Sonic the Hedgehog is the main protagonist of the short-lived Sonic Adventures comic by Sirène. He is an anthropomorphic hedgehog who's been fighting the evil Robotnik and protecting planet Mobius from him for ages.
Sonic was given super-speed by a kind scientist named Kintobor. Eventually, however, Kintobor turned evil and rechristened himself "Robotnik", and since then he and Sonic have been fighting each other for control over the Magical Emeralds.
Sonic Adventures[]
Sonic was eventually captured by Robotnik's Badniks in the Marble Temple and brought onto his airship along with the Magical Emeralds, but he broke out and escaped with his sidekick Tails, scattering the Emeralds in the process. The two eventually ended up in a hidden city of Echidnas and were captured by its inhabitants. The Echidnas' leader, Princess Alucion, attempted to sacrifice the two to a volcano, but Robotnik's attack interrupted them. Sonic grabbed Alucion and dived into a slide leading to the volcano, with Robotnik giving chase after he realized his missile missed Sonic. The hedgehog was saved from falling into lava by Tails, but then noticed that Robotnik had taken Amy hostage. When Sonic attempted to save her, Robotnik cut the rope the two were hanging from, leaving them to fall into the volcano. Though presumed dead by Tails, the volcano housed a giant Ring that transported them to a Special Stage, revealed to be a challenge by the Echidnas. When Sonic passed it, Alucion rewarded him with the Magical Emeralds and Golden Armor, which Sonic and Amy used to teleport to the Green Hills, revealing to their grieving friends that they were still alive, and that Robotnik's troubles were only beginning.
Like in almost every other work, Sonic has quite an attitude, and gets enjoyment out of bantering with his enemies. Nevertheless, he isn't prone to hold grudges, shown by how he was ready to protect Alucion from Robotnik even after she attempted to kill him. Not much is known about his relationship with Tails and Amy, but he clearly cares for them both, protecting the former from danger and risking his life to save the latter from Robotnik.
- In contrast to some other notable European Sonic the Hedgehog works of the time, such as Sonic the Comic, where Sonic and Tails had a rather vitriolic relationship, this version of him seems to be on much more amicable terms with his sidekick.