon, but in The Secret of the Lost Kingdom, he said that he had his coronation.
  • He and Brandon do not switch identities in the Nickelodeon dub.
  • In Season 5, Bloom said he is the best Wind Rider at Red Fountain.
    • In the eleventh episode of this season, Headmaster Saladin also said before Alfea that Sky is the best wind rider.
  • Sky is the first and only Specialist in the series to enter the Infinite Ocean.
    • He and Helia are the only Specialists known to have gone to another dimension besides Earth. Helia has entered the Legendarium World and Sky has entered the Infinite Ocean.
  • Sky and Helia are the only Specialists to change their hairstyles.
  • In Season 7, he is jealous of Elas, but they later make up and become friends.
  • Sky's DuArt voice actor also voices Smee and Cliff from World of Winx.
  • Sky's DuArt voice actor, Billy Bob Thompson, also voices Hawk SnowWhite from Regal Academy, which is also another show created by Rainbow.
  • He shares his birthday along with Roxy which is March 20.


           Winx-club-logo-3d Heroes

Bloom | Stella | Flora | Musa | Tecna | Aisha | Roxy

Sky | Brandon | Riven | Helia | Timmy | Nabu | Roy | Nex | Thoren

Faragonda | Griffin | Daphne | Palladium | Wizgiz | Saladin | Marion | Oritel | Mirta | Knut | Mike | Vanessa | Erendor

Lockette | Amore | Chatta | Tune | Digit | Piff | Cherie
