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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Chihiro Ogino has declared Spider-Man (Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man TV series) is to be renamed to
Spider-Man (Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man)

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Nico Minoru: You got a name hero?"
Peter Parker: "Oh?... Yeah; sorry. I'm Peter Parker.
~ Nico Minoru and Peter Parker, upon meeting each other, for the first time, the moment before a radioactive spider bit the latter, on the back of his neck.
I decided to become your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man...and that was probably a really bad idea.
~ Spider-Man after getting defeated by his first supervillain

Peter Parker (born on August 10th, 2001) also known as Spider-Man, is the titular main protagonist of the Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man animated and comic series, set in the multiverse depicted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

He's a different version of the MCU Spider-Man who's mentored by Norman Osborn instead of Tony Stark. Apart from being a variant of MCU Spider-Man, he's also based on the original incarnation of the character first despicted in Amazing Fantasy #15 and the first Amazing Spider-Man comic series.

He's voiced by Hudson Thames who also voices his counterpart from the What If...? episode What If... Zombies!?.


Peter is a caucasian teenage boy with brown hair that's neatly trimmed. He's typically seen carrying around a bookbag while wearing jeans along with a blue jacket over a yellow vest. He also has round glasses, despite most versions of Peter deciding to stop wearing them after getting bit by the spider that gives him powers, indicating this incarnation of Peter either still needs them to see, or is wearing them to not arouse suspicion.

As Spider-Man, his costime was originally created from homemade materials. It consisted of a red mask with goggles, a blue shirt with red sleeves with a logo of a spider in the center of it, and red and blue pants with kneepads. He also carried around a backpack and webshooters that actually had cords connected to it.


The day I got these powers, I wasn't sure why. You know, why me? Why not someone else? Someone that could've been the next Captain America, instead of some kid from Queens, but now I truly believe that I have these powers to help people, to protect them as Spider-Man, and if that means endangering myself, I'm okay with that.
~ Peter Parker explaining to Norman Osborn why he decided to become Spider-Man.

Peter's a kind and selfless teenage boy. Even before becoming Spider-Man, he's seen to have a righteous sense of justice when he attempts to stop a rogue symbiote from attacking Nico, despite not knowing her at the time or the fact he had no way of actually stopping the creature. He's also socially awkward, often nervously trying to explain his actions to people he talks to. Despite this, he's still always friendly and outgoing as both Peter Parker and Spider-Man. He also has a passion for science, namely robotics. As Spider-Man he's somewhat more cocky and confident, but still always has other people's best interests at heart.


Early Life[]

Peter Benjamin Parker was born in 2001 to Richard and Mary Parker. After their deaths, an orphaned Peter was taken in by his uncle Ben and aunt May as they were the only family he had. Peter grew close to Ben and May, and the two raised him like he was their own son with Pearl Pangan babysitting him while they were away. By middle school, Peter had just become extremely bright, having developed a knack for science, despite the bullying he faced from his peers. However, at the end of middle school, his uncle Ben died, devastating both Peter and May.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man[]

On his first Day of high school at Midtown High, Peter Parker is dropped off by May and meets Nico Minoru, saving her from an alternate reality version of a symbiote who's battling Doctor Strange. After the battle, he's bitten by a spider who came from Doctor Strange's portal and passes out. After coming back to his senses Peter witnesses an explosion at Midtown as he and May returned home, discovering in the process that he has spider like powers and abilities. After a chat with Nico, Peter decided to infiltrate Midtown High School with her which results in them getting caught by the Manfredi Crime Family, with Peter using his spider like abilities to escape. After realizing that he can't tell the police the truth, Peter gets the idea to use his powers to take matters into his own hands, becoming a superhero and taking on the alias of Spider-Man. After facing Crusher Hogan, Peter used the money from the fight to create a red and blue suit to battle the criminals of New York City, entering a conflict with Silvermane and the Enforcers in the process. In his normal life, Peter and Nico begin attending Rockford Bales High School in which he's reunited with his childhood crush and babysitter Pearl Pangan.

A few months later, he meets and saves Harry Osborn from a mugging before making his way to school. During class, he sneaks out when he sees the police chasing a runaway car and stops it, gaining the admiration of the onlooking crowd. Later, he's assigned to work with his classmate Lonnie Lincoln, much to Peter's initial annoyance due to the fact Lonnie's dating his friend and secret crush Pearl Pangan. However, Lonnie and Peter end up bonding and become good friends. That night, he catches a would be thief, but decides to let her go, giving her a second chance after she tearfully admits she only did it because she lost her job and was desperate. When he gets home, he's shocked and starstuck when he sees Norman Osborn inside his apartment. Norman then proceeds to offer Peter an internship, being impressed with the young boy's intelligence. Peter accepts and celebrates with May after Norman leaves.

The next day, he makes his way to Oscorp after school and is assigned to be Carla Connor's partner as he gets invited to party by Nico and Lonnie. However during a break, he sees on the news a building's on fire due to an arsonist and goes to stop it. When he arrives, he meets Butane and battles him, taking the fight into a nearby pet shop. Peter's successful in stopping him and saving the animals inside, but quickly makes his way back to Oscorp once he realizes how long he's been gone. When he gets there, he's summoned to Norman's office and is left speechless when Norman shows him footage of Peter switching into his Spider-Man suit, revealing he now knows Peter's secret as Peter recies a call from Nico finding that she bail the party as he didnt came. After this, Peter was invited to dinner by Norman in which he offered to mentor him as a way of thanks for saving Harry after revealing that he's his son. Peter initially declined however, saying he'd rather work alone as he doesn't want to risk anyone he knows or cares about getting hurt. However, as he later on fights Speed Demon and Tarantula, Spider-Man ends up working with Norman when the latter hacks into his communication device to help instruct him, resulting in Spider-Man successfully taking down the two criminals, as well as Peter deciding to accept Norman's help after all.

The next day, Peter discovers the Sokovia Accords which Norman tells him to not worry about as he makes Peter try the custom suit he created for him, despite Peter initally wanting to use his original red and blue design. After each suit he tried end up backfiring one way or another, Norman apologizes for being hard on Peter and not listening to him by giving him a redefined white suit. Althought he isn't initially sure about it, he quickly warms up to it while wearing it during a chase to catch some criminals. He decides to stop his pursuit of them however in order to help some civilians that are in danger, discovering he's fireproof in the process. Peter returns to Oscorp and unmasks himself, excitedly telling Norman how amazing the suit is, not noticing Harry in the room until it's too late, unintentionally revealing his identity to the boy.

The next day, Harry becomes apart of the team, being Peter's "dude at the desk" due to Norman's advice. Harry then drives Peter to school, resulting in most people there admiring and becoming jealous of Peter. While talking with Nico in class, he discovers that Harry's actually a very popular influencer, much to the boy's surprise. After school lets out, Nico and Peter talk about the Sokovia Accords incident and if either Captain America or Iron Man are right. Peter then decides to invite Nico to a movie night, to which she enthusiatically agrees. Some time later, Spider-Man patrols the city with the help of Harry instructing him from Oscorp. The two boys bond with each other after finding out they're both fans of Captain America. That night, they end up stopping a prison breakout caused by Unicorn. Afterwards, Peter eventually starts heading back to Oscorp, but panics after remembering his movie night with Nico. Barely making it on time, he greets Nico and reveals he invited Harry after realizing he's actually quite lonely as a consequence of being surrounded by people who only want to talk to him for popularity or wealth. Peter checks with Nico to make sure it's okay, and seems relieved when she insists it is, not noticing she's actually jealous and frustrated.

Powers and Abilites[]

Spider-Physiology: After being bitten by an interdimensional spider Peter can do whatever a spider can.


  • Before Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man was ultimately announced to be set in it's own continuity, this version of Peter Parker/Spider-Man was going to be one and the same with his MCU counterpart, with the show originally set in the MCU's main continuity of Earth-199999, in 2015, just six months before the events of Captain America: Civil War.
  • Unlike other versions of Peter Parker, who were bitten by a radioactive spider before Uncle Ben's death, this version was bitten by a radioactive spider some point after Uncle Ben's death.

External Links[]


           Marvel Cinematic Universe Logo Heroes

Stark Industries
Iron Man | Pepper Potts | Happy Hogan | J.A.R.V.I.S. | Edwin Jarvis | F.R.I.D.A.Y. | E.D.I.T.H. | Karen

United States Armed Forces
War Machine | Thunderbolt Ross | Captain America | Winter Soldier | Abraham Erskine | Falcon | Jack Thompson | Daniel Sousa | Roger Dooley | Everett Ross | U.S. Agent | Battlestar | Joaquín Torres | Isaiah Bradley

Nick Fury | Phil Coulson | Maria Hill | Sharon Carter | Hawkeye | Black Widow | Peggy Carter | Chester Phillips | Howard Stark | Captain America | Melinda May | Quake | Leo Fitz | Mockingbird | Jemma Simmons | Lance Hunter | Alphonso Mackenzie | Yo-Yo Rodriguez | Robert Gonzales | Deathlok | Lincoln Campbell | Joey Gutierrez | Lash | Jimmy Woo | Rick Mason | Deke Shaw | Antoine Triplett | Eric Koenig | Billy Koenig | Sam Koenig | L.T. Koenig | James Davis | Piper | Patriot | Phil Coulson (Chronicom LMD) | Daniel Sousa | Kora

Culver University
Hulk | Betty Ross | Roger Harrington | Jane Foster | Darcy Lewis | Erik Selvig

Thor Odinson | Odin Borson | Frigga | Bor Burison | Sif | Heimdall | Valkyrie | Skurge | Axl Heimdallson
Warriors Three: Volstagg | Fandral | Hogun

Frost Giants
Loki Laufeyson

Howling Commandos
Captain America | Winter Soldier | Dum Dum Dugan | Gabe Jones | James Montgomery Falsworth | Jim Morita | Jacques Dernier

The Avengers
Iron Man | Captain America | Thor Odinson | Hulk | Black Widow | Hawkeye | Quicksilver | Scarlet Witch | Vision | War Machine | Falcon | Spider-Man | Captain Marvel | Nebula | Rocket Raccoon | Okoye | Ant-Man

Guardians of the Galaxy
Rocket Raccoon | Groot | Kraglin Obfonteri | Cosmo | Adam Warlock | Phyla | Blurp
Former Members: Star-Lord | Gamora | Drax the Destroyer | Mantis | Yondu Udonta | Nebula | Thor Odinson

Yondu Udonta | Kraglin Obfonteri | Stakar Ogord | Martinex T'Naga | Charlie-27 | Aleta Ogord | Mainframe | Krugarr
Alternate Timeline: Thanos | Korath the Pursuer | Taserface | Gamora

Nova Corps
Rhomann Dey | Irani Rael | Garthan Saal

The Defenders
Daredevil | Jessica Jones | Luke Cage | Iron Fist

PYM Tech/X-Con Security Consultants
Ant-Man | Wasp | Stature | Hank Pym | Janet Van Dyne | Luis | Dave | Ant-thony | Kurt Goreshter

The Golden Tribe: Bashenga | T'Chaka | Ramonda | T'Challa (Black Panther) | Shuri (Black Panther)
Dora Milaje: Okoye | Ayo | Aneka
Others: Nakia | M'Baku | Zuri

Midtown School of Science and Technology
Spider-Man | Michelle Jones | Ned Leeds | Roger Harrington

Masters of the Mystic Arts
Doctor Strange | Ancient One | Wong | Karl Mordo | Sara Wolfe | Rintrah | America Chavez

The Revengers/Sakaaran Rebellion
Thor Odinson | Loki Laufeyson | Hulk | Valkyrie | Korg | Miek

House of Agon
Black Bolt | Medusa | Triton | Karnak | Gorgon | Crystal | Lockjaw

Alex Wilder | Chase Stein | Molly Hernandez | Nico Minoru | Karolina Dean | Gert Yorkes | Old Lace

Talos | Soren | Norex | G'iah

Maria Rambeau | Monica Rambeau

Nick Fury | Monica Rambeau

Time Variance Authority
Loki Laufeyson (L1130) | Mobius M. Mobius | Hunter B-15 | Hunter C-20 | Casey | Ouroboros

Red Room
Black Widow | Yelena Belova | Red Guardian | Melina Vostokoff

Ta Lo Armed Forces
Shang-Chi | Katy Chen | Xialing | Ying Nan | Trevor Slattery | Guang Bo

The Eternals
Sersi | Ikaris | Kingo | Sprite | Phastos | Makkari | Druig | Gilgamesh | Ajak | Thena | Starfox

Moon Knight | Scarlet Scarab

Freedom Fighters
Jentorra | Veb | Quaz | Xolum | Broccoli Man

The Marvels
Captain Marvel | Ms. Marvel | Monica Rambeau

Guardians of the Multiverse
The Watcher | Captain Carter (Earth-82111) | Star-Lord (T'Challa) | Party Thor | Gamora (Daughter of Thanos) | Black Widow (Ultron's Timeline) | Strange Supreme

Christine Palmer | Professor X | Captain Carter | Black Bolt | Captain Marvel | Doctor Strange | Baron Mordo | Mr. Fantastic

Wolverine | Colossus | Negasonic Teenage Warhead | Yukio

Deadpool | Wolverine | X-23 | Human Torch | Blade | Gambit | Elektra

Deadpool's variants
Dogpool | Nicepool

Loki's variants
Loki Laufeyson (L1130) | Sylvie Laufeydottir | Classic Loki | Kid Loki | Alligator Loki

Spider-Man's variants
Spider-Man (Earth-96283) | Spider-Man (Earth-120703) | Spider-Man (Zombie Apocalypse)

Nebula's variants
Lady Nebula | Nebula (Nova Corps)

Scarlet Witch's variants
Scarlet Witch (Earth-838) | Scarlet Witch (1602)

Defender Strange | Leo Fitz | Chase Stein | Doctor Octopus | Eddie Brock/Venom | Peter W. | Vanessa Carysle | Dopinder | Blind Al | Shatterstar | HYDRA Stomper | Iron Man (Sakaar) | Victor Timely | Peter Quill | Hope Van Dyne | Hank Pym | Goliath | Freak (Happy Hogan) | Black Widow | Hela | Xu Wenwu | Rogers Hood | Tony Stark (1602) | Ant-Man (1602) | Winter Soldier (1602) | Hulk (1602) | Nick Fury (1602) | Binary

Others (Films/Disney+)
Phase 1
Informant | Ho Yinsen | Leonard Samson
Phase 2
Harley Keener | Maya Hansen | Howard the Duck | Helen Cho | Jim Paxton |
Phase 3
May Parker | Christine Palmer | Eitri | Mar-Vell | Goose | Morgan Stark
Phase 4
Billy Maximoff | Tommy Maximoff | Global Repatriation Council | Throg | Jon Jon | Ying Li | Great Protector | Morris | Cagliostro | Black Knight | Pip the Troll | Blade | Kate Bishop | Lucky | Echo | Jack Duquesne | Khonshu | Taweret | Clea | Bruno Carrelli | Nakia Bahadir | Zoe Zimmer | Red Dagger | Waleed | Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder | Love | She-Hulk | Nikki Ramos | Emil Blonsky | Skaar | K.E.V.I.N. | Werewolf by Night | Elsa Bloodstone | Man-Thing | Ironheart | Kevin Bacon
Phase 5
M.O.D.O.K. | Lylla | Teefs | Floor | Sonya Falsworth | Prince Yan | Kahhori | Atahraks | Jiayi

Others (Pre-Disney+ TV)
Glenn Talbot | Ghost Rider | Johnny Blaze | Melinda May (LMD) | Grant Ward (Framework) | Antoine Triplett (Framework) | Enoch | Flint | Jaco | Foggy Nelson | Karen Page | Paul Lantom | Brett Mahoney | Claire Temple | Ben Urich | Mitchell Ellison | Stick | Marci Stahl | Trish Walker | Will Simpson | The Punisher | Elektra | Misty Knight | Colleen Wing | Ward Meachum | Louise Fisher | Auran | Micro | Dinah Madani | Noah | Maggie Grace | Ray Nadeem | Xavin | Erik Gelden | Daimon Helstrom | Ana Helstrom | Cloak & Dagger | Brigid O'Reilly | Mayhem

          Spider-Man Logo Heroes

Spider Family
Anya Corazon | Ashley Barton | Ben Reilly | Ezekiel Sims | Felicity Hardy | Ghost-Spider | Jessica Drew | Julia Carpenter | Kaine Parker | Lady Spider | Madame Web | Mattie Franklin | Mayday Parker | Miguel O'Hara | Miles Morales | Pavitr Prabhakar | Peni Parker | Peter Parker (Earth-1610 | Spider-Man: Fake Red) | Silk | Spiderling | Spider-Ham | Spider-Man Noir | Superior Spider-Man | Spider-Punk | Spider-UK | Takuya Yamashiro | Yu Onomae

Supporting Characters
Betty Brant | Black Cat | May Parker | Bluebird | Eddie Brock | Firestar | Flash Thompson | Ganke Lee | Green Goblin | Gwen Stacy | Harry Osborn | Jackpot | J. Jonah Jameson | Liz Allan | Lizard | Man-Wolf | Mary Jane Watson | Michelle Gonzales | Morbius the Living Vampire | Phil Urich | Puma | Prowler | She-Venom | Silver Sable | Toxin | Venom | Vin Gonzales

Original Trilogy
Spider-Man: Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Harry Osborn | Aunt May | General Slocum
Spider-Man 2: Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Harry Osborn | Aunt May | Doctor Octopus
Spider-Man 3: Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | New Goblin | Aunt May | George Stacy

Reboot Duology
The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man | Gwen Stacy | George Stacy | Ben Parker
The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Spider-Man | Gwen Stacy | George Stacy

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Spider-Man: Homecoming: Spider-Man | Ned Leeds | Michelle Jones | Iron Man | Happy Hogan | May Parker | F.R.I.D.A.Y.
Spider-Man: Far From Home: Spider-Man | Ned Leeds | Michelle Jones | Skrulls (Talos & Soren) | Nick Fury | Maria Hill | Happy Hogan | May Parker | Iron Man
Spider-Man: No Way Home: Spider-Man | Ned Leeds | Michelle Jones | Earth-96283 (Spider-Man & Doctor Octopus) | Earth-120703 (Spider-Man) | Doctor Strange | May Parker | Happy Hogan | Wong | Matt Murdock | J. Jonah Jameson | Eddie Brock/Venom | Iron Man

Spider-Verse Series
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: Miles Morales | Peter B. Parker | Gwen Stacy | Spider-Man Noir | Peni Parker | Spider-Ham | Aunt May | Ultimate Spider-Man | Jefferson Davis | Rio Morales | Prowler | Spider-Man 2099
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: Miles Morales | Gwen Stacy | Peter B. Parker | Miguel O'Hara | Lyla | Spider-Mobile | Jessica Drew | Lego Spider-Man | Hobie Brown | Spider-Lady | Scarlet Spider | Last Stand Spider-Man | Spider-Ramen | Spiders-Man | Pavitr Prabhakar | Spider-Monkey | Sun-Spider | Bombastic Bag Man | Captain-Spider | Web-Slinger | Spider-Wolf | Spiderling | Spider-Cat | Spider-Man 2211 | Spider-UK | Spider-Girl | Julia Carpenter | Mangaverse Spider-Man | Cyborg Spider-Woman | Margo Kess | Spider-Ma’am (Maybelle Parker) | Doppelganger | Spidercide | Tarantula | 1967 Spider-Man | Spider-Therapist (Ezekiel Sims) | Mini Spider-Man | Spider-Canada | Spider-Rex | Spider-Man (Alex Ross) | Spider-Ball | Spyder-Knight | Spider-Cop | Insomniac Spider-Man | Spider-Man (Spider-Man Unlimited) | Spider-Man (The Spectacular Spider-Man) | Superior Spider-Man | 2010 MAU Spider-Man | Spinneret | Scarlet Spider (Kaine Parker) | Jefferson Morales | Rio Morales | Mayday Parker | George Stacy | Inspector Singh | Spider-Man Noir | Peni Parker | Spider-Ham

Spider-Man (1967)

Spider-Man (1981)

Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (1981)
Spider-Man | Iceman | Firestar | Aunt May

Spider-Man: The Animated Series
Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Blade | Black Cat | Daredevil | Nick Fury | Kraven the Hunter | Lizard | Doctor Strange | Wong | Madame Web | Morbius the Living Vampire | The Punisher | Abraham Whistler | Iron Man | War Machine | X-Men (Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, Storm, Beast, Gambit, Jubilee, Jean Grey & Professor X) | Captain America | Fantastic Four (Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch & Thing) | Aunt May | Flash Thompson | Harry Osborn | Silver Sable | Rocket Racer | Spot | Alternate Spider-Men (Armored Spider-Man,Mechanical Arms Spider-Man, Six Armed Spider-Man, Scarlet Spider, Spider-Man Actor)

Spider-Man Unlimited

Spider-Man: The New Animated Series
Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Harry Osborn | Lizard | Indira "Indy" Daimonji

The Spectacular Spider-Man
Spider-Man | Gwen Stacy | Mary Jane Watson | Harry Osborn | Liz Allan | Flash Thompson | J. Jonah Jameson | George Stacy | Aunt May | Curtis Connors | Betty Brant | Eddie Brock | Black Cat

Ultimate Spider-Man
Spider-Man | S.H.I.E.L.D. (Nick Fury) | S.H.I.E.L.D. Team (White Tiger, Iron Fist, Power Man & Nova) | New Warriors (Cloak and Dagger, Squirrel Girl, Triton, Ka-Zar & Zabu) | Web-Warriors (Agent Venom, Iron Spider, Scarlet Spider & Kid Arachnid) | Alternate Spider-Heroes (Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Girl, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Ham, Spyder-Knight, Blood Spider, Web Beard, Web-Slinger & Spider-Woman/Gwen Stacy) | Patrioteer | Spider-Woman/Mary Jane Watson | Aunt May | The Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Falcon & Ant-Man) | Doctor Strange | Madame Web | Rio Morales | Wolverine | S.M.A.S.H. (She-Hulk, Red Hulk, Skaar & A-Bomb) | Howling Commandos (Blade, Werewolf by Night, Frankenstein's Monster, N'Kantu the Living Mummy, Man-Thing & Invisible Man) | Moon Knight

Spider-Man (2017)
Spider-Man | Ghost-Spider | Spy-D | Spider-Girl | Hobgoblin | Doctor Octopus/Superior Spider-Man | Max Modell | Aunt May | Mary Jane Watson | Grady Scraps | The Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Hulk & Ms. Marvel) | Ironheart | Totally Awesome Hulk | Moon Knight | Lizard

Spidey and His Amazing Friends (2021)
Spider-Man | Ghost-Spider | Spin | Aunt May | Rio Morales | Ms. Marvel | Black Panther | Hulk | Iron Man | Ant-Man | Wasp | Reptil | Thing | Squirrel Girl | White Tiger | Black Cat

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Spider-Man | Aunt May | Nico Minoru | Harry Osborn | Norman Osborn | Doctor Strange

Video Games
The Amazing Spider-Man & Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge: Spider-Man | Captain America
Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six: Spider-Man
Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin: Spider-Man | Mary Jane
Spider-Man & X-Men: Arcade's Revenge: Spider-Man | X-Men (Storm | Wolverine | Gambit | Cyclops)
Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage: Spider-Man | Venom
Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety: Spider-Man | Venom
Spider-Man (2000): Spider-Man | Mary Jane | Venom | Black Cat | J. Jonah Jameson | Lizard | Daredevil | Captain America | Punisher | Human Torch
Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro: Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Lizard
Spider-Man (2002): Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Norman Osborn | Harry Osborn | J. Jonah Jameson | Scorpion
Spider-Man 2: Spider-Man | Harry Osborn | Mary Jane Watson | J. Jonah Jameson | Doctor Octopus | Black Cat
Ultimate Spider-Man: Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Nick Fury | Sharon Carter | Silver Sable | Human Torch | Wolverine
Spider-Man: Battle for New York: Spider-Man | Nick Fury | Captain America | Thor | Iron Man | Wasp | Quicksilver | Mary Jane Watson | Silver Sable
Spider-Man 3: Spider-Man | New Goblin | Mary Jane Watson | J. Jonah Jameson | Scorpion | Detective Jean DeWolfe
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe: Spider-Man | Nick Fury | New Goblin | Black Cat | Prowler | Silver Sable | Lizard | Iron Fist | Blade
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows: Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Black Widow | Luke Cage | Moon Knight | Wolverine
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions: Spider-Man | Spider-Man Noir | Miguel O'Hara | Ultimate Spider-Man | Madame Web
Spider-Man: Edge of Time: Spider-Man | Miguel O'Hara
The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man | Lizard | Gwen Stacy | Whitney Chang | Black Cat
The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Spider-Man | Gwen Stacy | Harry Osborn | Black Cat
Heroes of Robloxia: Spider-Man | Heroes of Robloxia (Captain Roblox | Overdrive | Tessla | Kinetic)

See Also
Marvel Cinematic Universe Heroes | Insomniac's Marvel's Spider-Man Heroes | Sony's Spider-Man Universe Heroes
