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Heroes Wiki

Spike is one of the original five main characters in the Land Before Time films and television series. He is a supporting character in the first film, one of the main protagonists of the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, ninth, thirteenth, and fourteenth films, the deuteragonist of the eighth film, a secondary character in the tenth and twelfth films, and one of the three hidden main antagonists of the eleventh film. He is the strongest member of the team.

He is a Stegosaurus, which is referred to as a "Spiketail" in the films and TV series.

Spike is raised by Ducky's family, since his family was lost at the time of his birth, and presumably deceased.

In the original film, he is voiced by the late Joe Ranft, who also voiced by Jacques in Finding Nemo, Wheezy in Toy Story 2, Heimlich in A Bug's Life, and Red in Cars, although he is uncredited. In the sequels, he is voiced by Rob Paulsen. In the sixth film, he is voiced by Jeff Bennett, who also voiced Petrie.

Personality and Traits[]

Despite being the largest, he is actually the youngest of the original main characters; his hatching being witnessed by Ducky whose parents later adopted him. He is characterized as gluttonous, laid-back and rarely speaks, communicating mostly in grunts or scat singing. During the fourth film, Journey Through the Mists, he speaks for the first time, calling Ducky's name, and again in the eighth film The Big Freeze, where he calls out to his mother. In the same movie, it is mentioned that his birth parents were probably lost in the earthquake of the first film, and becomes close friends with another Stegosaurus named Tippy. The TV series episode "Through the Eyes of a Spiketail", is told largely from Spike's point of view, where he speaks, internally, with a low voice, and can "hear" the song of plants that guide him to them.



  • Spike is sometimes listed in fifth place of the main characters, after Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky and Petrie, but is sometimes listed in third place, after Cera and before Ducky.
  • Despite being silent, he is voiced by Rob Paulsen and he also spoke in The Land Before Time IV: Journey through the Mists.
  • Despite being voiced by Rob Paulsen although Spike is mostly silent, he can be argued to be voiced by the late Joe Ranft in the original film and he was voiced by Jeff Bennett in the sixth film.
  • He has a half hour of screen time in the first film, despite appearing in the poster, making him a supporting protagonist. In the sequels, he appears as one of the main protagonists and has a lot of screen time.


           Land Before Time Logo Heroes

Main Characters
Littlefoot | Cera | Ducky | Petrie | Spike | Chomper | Ruby

Ali | Archie | Bron | Chomper's Parents | Daddy Topps | Dara | Doc | Elsie | Etta | Grandma and Grandpa Longneck | Guido | Hyp | Hyp's Father | Littlefoot's Mother | Mama Flyer | Mama Swimmer | Mo | Mr. Thicknose | Mutt and Nod | Old One | Pat | Pterano | Rainbow Faces | Rhett | Rooter | Shorty | Sue | Swooper | Tickles | Tippy | Tippy's Mother | Tria | Tricia | Wild Arms
