NOTE: This article is about the incarnation of Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the Roblox game Heroes of Robloxia. For the Marvel Cinematic Universe counterpart this character was based on, see Spider-Man
Wow, there are a lot of bad guys on the streets today! I should beat them all then try to figure out where they all came from.
~ Spider-Man after seeing Vulture's men on the streets.
Peter Benjamin Parker, better known as the Spider-Man, is the main protagonist of the event mission "Vengeance of the Vulture" from the Roblox game Heroes of Robloxia. He was added as part of the collaboration between Heroes of Robloxia and Marvel to promote the movie Spider-Man: Homecoming.
His appearance is almost identical to his movie counterpart. He wears a striking red and blue costume with a webbed pattern adorning the red portions. His mask covers his entire face, featuring large white, expressive eye lenses outlined in black, giving him a dynamic and emotive appearance. The suit includes a prominent black spider emblem on his chest and a smaller one on his back. His gloves and boots are red, with webbing designs that complement the overall theme, while the blue sections provide a sleek contrast. Agile and lean, Spider-Man’s appearance reflects his nimbleness and spider-like abilities.
Due to the lack of dialogue in the game, it is not possible to make detailed and long inferences about his personality. However, considering his conversations and the original character he is based on, it can be concluded that he is someone who always wants to help and does not think of himself.
After arriving in Robloxia for unknown reasons, Spider-Man begins to roam the streets, not even realizing he is in another city, presumably to fulfill his usual "friendly neighborhood spider-man" duties. During this time, he spots Vulture's gang spread out across the city, and fights them off to intervene.
While fighting the bad guys, Spider-Man sees an explosion on the bridge and after clearing out the remaining gang members, he goes to the bridge and uses his web to get up. When he gets out, he encounters Vulture for the first time. Seeing him, Vulture asks who he is, but soon after seeing that he is there to stop his plans, he humiliates Spider-Man and escapes to the container port.
Spider-Man follows Vulture to the container port, and just as he is about to step into the port to confront him, he is stopped by the Heroes of Robloxia. Captain Roblox greets him and introduces himself and the team, and tells him that they heard about Vulture stealing weapons and came to help. And Spider-Man goes to Vulture with the Heroes of Robloxia. Vulture says that he will destroy them all and that their efforts are in vain, and starts attacking them with his weapon, meanwhile escaping to different parts of the port. However, the heroes, who use the materials in the port at the right time and in the right way, gain the upper hand and manage to disrupt Vulture's wings, causing him to crash to the ground. Taking advantage of this, Spider-Man knocks him out and puts an end to his plans for good.
Spider-Man's "Homemade Spiderman" costume.
Spider-Man's "University Spiderman" costume.
Spider-Man's "Iron Spiderman" costume.
A GFX featuring Spider-Man and Vulture.
A GFX of Spider-Man and the Heroes of Robloxia fighting Vulture.
He and Vulture are the only character in Heroes of Robloxia who doesn't have a Roblox toy.
He is (technicially) the only member of Heroes of Robloxia whose name is known.
His costumes are abviously based off those worn by the original MCU Spider-Man, on whom he is based on.
Some people think that this is the same version of Spider-Man from the MCU that has been brought to the Roblox Universe. However, as seen in the game, Vulture asks Spider-Man who he is, meaning that they don't even know each other and haven't met, let alone Vulture knowing his true identity.
Despite being part of an official collaboration, it's unknown if this version of Spider-Man is a part of the Marvel Multiverse or not.
It's also unknown whether the mission itself and Spider-Man are part of the main storyline or completely non-canon.