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And now time resumes!

Snipin's a good job, mate. It's challengin' work, outta doors. I guarantee you'll not go hungry. 'Cause at the end of the day, long as there's two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead.
~ The Sniper
Feelings? Look mate, you know who has a lot of feelings? Blokes that bludgeon their wife to death with a golf trophy. Professionals have standards. Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
~ The Sniper on his rule about professionalism.
Dad? Dad, I'm a- Ye- Not a "crazed gunman", dad, I'm an assassin! ...Well, the difference being' one is a job and the other's mental sickness!
~ The Sniper arguing with his adoptive father over his job as a mercenary.

Hailing from the lost country of New Zealand and raised in the unforgiving Australian outback, the Sniper (real name Mr. Mundy or his birth name Mun-dee) is a tough and ready crack shot who prefers to pick his targets off from a distance, though he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty if the situation requires. His primary weapon is a laser-sighted sniper rifle, his secondary weapon is a submachine gun, and his melee weapon is a Nepalese made knife called a kukri. He also uses a bow and arrow and jars of urine called Jarate. Like the other characters, the Sniper's alignment depends on whose side the player is playing for.

He's voiced by John Patrick Lowrie.


Under his birth name Mun-Dee, the Sniper was born in the underwater country of New Zealand to Bil-Bel and Lar-nah. After his father made a failed attempt to get New Zealand's council of leaders to send their country into space he decided to a build a rocket for himself in order to go to space by himself. However, since his rocket is only built for one person, he ended up getting into a fight with his wife over on who gets to be the only occupant. Amidst the confusion, the Sniper, who was an infant back then, proceeded to crawl into the rocket and he was launched through New Zealand's underwater dome which flooded the city and killed all of its inhabitants save for his parents, who managed to survive. Because of faulty construction on the rocket, the Sniper crash-landed in Australia where he was found by his adoptive parents; Jonathan Mundy and his wife Mrs. Mundy. They then proceeded to give him his adopted name, which is still unknown and in his adulthood he is mostly as Mr. Mundy.

Having been raised by his adoptive parents throughout his childhood. the Sniper likes to spend his time outdoors and being under the hot sun. During the summer of 1968, he was hired as a mercenary to continue the war between Redmond and Blutarch Mann, as each fight each other for the land their late father had purchased. In 1971, during the war against Gray Mann, he fought against his robot army with his team, in which they secured victory after victory. Eventually after he and the other mercenaries were fired by Gray, after he took over Mann.Co, thanks to his daughter Olivia, the Sniper returns to Australia where he reunites with his adoptive parents. Jonathan and his wife died six months later, leaving the Sniper to now live on his own. One day, while he was cleaning his parents' house, he discovered that he is adopted. During his time alone, he had gone bush, abandoning his normal surroundings and reverting to feral quotations.

When Miss Pauling and Demoman arrived and began looking through his parents' house, Sniper emerges from the shadows and sedates the Demoman, Taking both him and Miss Pauling captive. Ten minutes later, when Demoman regains consciousness, he is immediately sedated again a few seconds later. When Miss. Pauling asked the Sniper if he poisoned him, he revealed that he just gave him some of his family's moonshine liquor, and further reveals that he is adopted and that Jonathan and Mrs. Mundy are not his birth parents. When Miss Pauling tells him that she and Demoman were going to meet his real parents, he immediately snaps out of his feral state and was left in shock, as he was injected with wolfsbane while he was tying Miss. Pauling up. Immediately joining her, he, along with Demoman, Pyro, Soldier, and Zhanna, travelled to New Zealand by submarine. There, in a sealed laboratory, he was reunited with Bil-Bel and Lar-Nah, the latter whom had become an alcohol addict. When Bil-Bel asked his son how he returned from space, the Sniper tells him that he never reached space and his rocket just crashed. When his father wondered on how he survived being burned by magma, as he had calculated that it will cover the earth, the Sniper reveals that there is no magma covering the earth, which left him speechless. The latter then proceeded to ask him for money, as it was what he has been waiting to ask. Annoyed, the Sniper did just that.

However, seconds after he gave some money to his father, he watched in shock as his mother blasted off into space with the last of his father's rocket ships, which was painted with a faction of the last cache of Australium. As the area is rapidly flooding with water, Sniper wondered on where his dad. When Miss Pauling tells the latter that he is still in the lab and that he'll die if he goes back to rescue him, the Sniper brushed it off. However, before he could even go and rescue his father, the Soldier points out that he is at their submarine, which he then took for himself. After Bil-Bel departed, the Sniper felt hurt by this, as he believed that his birth father had left him and the others to die. However, he is soon overjoyed when a submarine enters and he assumed that he had come back, or so he believes it to be. When he saw that the submarine is not the one his father had taken, he was immediately riddled with bullets, leaving the Sniper in critical condition. When the TFC mercenaries revealed themselves along with the Medic, who had unexpectedly joined them, the Sniper immediately noticed this before succumbing to his wounds.

The Medic proceeded to take the Sniper's body to the morgue of Gray Gravel Co, the island headquarters of Gray Mann, where he proceeded to stitch up his dead teammate's wounds. Meanwhile, in Heaven, the Sniper reunites with his adoptive parents. When he insisted that he wanted to stay with them, Mrs. Mundy lovingly tells him that though they wanted him to stay there is still some unfinished business left on earth. Jonathan, agreeing with her and now approving of his adopted son's profession as an assassin, insists that he return to earth and give his enemies hell. Upon regaining his life back, the Sniper, in his wrath, proceeded to grab the Medic by the neck. When he accused his old teammate of killing him, the Medic denies this and states that he was just beside the person who killed him. The Sniper didn't believe him and reveals that as he was dying he saw him give a smug and evil smile. After the Medic then confesses that he was just happy to see him again, the Sniper demanded why he joined the TFC mercenaries and the Medic explained his reasons on why he joined them. When the former wondered on how long he has been dead, the Medic reveals that it was just for 12 hours. This caused the Sniper to realize that he is brief reunion with his adoptive parents was real and proudly tells the Medic that he is now the "Most Dangerous Bloody Man" on the island and no longer fears death.

When the TFC Heavy discovered that the Sniper is alive, he proceeded to berate the Medic for his actions. As he was dealing with the latter, the Sniper proceeded to escape unnoticed, which ended up triggering the alarm.


The Sniper is an outdoorsman who loves to spend his time outdoors ever since childhood. He loves his job as an assassin but this usually results in a conflict with his adoptive father, who believes that his son has become a crazed gunman. Sniper takes his job as a mercenary seriously and while sniping is highly quiet, calm, collected, and focused. He is also very patient as he would not hesitate to wake for hours even as the sun sets until he finally kills his target. Despite his status as a deadly mercenary, he proved to be quite an oddball as he would pee in small jars while on the job and then use them as a weapon on his targets. Despite having a tensed relationship with his adoptive father, the Sniper loves both him and his adoptive mother and would always keep in touch with them. This extended to the point where after the Sniper died, after he succumbed to the wounds that had been inflicted on him in the comic Blood In The Water, he begged to stay with his adoptive parents in Heaven. After they died and he now has to live alone ever since he was fired by Gray Mann, he had gone bush in which became reclusive and took on a hostile approach towards anyone who enters his home, even his own teammates and employers. He eventually snapped out of it and was stunned when Mrs. Pauling revealed that she and the team were going to look for his birth parents and after he was also injected with wolfsbane. After his birth father left him to die with his team as his lab was being flooded with water, the Sniper was visibly hurt by this but it turn to joy when a submarine arrived and he believed that his father has come back. However, it immediately turned to dismay when he realized that the submarine is piloted by the TFC Mercenaries along with the TF2 Medic. If someone on his team had either betrayed him or is working with his enemies, he becomes infuriated and vengeful. This is clearly shown in the comic Old Wounds, after he has revived by the TF2 Medic, he, in a fit of rage, grabs him by the neck and accuses him of murdering him, as he suspected it after he noticed that his old teammate gave him a smug evil grin right before he died. It eventually lessened when the Medic revealed his reason on joining the TFC Mercenaries. After the Sniper finally gained the approval of his adoptive father and realized that his reunion with his adoptive parents was all real, he became more confident and proud of his new status as the "most dangerous man on the planet".

Weapons and skills[]

Preferring to hide in elevated or hard-to-see spots, the Sniper can pick off slow moving classes like the Heavy with ease. The Sniper is also ideal for eliminating enemy Medics and Engineers, giving his team a chance to advance.

While the Sniper tends to isolate himself from the frontlines, the Huntsman sees him move up the field, laying down suppressing volleys of arrows while his ancient and mysterious Jarate and Sydney Sleeper powers can increase damage dealt against his foes by himself and teammates alike. Although Jarate is a great weapon, it can also be used to put out fires.

The Sniper's primary weapon consists of a Sniper Rifle, which unlike the Soldier's Rocket Launcher, is not underpowered, being able to kill most classes with a single headshot. This trait makes the Sniper notably annoying towards enemy mercenaries. However, while this trait makes the Sniper sound overpowered, there is a major drawback: Scoping in makes the Sniper vulnerable to damage within his vicinity, notable by the Spy's backstabs or other classes' taunt kills. The Huntman, a bow and arrow that substitutes the Sniper Rifle and its varients, allows the Sniper to counter this drawback, and in exchange for sacrificing accuracy for better close combat performance. The Huntsman also enables the Sniper to preform his taunt kill known as Skew, in which he attempts to stab an unfortunate enemy mercenary with one of his arrows; this taunt kill is very useful, as it is the second fastest (after the Heavy's Showdown taunt kill), as well as enables a stun effect if an opponent runs into it initially, giving the Sniper plenty of time to preform the taunt again should it fail to kill the enemy mercenary the first time. Notable variants of the Sniper Rifle include the Hitman's Heatmaker, a silenced Sniper Rifle which builds focus for every kill and kill assist obtained by the Sniper as well as decapitating enemy mercenaries with successful headshots (making the Sniper's headshot quotes make sense), but deals less damage when performing a body shot; the Machina, which allows for the Sniper to penetrate multiple enemies with all shots, allowing for multiple kills; and the Sydney Sleeper, a sniper rifle which drenches enemies in Jarate for a variable amount of time depending on the charge built, but does not do critical damage from headshots.

The Sniper's secondary weapons are a SMG, which fires in rapid succession in a similar fashion as the Heavy's Minigun and the Medic's Syringe Gun, however the damage is not very high, which makes the Sniper inferior to close combat; and the Jarate, which sacrifices the SMG for being able to make enemies more vunerable to damage by coating them in urine and making all attacks by any means a guaranteed mini-crit. Using the Bushwacka will turn all attacks on the Jarate-coated enemies into guaranteed critical hits. The Jarate can also be used to extinguish a fire set on either a teammate or the Sniper himself.

The Sniper uses a kukri (a Nepalese machete) as his melee weapon of choice, which deals average damage for a melee weapon; it can be used to easily take out enemy Spies if they attempt to sneak up on him. A variant known as the Bushwacka turns all mini-crits into guaranteed crits, making it useful when combined with the Jarate, but does not deal random crits and makes the Sniper more vulnerable to damage.





  • Sniper shares some similarities with Demoman, both have a UK related accent, both are highly arrogant and both are obsessed with their jobs.
  • Sniper and Medic are the only TF2 classes who wear glasses.
  • Since the Sniper is a New Zealander as revealed in the TF2 comic and that the Mundys aren't his real parents, this makes the Sniper their adoptive son. His adoptive parents care much more about him than his biological parents, who were willing to abandon him to certain death both as a baby and an adult.
  • The revelation of Sniper's true birthplace is presumably why he isn't extremely strong and brash like other Australians in the TF2 universe, being unaffected or less affected by Australium in the womb. However, it remains unexplained why his adoptive parents also seem to be normal humans.
  • Despite being a hitman, he seems to be against people who murder simply to murder, referring to it as "Mental sickness". He also finds torturous killings to be unprofessional.
  • As shown in "Comic #5: Old Wounds", it is shown that Medic has given Sniper stitches on his torso (Two straight ones on his left side with a Y-shaped stitch on the top of his torso) and one on each arm to sew up his wounds.

See Also[]


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TF Industries
Mann Co. (Saxton Hale) | BLU | RED | Miss Pauling

Team Fortress 2 Mercenaries
Scout | Soldier | Pyro | Demoman | Heavy | Engineer | Medic | Sniper | Spy

God | Zhanna | Margaret
