“ | I'm glad your here. And... I'm sorry I was so hard on you that you felt you had to leave. I feel I never got it quite right, being your mother. (...) I wasn't there when you were younger. And I feel guilty for that. I suppose I was hard on you because I was hard on myself. I thought that maybe if I pushed you harder... maybe I could make up for all the time I wasn't there. But that didn't work, did it? It only pushed you away. (...) I see you, Nightheart. I promise to do better this time. | „ |
~ Sparkpelt making peace with her son |
Sparkpelt is a supporting character in the A Vision of Shadows, The Broken Code and A Starless Clan arcs of Warriors, as well as in the super edition Squirrelflight's Hope. She is the daughter of Brambleclaw and Squirrelstar and the sister of Alderheart. She's also the mother of Nightheart and Finchlight, but due to the depression of losing both Larksong and Flickerkit she's unable to take care of them during their early kithood. She later establishes a close bond with Finchlight, but she and Nightheart remain rather distant, in part because of her wanting him to live up to Firestar's legacy.
Sparkpelt is a tabby she-cat with bright orange fur and emerald green eyes. She's noted to look almost exactly like her grandfather Firestar.
Sparkkit is born to Squirrelflight and Bramblestar alongside her brothers Alderkit and Juniperkit and her sister Dandelionkit. Unfortunately, Juniperkit dies soon after being born and Dandelionkit dies two moons later.
A Vision of Shadows[]
The Apprentice's Quest[]
While preparing for their apprentice ceremonies, Sparkkit asks Alderkit if he's excited. She then wonders who her mentor will be, hoping that it won't be Berrynose or Whitewing as neither of them are any fun. Squirrelflight reminds her that mentors are supposed to teach, not be fun, and that Whitewing and Berrynose are both fine warriors that she should be grateful to be the apprentice of. Sparkkit and Alderkit are renamed Sparkpaw and Alderpaw, and their mentors are Cherryfall and Molewhisker. After the ceremony, Squirrelflight and Bramblestar congratulate their children.
Sparkpaw asks her mentor if they're going to learn hunting techniques, but instead she and Alderpaw are tasked with removing ticks from the elders. Sparkpaw takes care of Purdy while the two's grandmother Sandstorm watches them fondly. The next day, the two go on a very long tour of ThunderClan territory, with the orange she-cat asking many questions along the way. Their mentors then teach them a hunting crouch, which Sparkpaw gets the hang of right away while her brother struggles. On the way back to camp, the apprentices and their mentors run into a patrol of Ivypool, Sorrelstripe and Birchfall, all of whom praise Sparkpaw for catching a shrew and a mouse on her first day of hunting.
One month later, Sparkpaw and Alderpaw attend their first Gathering. A ShadowClan apprentice named Needlepaw invites the two to come sit with some other apprentices, asking if they're bossy and claiming that ThunderClan cats usually are. Offended by the silver she-cat's remark, Sparkpaw states that they aren't and asks why she'd say something like that, to which Needlepaw simply shrugs and says that the Clans all have different reputations. During the leader's announcements, ShadowClan's leader Rowanstar brings up the prophecy of "Embrace what you find in the shadows, for only they can clear the sky" that all the Clans received. Sparkpaw suggests that the thing they're supposed to "find in the shadows" will save ThunderClan.
The next day, the two littermates are training their fighting skills, with Sparkpaw once again instantly getting the hang of everything she's being taught while her brother struggles. Molewhisker cuts the training short, saying they've already trained enough for the day before telling Cherryfall and her apprentice to carry their fresh-kill back to camp. Later, Alderpaw is distressed to find that he's being reassigned as a medicine cat apprentice, with his father and mentor saying that warrior life isn't cut out for him and his connection to StarClan would be put to better use as a medicine cat. Sparkpaw tries comforting him, saying that being a medicine cat is what he's meant to do, but her efforts aren't very effective.
A day later, Sparkpaw tells Jayfeather tat her mentor sent her to go get herbs for Purdy's stomachache. Jayfeather asks his new apprentice what a good herb for helping stomachaches is, and with Briarlight's help he answers watermint, with the orange she-cat impressed by her brother. Later, she rushes into the medicine den in a panic, reporting that while out on a patrol with her and Sorrelstripe, Cherryfall cut her leg badly and needs immediate attention. She leads them to the ShadowClan border, and when Jayfeather asks how she got cut, the young she-cat says that Cherryfall though the "what you find in the shadows" prophecy was about the three kittypets who'd sheltered in ThunderClan during the Great Storm and wanted to look for them to see if they'd come back. Jayfeather insults the idea, but Sparkpaw says that it was worth a try. She then adds that they didn't cross into ShadowClan, as Cherryfall had cut her leg on some twoleg trash on the way there. Sparkpaw then shows the medicine cats that her mentor is laying under a nearby tree with Sorrelstripe pacing around her nervously. She and Alderpaw then fetch cobwebs for Jayfeather to tend to the wound with and help Cherryfall get back to camp and into the medicine den. Afterwards, Sparkpaw offers to share a vole with her brother, but he instead blurts out that he doesn't think he's capable of being a medicine cat. She refutes this and reminds him of how he helped stop the bleeding on Cherryfall's leg, saying that she was very impressed and he just needs to trust himself.
Later, Cherryfall urgently informs Alderpaw that his sister is badly hurt. She leads him to the ShadowClan border, and Sparkpaw is found yowling in agony beneath a tree while Ivypool and Hollytuft try to get her to drink some water. When asked what happened, Cherryfall explains that her apprentice was climbing up a tree tryin g to catch a bird when a thin branch broke beneath her and she fell out. Alderpaw begins shaking at the sight of his littermate in so much pain as she continues to cry out. Upon examining her leg, he finds that it's dislocated and has the three warriors hold her down to prevent her from jerking as he pops it back into place. She cries out in pain once more, but once she's told to try standing she finds that her leg feels much better. The orange tabby compliments her brother's skills, to which he ducks his head shyly and advises her to have Jayfeather or Leafpool examine her leg once they get back to camp.
After learning that he must go on a quest to find SkyClan, Alderpaw looks around for Sparkpaw and sees her entering camp with Molewhisker and Cherryfall, limping slightly. Bramblestar then calls a Clan meeting to announce Alderpaw's upcoming quest and asks for volunteers to go with him, with Sparkpaw calling out that she'll accompany him. Her mentor comments that the leader is unlikely to choose an apprentice for a journey like this, and Alderpaw begs his father to let her go. Bramblestar agrees after a moment of contemplation, saying that Sandstorm, Cherryfall and Molewhisker will go as well.
The morning after, Sparkpaw wakes Alderpaw up and says that he's a mouse-brain for sleeping in when they're about to leave on his own quest. The group is given travelling herbs, and Sparkpaw nudges her brother forward after he freezes when the Clan cheers for them. Squirrelflight says goodbye to her kits personally and has them promise to stay safe, with Sparkpaw telling their mom that she'll take good care of Alderpaw. As the group begins travelling, Sparkpaw asks how long the trip will take, wondering about Alderpaw's vision and the place he saw in it. When her brother hesitates to tell her, she add that she's just trying to help find the what lies in the shadows for ThunderClan's sake, questioning if the vision and the prophecy are even connected. Sandstorm tells her granddaughter to stop pestering her littermate, to which she shrugs and says that she'll find out eventually.
Sparkpaw then begins asking her mentor what she thinks the vision and prophecy might mean, and Cherryfall replies that she may know better if she knew what Alderpaw had dreamed of, with Sparkpaw stating that she thinks they'll find new hunting grounds. She then cuts herself off when she sees a squirrel, darting after it and becoming frustrated when it outruns her and escapes up a tree. Cherryfall comments that they all know she's a fast learner, but that she needs to master what she's learning before thinking of new hunting grounds. Sparkpaw licks her chest in embarrassment before asking if the group should stop to hunt, reasoning that they don't know how much prey their destination will have. Alderpaw says that they still have a long way to go, with Sandstorm adding that there will be many thunderpaths to cross as well. Sparkpaw retorts that she's heard all about the thunderpaths from Purdy and that they're no big deal, but her grandma retorts that if they weren't a big deal, then why have so many cats died on them. The young orange she-cat still insists on hunting, but Sandstorm says that it's her brother's quest and that she must listen to him, and that it would be foolish to hunt before they've even left ThunderClan territory, to which Sparkpaw mutters an apology.
As the group walks around the lake, Sparkpaw excitedly points out some horses to her brother, in awe of the things outside her Clan's territory. As they climb up a ridge, she comments that she never thought the world could be so big and asks Alderpaw if he could see the place in his dreams from there. Sandstorm tells her that where they're going is much farther away, and the apprentice squeals her disbelief that there's more to be seen. When they come across a thunderpath, Sandstorm tells everyone not to cross it until she says so, giving a hard glance to Sparkpaw in particular. They then see some twolegs throwing leftover food into a trashcan before leaving, with Molewhisker suggesting that they eat the thrown away food so it won't go to waste. After Sandstorm's hesitant agreement, Sparkpaw takes a running leap onto the top of the trashcan, knocking it over and spilling out its contents. Each cat grabs some food and Alderpaw thanks his sister as they settle down to eat.
The cats continue their travels, and at sunset the next day, Sparkpaw asks once again if they can take a hunting break, running into the undergrowth and returning with a vole when Sandstorm allows it. After they finish hunting, they go back to the thunderpath to get across it before it gets too dark. Sparkpaw is scared of a monster that roars past, but Sandstorm tells her to be brave. As the cats cross, objects fly out of a passing monsters and the group races back to avoid getting hit. Sandstorm shakily says that they'll camp there for the night, as they can't cross when things are being thrown at them. The next day, Cherryfall, Molewhisker and Sparkpaw return from hunting just as Alderpaw wakes. The group tries crossing the thunderpath again, with Sparkpaw following close behind her brother. Alderpaw freezes in fear, but starts moving again when his sister runs into him. They succeed in getting across, and Sparkpaw exclaims how scary it was. Alderpaw tries to thank her for saving him, but she just tells him to shut up. As they settle in for the night, Sparkpaw hoes that they'll find what they're supposed to tomorrow, but Sandstorm says that they still have a long way to go.
The group is woken up by the sound of leaves crunching, and Sandstorm goes to investigate. A pair of foxes then attack, with Sparkpaw helping to fight them off. A gray cat then latches onto one of the fox's back and gives the two apprentices tips to help them fight. Once the foxes flee, the gray cat returns, revealing herself to be Needlepaw, who'd been following the group the whole time. She announces that since she saved them, she intends to travel with them from then on. The group protests and goes to speak in private on the matter. Alderpaw asks his sister to fetch some cobwebs for Sandstorm, who got a gash in her shoulder during the fight. Sandstorm eventually decides to let Needlepaw go with them, but Sparkpaw argues against this, stating that they could've fought off the foxes on their own. She shares a disapproving glace with Molewhisker and says that they won't tell the ShadowClan she-cat what their quest is about.
While Alderpaw is checking Sandstorm's wound the next morning, Sparkpaw asks how she can help. She's told to go gather comfrey root, and after tending to his grandmother the ginger tom insists on checking on everyone else's injuries. Sparkpaw says she's fine. but Alderpaw tells her that she'll be fine when he says so, treating a scratch on her flank. She thanks him and points out his bleeding ear, licking it before patting some poultice onto it as her brother thanks her. Afterwards everyone goes out to hunt, and Sparkpaw is notably jealous when Needlepaw brings back both a pigeon and a squirrel while she only managed to catch a mouse. She then tells Sandstorm about this, and when the beige elder asks where the pigeon and squirrel are, Sparkpaw hisses that she's already ate them both, commenting on that being against the warrior code. Her grandma tells her to just relax and eat, but the orange apprentice glares at her ShadowClan acquaintance. The next morning, Sparkpaw complains about getting up so early, snorting in response when Alderpaw says that he just really wanted to get going. While traveling, she becomes irritated by Needlepaw's disrespectful attitude and threatens to claw her if she keeps acting like a kit, to which Needlepaw replies that she'd like to see her try.
After fleeing from a monster, the group find their path blocked by a fence, which Sparkpaw hops over first, and once everyone has made it over she gathers some cobwebs for her grandmother's wounds. She later gives Alderpaw some marigold to help Sandstorm with, telling him that they'll do everything they can. She takes off Sandstorm's old dressings when her brother asks her to, and when the beige elder says in a feverish state that they need to get going because "the others need them", she asks who "the others" are. Sandstorm dies the following day, and her granddaughter asks what they should do now. Before burying her, Sparkpaw says sadly that it Sandstorm's death wasn't fair, and helps bury her beside a bush where she can see the night sky.
Alderpaw at last tells the group about SkyClan, as they needed to know what they were travelling towards so they'd keep going. They arrive at the gorge where SkyClan's camp is supposed to be many days later. They find who they presume to be SkyClan, and Sparkpaw comments that the cats living there don't seem to need any help, hissing that they made it all the way there for nothing. They then meet a tom named Rain who takes them to the camp, with Alderpaw reassuring his sister that StarClan had sent them here when she says that trusting these cats might be a bad idea. She's skeptical of how different SkyClan's customs are compared to the other four Clans, but Alderpaw reasons that they're bound to be different after being isolated from the other Clans for so long.
While watching two cats wrestling over a piece of prey, stifling a growl as she says that it isn't fair for the members of SkyClan to go hungry so often. She confronts the supposed leader of SkyClan named Darktail and questions why he eats lavishly while his Clanmates fight for scraps. She then accuses him of breaking the warrior code, but Darktail claims that they have their own warrior code. He states that the sick and elderly must learn to care for themselves, and Molewhisker pulls Sparkpaw away before she can argue further. Sparkpaw then says that they might as well go home, as SkyClan doesn't seem to need their help, but Alderpaw insists that this is where they're supposed to be.
The group decides to hunt a little while later, with Sparkpaw going with Cherryfall. After Alderpaw encounters a real SkyClan cat named Mistfeather and learns that the cats they thought were SkyClan were actually a group of rogues that drove them out of the gorge, Darktail accuses the group of plotting against him and has them all shoved into a den. Alderpaw explains to the rest of the group what's happened to the real SkyClan while they're held captive, and Sparkpaw exclaims that she knew something was wrong. The group sneaks out of the gorge the next morning before sunrise. Sparkpaw wonders if they should leave when StarClan had sent them there, but Alderpaw says that they can't risk being around Darktail and his rogues any longer.
On the way back to the Clans, the group comes across a river and Cherryfall finds a thin log they can use to cross it. Sparkpaw goes first and announces that it's safe once she get to the other side, and Cherryfall and Molewhisker follow. When Alderpaw and Needlepaw attempt to cross however, the log break beneath them and they fall into the river, getting swept away and down a waterfall. The remaining three cats search for the two apprentices, but are unable to find them. Eventually Alderpaw and Needlepaw find their way back to the group, carrying two orphaned newborn she-kits named Twigkit and Violetkit that they'd found.
Quite a while later, the group return to the lake with Twigkit and Violetkit in tow. Upon returning to camp, Sparkpaw barely leaves her brother's side, fearful of losing him. The two of them attend a Gathering shortly after, with Sparkpaw carrying Twigkit as Alderpaw carries Violetkit, the two kittens being brought so the Clans can decide if they should be in ThunderClan or ShadowClan. Sparkpaw says that the two kits are what they were supposed to find in the shadows, and anyone who doesn't believe it is mouse-brained. As the Gathering progresses, Bramblestar and Rowanstar come to the agreement that their Clans will take one kitten each. Sparkpaw doesn't think this is fair to the kits, pitying them for having to be separated. After Violetkit is taken to ShadowClan, Twigkit collapses in despair, to which Alderpaw's sister nudges him and reminds him that the gray kitten still needs his care. The two comfort Twigkit over being separated from her sister, with the orange she-cat assuring her that a nice ShadowClan cat will be taking good care of Violetkit.
Thunder and Shadow[]
While Alderpaw and Jayfeather are treating warriors injured in a battle against some rogues, Sparkpaw rushes into the medicine den and asks if anyone's hungry. Jayfeather tells her it can wait, and Sparkpaw instead starts talking about how scary the rogues they fought sound. Jayfeather asks if she's there to help, but she declines, saying she's not a medicine cat. The blue-gray tabby makes her help anyways, and she mutters irritably to herself as she does so. Later, Sparkpaw rescues Twigkit when she falls into the lake trying to get some watermint. When they return to camp, Cherryfall goes to speak to Bramblestar about her apprentice's warrior assessment while the orange she-cat tells her brother that she'll be a warrior soon.
Sparkpaw passes her warrior assessment after catching a pigeon and two mice and outsmarting her mentor in a mock battle. She becomes a warrior and earns the name Sparkpelt, and her brother congratulates her before Jayfeather calls him over. She remarks that he must have a lot of patience to have a cat like Jayfeather as a mentor, joking that if she was his student she would've thrown all his herbs into the lake by now. She then nudges Alderpaw and says he should go, and when he tells her to keep warm, she comments that her new name will warm her up.
On the way to the Gathering, Sparkpelt and Alderpaw talk about the recent rogue attacks and rising tensions between the Clans. Alderpaw wonders if the ShadowClan warrior Yarrowleaf is just spreading rumors, and speculates why WindClan's leader Onestar won't give ShadowClan the lungwort they need to help with their yellowcough outbreak. Sparkpelt responds that Onestar must be as mad as a cuckoo bird and he should just give them the herbs. She then rushes ahead, exited for the Gathering, and tells her littermate to hurry up as she goes over to a group of RiverClan cats. When Alderpaw is about to go to the Moonpool to become a full medicine cat and earn his full name, she wishes him luck before going to join a hunting party.
Shattered Sky[]
As she's about to leave for the next Gathering, Alderheart notices a patch of fur missing on Sparkpelt's shoulder. She discusses ShadowClan's leader Rowanstar with Cherryfall during the Gathering itself, and afterwards she and the others who went to go find SkyClan are asked about the journey. She volunteers to join a search party to go find where the real SkyClan is, but eventually the idea of sending one is rejected to avoid risking any warriors.
After Darktail's rogues and many renegade ShadowClan cats form The Kin, they take over RiverClan and keep many of its members prisoner. When discussing how to save them, Sparkpelt suggests having Violetpaw sneak them out one at a time. Berrynose says that isn't a good idea, to which she questions if he has a better one in mind. The plan is still rejected though, to avoid putting Violetpaw in danger as Darktail is likely to notice the hostages disappearing one by one.
She later joins a patrol that waits for Violetpaw to return with ShadowClan's elders in tow, though is hesitant about the plan. When Violetpaw and the elders arrive, the orange warrior tells them to keep quiet and inform them that they'll be taken to ThunderClan camp for their safety. She and Alderheart flanks two elders to keep them steady, and she recognizes some members of The Kin patrolling ShadowClan's territory as they head to camp. Despite trying to guide the elders away, the patrol ends up fighting the group of Kin cats, and after the fight they arrive in camp where Sparkpelt comments that a kittypet The Kin has recruited named Loki had clearly never fought in his life.
She participates along with all four Clans against The Kin, but is forced to retreat with everyone else when WindClan suddenly withdrawals from battle and the Clans are left outnumbered. After SkyClan arrives to the lake, all five Clans launch another attack on The Kin. This time they're successful, as Onestar kills Darktail and The Kin is forced to disband.
Darkest Night[]
While sitting with Cherryfall, Fernsong and Lionblaze, Sparkpelt complains that everyone is still sheltering in ThunderClan camp even though The Kin is gone now. Ivypool and Fernsong point out that the ShadowClan cats left days ago, but she retorts that half of RiverClan and all of SkyClan is still there. She gripes about how crowded the dens are and how she had to give up her own nest for RiverClan's recovering deputy Reedwhisker, and Ivypool assures her that the river cats will be leaving soon now that their camp is almost fully rebuilt. When the group brings up the cats of SkyClan, Sparkpelt questions where they'll go, and Lionblaze states that the leaders will decide at the next Gathering. Sparkpelt rhetorically asks if they're going to invent a new place for SkyClan to go, asking who would give up their territory for them. She seems to be anticipating an answer, but Lionblaze simply shrugs and says that it's up for StarClan to decide.
Ivypool then reminds Fernsong that Bramblestar sent out five hunting parties earlier, and when the RiverClan party return they'll have prey with them. Sparkpelt mutters that they may not return at all, reminding everyone that Mistystar and her patrol didn't come back last night. Twigpaw says that she expected Sparkpelt to be happy if RiverClan didn't come back, to which she flicks her tail dismissively.
While talking with Leafpool about the Clans giving up a bit of their territory to make room for SkyClan, Alderheart says that it's the right thing to do, to which Leafpool says that not everyone may think that, looking at Sparkpelt as she talks to Squirrelflight on the Highledge. On the way to the next Gathering, Alderheart mentions Twigpaw's upcoming warrior assessment to Sparkpelt, hoping to get her thoughts on SkyClan by bringing up the cat who brought them to the lake. When she doesn't mention SkyClan however, he decides to get right to the point by asking what she thinks the other leaders will decide on the fifth Clan's fate. She looks at Bramblestar and responds that she hopes they do the right thing, and Alderheart asks what she means by "the right thing". To the ginger tom's shock, she says that the right thing is for the four Clans to live around the lake without SkyClan like they already had been, stating that the lake isn't SkyClan's home and never has been.
Alderheart swallows anxiously and asks what she thinks will happen to SkyClan, and is further shocked when she glances at them and says they should go back to the gorge where they came from. She continues that with The Kin gone, they're free to go back to their "proper" home, and Alderheart asks if his visions meant anything to her. She retorts that StarClan only wanted them to find SkyClan, which is what they did, and made no mention of bringing them to the lake. He respond that they didn't exactly, but he's sure their ancestors want them to keep SkyClan close. His sister casts him a glance of doubt and questions how that would help, as they've both already seen what happens when a new group comes to the lake- referring to The Kin. The two continue to argue until Sparkpelt abruptly runs ahead.
At the Gathering, Mistystar states that RiverClan will be closing their borders and cutting off all contact with the other Clans before leaving. Bramblestar then invites SkyClan's leader Leafstar to sit in the Great Oak that the other leaders sit in, but the WindClan warrior Crowfeather protests, saying that the other Clans don't know anything about SkyClan. The ShadowClan warrior Scorchfur backs this up, stating that they've never even heard of SkyClan until ThunderClan told them about it, and as the argument escalates Alderheart sees his sister watching excitedly, worrying if she'll join in on the outcries.
Sparkpelt then stands up and says in a shaky but determined voice that she knows SkyClan has suffered greatly over the past few moons, the other cats quieting down as she speaks. She continues that now that The Kin is gone, she doesn't understand why SkyClan doesn't go back to the gorge as it's safe again. She then asks why they need SkyClan now when they've managed without them before. She pauses, now holding every cat's attention, and asks who's willing to give up their own Clan's territory to make room for SkyClan. Before anyone can respond, Tigerheart of ShadowClan hops onto the roots of the Great Oak and asks Rowanstar if he may speak. He then speaks of ShadowClan's many losses to The Kin, and that it would make sense for them to give some of their territory to an ally, gaining the approval of most cats.
Later, Alderheart passes by Dewnose and Ambermoon in camp, who are sweeping up leaves. Dewnose glares at Sparkpelt and Larksong who are sitting nearby, saying he thought they were supposed to be helping. Sparkpelt replies that she would if Larksong didn't keep distracting her, giving the black tom she's sitting next to a teasing glance. Alderheart realizes that she's flirting with Larksong and wonders why she's wasting time being a featherbrain when she's always so set on being the Clan's best warrior.
When Alderheart goes into twolegplace to look for a prophesized cat with six toes, he gets attacked by a kittypet named Jasper and his sister comes to his rescue. She then asks if he's ok, and he says that he's fine and thanks her before turning away. She shrugs and says it was nothing before following him up a slope, wondering where he's off to. He bluntly tells her he's heading home, and when asked if she's been following him the orange tabby replies that she was, as she saw him sneaking out like he was up to something and she wanted to know what. She comments that it's a good thing she followed him, otherwise Jasper would have torn him to shreds, to which her brother snaps that Jasper wouldn't have hurt him because the ginger medicine cat was planning his next move before she showed up. Sparkpelt decides to change the subject and asks what Alderheart was doing in twolegplace in the first place, but he says that it's medicine cat stuff she wouldn't understand. She tells him to try her, but he stays silent, still bitter about her rant about SkyClan and how she's been too busy flirting with Larksong to speak to him much the past moon.
She then blocks his path and asks if something's wrong and if she's bothering him. Alderheart then asks what's wrong with her, as the two of them been so close in the past, but now it feels as if they barely know each other. Hurt, Sparkpelt asks if they're still close, admitting that Larksong had been distracting her lately and wondering if her littermate has been bothered by it. He replies that isn't exactly it, but it's rather because she hasn't noticed anything about him; not his feelings about SkyClan, not the prophecy he's been fretting over, and not how embarrassed he is having to be saved from a kittypet. He says that she acts like everything is ok, even when it's not. Sparkpelt's fur bristles as she retorts that she does know how he feels about SkyClan, but that doesn't mean she has to feel the same. She adds that she has her own opinion on things, and she does care about her brother's worries. She begins pacing as she laments that she'd been too preoccupied with Larksong to talk to her brother about what's important, and apologizes for saving him from Jasper. She then pauses and takes her apology back, saying she couldn't just leave him to have his fur ripped off. The orange she-cat then says that she's a warrior and he's a medicine cat, and if she was bleeding out in a battle, he'd save her because he saves cats while she hunts and fights.
Alderheart then apologizes, admitting he's being oversensitive and she's allowed to have her own opinions, glancing towards her and adding that even if those opinions are wrong. Sparkpelt purrs that she's glad he's sensitive, as that's what makes him a great sibling. She then nudges him and says that the two of them will have the biggest piece of fresh-kill from the pile when they get home, and if anyone complains she'll tell them that he travelled all the way to the twolegplace and fought the fiercest cat in the forest. Alderheart agrees, but only if they take the second biggest piece instead. Sparkpelt agrees and asks why he really came to the twolegplace, and he explains that he was hoping to find the prophesized six-toed cat, but to no avail. She tells him not to worry and that it'll work itself out, reminding him that he found SkyClan. He corrects her that Twigpaw was the one to find SkyClan, and she says that it was only because he told the apprentice where to look. She then suggests that the prophecy he's worrying about might not be as bad as it seems. As the two reach the top of the slope, he disagrees with this and says that he can feel it's something important, and StarClan wants him to figure it out.
As they head into the forest, Sparkpelt says that if he needs to make another journey like this, she'll be happy to help. Soon after, he asks her to tell him about Larksong, and if she really likes him. She shrugs and says that she does a lot, but isn't sure about starting a relationship with him, as for now she doesn't want anything serious and just wants to enjoy being a warrior. She continues that she likes being with him, and thinks that he feels the same. She then glances at her brother anxiously and asks him if he thinks Larksong feels the same, and he asks why he wouldn't, as she's, smart, funny, and a skilled warrior. She thanks him with a nudge before the two are suddenly attacked by a dog. Sparkpelt knocks her brother back and swipes at the dog's snout, and it bites her hind leg before dragging her into the bracken. Alderheart flings himself at the dog's head, clawing at it until it retreats. He then finds his sister in the bracken, who tells him that was the most courageous thing she'd ever seen. As her brother inspects her wounded leg, she stands up and gently touches the ground with it, reporting that nothing is broken. Alderheart says that the wound will need tending to, but she shoos him forward with her tail and says that it's bad enough that he had t chase off a dog when she's supposed to be a warrior. She then adds not to rub nettles onto her injury, to which he glances at her amusedly and says he was going to use oak leaves. She calls him smart-ears as she begins limping towards camp.
At the next Gathering, Sparkpelt and Alderheart walk side-by-side on their way to the island. During the Gathering, Rowanstar announces that he's stepping down from leadership and joining SkyClan along with the remaining members of ShadowClan. Upon hearing this, Sparkpelt snarls that it didn't take long for SkyClan to begin claiming more territory, stating they never should have come to the lake in the first place. Two SkyClan warriors named Sandynose and Sagenose retort that their new territory was given to them willingly, and that the other four Clans - ShadowClan especially - were already falling apart before they arrived.
River of Fire[]
As Twigpaw heads back to ThunderClan with the SkyClan apprentice Finpaw in tow, she catches a familiar scent and realizes Sparkpelt is nearby, calling out the orange tabby's name. Sparkpelt walks out of the ferns with her fur bristling, asking the two what they're doing as her claws unsheathe. Twigpaw wonders why the warrior looks like she's facing off against an enemy, and Sparkpelt once more asks what they're doing on ThunderClan territory. Twigpaw explains that she wishes to move back to ThunderClan, to which Sparkpelt looks at Finpaw and points out that he's a SkyClan cat. Finpaw tells her that he wants to move to ThunderClan as well to be with his friend Twigpaw, and Sparkpelt snaps that they'll need to speak to Bramblestar about it. As she escorts the two to ThunderClan camp, she tells Twigpaw to keep her fur on and that she's taking proper precautions. Once Twigpaw is allowed back in to ThunderClan, Sparkpelt is assigned as her mentor. Though she's shocked about this, the orange warrior has enough sense not to protest the decision.
When a patrol is sent to RiverClan, Sparkpelt exclaims that she'll never get her pelt cleaned and warns Twigpaw to be careful while getting watermint, remembering the time she'd saved Twigkit from the lake several moons ago. While crossing through WindClan, some RiverClan warriors confront the patrol and remind them that RiverClan's borders are closed, causing Sparkpelt to ask if they saw them on RiverClan's territory and argue that if they should be getting permission from anyone, it should be WindClan. She then adds that they're doing important medicine cat business and have the right to gather some watermint to help their sick Clanmates. After being turned away from entering RiverClan, Sparkpelt growls that they shouldn't need permission to be there and says StarClan knows what the RiverClan cats will do when Alderheart is sent into their camp alone.
Sparkpelt and Twigpaw train for battle, but Twigpaw is unhappy with her mentor showing her basic moves she already knows. She and her student then talk about training and the prophecy, and later the green-eyed she-cat sits vigil for Briarlight when she dies from sickness. After passing her assessment, Sparkpelt cheers for her apprentice as she becomes a warrior and earns the name Twigbranch.
The Raging Storm[]
A hunting party of Sparkpelt, Ambermoon and Berrynose encounter Alderheart while he's investigating a silverthorn bush, trying to get clues on how to cure Puddleshine's infection. When Alderheart explains this, his sister comments that she wouldn't be surprised if silverthorn is poisonous, encouraging him that he'll find a way to cure Puddleshine soon. As she says this, the two spot a rabbit limping nearby and she drops into a hunting crouch. Her littermate warns her that the rabbit smells infected, and in a disappointed tone she stands up and says they'll just have to hunt elsewhere. She asks Alderheart if he's ok, leading her patrol away when he says yes.
Squirrelflight's Hope[]
Sparkpelt and Larsong are now mates, and while out hunting the two see Squirrelflight sneaking off but promise her not to tell anyone where she's been. When Bramblestar and Squirrelflight get into an argument about SkyClan's territory, she breaks up their quarrel before happily announcing that she's expecting her and Larksong's kits, her parents congratulating her. While she's out hunting with Larksong, Squirrelflight, Mousewhisker and Blossomfall, the group run into The Sisters and take them back to camp. Squirrelflight and Bramblestar then get into another argument - this time about The Sisters - Sparkpelt starts getting cramps and her mother explains that she gets them whenever she's feeling anxious.
Larksong later falls gravely ill, and despite their combined efforts, Leafpool, Jayfeather and Alderheart can't seem to cure him. Sparkpelt frets over her mate, and soon falls ill as well. Squirrelflight then goes to The Sisters' camp to see if any of them know what to do, and she's advised to use dandelion roots. When Leafpool gives Sparkpelt and Larksong the roots, only the former wakes up. She goes into labor soon after and is extremally exhausted throughout. She then gives birth to three kittens; an orange-and-black tom named Flickerkit, a tortoiseshell she-kit named Finchkit, and a pure black tom named Flamekit. Flickerkit is sadly stillborn however, and when Larksong wakes up Squirrelflight takes one of the two remaining kits for him to see. He stares at his child with love and happiness before passing away, causing Sparkpelt heavy sorrow.
Sparkpelt then stays in the nursery with Flamekit and Finchkit, but due to Larksong's and Flickerkit's deaths she spirals into a deep depression that renders her unable to take care of either of them. Sorrelstripe nurses the two newborns instead, and she and Daisy worry that the two won't recognize Sparkpelt as their mother when they grow up. Squirrelflight later visits The Sisters and they perform a ritual for Flickerkit. When they see Flickerkit and Larksong, Squirrelflight explains to them that they are her daughter's son and mate respectively.
Later, when Squirrelflight and Leafpool are crushed in a rockslide and teetering on life and death, they appear in StarClan where they see the spirits of Larksong and Flickerkit. As Squirrelflight comes back to the living world, Flamekit and Finchkit greets her, and she goes to talk to her daughter about them. Daisy says that Stormcloud keeps trying to help the orange warrior, but the cream she-cat says she thinks he should give up because it isn't working. Squirrelflight tells her daughter that she saw Larksong in StarClan, but she doesn't believe her. The deputy then tells her that Flickerkit was there as well, causing her to look up at her with surprise and sadness. She says that "Flickerkit" was one of the names she and Larksong had picked out together, and Squirrelflight tells her that her mate and son will always be with her, but she needs to move on from their deaths and focus on the kits she still has.
Squirrelflight then sees the two kittens playing with Daisy and tells them to come play with their mother. Flamekit protests that she doesn't want to play with them and that Daisy is more fun to play with, but Sparkpelt bats a moss ball towards him and Finchkit, enticing them to play with her. From then on, Sparkpelt starts bonding with her children more and more.
The Broken Code[]
Lost Stars[]
Sparkpelt continues staying in the nursery and looking after Finchkit and Flamekit. When Bramblestar appears to have died permanently after being buried in snow, Squirrelflight refuses to go to the Moonpool to become the next leader until she's finished grieving her mate. Sparkpelt urges her mom to go, saying she can't truly be the leader until StarClan has given her nine lives and the name of a leader. During Bramblestar's vigil, Sparkpelt and Alderheart sit close to their father's body, the later saying that everyone in ThunderClan had loved Bramblestar, and he was deserving of this love. She's shocked when Bramblestar appears to revive, asking what's happening in a surprised whisper, but is glad to seemingly have her father back nonetheless.
The Silent Thaw[]
Sparkpelt returns to her warrior duties now that Flamepaw and Finchpaw are apprentices. "Bramblestar" begins demanding that codebreakers be punished, exiling Lionblaze for being half-Clan and accidentally trespassing into WindClan. When "Bramblestar" asks his spy Bristlefrost why their Clanmates aren't catching enough prey, she reports seeing Sparkpelt suddenly leaving a hunting party the other day and returning without any catches. She adds that the orange she-cat caught stuff later and reasons that she was just having bad luck, but the leader calls Sparkpelt over and demands to know where she went. She claims that she was just hunting, but the leader's pressing makes her admit that she was actually looking for Lionblaze. "Bramblestar" yells at her for this, snapping at Squirrelflight when she comes to her daughter's defense.
Sparkpelt quietly begs not to be banished, saying her kits still need her as Flamepaw shivers in fear next to her. "Bramblestar" instead tells her to go get some catmint from near the twolegplace as punishment, indirectly threatening her kits should she refuse. Sparkpelt obliges and heads out to get some, only to return limping and badly wounded. She wearily explains how she was attacked by dogs and she's rushed into the medicine den, with Bristlefrost shocked by how apathetic "Bramblestar" is toward his daughter's condition and near-death. While investigating the twoleg nest Sparkpelt had gone to, Bristlefrost discovers prey blood and figures out that the dog pack had been deliberately lured there, and the leader sent Sparkpelt there in hopes of getting her killed. With this, the gray warrior realizes that her friend in SkyClan Rootpaw was right when he claimed that the real Bramblestar was possessed by an imposter.
Veil of Shadows[]
After the ShadowClan medicine cat Shadowsight goes missing, Sparkpelt comments that signs from StarClan can often be confusing. She then witnesses the false leader exiling Twigbranch, Jayfeather and Lionblaze, and later exiling Alderheart as well. Sparkpelt enters the medicine den to find Alderheart's and Jayfeather's replacement Flipclaw trying to treat Shellfur's paw with oak leaves and suggests her use marigolds instead. Bristlefrost defends her brother by saying he's doing his best, and the older she-cat sighs that she's right. She then calls for her leader, who lazily comes out of the leader's den to greet her. She tells him that the Clan can't function without a trained medicine cat and advises he let Brightheart help, as she has some experience with medicine cat duties.
"Bramblestar" retorts that loyalty is the most important part of living in a Clan and the warrior code states that a leader's word is not to be questioned. Sparkpelt argues that the warrior code was given to them by StarClan, and they can't communicate with them without a proper medicine cat. When the imposter declares her exile, Graystripe comes forward and defends her, stating that no leader should mandate obedience, but the imposter proceeds to swipe at the elder's snout. Graystripe then says that no leader would harm their own Clanmates like that and Firestar would be ashamed, to which the imposter demands that he get out and tells anyone who agrees with him that they're banished as well. Blossomfall, Bumblestripe, Cinderheart, Thriftear and Finchpaw join Sparkpelt and Graystripe in exile. Sparkpelt gives a silent nod to her daughter as Flamepaw watches them leave sadly, wanting them to stay with him.
The banished cats join the rebellion against the imposter, and Sparkpelt bonds with her daughter while living in exile. She aids in the battle against "Bramblestar", and once the faux leader is defeated and imprisoned she returns to ThunderClan with the rest of the exiled cats.
The Place of No Stars[]
After Ashfur - who had been the one possessing Bramblestar - escapes his imprisonment in ShadowClan and Squirrelflight goes missing, Lionblaze takes a patrol Bristlefrost, Plumstone, Leafshade and Bumblestripe to interrogate Shadowsight on their whereabouts. Sparkpelt volunteers to go as well since it concerns her mom, and after Jayfeather seconds her decision Lionblaze lets her come. At ShadowClan camp, Rootspring tells the group that he witnessed Ashfur dragging Squirrelflight into the Moonpool when she went to get her nine lives. Mistystar says that changes everything if it's true, and Sparkpelt responds that it must be, as Squirrelflight wouldn't go with Ashfur willingly. Later, Graystripe - who is ThunderClan's temporary leader with Bramblestar and Squirrelflight gone - leaves Sparkpelt in charge of the camp while he and his patrol are gone. She's surprised at this, and when Graystripe tells her he knows she'll make her mother proud, she assures him of this.
A Starless Clan[]
As Flamepaw and Finchpaw are about to take their warrior assessments, Sparkpelt wishes her children good luck. Flamepaw notices how her wish is warmer with Finchpaw and more awkward with him, thinking about how much closer his sister is with her than him after they'd went into exile together as he was left behind. Finchpaw passes her assessment while Flamepaw fails, and the former becomes a warrior named Finchlight. Sparkpelt tries comforting her son by sharing prey with him, and later defends him when his mentor Lilyheart scolds him for letting Spotfur's kits help him clean the elder's den. Flamepaw appreciates it, but becomes frustrated when she asks about his apprenticeship. He accuses her of not caring about him, but she insists that she does, and he should have a better understanding of the expectations placed on him for being a descendant of Firestar. Flamepaw then lashes out at her for abandoning him when she was exiled, walking away in frustration when Sparkpelt retorts that she had no choice.
Flamepaw then speaks to Finchlight about his strained relationship with their mother, and his sister assures him that Sparkpelt missed him dearly while in exile and never forgot about him. She advises him to be patient about forming a bond with her. Later, while going to speak to WindClan about stealing prey along with Squirrelflight and Flamepaw, Sparkpelt asks her mother how Bramblestar is doing. The deputy tells her that he's suffered greatly when he was trapped in the Dark Forest, and he's now afraid of being too forceful like Ashfur was. After Flamepaw finally passes his warrior assessment, Sparkpelt congratulates him, annoying him when she contributes his success to having Firestar's blood. She and Squirrelflight are shocked however, when during his warrior ceremony he rejects the name Flameheart. They tell him not to be disrespectful, but Finchlight defends her brother's reasoning and he's renamed Nightheart.
The newly-named Nightheart tries to eat with Sparkpelt and Finchlight, but both give him a disapproving look. They snap at him for what happened at his warrior ceremony, saying he's disrespecting Firestar, to which Nightheart argues that he just wanted a name that better reflected him. The orange tabby retorts that her kin is important to her and it breaks her heart to know that it isn't important to him too, but he asks why she was giving him such a hard time if she valued her kin so much. She accuses him of turning his back on Firestar and that the past leader would never have done such a thing, but her son argues that he's never even met Firestar, not have either of them. Finchlight tells him to go find somewhere else to eat, saying that he'll give Sparkpelt indigestion if he hangs around. Later, when Nightheart announces that he's leaving ThunderClan to join ShadowClan, Sparkpelt and Finchlight pop their heads out of the warrior's den, their initial shock and confusion turning to anger.
- Sparkpelt's warrior name was originally going to be Sparkfire, but for unknown reasons this was changed by the editorial team. Her original name is referenced during her warrior ceremony, where Graystripe comments on how he thought her name would've been Sparkfire.
- Author Kate Cary says that she like Alderheart more than Sparkpelt because although she thinks the latter's cheeriness is adorable, she prefers "a worrier".
- Kate also says that Sparkpelt feels comfortable the way she is and never felt pressured to live up to Firestar's legacy.
External links[]
Sparkpelt on the Warriors Wiki
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