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Heroes Wiki

Smile Man is a supporting character of the anime, manga and webcomic series, One-Punch Man. He is the oldest and strongest brother of the Surly Brothers and the A-Class, Rank 27 hero of the Hero Association.


Smile Man is a thin man with a muscular build. He is always seen wearing his hero costume that is a red outfit with a smile symbol on his chest area. On his face, he wears a black lined mask over his eyes and bit of his hair that is brown appearing out of his outfit. He wears a yellow underwear with a yellow belt that has the same smile symbol and a pair of yellow boots. He uses a big red and yellow kendama that is about half of his size with a yellow sphere smiley face on top of the hammer.


He appears to be a calm, humble man that doesn't show many emotions and usually keeps a straight face. Even when he was attacked by Fist Fight Djinn all of a sudden, being a Demon level monster, he appeared to be unworried.


  • Kendama: With his Kendama he can use it to both defend himself and use it to send mid-ranged attacks to enemies. And he is also able to perform a few moves with his Kendama hammer.


  • Rage Around the World: Smile Man moves his hammer in a large motion that smashes everything in near it.
  • Earth Rotation of Doom: Smile Man sends the ball of his Kendama flying and spins at very high speed.

External Links[]

Smile Man on the One Punch Man Wiki


           One Punch Man Logo Heroes

Hero Association
S-Class Heroes
Blast | Tatsumaki | Silver Fang | Atomic Samurai | Child Emperor | Metal Knight | King | Zombieman | Drive Knight | Pig God | Genos | Superalloy Darkshine | Watchdog Man | Flashy Flash | Metal Bat | Tanktop Master | Puri-Puri Prisoner
A-Class Heroes
Sweet Mask | Iaian | Okamaitachi | Bushidrill | Heavy Tank Loincloth | Blue Fire | Magic Trick Man | Death Gatling | Tanktop Vegetarian | Stinger | Twin Tail | Great Philosopher | Butterfly DX | Lightning Genji | Lightning Max | One Shotter | Green | Crescent Eyebroll | Golden Ball | Smile Man | Spring Mustachio | Narcissistoic | Peach Terry | Forte | Shadow Ring | Doll Master | Feather | Air | Chain'n'toad | Biting Snake Fist Sneck | Heavy Kong | Suiko | Saitama
B-Class Heroes
Fubuki | Eyelashes | Mountain Ape | Wild Horn | Glasses | Pink Hornet | Double Hole | Smell Master | Gun Gun | Butcher | Jet Nice Guy | Needle Star | Piko | Crying Man | Trap Tengu | Captain Mizuki | Lily of the Three Section Staff | Bone | Tanktop Black Hole | Mushroom | Shooter | Darkness Blade | Pineapple | Reclusamurai
C-Class Heroes
Mumen Rider | Monster Roper Shell | Tanktop Tiger | D-Pad | Funeral Suspenders | Food Battler Futoshi | Battery Man | Red Muffler | Armored Chief Clerk | Gearsper | Skunk Boy Gasmask | Grave Eight | Ecolo G | Monocross | Dynamite Man | Angry Man | Horse-Bone | Studless | Poison | Bunbun Man | Hyottoko | Saturn Man | Red Nose | Ironet | Meat Pounder | Cherion | Fantas | Mohican | Rabbit | Shoulderpads | Swim | Water Gun

Dr. Kuseno | Sitch | All Back-Man | Bomb | Charanko | Suiryu | Neo Hunters (Accel) | Raiden | Zenko

Neo Heroes
