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Heroes Wiki
41509 Slumbo b2

Slumbo is a Frosticon Mixel. He is sometimes mistaken to be the leader of the Frosticons.


While he IS strong, Slumbo is very lethargic. This is because his cold body temperature causes him to procrastinate. Slumbo is the sleepiest and dreamiest, hence his name. He only gets angry if hit by certain extremes. Otherwise, Slumbo is often unflappable and chilled out.


While little is known about his early life, Slumbo is very strong.

Slumbo and the gang were eating snacks, but his ice cream accidentally fell into Vulk's barbecue, much to her dismay. The duo create Bar B Cubes, while Krader and Volectro create Rock Pops. The two businesses compete for Gobba's decision. Her act of eating free samples caused their failure as she passed out.

While snowboarding with Flain, Krader, Flurr, Kraw, and Jawg, Slumbo teamed up with Jawg. They, Flurr, and Kraw make successful Mixes, but Flain and Krader screw up. At that point, Flurr and Slumbo decide that being a Frosticon is the best.

Then, he, Vulk, and Volectro acted as judges at a telent competition. They gave a negative vote to what Kraw and Gobba acted out.

Later, he and Flain were relaxing in the Farmlands, but their attempt to relax backfired when Chomly and his dog Jawg were playing Log Toss and their Log bounced out of bounds.  In retaliation, Slumbo and Flain destroyed the log, but received a comeuppance for their actions:  Jawg and Chomly placed a cubit where Slumbo and Flain would touch it.  Slumbo and Flain touched the cubit, resulting in their Murpification.

Slumbo seemed to have reconciled with Chomly, and he and Kraw tried to give him high fives.  Chomly pulled another cubit out of his mouth and threw it in their direction, startling the duo and Murpifying them.

Slumbo was one of the victims of a Mega Nixel Mixel Nixer, but was reverted to his normal state when the Mixel leaders climbed Mixel Mountain and gained Rainbow Cubits.

Slumbo and his brothers searched and fought for the Mixamajig, but King Nixel was plotting his revenge.  The Frosticons and the other Mixels combined to defeat King Nixel, and the Weldos reveal Mixopolis soon after.

Slumbo and his brothers may have survived the Nixel invasion. and he was among the many Mixels that got Nixed on the day of the I-Cubit scam
