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Spiresight is a supporting character in Warriors — The Broken Code and a major character in Tigerheart’s Shadow.


Tigerheart’s Shadow[]

Spire is one of the healers for the guardian cats and is often accompanied by Blaze, a young kit whom he looks after. Spire is noted to be rather weird and often draws images in the dirt. As Tigerheart begins to get to know him, Spire informs him that Tigerheart's rightful place is back in ShadowClan, and accompanies the dark tabby on his trek back to ShadowClan, where he leads the patrol with his visions. However, he dies saving Pouncekit, Tigerheart's daughter, and Tigerheart gives him a warrior name in his memory, renaming him Spiresight. Spiresight is later seen in StarClan. There he convinces Tigerheart to return to his Clanmates, by accepting a leadership ceremony.

The Broken Code[]

Spiresight, as a ghost, helps Shadowsight when the latter is nearly killed by Bramblestar's impostor. He manages to alert Rootspring to Shadowsight's location, saving the young medicine cat's life. Later, Spiresight appears during the Sisters summoning ceremony, and when Rootspring asks him what's happening to all the ghosts, Spiresight just stares at him as if pleading for him understand before opening his mouth in a piercing wail of pain. When Shadowsight confronts Ashfur as the leaders are coming to kill the impostor, the dark warrior reveals that he has Spiresight under his power, and allows the black tom to talk to Shadowsight through Bramblestar's body for a moment.


Warriors LogoHeroes

Alderheart | Berrynose | Blossomfall | Bluestar | Bumblestripe | Brackenfur | Brambleclaw | Briarlight | Brightheart | Bristlefrost | Cloudtail | Cloud Spots | Cinderheart | Cinderpelt | Daisy | Dustpelt | Featherwhisker | Ferncloud | Finchlight | Finchstar | Finleap | Firestar | Goldenflower | Goosefeather | Graystripe | Hollyleaf | Honeyfern | Ivypool | Jayfeather | Leafpool | Lightning Tail | Lionblaze | Lionheart | Longtail | Millie | Moonpaw | Mousefur | Nightheart | Owlstar | Pinestar | Purdy | Redtail | Sandstorm | Snowfur | Sorreltail | Sparkpelt | Spotfur | Spottedleaf | Squirrelstar | Stemleaf | Stripestar | Sunbeam | Sunstar | Swiftpaw | Thornclaw | Thrushpelt | Thunderstar | Twigbranch | Wafflepelt | Whitestorm | Yellowfang

Brambleberry | Crookedstar | Dappled Pelt | Duskfur | Feathertail | Frostdawn | Harelight | Icestar | Leopardstar | Mudfur | Mistystar | Mothwing | Oakheart | Owlnose | Reedwhisker | Riverstar | Silverstream | Stonefur | Sunfish | Willowshine

Badgerfang | Blackstar | Blazefire | Cloverfoot | Dovewing | Flametail | Fringewhisker | Juniperclaw | Lightleap | Littlecloud | Needletail | Nightstar | Puddleshine | Raggedstar | Rowanclaw | Runningnose | Sagewhisker | Shadowsight | Shadowstar | Sparrowtail | Pebble Heart | Snowtuft | Spireclaw | Tawnypelt | Tigerstar II

Ashfoot | Barkface | Breezepelt | Crowfeather | Deadfoot | Galestar | Gorsestar | Gray Wing | Harestar | Hawkheart | Heatherstar | Heathertail | Jagged Peak | Kestrelflight | Moth Flight | Mudclaw | Nightcloud | Onestar | Tallstar | Whistlebreeze | Whitetail | Windstar

Bellaleaf | Billystorm | Cloudstar | Echosong | Fidgetflake | Frecklewish | Hawkwing | Kitescratch | Leafstar | Micah | Needleclaw | Pebbleshine | Rileypool | Rootspring | Sharpclaw | Sparrowstar | Star Flower | Skywatcher | Tree | Violetshine

Outside of Clans
Arc | Barley | Brook | Crag | Fallen Leaves | Fang | Half Moon | Jake | Midnight | Monkeystar | Moonlight | Petunia | Ravenpaw | Sasha | Shanty | Smudge | Spiresight | Stalk Purr | Stick | Stormfur | Tadpole | Tumble Leap | Turtle Tail
