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I’m Smurflily.
~ Smurflily's introduction to Smurfette

Smurflily is the female equivalent Nosy, a smurf who is one of the Smurfettes who lives in Smurfy Grove in the Forbidden Forest appears in the comics, Smurfs: The Lost Village and the 2021 series as one of the main characters.

She was voiced by Ariel Winter, who voiced Penny Peterson in Mr Peabody and Sherman in the 2016 movie and Jackie Jones in the 2021 series.


Smurflily is easily identifiable because her looks are different from the other girl Smurfs. She wears her dark blue hair in 4 pigtails (5 in the comic books), wears the sand-colored dress, hat, and shoes. Lily also wears a brown vest and a sunset red lily flower on the right side of her hat.

In the 2021 series, Smurflily's design remains the same, though her dress is a darker shade of yellow.


Smurflily is a very smart, mature, gentle, kind, friendly, and caring girl to others.


Smurfs: The Lost Village[]

To be added...



           The Smurfs Logo Heroes

Papa Smurf | Smurfette | Hefty Smurf | Brainy Smurf | Clumsy Smurf | Grouchy Smurf | Greedy Smurf | Baby Smurf | Grandpa Smurf | Nanny Smurf | Smurflings | Sassette Smurfling | Granny Smurf

Live-Action Films
Gutsy Smurf | Vexy and Hackus

Smurfs: The Lost Village
Smurfwillow | Smurfblossom | Smurfstorm | Smurflily | Smurfbegonia

Johan and Peewit | Gourmelin | Princess Sabina | Gargamel's Nephews | The Winslows | (Patrick Winslow | Grace Winslow | Blue Winslow | Victor Doyle)

Animals and Creatures
Bigmouth| Baby Dragon| Dismal Boggs| Flowerbelle | Laconia | Momma Dragon | Pussywillow Pixies | Pansy
