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Bring it on, old man. Let's go!
~ Keith/Spectra to Zenoheld in the final battle

Spectra Phantom (real name Keith Fermin) is a major character and an former Vexos who appeared in Bakugan New Vestroia as an antagonist, and later redeemed character in Spectra's Last Stand. After losing to Dan Kuso, he becomes good and reunites with his sister Mira Fermin and joined the Resistance Brawlers. In Bakugan Mechtanium Surge, he is now a supporting character and helped Dan Kuso and his friends to defeat Mag Mel and their Chaos Bakugan. Though he starts out as an antagonist, he redeems himself in arc two of Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia after reuniting with his sister Mira Fermin and joins the Battle Brawlers thanks to Dan's enlightenment. He hates his father's bad plans and turns against him for treachery and torturing a certain Bakugan named Hydranoid who is Alice Gehabich's partner. He intend to overthrow King Zenoheld for his tyranny.


Before he became Spectra Phantom, Keith has pink hair who owns an Pyrus Hyper Dragonoid in the beginning who trusts Mira Fermin. But after his father gets corrupted by the Vexos, he becomes Spectra to capture Tigrerra.

As Spectra, Keith started as a cruel guy, but after he discovers that Drago is the Ultimate Bakugan, he reforms to reunite with his sister Mira and joins the Resistance Battle Brawlers.

Helped by Wilda and Helios, as well as Drago and their friends. Spectra gets his revenge on King Zenoheld for trying to destroy all Bakugans on Earth and New Vestroia by teaching him an lesson. After Clay Fermin, King Zenoheld and Prince Hydron's deaths, Spectra has never had to worry about his father Clay and bids farewell to Dan and their friends, vowing to meet them again.

In the season 4, Spectra becomes an Darkus Brawler manages to foil the Chaos Bakugans by using his now-evolved Helios to protect the Brawlers. Spectra later teams up with Dan and Drago to defeat the Mechtogan clones by working together with Shun and Taylean.

After Mag Mel and Razenoid's deaths, Spectra was seen congratulating Dan and Drago after the Earth is restored back to normal.


Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia - First Arc[]

Spectra Phantom is the Vexos leader and was first seen capturing the Bakugan onto his ship with the other Vexos members. Later he is engaged in battle with Baron Leltoy. His Pyrus Helios (orViper Helios) facing off against Blade Tigrerra, she was easily defeated and taken to Prince Hydron, by whom she was frozen and became a statue. This event and Spectra's cruelty would haunt Baron for some time. He later learns about Drago being in New Vestroa by Lync and Volt and reports it to hydron who orders him and the Vexos to capture Drago and bring him to the Prince. when the Vexos began losing one by one with the exception of Gus who defeated Dan, Spectra was forced to take matters into his own hands. Thus, he proceeded to join in on Dan Kusos on-going rematch with Gus Grav and battle alongside Gus against Dan. This caused Dan to struggle until Shun Kazami came to his rescue, Shun defeating Gus while Dan conquered Spectra. It was after Drago experienced a massive power surge via Helios' taunts about Tigrerra that Spectra started to show a small hint of betrayal, stating that he wouldn't let the magnificent Drago become a play thing, meaning that he wouldn't give it to Prince Hydron if he captured it.

Spectra and the Vexos later appear in the Alphya city torment as superstars where he is known as the supreme Spectra. when guards let them know about fans Spectra smiles knowing the resistance is here. He later commands Lync and Volt to get rid of them by cleaning house.

He later sees gate cards falling from earth and talks to his father about this fact. he, and Gus also hears Runo Misaki and Julie Makimoto when the girls tried to teleport Runo to New Vestroia but due to the malfunction of Dr. Michael's teleportation machine, they failed to transport her properly. Later, when Spectra and Gus are seen talking about going to earth. He tells Gus he doesn't need to come but Gus insists otherwise. Lync reports that to Prince Hydron, who reveals his status as a spy. After Runo goes through the portal, as Spectra and Gus approach it, Lync blocks the portal, reminding them that Prince Hydron had not given his consent for them to leave. Spectra told him that he will go anyway, and he and Gus go into the portal to Earth with Lync following them

The three Vexos trailed after the Brawlers and arrived on Earth through a Dimensional Transporter, taking Runo as his hostage and offering Dan an ultimatum: join the Vexos or risk Runo's safety. The Brawlers split up to pursue their foes, Spectra revealing that he is actually against Prince Hydron's rule and wants to team up with Dan to take him down. In a show of goodwill, he released Runo. Mira Fermins suspicion of Spectra being her brother Keith only rose because of this action, as she believed that he infiltrated the Vexos to free the Bakugan. However, it is learned that Spectra and Gus only wanted to take down Hydron so that Spectra could succeed the role of ruler of the Vestals. Meanwhile, Dan refused to believe Spectra's intentions, and Alice Gehabich soon warped in using Masqerades warp card. She took Spectra, Gus, and Dan back to the lab, where Dr. Michael sent Spectra and Gus back to New Vestroia. Unfortunately, the transporter needed to be repaired before another trip could be made. This left Lync, Mira, and Baron trapped on Earth.

However Gus and Spectra have already made their way back to the brawlers' location by tracking Dans ganulet and are seen riding the Gondola Wheel in the amusement park. once Mira caught up with them she battled a stranded Gus on the bet that if she won, Spectra would remove his mask, while Mira would fight with the Vexos against Prince Hydron if she lost. Mira planned on fighting Spectra himself, but Gus intervened, and Spectra allowed it. Mira won, and Spectra removed his mask, revealing himself to be Keith Clay, much to Gus's disapproval. Spectra left Mira in shock about the fact that her worst enemy was really her brother, Keith Clay.

While he is away Mylene takes over as the Vexos Leader and captures Shun Ace Grit and Marcucho

Spectra later showed his true colors as a cruel and uncaring person when he activated a Forbidden Ability Card in order to capture Drago. He was shown living in a warehouse with Gus who wanted to battle Dan with him but Spectra declined. He was told by an old fortune-teller before his battle with Dan that his fate would be terrible if he continued on his chosen path, which he shrugged off. The second time he saw her, she said his fate was worse than before, Spectra shattering her crystal ball in response. He then went on to challenge Dan as planned, the Forbidden Ability allowing him to successfully obtain Drago. Spectra later used the power of the Forbidden Cards to push Drago to his limits in his second one on one brawl with Dan the boy seeking to regain Drago from the antagonist. He teamed up with Apollonir to do so, throwing the Bakugan into Drago's body, thus freeing him from Spectra's grasp. However, Spectra did not seem to be angered at the loss, saying to Gus that he had collected all of the data he needed from Drago, which he later used to create Cyborg Helios.

Spectra later convinced Mira to join the Vexos, have Lync join him to overthrow Hydron, and had Gus trap Dan and the others in an electrical cage so they would not go back to New Vestroia. Unfortunately for Spectra, they escaped and took Dr. Michael Gehabichs Dimension Portal. Spectra helped Mira free Shun, Ace, and Marucho in the depths of Beta City, saying only "You are in my debt, Mira," while Baron and Dan were brawling Shadow and Mylene. This gave him a level of distrust among his peers, especially Mylene. Gus defended him by telling her that she lost the brawl and not Spectra.

He and Professor Clay upgraded and changed Viper Helios into the Ultimate Cyber Bakugan. Later he had dinner with his sister and explained his master plan which Gus who heard the conversation told him that was unwise. Spectra also battled Mira and came out victorious, forcing her to stay loyal to the Vexos. He then made her use new Machinal Bakugan to battle the Resistance. She later went back on her word by throwing her brawl, with Gus against Ace and Dan letting the Resistance take the Machinal Trap Bakugan making Spectra visibly angry for the first time. He later smirked because he had another set of machinal trap Bakugan that he was going to use on Helios.

Spectra then found Dan outside of Gamma City and decided to challenge him in an attempt to eliminate Drago so Cyborg Helios would be the only Ultimate Bakugan. He then proceeded to use the powerful Maxus Helios against Drago by taking some Bakugan meant for Prince Hydron to use on Helios. After Vestpalace's Dimension Controller was destroyed by the power spawned during the brawl and the Vexos betraying Spectra in order to frame him as a traitor. he and Dan engaged in Gauntlet Combat. Before the palace exploded, Gus and the Bakugan that Mylene threw out, Brontes and Elico, saved him. He and Spectra then fled to a distant part of the dimension to plan for their next move with Spectra stating he wasn't expecting to return to Vestial anyway. He and Gus are both labeled as traitors by the Vexos after leaving them for dead.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia - Second Arc[]

Spectra now had every Bakugan the Vexos had thrown out. He worked with Gus to force the Bakugan to evolve, using the Forbidden "Chaos Ability X" Ability Card to force evolution upon them, the two well aware that the evolution process induced by the Card could also remove the Bakugan's soul (This only happened to Brontes, as Volt would discover in a later battle with Gus). Mega Brontes, Elico, and Primo Vulcan were included in the process, evolving into Alto Brontes, Blast Elico, and Rex Vulcan. Now that Spectra was no longer allied with King Zenoheld, the Bakugan Resistance had two enemies, the Vexos and Zenoheld himself after the six Attribute Energies while Spectra himself sought the Perfect Core Energy to turn Helios into the ultimate Bakugan.

Spectra and Gus later returned to Vestal to confront the Bralwers surprising Volt and took on Dan, Marucho Marukura and Mira in a brawl. Although he defeated Marucho and Mira, Dan eventually went on to defeat him. Spectra later jammed the system that allowed the Vexos to transport to Vestal and then went to Klaus Von Hertzons mansion in search of the Brawlers. Finding only Klaus himself present, the two exchanged remarks, and Spectra left where he found out Gus was unsuccessful in having Volt join them. After hearing that the Vexos are going after the remaining attribute energies by Gus he decides to use this as an opportunity to get the Perfect Core from Drago. Spectra travels to Earth, beamed Dan up into his ship and challenged him to a brawl for the perfect core energy However, Dan was victorious once more. Afterward, Spectra and Gus promised to accompany the Resistance to the Vexos' palace due to a bet they had. Spectra seems to have a change of heart, referring to Dan as his friend in thanks for enlightening him. He then goes to the command bridge and talks to Gus about an anonymous source that gave him information. He reveals shortly that by using data on Bakugan evolution, he planned to bring out even further power from within the Bakugan.

After the party arrived at the Mother Palace, Spectra stated that the Resistance was on their own in shutting down the BT System. Spectra and Gus then appeared in front of King Zenoheld and the rest of the Vexos. After being accused of several treacheries, he warned King Zenoheld to stay away from the Resistance. Something Spectra did not plan for by making this venture, however, was the inevitable defeat of Gus when the "lapdog" challenged King Zenoheld to avenge his master. After approaching his father, Professor Clay, Spectra offered him to join him in exchange for the complete Bakugan DNA. Professor Clay refused and said that he didn't even consider Spectra his son anymore.

Spectra then formed a temporary alliance with Dan and Mira to avenge his fallen comrade, as the BT System was getting in his way of creating the Ultimate Bakugan. Hydron defeated Mira when the battle just began. Although the duo had Battle Gear within their arsenal and Prince Hydron had been defeated, Dan and Spectra still lost to King Zenoheld due to Professor Clay's activation of the final level of the trap field they were standing upon. After the Pyrus Attribute Energy was absorbed and the BT System began to activate, Spectra helped the Resistance launch a full-scale evacuation of New Vestroia using his ship to transport all of the Bakugan to Earth. However, Shun speculated that Spectra was only helping for his own purposes (Spectra desires to create the Ultimate Bakugan, but if all the other Bakugan were destroyed by the BT System, his Ultimate Bakugan won't be so "ultimate"). When time began to run out and the Resistance decided to bail out while they still could, Helios left Spectra and confronted Drago about staying to evacuate the remaining Bakugan. The two then decided to head off and destroy the BT System together. After Drago evolved by absorbing the Attribute Energies, Helios and Spectra once again became Dan and Drago's rivals before leaving New Vestroia.

Spectra soon challenged Dan to a final battle to see who was "Number One." He, however, lost and admitted he should "be working with the best instead of against the best." Thus, Spectra and Helios joined the Resistance.

Spectra removed his mask and outer coat, happily reuniting with his sister Mira and reverting to the name of his original persona, Keith Clay. It was also revealed that Keith had begun to miss his partner Gus, and how Keith had obtained his Battle Gear was found out. Keith decided to get Dan and Drago a Battle Gear, but to do so, he needed to engage Dan in battle again in order to test if the Battle Gear in question was right for Drago's body. He put his mask on once more, becoming Spectra yet again. He then challenged Dan and Drago in Bakugan Interspace, finalizing JetKor as Drago's Battle Gear. Later they learned about the Alternative by Alice thanks to her finding data Lync left behind. Keith and the Bakugan Battle Brawlers decided to set a trap for the Vexos' arrival.

When Mylene and Shadow infiltrated Marucho's House to get the Battle Gear and Phantom Data, the Resistance managed to ambush them. But when Mylene held Mira hostage, Keith said that he'd give them the data and not to hurt her. He led them to a room, managing to trick them into Bakugan Interspace. Keith then challenged them to a brawl. He and Mira defeated the duo (destroying Macubass and MAC Spider), in two separate brawls. Spectra against Shadow and Mira against Mylene. but when Mylene tried to send them to another dimension via a Death Bomb, the Bakugan Interspace collapsed, trapping everyone inside. Keith and Mira managed to escape, but they were unable to save Mylene and Shadow.

Despite the Brawlers' plan to leave in the early morning to defeat King Zenoheld once and for all, Keith left on his own and challenged the King himself in the guise of Spectra, later with the help of Gus, whom Spectra was shocked to see alive. Zenoheld also revealed the Alternative Weapon before the end of the battle. At that time, the Bakugan Resistance arrived, and they swear to destroy the Alternative. As the fight continued, Keith and Mira managed to find a way into the Alternative by blasting a hole into it via Helios MK2 and his new Battle Gear, Zukanator. They found their father, who wished to protect his creation. When the Resistance members managed to destroy the power reactor of the Alternative, they also managed to escape, but Professor Clay was trapped behind and left behind when he saved Mira from being crushed by falling debris. The group reluctantly returned to the Vestal Destroyer as the Alternative blew up with Professor Clay, Prince Hydron, and King Zenoheld either inside or within the explosion's range The Resistance, along with Gus bid farewell to the Human Resistance members as they all returned to their own homes. The Resistance members all promised they would see the Brawlers again someday.

In the Japanese Ending of Episode 52 (Final Fury in the English Version) he is shown to live his old life with Mira. She hands him a glass of juice and he receives it happily as she smiles at him.

Bakugan Gundalian Invaders[]

Spectra does not appear, but gets mentioned by Shun when he tells the Brawlers that the data that Spectra and Clay got was from Fabia Sheen to find brawlers to help her fight the Twelve Orders.

Bakugan Mechtanium Surge - First Arc[]

Spectra and Infinity Helios return in Interspace Under Siege, having received Marucho's distress SOS call and arriving in Bakugan Interspace via a Dimension Tunnel. He reveals that he and Helios had to change to Darkus in order for Helios MK2 to evolve into Infinity Helios. He then assists Shun Kazami, Rafe, Paige and Marucho Marukura in helping to get rid of Chaos Bakugan from Bakugan Interspace and easily defeats them all using Helios' new powers. He and the other then battle Team Anubias and Team Sellon's Bakugan. But the fight gets interrupted when Dan returns.

Soon Zenthon appears but Drago couldn't control him and, because of that, attacks all the Brawlers' Bakugan, included Infinity Helios. Spectra seems disappointed and sad about Dan's attitude and leaves the interior of the Bakugan Interspace.

Later Spectra and Helios go to Gundalia on the Vestal Destroyer and help the Brawlers defeat the Chaos Bakugan, Mag Mel and Razenoid for good using the BakuNano Bombaplode. He then leaves with Helios to go back to Vestal, telling Dan to contact him anytime.

In Interspace Spectra and Helios helped the Brawlers escape from Bakugan Interspace by attacking the remaining Mechtogan and summoning his own Mechtogan, Slynix, to help in the battle. Helios and Drago fused their powers to stop Mag Mel from coming into Interspace when his Mechtogan created a portal. He also bought Dan and Drago time to leave Interspace as the Mechtogan enemies tried to attack Dan and the weakened Drago, but was trapped inside Bakugan Interspace as a result. Dan and the rest of the Brawlers believed that he didn't make it out alive, and Dan got upset about it.

However the Vestal Destroyer appeared with a silhouette of Helios on it, meaning that they managed to escape. He helps the brawlers battle Mag Mel with Gus Grav alongside him, and even allows Helios to merge his powers with Taylean to fight off the Mechtogan and Mechtogan Titans. He also gives Shun a Bakugan Battle Suit, Blasterate, for Taylean to use to break Razenoid's shield. Helios also unveils his own Battle Suit: Doomtronic. He and Shun later lose to Mag Mel but Spectra remains sure that Dan will beat him.

He with Helios, Gus Grav, and Rex Vulcan, attack many Mechtogan and Razen Titan using the BakuNano Bombaplode alongside Team Sellon and Team Anubias. He awaits Dan and Drago after they defeat Mag Mel and take flight to Earth, and congratulates him for saving the Earth and the whole universe.


  • Spectra has many similarities to his spiritual predecessor Masquerade:
    • Both have alternate identities (Spectra is a pseudonym for Keith while Masquerade is a separate identity within Alice Gehabich).
    • Both became masked antagonists with blond hair when their original identities' hair were orange.
    • Both were the best Brawlers of their homelands.
    • Both had a long rivalry with Dan that lasts close to the end of the season before they decide to switch to Dan's side.
    • Both of them remove their masks after being redeemed.
  • Spectra is very similar to Marduk from the Bakugan Battle Brawlers video game, as they both wear masks with one visible eye showing, have similar outfits, and are voiced by the same actor (Dan Petronijevic), and both have a strong connection to their Bakugan. After Mechtanium Surge, both are also Darkus brawlers, and both redeem themselves.



           Bakugan LOGO Heroes

Main Heroes
Dan Kuso | Marucho Marukura | Shun Kazami | Julie Makimoto | Runo Misaki | Alice Gehabich | Mira Clay | Baron Leltoy | Ace Grit | Spectra Phantom | Gus Grav | Jake Vallory | Fabia Sheen | Paige | Rafe | Ren Krawler

Secondary Heroes
Player (Bakugan Battle Brawlers) | Player (Defenders of the Core) | Player (Dimensions) | Player (Champions of Vestroia) | Dr. Michael Gehabich | Joe Brown | JJ Dolls | Nene | Akira | Shuji | Chan Lee | Billy Gilbert | Julio Santana | Komba O'Charlie | Klaus von Hertzon | Masqerade | Prince Hydron | Christopher | Gunz Lazar | Team Anubias | Team Sellon | Zenet Surrow | Jesse Glenn | Lena Isis | Mason Brown | Ben | Robin | Jack Punt | Noah | Chris | Soon | Castle Knights | Jin | Dylan | Serena Sheen | Captain Elright | Linus Claude | Code Eve | Kato | Nurzak

Drago | Tigrerra | Preyas | Skyress | Gorem | Hydranoid | Nemus | Wilda | Mock Dragonoid | Preyas Angelo | Leonidas | Rubanoid | Elfin | Cycloid | Harpus | Tentaclear | Fourtress | Scorpio | Baliton | Piercian | Falcon Fly | Tripod Epsilon | Hylash | Shadow Wing | Wontu | Infinity Trister | Boulderon | Wolfurio | Ingram | Taylean | Avior | Linehalt | Coredem | Akwimos | Hawktor | Aranaut | Percival | Wavern | Sirenoid | Juggernoid | Falconeer | Serpenoid | Ravenoid | Helios | Vulcan | Scraper | Klawgor | Foxbat | Fencer | Leefram | Spindle | Dark Hound | Grakas Hound | Grafias | Brachium | Spitarm | Spyderfencer | Betadron | Worton | Accelerak | Thorak | Flytris | Sabator | Zenthon | Silent Strike | Zenthon Titan | Faser Titan | Slynix | Vexfist | Swift Sweep | Chromopod | Spidaro | Clawsaurus | Aerogan | Neo Ziperator | Raptorix | Nova Lion | Reptak | Jaakor | Skytruss | Orbeum | Radizen | Roxtor | Amazon | Genesis Dragonoid | Tricloid | Rabeeder | Contestir | Plitheon | Phosphos | Rubanoid | Ziperator Force | Dragonoid Destroyer | Dragonoid Colossus

Six Ancient Warriors
Apollonir | Frosch | Oberus | Clayf | Lar Lion | Exedra

External Links[]
