The story of the Turtles' adoptive father and ninjutsu master, Hamato Splinter from the 2003 incarnation of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV series.
Long ago, Splinter was once a normal rat who became the pet rat to a young woman named Tang Shen, and was in love with a kung fu master & guardian of a stranded alien species called the Utroms named Hamato Yoshi, who also loved him back. However, Yoshi's comrade Yukio Mashimi was jealous of Yoshi and thus killed Tang Shen and betrayed the Utroms (because he was also a guardian to them) to their enemies, a ninja criminal organization called the Foot Clan. Yoshi was angered by Yukio's actions and broke into the Foot Headquarters to fight his former friend, managing to kill Mashimi. He then moved to New York with Splinter and the Utroms, naming him that in memory of Tang Shen.
Sometime after, the leader of the Foot clan: a samurai-themed crime lord named the Shredder, tracked Yoshi down and with his second-in-command Hun, broke into his home and interrogated him. When he refused to tell him about the Utroms or where they are, the Shredder ordered Hun to kill him, it was then that Splinter jumped in and scratched him, but Shredder shrugged it of & killed Yoshi himself. After that, Splinter escaped into New York's city's sewers, found and adopted four baby turtles, and the five were mutated into anthropomorphic forms by the Utroms' mutagen. Splinter then named the turtles Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo (after a book on Renaissance artists that he found in a storm drain), and trained them martial arts that he learned from Yoshi, but kept his past a secret to prevent them from trying to get revenge.
Years later, Splinter & his adopted sons took a trip to Japan to visit Yoshi's master, The Ancient One, where he informs them of Yoshi's murder & his accidental transformation, during this trip a Bone Demon attacks the sensei's, but the turtles: the only ones who were able to see him, strike him down allowing Splinter and the Ancient One to defeat him, though their memories (except Splinter) of the trip were erased by a greater force and they all returned to the sewers.
Eventually 3 years prior to the series, Splinter entered a special competition called the Battle Nexus Tournament; an aincent tournament where the greatest warriors around the multiverse compete to see who's the best, and where Yoshi once participated & became a champion. Splinter fought his way to final round, and despite getting an injured leg during the fight, he manages to win the tournament and earn praise of it's master: The Daimyo, but he also won the animosity of the other, dishonorable finalist, a dragon named Drako, who vowed to become the supreme one & destroy him as revenge for beating him.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)[]
Season 1[]
Eventually, after another usual training session, Splinter and his sons are attacked by an army of robots and their home is destroyed in the process. During the ensuing fight, they got separated by cave-in, prompting Splinter to meet up with him at a new place to call home. As the Turtles are forced to move through the surface of New York City, stop the robbery conducted by Johnny and his group of Purple Dragons, and evading a squadron of Foot Ninjas along the way; Splinter is ambushed by another group of the same robots which unwittingly led him to spacious underground ruins of Y'lyntian design which he deems a suitable new lair. While settling down in their new home, the group soon learns that the attacking robots being creations of Baxter Stockman from the News TV broadcast about the press conference held at New York's new and leading technology company, Stocktronics.
Splinter advises them against recklessly investigating the matter in the light of the shocking revelation. But the Turtle set out regardless, which proved to.be a good call as Stockman has a sinister agenda with the robots in mind and worse, attempts to kill his former assistant April O'Neil when she learns too much. Wary towards April at first, Splinter eventually warms up to her and proceeds to tell her his and the Turtles' backstory apart from Splinter's own past as former pet of Hamato Yoshi from whom he learned Ninjutsu and subsequently passed the art to his sons. It is through stopping Stockman's attempted robbery with his mousers Splinter and the Turtles gained one of their first human allies. A vigilante named Casey Jones, who falls in love with April, follows not long afterwards.
Eventually, after the Turtles' recurring encounters with Foot Ninjas culminating to Shredder, under his Oroku Saki persona, inviting Leonardo to join him, Splinter reveals the truth to them. Because of this, Leonardo refuses and the Turtles become the Shredder's archenemies. Eventually, Shredder and his Army attack and brutally injure Leo when he is out patrolling, and he later attacks April's home while he and the Turtles are living there at the moment, forcing Splinter, the Turtles, April, and Casey to retreat and head to Casey's grandma's house in Northampton.
After spending sometime resting in Northampton and dealing with a Monster-obsessed Scientist & her assistant, Splinter and the gang head back to New York to finish Shredder once & for all; Stockman lead the Shredder to believe that Splinter and the other had perished when they blew up April's apartment. Fighting their way up to the top of Shredder's skyscraper, Splinter and his sons manage to the top floor to confront Shredder, where they are surprised to learn that Stockman was using him to build himself a new body (because he pretty much tore him apart limb-from-limb for each of his failures), but the turtles send him flying away before going for round three with Shredder. After a long, gruesome battle with a little help from others, Leo is finally able to finish of Shredder by slicing of his head with his own sword, but Splinter was then injured during the fight.
After Splinter is injured, he is taken by the Utroms and nursed back to health. But the Turtles mistake this as a form of kidnapping and trace them back to T.C.R.I. labs, but when they find Splinter, the Turtles are caught in a portal and are teleported far-far away from their own galaxy and right towards a planet named D'hoonib.
Season 2[]
When Splinter is fully healed, he works with the Utroms to rebuild the transporter and is able to bring his sons, along with their new ally: a humanoid alien whose mind got trapped in a robot named professor Honeycutt, back to earth. After reuniting with their father, Splinter introduces his sons to the leader of the Utroms, Mortu, where he explains how he and the rest of his kind got stranded on earth, before they're about to return to their homeworld, Mortu gives Splinter a crystalline ball that can be used to activate the Utroms' collective memories on Earth, including those of Yoshi. It is later revealed that the Shredder is in fact an Utrom criminal named Ch'rell, who seeks revenge on the other Utroms for capturing him centuries ago, though they successfully manage to escape the T.C.R.I. building before it explodes, and successfully leave Ch'rell in the explosion to perish.
Sometime after their victory over Shredder, Splinter and the rest of the gang enjoy some downtime watching a western movie, but when they go out for ice cream, they are ambushed by the dishonorable son of the Daimyo & prince of the Battle Nexus, The Ultimate Ninja; he thinks victory can only be achieved through a Death Battle. He reveals he came to earth to battle Shredder, but when he discovers that Leo already defeated him, he roughly challenges the latter to a fight to the death in his place, something which he warns him about. Against all odds, Leo ultimately defeats him, but being the sore loser he is, uses magic to summon a dragon to finish him off, fortunately, he is saved by the Daimyo at the last moment, where he congratulates Leo for being the noble warrior he is and (in a disappointed manner) drags his son back to their home, and when Leo asks how he knew about this, Splinter says he'll tell them "some other time".
Splinter and the others later witness another effect of Shredder's defeat when they discover that with him gone, the leaders of the other criminal organizations: The remainder of the Foot Clan led by the last of the Foot elites, the New York Mafia led by the Mob Boss, and the 2nd most dangerous crime empire in New York, The Purple Dragons, led by Hun, vie for control of his empire & wage war all over New York to get it. With no other choice, the Turtles (convinced by Leo) help the leader of the Foot's Japan branch & Chrell's adopted daughter, Karai, claim control of the Empire, and when Leo apologizes for his reckless actions, Splinter calms his son and tells him he was just doing the right thing. But it's revealed that Ch'rell barely survived the explosion and was currently repairing himself in his own healing chamber, where it's also revealed that Karai knows of his utrom self.
After the Turf War, Splinter and the Turtles discovers that not only Shredder survived, but is also working to build an army of foot robots thanks to Stockman once again joining him (though he was now reduced to just his brain still keeping him alive), but with the surprising help from Zog, an alien dinosaur called a Triceraton who was ordered to capture Honeycutt and due to him needing a mix of nitrogen and sulfur to breathe, making him be delusional and mistake the Turtles & Splinter for his Species, they take out the boat containing the parts and sacrifices himself to bring Shredder down into the ocean, though he ends up surviving.
Eventually, Splinter discovers it's time for the annual Battle Nexus Tournament and leaves the lair to compete once again, but his sons, confused & curious on what he's doing, follow him where they get caught in the middle of the Nexus' qualifying rounds. Though not officially registered, The Turtles did technically win a qualifying and with the Daimyo & Splinter's allowance, The Turtles officially enter the Tournament where Leonardo also forms a friendship with a samurai rabbit from another world named Miyamoto Usagi, who's also entering the tournament alongside his friend, a Rhino named Gennosuke.
However, despite apologizing at his father's behest, the Ultimate Ninja still wants revenge for his defeat at Leo's hands, and seeing how his dad won't let him fight Leonardo to another death battle, decides he'll simply take the throne by force. He starts this by poisoning Leo during the 2nd round of the tournament and then goes on to poison his father & blaming Splinter for this crime, though this was his advisor, revealed to be Drako as part of his revenge against him and to also claim the Daimyo's prized possession: The War Staff of Ultimate Power, to assert his rule over all creation.
Fortunately, with the help of another Triceraton ally, a gladiator named Traximus, Raph is able to break Splinter out of his prison, and after getting both Leo & the Daimyo cured, they go in to stop The Ultimate Ninja & Drako's respective coups. During this however, Drako's affect on the War Staff causes it to create a rift between realities and although the Daimyo manages to seal it in time, his Son and Drako are sucked into it, much to the latter's grief.
With things settling down, Mikey, who was the only one in his family to make into the final round, unexpectedly knocks out is Battle Nexus rival Kluh, which automatically makes him champion (much to Raph's disgust), and when the Daimyo still wallows over his son's supposed demise, Splinter assures his friend with the possibility of him still being alive.
After the Daimyo Splinter and his sons back home, Mikey still gloats about his victory over being Battle Nexus Champion, and while Raph's still content that it was a victory through dumb luck, Splinter happily says that it's good to be home, unaware of the galactic looming danger coming to the world.
Season 3[]
After resting up after their Battle Nexus adventure, the Turtles & Splinter get a surprise attack when the Triceraton Empire, led by their power-mad Emperor Zanramon, launch a full-scale worldwide invasion to find professor Honeycutt, because during his time helping his sons, Honeycutt told them that the reason he became a robot is because he built a teleporting device that the triceratons see as a weapon they could use to conquer the universe, despite telling his sons to stay in the lair, the turtles head out to try and stop them, eventually when trying to save civilians that are traced with Honeycutt's signature, Donnie is captured and brought before Zanramon, who now holds a grudge against the Turtles for the following reasons:
- Helping Honeycutt escape
- Humiliating his personal athletes, the Triceraton all-stars
- Taking him hostage & getting him blasted by his own men.
- And stealing his own flagship
When Donnie is getting brain scanned to find where Honeycutt is, Splinter helps his son overload the mind-probe, and with the help of Traximus' resistance army, Donnie is able to escape with his brothers & his finally able to escape and is able to convince Zanramon that Honeycutt isn't on Earth. Just as the Triceratons are long gone, professor Honeycutt arrives at the old TCRI place to surrender himself to them.
Despite assuring them that he's got a full-proof plan to stop them, the Turtles refuse to let him sacrifice himself to the Triceratons, and just as they escape the Triceraton troops stationed to capture them, they are abducted by earth's top secret agent, John Bishop, who holds a total dislike for aliens due to him being abducted & brutally experimented on by extraterrestrials in 1815; he was able to survive that long because he (quite ironically) uses alien technology to transfer his consciousness into another body.
He then proceeds to give a captured Honeycutt to the Triceratons archenemies, the Galactic Federation, & led by the ruthless General Blanque, proceed to go to war with the Triceratons, while Bishop prepares to dissect the turtles to use their DNA for his own personal plans. Fortunately Splinter, along with April, Casey, and a fellow mutant named Leatherhead, they break his sons out and proceeds to save the professor.
Afterwards, Splinter and the rest proceed to help the professor with his plans to stop the war, which they successfully do with them knocking out Blanque & Traximus and his rebellion overthrowing Zanramon with his former right-hand Mozar, having had enough of his dishonorable ways. After that, they all give a proper funeral for Honeycutt's sacrifice.
After saving the world from an alien invasion, Splinter & the Turtles soon clash with Bishop's attempts to get revenge on them, one such example being a super-solder being released and escaping into the sewers. Another conflict Splinter and his sons begin dealing with after the invasion is that Ch'rell, using his Oroku Saki persona and with the aid of a new scientist named Chaplin, helps rebuilds New York while secretly collecting the remains of the Triceraton armada on earth to build something big.
Eventually, Splinter and his sons are attacked by the fused form of the Daimyo's son & Drako, and with a scepter capable of controlling time, he traps Splinter while he scatters his sons all over the multiverse. Fortunately, Leo gets stuck in the world of Usagi and with his help, he gets to the Battle Nexus to ask the Daimyo for help. When they arrive, however, the Ultimate Drako gets to the Daimyo first and claims the War staff for itself, and with both the Scepter & the Staff at his control, he essentially becomes a god. Just as he's about to kill the Daimyo, Splinter jumps in and uses the War Staff to summon Donnie, Mikey, & Raph to him and together, they separate Drako & the Daimyo's son but accidentally turn both to dust. But taking pity on the Daimyo, the Master of Time, Lord Simultaneous turns the Ultimate Ninja back to a kid & returns the Turtles, Usagi, and Splinter back home safe & sound.
Sometime later, Splinter discovers the truth behind Ch'rell's rebuilding of New York: To gather as many Triceraton tech as he can to construct a spaceship to return to the stars & conquer the Utrom homeworld. Determined to stop him for good, Splinter & the Turtles, along with Leatherhead & a very-much alive Honeycutt, but when he gets on his ship The Turtles and Splinter realize that they can’t defeat the Shredder, they believe they have no choice but to blow-up his entire ship, despite knowing full well they'll perish in the process. Fortunately, Mortu and his crew arrive and teleports everyone on-board, Chaplin & Karai included, to safety where Ch'rell is brought to trial and exiled to an icy asteroid called Mor Gal Tal, avenging Yoshi at last & much to Splinter's satisfaction.
Season 4[]
Despite their ultimate defeat over the Shredder, Splinter discovers that Leo carries strong emotional scars from the battle, because he blames himself for his family having to nearly sacrifice their lives to stop the Shredder, where it becomes progressively more hostile and surly to the point where he accidentally wounds Splinter in an uncontrollable rage during a training session. Wanting to help him but knowing full-well this isn't something he himself can't fix, Splinter decides to send to train with Yoshi's master, The Ancient One, where he successfully helps Leo calm down and let go of the anger in himself.
Prior to Leo's journey, Splinter & the rest deal with new problems. With the Shredder now permanently gone, his top henchmen decide to go their separate ways: Karai takes full command of the Foot Clan and takes the mantle of the Shredder, Hun takes control of the Purple Dragons & proceeds to turn it from a lowly street-gang to a full-fledged criminal organization, & Stockman forms a full-time partnership with Bishop. But when the president threatens to cut his organization due to several failed-attempts, he fakes an alien invasion to change his mind, it was able to work, but by the time Leo returns, the aliens Bishop used for his fake alien invasion begin spreading goop into the sewers of New York which cause a mutant outbreak.
It was during this time that Donnie himself gets infected by the infected goop, which causes Splinter & the rest to make a reluctant deal with Bishop to cure him. But he only agrees to do so unless they steal an artifact called the Heart of Tengu belonging to the foot for him, they are successful, but little did they, Bishop, or Karai know was that in doing so would cause a chain of reactions caused by a foot group called the Foot Mystics, beings that each represented the 5 elements, that bring in what they call a "new age of darkness" to the world.
After Donnie is cured and while he & his brothers didn't come home for a long period of time, Splinter is visited by the Ancient One and learns, to his shock, that his sons, along with 4 other warriors–named Feragi, Joi, Tora, and Adam respectively–have been abducted and taken to Japan, which quickly makes him follow them along with Ancient One to bring them home.
The Lost Season[]
In the wake of his sons abductions, Splinter arrives at the monastery of a Ninja group called the Ninja Tribunal, as they have chosen their sons to fight "a great evil", but their training efforts prove to infuriate Splinter where they even berate their acolytes for helping the injured. One night, it's revealed that Yoshi once asked the Tribunal to help him defeating the Utrom Shredder, but they refused due to him not being the 'true Shredder' (in truth to ensure the Turtles' creation), thus Splinter blames them for Yoshi's death.
He also tells his sons that the evil the tribunal is talking about (and their controlling personality) is because back during 300 A.D in Japan, the Tribunal, along with a very real Oroki Saki, were given mystical armor & tasked with slaying a ruthless demon actually called The Shredder, but despite their victory, it was revealed that just before Saki slew the Demon, he made a deal with him, (because he was already power-hungry) which was one he couldn't refuse: if Saki allowed the demon to enter his body and possess him, he would gain all of its power and could become a "god" among humans. Saki then lead an army to conquer Japan while also taking the title of The Shredder himself. Eventually the Tribunal was able to defeat him, but they couldn't find a way to permanently destroy him, so they resorted to separating his power into his Helmet & Gauntlet, and imprison him in a special coffin for all eternity. It was then the turtles also learn that the Utrom Shredder was an imposter, who just used both names to gain respect & power.
Eventually, The Foot Mystics find the Ninja Tribunal's monastery and break in to steal the coffin containing the Demon Shredder's body and with both the Helment & Gauntlet in his hand, they successfully free their Master. Determined to stop the Demon Shredder, Splinter and the Ancient One have the Turtles rescue Karai, who while at first believing she could take on the real Shredder, eventually decides to work with them to stop this threat.
With the Demon Shredder working to turn the whole world into his image; he first began with transforming New York into a nightmare world, Splinter, his sons, and Karai, gather the Purple Dragons, the EFC, the other Acolytes, and their superhero allies The Justice Force, storm Shredder's fortress to get Karai close enough to him to sap away as much of his power into herself; Splinter discovered that anyone who took the name and mantle of "The Shredder" for themselves would create a spiritual connection with their demonic predecessor, to try and separate him from his Helmet & Gauntlet.
Unfortunately, Shredder teleports his sons to the outside of his fortress and despite their and the acolytes best attempts, Shredder knocks them out and utterly shocks Splinter when he finds them; he was having nightmares about the same exact seen. But just before the Demon lord can strike him down, the Turtles medallions form the spirit of Hamato Yoshi, who easily drives Shredder back, while also restoring the Turtles back to health, and with his help, they are able to weaken the Demon long enough for Yoshi's spirit to completely kill him for good, ending his reign of terror once and for all.
After the Tengu Shredder is defeated, Splinter tearfully bids a farewell to the spirit of Yoshi before the latter disappears to the afterlife, afterwards they bid farewell to their allies & with the 4 acolytes coming along, Splinter & his sons go back home to the sewers to celebrate their victory together.
Fast Forward[]
After saving the world, Splinter is accidentally sent to the future with the Turtles by the great-grandson of Casey & April, Cody Jones, he and his soon move in with him and his robot butler & caretaker Serling and proceed to help him find a way to send them back home, and also gain a strong amount of allies in the future, including a smart alien girl named Starlee and even a futuristic Agent Bishop, who developed a change of heart and created a peaceful alliance with other planets after being saved by one.
Splinter and his sons also deal with a bunch of other villains, including Cody's greedy uncle Darius Dunn, whose been using his position as CEO of O'Neil Tech to do crimes in the shadows, other villains Splinter and the turtles face include a 3-headed alien appropriately named Triple Threat, a Triceraton crime-lord named Zukko, and the greatest of these foes being a sentient computer-virus named Viral & her boss, an alien warlord named Sh'Okanabo, who is planning to assimilate the whole world to suck it dry of all it's resources on an event he calls the "Day of Awakening".
Eventually, Sh'Okanabo & Viral, with the aid of Darius, is able to create an active time-portal in Sh'Okanabo's attempt to control time, but it creates an insane time-storm all across New York which blasts Splinter & Donnie back to the day they became mutated, needing a way to fix this mess, they send a letter scheduled to be delivered in 2105, which they do with ease, and after a battle with the evil duo and a time- displaced utrom Shredder, Splinter & the gang are able to fix the timeline.
However, sometime after this, Sh'Okanabo flies to earth's moon and decides to enact the "Day of Awakening" now, which he starts by hijacking Bishop's moonbase and infects everyone their, sensing this, Bishop calls for Splinter & the turtles to help, and while Bishop insists he doesn't come, Splinter secretly allows Cody & Serling to come along, and just when everyone is infected, Cody & Serling swoop in, trap viral in a fire cage inside Serling, and turn on the light that wipes out the warlord for good.
Back to the Sewers[]
Eventually, Cody manages to rebuild the Time window to send Splinter & his sons back home but Viral, still inside Serling, hijacks the window in the last moment and starts sending them (along with Serling by accident) to various points in time to make them suffer. Fortunately, they trick her into sending them directly near to their timeline, but not before she blasts Splinter with a decompiler ray that scatters his bits all over the internet.
While Splinter wasn't seen that much, the Turtles' (mainly Donnie) turn their efforts to find Splinter's data bits by traveling all over cyberspace, while also dealing with Cyber Shredder, a digital copy Ch'rell created as a backup accidentally awakened by Viral (being destroyed in the process as well), who is attempting to escape cyberspace with the help of a high-ranking foot clan member named Khan.
Many, many searches later, Splinter is restored in the to the physical world and happily reunites with his sons & Serling, and they head to the country-side at the Jones' farmhouse for a very special occasion: during his time apart in cyberspace, Casey decides it's the perfect time to marry April, which she happily accepts, and with th aid of most of their allies attending, he helps defeat the Cyber Shredder (after he & the Foot Clan (literally) crash the wedding) once and for all, and Casey & April officially tie the knot.
Turtles Forever[]
Splinter also aids his sons when they discover their 1987 counterparts, who got accidentally sent to their universe when trying to stop their Shredder, when they find the Shredder's ultimate weapon: the Technodrome, he activates the Technodrome and escapes the turtles.
While heading back to their lair, both turtle teams encounter Hun & the Purple dragons, who've gotten possession of vials of mutagen and makes Hun obssessed with getting more, but he accidentally cracks the vials of mutagen he already has. Returning to their lair, the turtles build up a new device to get their counterparts home, but just as they're finished with it, they are attacked and discover, to their horror, that not only has Hun been mutated into a mutant turtle himself (due to him touching Donatello before being mutated), but also that 1987 Shredder and Krang had brought Utrom Shredder back from Mor Gal Tal (as Shredder believes he would join his side), but he immediately takes full control of the Technodrome with Karai by his side, and while both sets of turtles jump back to the 1987 dimension, Splinter gets captured & brought before Shredder and used as bait to lure them in.
When both Turtle teams arrive to save him, Shredder has them captured & reveals that they're infinite versions of them all over the multiverse, knowing they'll stand in his way of multiversal domination, Shredder has both turtles scanned to find what he calls the "prime" universe and when he does find the universe he's looking for, he has them destroyed and takes Splinter along with him to destroy him afterwards.
Arriving at the prime universe, Splinter, along with a now-captured 1987 Shredder & Krang, can only watch in horror as he mercilessly destroys the Prime universe, and when the Prime Turtles call him out, a now-defected Karai frees the latter 3, while also locking up Bebop & Rocksteady, to assist both his, the 1987 doppelgangers, and the prime turtle; the latter two survived also thanks to Karai.
Despite their best efforts, Utrom Shredder proves to be to powerful for them to handle & the moment he tries to crush the Mirage turtles, everything, including himself, gets erased, and despite Karai warning him of the consequences, decides to destroy everything regardless, however, he loosens his group on the Mirage Turtles thanks to 1987 Donnie & when Bebop & Rocksteady plug in the Technodrome's main laser, it hits him at a really close range that it completely disintigrates him, destroying him & permanently ending his threat once and for all.
With the Shredder finally destroyed, Splinter and his sons bid farewell to their counterparts as they return to their home dimension via the Technodrome, while he, his sons, & Karai happily and safely return to theirs in one piece.