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This Hero was proposed and approved by Heroes Wiki's Pure Good Proposals Thread. Any act of removing this hero from the category without a Removal Proposal shall be considered vandalism (or a "villainous" attempt to demonize said character) and the user will have a high chance of being |
“ | Firestar and I never discovered what we might have meant to each other. I was alive in the forest for such a short time after he came to ThunderClan. But I know for sure that he and I could never have been mates. I was and always will be a medicine cat. That comes first, more than any cat that walks the forest, more even than Firestar. | „ |
~ Spottedleaf admitting that her and Firestar can never be together |
Spottedleaf is a reoccurring supporting character in the first four arcs of Warriors as well as several super editions, and is the titular protagonist of Spottedleaf's Heart. She was formerly a medicine cat of ThunderClan who befriended Firepaw, and soon the two fell in love, but Spottedleaf knew they could never be together because of her duties as a medicine cat. After her untimely death she watched over Firestar and his descendants, before ultimately sacrificing herself to protect Firestar's mate Sandstorm in the battle against the Dark Forest.
Spottedleaf is a small, lithe she-cat with small paws and soft, tortoiseshell-and-white fur. She has large amber eyes and a small pink nose. Her muzzle, underbelly, paws and ear tips are all white, and one of her eyes has a ring of darker fur around it. Her tail is striped in gold and brown and tipped with black. She's often described as having a sweet scent.
Spottedkit is born to Swiftbreeze and Adderfang alongside her brother Redkit and her sister Willowkit.
Spottedleaf's Heart[]
CONTENT WARNING: This section contains themes of child grooming
Spottedkit, Redkit and Willowkit are pretending to be ThunderClan warriors defending their Clan against their nurserymates, who are pretending to be rogues. The tortoiseshell gets frustrated when her brother attacks one of the "rogues" before she gives out a signal to, telling him he's ruining the game. This escalates into an argument with her playmates, and when her mother asks what's wrong, she tells her that Redkit called her bossy. Swiftbreeze suggests she could let the others be in charge, but she retorts that she's the leader and has to look after everyone. Her mom then tells her that the deputy and medicine cats have important roles too, pointing out that Sunstar relies on his deputy Tawnyspots to organize patrols, to which Spottedkit states that when she becomes leader, she'll handle all the patrols herself, with Whitepaw as her deputy.
Spottedkit then complains about Tigerpaw showing off every time his mentor Thistleclaw teaches him a new move. Swiftbreeze comments in concern that he shouldn't be taught moves like that as he has been an apprentice only for two moons, but her daughter tells her that Tigerpaw's mother Leopardfoot doesn't mind, and wants her son to be the best warrior he can be because his father was the leader before Sunstar.
When a hunting patrol returns to camp, Spottedkit goes over to the fresh-kill pile, looking at a thrush. Thistleclaw notices this and plucks some of the bird's feathers off and gives them to her for her nest. She's unsure at first, but accepts the feathers. Whitepaw then comes over and asks his father if he can have some as well, and Thistleclaw gives him some for himself. Spottedkit jokes that Whitepaw might fly if he gets more feathers, dabbing one on his nose and some more on his flank. Bluefur then comes over and tells them both to stop, as it's a waste of bedding. The blue warrior then reprimands Thistleclaw as well before going on to criticize his training of Tigerpaw, offending the gray-and-white tom. Willowkit and Redkit then pounce on Thistleclaw and wind him, with Spottedkit helping him catch his breath. He comments that she'd make for a good medicine cat, but she insists that she's set on the path of a warrior, and he replies that he'd be proud to fight alongside her one day.
Spottedpaw, Redpaw and Willowpaw begin their warrior training, being mentored by Thrushpelt, Sparrowpelt and Poppydawn respectively. The three are then given a tour of ThunderClan territory by their mentors, with Thistleclaw and Tigerpaw accompanying them. Spottedpaw, Tigerpaw and their mentors go on a patrol a little while later, with Thistleclaw being impressed by the tortoiseshell's hunting skills given she's only been an apprentice for a little while. Thistleclaw then points out a squirrel in a tree and encourages her to go get it. She climbs up the tree, but slips out of the branches and is knocked out when she hits the ground. Her parents and mentor rush her to the medicine den, blaming Thitleclaw for what happened, but he deflects by stating she should have been taught how to climb better.
When Spottedpaw wakes up, Thrushpelt tells her she's off-duty for a while so she can recover. Featherwhisker has he eat some herbs and assures everyone that she'll be fine. She later wakes up from a nightmare about getting chased by a fox, and Featherwhisker informs her that she still needs time to recover. When she complains that she's bored, he gives her herbs to sort for him. He then tells her what it's like to be a medicine cat, which she's intrigued by. Willowpaw then visits her sister and gives her a thrush, asking when they'll be able to train together again, Featherwhisker telling her that it will still be a few days.
Two days later, Spottedpaw is now able to limp around the camp, and her mom and brother are happy to see her condition improving. Sunstar reminds her that she'll be able to get back to training as soon as she's fully healed. A patrol then returns from camp, talking about how Tigerpaw chased out some intruding kittypets. Thistleclaw then splits off from the rest of the patrol and walks up to Spottedpaw, offering to go for a walk in the woods with her. The two converse while they're out, and when Spottedpaw notices a scratch on Thistleclaw's ear she asks why he didn't go to Featherwhisker about it. He replies that only the weak are injured, and he wants to keep the scratch as a battle scar. She's unnerved by his answer for a moment before dismissing it and moving closer, purring as they sit down together.
Spottedpaw later organizes Featherwhisker's herb store for him again, remarking that he better not mess it up again when she finishes. Featherwhisker thanks her as she walks over to her mentor, greeting her siblings as she heads out for and they return from hunting. After practicing hunting techniques with Thrushpelt, the two go off to hunt on their own. While she's out, she sees Bluefur, Thistleclaw and Tigerpaw confronting a small kittypet kitten intruding on ThunderClan territory. She watches in horror as Thistleclaw orders his apprentice to attack the helpless kitten before Bluefur intervenes. Spottedpaw backs away in disbelief before Thrushpelt finds her and the two return to camp with their catches.
When the two get back home, Thistleclaw asks Spottedpaw if she wants to eat with him. While the eat together, Spottedpaw hesitantly brings up what she saw earlier, and he defends himself by saying he was just teaching the kittypet a lesson. She gets angry with him for this and runs off to Sunningrocks. He follows her and apologizes, then saying they could have a future together. She's eased by his words, and he invites to take her somewhere that night. She agrees, and he walks off into the bushes. As Spottedpaw waits for him that night, Goosefeather approaches her and tells her she's loving foolishly, but she doesn't understand what he means.
She later hears a cracking sound and sees Thistleclaw right in front of her, beckoning her to follow him. He leads her into a humid and shadowy forest, telling her she's safe with him, and has her meet a she-cat named Mapleshade. After getting acquainted with Spottedpaw, Mapleshade leads the two to a training hollow where she instructs Thistleclaw to fight a tom named Houndleap. Spottedpaw is bewildered when Thistleclaw agrees without complaint, and witnesses him and Houndleap fighting viciously with their claws unsheathed. She warns the gray-and-white warrior when the black tom gets the upper hand, but he doesn't seem to hear her and slams his foe against a tree. Spottedpaw then realizes with horror that she's asleep and has entered the Dark Forest in her dreams. After Thistleclaw pummels Houndleap into submission, Spottedpaw gets some bracken and presses it against the latter's injuries to stop the bleeding. She asks why Thistleclaw would do this, and the amber-eyed warrior approaches from behind and tells her that he's becoming a better warrior. She protests that what he's doing is evil before running away.
Spottedpaw wakes up to find her fur matted and dirty, and her siblings are shocked to see her like that, telling her to clean up before training. Thrushpelt then finds her and informs her that she's going on a border patrol, before taking a second look at her and telling her she should go clean herself up instead, and they'll meet up later for training. She agrees and leaves through the gorse tunnel, ducking behind some ferns as she cleans her fur in hopes of no one seeing her. Thistleclaw spots her however, and offers for her to join in on Tigerpaw's and Whitepaw's training session. She hesitantly says yes before he bounds back to camp, returning with Tigerpaw and Whitepaw in tow. Tigerpaw complains that Spottedpaw has only been training for a few moons, but his mentor hushes him and says that it's good to have a new training partner. Thistleclaw then has the two older apprentices fight each other, telling Spottedpaw that she'll fight whoever wins. The three apprentices race to the training hollow with Tigerpaw making it there first, and he starts his battle with Whitepaw. The white tom comes out victorious after flicking sand into his opponent's eyes, and Thistleclaw then beckons Spottedpaw to fight him. She fares well and almost wins before hesitating, remembering the move she was about to use came from the Dark Forest. She runs off in a panic, and Thistleclaw follows her, the tortoiseshell blurting out that training in the Dark Forest is wrong when the warrior confronts her. Thistleclaw refuses to listen and states that he's only doing it to get stronger and protect their Clan. He then tells her that he'd do anything for her, and Spottedpaw hesitates due to her conflicting emotions.
Spottedpaw wakes up early the next day, and when Featherwhisker asks why she is she claims that she had a nightmare, not willing to tell the medicine cat about Thistleclaw's training in the Place of No Stars. She then turns to see Stormtail across the clearing, noting his frailty and how he's drinking a lot of water. She asks if he's alright, and he and his daughter Bluefur say that he's ok and will be going on a patrol later. Speckletail the leads a patrol with him out of camp, but the apprentice continues to worry, and when she tells Featherwhisker of her concerns he agrees to go find the patrol and bring Stormtail back to camp. Before he does though, White-eye bursts into camp panicking with a thorn stuck in her eye. Featherwhisker plucks the thorn out and assures that the white she-cat's vision won't be damaged, sending Spottedpaw to go get Stormtail for him while he treats the injury despite Thrushpelt's task for her to clean out the elder's den.
Spottedpaw catches up with the patrol to find that Stormtail has split off from them, informing everyone to spread out and look for him. She then fins him passed out under a boulder and calls the patrol over, who start carrying him back to camp. Spottedpaw runs ahead to warn Featherwhisker and make a nest for Stormtail, and once the unconcious tom is lying down in it the medicine cat diagnoses him with the thirsting disease. He laments that he can't be cured, but can be made comfortable in his final days. Spottedpaw then goes into the warrior's den and repremands Bluefur for letting her father go on patrol. Thrushpelt then itterupts and leads his apprentice out into the woods, where he tells her that he knows how much she likes heping Featherwhisker and it's ok if she wants to become a medicine cat. She's shocked at the idea, and after giving it some thought insists that she wants to be a warrior.
Spottedpaw later returns to the Dark Forest in her dreams and goes looking for Thistleclaw, finding him pummeling a light brown she-cat named Fenneldust while Mapleshade oversees. She tries to intervene when he deals a killing bite, but he snarls at her. She then tries saving Fenneldust, but before she can do anything the light brown tabby dies, her spirit fading away and leaving the tortoiseshell bewildered and horrified. Mapleshade orders Thistleclaw to get her out of there, and he leads her away before asking what she's doing there. She pleads with him to stop training there so they can have a future together, adding that she has the option to become a medicine cat but would rather be a warrior with him. She says that if he truly loves her, then he won't come back there again, but Thistleclaw shakes his head and says that the Dark Forest a a part of his destiny that he can't ignore. She pleads with him to reconsider, but he states that he needs to feel the tearing of flesh under his claws, and that if he continues his training then ThunderClan will win every battle and their enemy's' blood will be spilt. Spottedpaw backs away and tells him he's made his choice, wishing him the best before turning and leaving.
Spottedpaw wakes up smelling of blood before going to find Featherwhisker. along the way, Stormtail thanks her for saving him and Bluefur apologizes for what she said the other day. When she gets to the medicine den, Featherwhisker asks her if she needs help, and she asks to become his apprentice, which he accepts. Later, Spottedpaw watches Tigerclaw's and Whitestorm's warrior ceremonies, noticing that Bluefur is pregnant while the Clan cheers their new names. She then senses Thistleclaw watching her but doesn't turn to meet his gaze, knowing that he intends to become deputy after Tawnyspots. She then goes into the medicine den with her new mentor, who wishes that Bluefur and White-eye had waited until after leafbare to have kits, and she agrees, with them both concluding that the Clan will help care for the kittens no matter how harsh the oncoming leafbare is. She later assists the with birth of Bluefur's kits, and afterwards the litter's supposed father Thrushpelt enters the nursery and asks the blueish-gray she-cat what she'll name them. Bluefur names them Mistykit, Stonekit and Mosskit, and when Featherwhisker points out that Thrushpelt didn't name any of them his student dismisses his remark.
Later, after spending most of the day fetching wet moss, Spottedpaw is exhausted and wonders why she decided to become a medicine cat as she stops to catch her breath. She then sees Tawnyspots enter camp, looking very frail and worries that he'll have to retire soon. After giving some moss to Goosefeather, she heads out to get some more and sees a patrol coming back, with Thistleclaw announcing that they beat some kittypets earlier. She then notices Fuzzypelt has a splinter in his paw and upon pulling it out realizes it came from the twolegplace, not ThunderClan territory. She then figures out that the patrol had went in to the twolegplace seeking out kittypets, rather than fighting off intruders. Bluefur, who had figured this out as well, is angered by this and Spottedpaw says that they might as well get used to Thistleclaw bossing them around as he's bound to be the next deputy. Bluefur says that won't happen as long as she can help it, and when Spottedpaw advises her to focus on her kittens for the time being, the blue-eyed warrior responds that she loves them, but her Clan may need her. The apprentice is confused by her tone of conviction and watches her walk away.
On the night of the next gathering, Spottedpaw agrees to watch over Bluefur's kits for her while she attends. The warrior thanks her, and after the Gathering patrol leaves the medicine cat apprentice gives a mint leaf to Tawnyspots before checking on the nursery to find everyone asleep. When Bluefur returns from the gathering later, she tells the tortoiseshell in a low voice that she's made her decision. When Spottedpaw goes to sleep, she's woken up by the sound of rustling. She goes to Stormtail, who's the camp's guard for the night, and asks if what the noise is. Neither are able to identify where it's coming from, though. Spottedpaw then turns to see Bluefur sneaking out of camp with her kittens and feels conflicted whether or not she should tell Stormtail, figuring that whatever the blue she-cat is doing, it's for a good reason. She then tells Stormtail to go look for the source of the sound near the ravine while she looks in the opposite direction, following Bluefur and her litter out of camp. She follows them to Sunningrocks, where she sees the warrior talking with someone and realizes she's giving up her kits. She prays to StarClan that they'll be safe, and the voice of Bluefur's deceased sister Snowfur assures her that they will be. While witnessing this, she vows that she and Bluefur will guard their hearts and never be blinded by love again.
Redtail's Debt[]
While cleaning nests with Willowpaw, Redpaw complains about Spottedpaw being too busy with her medicine cat duties to help them. Willowpaw sees their sister sorting herbs and laying them out in the sun to dry, replying that her chores seem difficult too. Later, when a battle patrol is about to go to Sunningrocks, Featherwhisker and his apprentice give them herbs for strength, with Spottedpaw wishing her brother good luck.
During her siblings' warrior ceremonies, Spottedpaw proudly cheers their new named Redtail and Willowpelt loudly. Redtail thinks how she's have to wait longer than them to receive her own full name. Much later, after Redtail is killed by Tigerclaw, he passes by ThunderClan's camp as Sunstar guides him to StarClan, seeing Spottedleaf treating Ravenpaw's wounds.
The Prophecies Begin[]
Into the Wild[]
Spottedleaf climbs on top of the Highrock to sit with Bluestar, reporting that evryone injured in the recent battle with RiverClan at Sunningrocks has been tended to and will recover. Bluestar is worried about ThunderClan's future, as not only had that battle been the first time they've lost in their own territory since she became leader, but there are also fewer apprentices than usual. Spottedleaf tries comforting her by reminding her that there will be more kits by newleaf, but this does little to soothe her worries. The leader then asks her if she's spoken to StarClan recently, to which she admits that she hadn't for quite some time. Right after she says this though, a shooting star crosses the sky and she receives a prophecy from StarClan: "Fire alone can save our Clan." Bluestar is skeptical as to how a destructive force like fire can save the Clan, but trusts Spottedleaf's word anyhow, as the medicine cat has not been wrong before.
Later, after Rusty joins ThunderClan and is renamed Firepaw, Ravenpaw bursts into the camp and announces that Redtail is dead before passing out from shock. Goldenflower calls Spottedleaf over, and she examines the skinny black apprentice's shoulder, assuring Goldenflower that none of his wounds are serious. She then goes into the medicine den to fetch cobwebs, which she presses against a cut on Ravenpaw's shoulder to stop the bleeding. Tigerclaw approaces her and asks if his apprentice will be alright, and she tells him that he'll be fine. Tigerclaw then tries to get Ravenpaw to get up, but Spottedleaf tells him that he needs rest, teasingly adding that the dark brown tabby knows better than to argue with a medicine cat. While giving Firepaw a tour of the camp, Graypaw shows him the medicine den and checks up on Ravenpaw, who says that he's fine but a bit shaken up. Spottedleaf then tells both to leave and give her space to treat her patient, complaining that she can't do her job with all these interruptions.
After being tasked with nursing the ex-ShadowClan medicine cat Yellowfang back to health, Firepaw frequently visits the medicine den to ask Spottedleaf for herbs and advice on what to do, causing the two to grow closer. On one such visit, she tells Firepaw about the "fire alone" prophecy, confusing the orange tom. When ShadowClan raids ThunderClan, Lionheart is fatally wounded in the fight. After the attackers are driven off, Spottedleaf notices this and tries to save him, but she's too late and reveals sadly that he's already dead before tending to her other Clanmates.
Later, ShadowClan's leader sends Clawface to kidnap some kittens from ThunderClan to train as warriors. Spottedleaf tries to stop him, but is murdered as Frostfur's kits are stolen. While searching the camp for Frostfur's litter, Firepaw finds Spottedleaf's body behind the nursery and alerts the rest of the Clan. His Clanmates assume that Yellowfang was behind her murder and the kits' disappearance, but the old gray she-cat's innocence is later proven when the fur found in Spottedleaf's claws is dark brown rather than dark gray. After the kits are saved and Brokenstar is driven out, Bluestar invites Yellowfang to take Spottedleaf's place as the Clan's medicine cat, which she accepts.
Fire and Ice[]
Spottedleaf's spirit appears to Fireheart in his dreams, warning him to beware a warrior he can not trust. Fireheart misinterprets this as meaning he can't trust Graystripe as he's in a relationship with the RiverClan warrior Silverstream, but later realizes that it's actually about Tigerclaw. When the exiled Brokenstar and his followers attack ThunderClan camp again in revenge, Clawface fights Fireheart and Spottedleaf helps him fight off the rogue before he's killed by Graystripe.
Forest of Secrets[]
Spottedleaf appears in Fireheart's dreams again, asking him to follow her somewhere. She takes him to the top of a hill that overlooks a large expanse of water, reminding him that water quenches fire. Much later, after Tigerclaw's exile, she visits him again to tell him that StarClan is calling him, and he shouldn't be afraid. Fireheart misinterprets this as meaning he's going to die soon, and only after Bluestar names him deputy in Tigerclaw's absence does he realize it was actually about his promotion.
Rising Storm[]
Spottedleaf visits again, this time warning the orange warrior to beware an enemy how seems to sleep. Once again Fireheart misinterprets this, thinking it's referring to the ShadowClan cats Littlecloud and Whitethroat who are staying in ThunderClan territory while Cinderpelt tries to cure their sickness. In actuality she was talking about Tigerclaw, as even though he's no longer in ThunderClan he's still a threat.
In another visit, she doesn't speak or move, simply sitting at a distance where Fireheart can barely see her. She then flees when two twoleg children run past while yelling, after which Fireheart smells smoke and wakes up to find the camp on fire. After ThunderClan escapes and the fire dies down, the orange tom return to the charred camp to look for Halftail and Yellowfang, who had been left behind. He finds Yellowfang in the medicine den, and after a heartfelt conversation the old gray she-cat passes away. Fireheart then catches Spottedleaf's scent and wonders if she's there to guide Yellowfang to StarClan. He hears Spottedleaf whispering into his ear that Yellowfang is safe now, which comforts him.
A Dangerous Path[]
When seeking guidance from her on what to do about Bluestar's plans to attack WindClan, Spottedleaf appears alongside Yellowfang in Fireheart's dreams to tell him to look around. She begs him to go to WindClan and arrange a meeting between Tallstar and Bluestar to talk through their problems
The Darkest Hour[]
After Bluestar's death, Fireheart goes to the moonstone to receive nine lives from StarClan. During his leadership ceremony, Spottedleaf shows up to give him his eighth life; a life of love. She tells him to use it for all the cats he cares for, especially his new mate Sandstorm. Later, when Firestar contemplates who he should make deputy, he takes a nap to get Spottedleaf's opinion. She affectionally tell him that who he names deputy is his own decision, not StarClan's. When he wakes, Firestar decides to choose Whitestorm as his deputy.
Much later, Firestar loses his first life in the battle against BloodClan, waking up in StarClan. He's greeted by all the cats who gave him lives as well as the recently-deceased Whitestorm, who explain what's happening and comfort him as he waits to be revived. When he comes back, he feels all nine of the cats who gave him his lives fighting alongside him as he lands a killing blow on BloodClan's leader Scourge.
Firestar's Quest[]
After finding out about the disbanded fifth Clan SkyClan, Firestar goes to the Moonstone to get answers from StarClan. There, Spottedleaf confirms SkyClan's existance, having learned about it after she'd joined StarClan. When Firestar rants about how StarClan just allowed SkyClan to fall apart, Spottedleaf tells him that they don't control everything. She then informs him that SkyClan's ancestors reside in a different part of the sky than the other four Clan's ancestors, telling him that he'll find a way to help them as she leaves him to rest.
A little while later, after Firestar and Sandstorm travel to a far away gorge to restore SkyClan, they get attacked by a pack of rats. Spottedleaf shows up to help by giving them burdock roots. Firestar then mention that Spottedleaf had visited him before to tell him about the fifth Clan, causing Sandstorm to bristle in envy. The medicine cat calms Sandstorm by reassuring her that her mate loves her very much, and even if the tortoiseshell was still alive she and Firestar could never be mates. Before she leaves though, she whispers to Firestar that she sometimes wishes things were different and she was mates with him. Sandstorm then realizes that though Firestar and Spottedleaf share a special bond, he still loves her the most and no one could ever replace her.
After Leafdapple is selected to be the restored SkyClan's leader, she's taken to the Whispering Cave where she receives nine lives from StarClan, including a life from Spottedleaf of healing old wounds caused by rivalries as her fourth life. Before she does though, she appears to Firestar and tell him how proud she is of him rebuilding SkyClan. Soon after, she reveals that she is descended from SkyClan, as Cloudstar and Birdflight are her ancestors. Much later, Firestar and Sandstorm have a litter of two kittens. The light brown tabby she-kit is named Leafkit after Leafstar, and Firestar thinks she may be named after Spottedleaf as well.
Ravenpaw's Path[]
Shattered Peace[]
After being driven out f the farm, Ravenpaw and Barley fall asleep at the Moonstone where the former is greeted by Spottedleaf, Whitestorm and Bluestar in StarClan. The three tell him that the see he and Barley are in need of help to take back their home, and the tortoiseshell she-cat recommends going to Firestar for help. As the three leave, she wishes Ravenpaw good luck.
SkyClan's Destiny[]
When entering one of SkyClan's new dens, Leafstar sees Spottedleaf, who tells her that her cats will be safe in their dens. When the leader asks in confusion if she's dreaming, the StarClan cat replies that she's asleep to her Clanmates. She comments that SkyClan must be doing well to need new dens, and then informs Leafstar that Firestar and Sandstorm had kits together. Leafstar picks up on her unhappy tone, wondering if she's jealous of Sandstorm. Spottedleaf then changes the subject by saying that Leafstar has the hardest job of building and maintaining a Clan of cats who had previously known nothing of the warrior code. Leafstar wonders why her visitor cares so much about SkyClan anyways, since in life she was a member of ThunderClan.
Spottedleaf later leads Leafstar to the entrance of the Whispering Cave, which is filled with transparent cats. Leafstar tries asking her about them, but when she turns her head Spottedleaf is gone. Later, after losing a life to a rogue named Misha, Leafstar wakes up in StarClan where Spottedleaf greets her. The leader begins to panic, and the medicine cat comforts her by telling her she'll only be there momentarily.
The New Prophecy[]
While visiting the Moonstone, Firestar's daughter Leafpaw - who is now training to become a medicine cat - is welcomed by Spottedleaf. The apprentice asks if she knows where her sister Squirrelpaw has gone, and she replies she's in the paws of different ancestors right now, referring to the Tribe of Endless Hunting. She assures Leafpaw that her sister is safe, and as she disappears tells the apprentice that she'll follow whatever path she chooses. When Leafpaw later dives into the river to save Reedpaw of RiverClan, she nearly drowns before Spottedleaf pulls her out as Mistyfoot rescues Reedpaw. She then reminds Leafpaw to put cobwebs on a gash in the RiverClan tom's shoulder, make sure there's no water in his lungs, and keep his fur warm to help it dry faster.
Spottedleaf appears to Squirrelpaw in her dreams, disappearing soon after greeting her. Squirrelpaw is confused but brushes it off to go hunt, realizing that the forest she's in is unfamiliar. The ginger she-cat calls out for Spottedleaf, who reappears and tell her to follow her, leading her to the van her sister and all the other captured cats are. Squirrelpaw wonders if they're able to be saved, and Spottedleaf says that she hopes so.
In StarClan, Yellowfang tells her peers about a prophecy: "Before there is peace, blood will spill blood, and the lake will run red." Spottedleaf tries checking if Firestar is involved in this prophecy, to which Bluestar gently tell her that she can't protect him forever. Spottedleaf protests that she'll do everything in her power to try regardless. She later tells Leafpaw that StarClan has found the perfect place for the Clans to settle, and leads her and Sorreltail to the Moonpool, where cats will be able to visit StarClan like with the Moonstone.
Spottedleaf is one of the cats to forewarn Cinderpelt of her upcoming death and give her strength to face it. Later, when Leafpool is contemplating whether or not she should run away from the Clans with her forbidden lover Crowfeather, Spottedleaf tries to advise her to follow the right path. The brown tabby says that she loves Crowfeather enough to abandon the life of a medicine cat for him, adding that now that she has Brightheart, Cinderpelt won't need her anymore. Spottedleaf replies that Brightheart isn't a full medicine cat, and is helping Cinderpelt because she feels she needs a purpose due to her mate Cloudtail spending so much time with the Clan's newcomer Daisy. Leafpool then talks about how she got into an argument with Squirrelflight earlier, which before then was something they never did, but the tortoiseshell reassures her that her sister still loves her, and one little disagreement won't change that.
Upon asking about Crowfeather, Spottedleaf tell her that what she does with him is up to her, as StarClan can't make that decision, though advises her to follow her heart. Leafpool takes this as meaning she should run away with Crowfeather, and the two do so briefly before returning when warned of a badger attack. The two are too late to save Cinderpelt however, who is killed by the badgers while defending Sorreltail and her newborn kittens. At the book's end, Spottedleaf and the recently deceased Cinderpelt appear to Leafpool to tell her that StarClan is with her and will always be watching over her.
Leafpool is angry with Spottedleaf for telling her to follow her heart, stating that if she never left ThunderClan then she could have saved Cinderpelt. Spottedleaf replies that her heart lies in her duty as a medicine cat, and when the brown tabby asks why she didn't just say that, she explains that she needed to know what she was missing to believe it.
Later, while Leafpool watches Daisy's children playing with a butterfly, they tell her that a tortoiseshell she-cat had showed it to them. She thinks they mean Sorreltail until she sees the cat in question laying with her kits in the nursery. She then wonders if Spottedleaf was who the kits saw, looking at the now dead butterfly and noticing one of its wings has been torn off and punctured with a claw. She realizes it's a sign from StarClan, and soon figures out that it symbolizes how the sign that made Mothwing RiverClan's medicine cat was faked by her brother Hawkfrost. Spottedleaf then shows Leafpool that Cinderpelt has been reincarnated into Sorreltail's daughter Cinderkit.
SkyClan and the Stranger[]
After the Flood[]
Spottedleaf appears in Leafstar's dreams, remarking that she may never dream again with how little sleep she's getting. The leader asks her if the flood her Clan had recently endured was sent from StarClan, and is SkyClan is still safe in the gorge. She denies that the flood was StarClan doing, and warns Leafstar that one of her newest Clanmates, Sol, might cause trouble to the Clan. Leafstar doubts this and says that Sol only wants to be a good warrior, to which Spottedleaf tells her that being a warrior might not be in his destiny as she walks away.
Leafpool's Wish[]
After finding out she's pregnant with Crowfeather's kits, Leafpool goes to seek guidance from StarClan, where Spottedleaf scolds her for breaking the code. Yellowfang then scolds the tortoiseshell in turn for being too harsh on Leafpool, sending her away before comforting the brown tabby.
The Power of Three[]
The Sight[]
While running from some foxes, Jaykit falls into a hole and is knocked out. After being taken to the medicing den, Spottedleaf tells the unconsious kit to lay still, assuring him that he's safe. When he asks about Hollykit and Lionkit, she tells him that his siblings are safe too, giving him some water to drink. When Jaykit awakes, he tells Leafpool what he saw and she suggests he become a medicine cat, but he wants to be a warrior instead.
Later, after following Leafpool to the Moonpool, Jaypaw finds himself in the Dark Forest where he encounters Tigerstar and Hawkfrost. The two offer to train him, but before he can give and answer Spottedleaf appears to guide him out of the Place of No Stars. The blue-gray tom asks if Tigerstar or Hawkfrost can come along, but she tells him that they can't, and they've chosen their own paths. She then brings him to StarClan and warns him to never go back into the Dark Forest again. Using his telepathic powers, Jaypaw looks into her memories and finds out she's in love with his grandfather Firestar. Spottedleaf compliments his powers, telling him he must use them for the good of his Clan by becoming a medicine cat. Jaypaw protests, causing Spottedleaf to press further, and when he says that it isn't fair, she sympathizes with him and insists that he must embrace his destiny.
After catching a mouse, Spottedleaf approaches Yellowfang, who's bothered by some ticks in her fur. Spottedleaf begins grooming the older she-cat's pelt, commenting that she needs to learn how to do so herself. After Bluestar and Whitestorm greet them, the four start discussing whether or not they should tell Jaypaw, Hollypaw and Lionpaw about their involvement in the "Kin of your kin" prophecy. After chasing around a butterfly, Spottedleaf is asked for her opinion, to which she states that the truth is a powerful weapon that they must use carefully.
Long Shadows[]
Jaypaw has a vision of Spottedleaf, Bluestar, Yellowfang, Whitestorm and Silverstream. The group of StarClan cats are all fretting over the outbreak of greencough in ThunderClan, and the tortoiseshell she-cat asks if there's any way they can help before Brightspirit, Braveheart and Shiningheart appear and tell Jaypaw to "seek the wind."
After battle training with Leafpool, Spottedleaf warily appears to Jayfeather, and when he asks her about his parentage she interrupts and says that she can't give the answers he's looking for. She then tells him that the answers he seeks can be found in his own Clan. When he asks if she already knew Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw weren't his birth parents all along, she gets angry and snaps that StarClan isn't omniscient, and sometimes they have questions too. She adds that sometimes the cats of StarClan are just regular cats no wiser than those of the living world before abruptly leaving.
Omen of the Stars[]
The Fourth Apprentice[]
Spottedleaf talks about how Hollyleaf wasn't a part of the "kin of your kin" prophecy like they'd assumed, wondering if they now have the correct three cats. The amber-eyed medicine cat says that they are, as all of them had the same dream when they were born. The group then worries that Jayfeather and Lionblaze won't know which of Firestar's great grandnieces are the third out of Dovekit and Ivykit. When Feathertail joins in on the discussion, Yellowfang doesn't want the RiverClan warrior to stay, but Spottedleaf says that she should. The group then debates whether or not they should send a sign about the third cat to Jayfeather or Lionblaze, with Spottedleaf being one of the few who think they should.
Fading Echoes[]
When Jayfeather and Yellowfang are about to enter the Dark Forest to find out why Tigerstar is training living cats, they encounter Spottedleaf who agrees to accompany them. Yellowfang tries to protest, but Spottedleaf insists going along for Jayfeather's sake, saying that Firestar would never forgive her if she let his grandson get hurt. While walking through the Place of No Stars, the trio encounters Brokenstar who demands they leave. They refuse to however, and after Brokenstar walks away, Spottedleaf sees how distressed Yellowfang is from seeing her son again and tells her to go back to StarClan where she's loved.
She and Jayfeather continue deeper into the Dark Forest, and when they encounter Tigerstar, she asks why he's training living cats. The dark brown tabby claims that they practice for battle because they wish to retain their fighting skills, before telling them to leave as well. Soon after the two witness a training session between two Dark Forest residents named Shredtail and Snowtuft. Tigerstar, who's overseeing the training, picks up Snowtuft and instructs Shredtail to slice him open from face to stomach. Jayfeather and Spottedleaf then flee in horror as they overhear Snowtuft's screams of agony.
Night Whispers[]
While looking at Ivypaw, Jayfeather has a vision of everyone in ThunderClan but her being mercilessly slaughtered by the Dark Forest. Behind him he hears Spottedleaf hissing in terror before apologizing that she can't do anything to stop it.
The Last Hope[]
Spottedleaf and Bluestar sit next to the spirits of the Ancients, greeting Half Moon. When Owl Feather questions Bluestar's beliefs of what they should say to prepare the living world for the fight against the Dark Forest, Spottedleaf growls that her leader had always believed, but others need to be convinced. Bluestar says that the prophecies they sent helped greatly, pointing out the prophecy Spottedleaf received that lead her to Firestar in particular.
Later, while looking for Flametail in StarClan, Jayfeather instead comes across Spottedleaf. He tells her that he's looking for Flametail, believing him to be the fourth prophesized cat after Mothwing showed him a presumed sign from StarClan of a burning reed. Spottedleaf is confused by this, revealing that StarClan hadn't sent any signs recently, but agrees to help him look. Despite StarClan being divided, the ShadowClan section allows the two to look for Flametail there. Suddenly, Jayfeather starts sinking in quicksand, and the amber-eyed she-cat is unable to reach him. Flametail then shows up and Spottedleaf begs him to help, but he refuses, still bitter about when Jayfeather let him drown in the lake. Spottedleaf then yells at Flametail to help, and he's eventually convinced, saving the blind tom. She then joins Flametail and Jayfeather as the former reaches out to the other medicine cats in the living world and tells them that the blueish-gray tom wasn't responsible for his death. As Jayfeather returns to the living world, Spottedleaf reveals that Flametail is not in fact the fourth cat.
She later attends the StarClan Gathering, where Firestar and the living world's medicine cats tell everyone that they need to band together if they want to defeat the Dark Forest. Spottedleaf then reveals that the fourth cat is Firestar himself. During the Great Battle against the Dark Forest, StarClan and the Tribe of Endless Hunting both appear to aid the Clans, Spottedleaf included. During the battle, Mapleshade pins down Sandstorm and prepares to kill her, saying the beige she-cat had everything she lost; a litter of kits she got to watch grow and a loyal mate who loves her. Just before the Dark Forest warrior is about to kill her however, Spottedleaf throws her off and allows Sandstorm to escape. Mapleshade taunts the medicine cat, asking why she's siding with Sandtorm when she stole Firestar's love from her. Spottedleaf retorts that there was nothing to steal, as Sandstorm made Firestar happy, before Mapleshade attacks and slices her throat open.
Firestar sees this and rushes over in horror as Spottedleaf collapses while Sandstorm chases Mapleshade away. He begs her to live, reminding her of her promise that she'd greet him when he went to StarClan. Spottedleaf laments that it was never meant to be, apologizing that she won't be able to guide him anymore as her spirit begins to fade away. Yellowfang them somberly approaches and tells Firestar to let her follow her destiny. Spottedleaf opens her mouth one last time as if trying to say something, but her fur blurs and soon after she fades away into nothing, leaving only a pool of blood behind.
After the Dark Forest is defeated, Firestar dies of the wound he received while fighting Tigerstar, losing his final life. Bluestar then approaches, followed by Yellowfang, Silverstream, Redtail, Lionheart, Swiftpaw, Brindleface and Runningwind. The eight cats begin recounting the lives they'd given Firestar when he became leader, and when they get to his eighth life, Bluestar says in a voice thick with sadness that although she has faded away, Spottedleaf gave Firestar a life of love.
- Spottedleaf looks very similar to and is likely named after her SkyClan ancestor Spottedpelt.
- While introducing Firepaw to his new Clanmates, Graypaw describes Spottedleaf as "young and pretty" and Darkstripe as "neither young nor pretty", despite the fact that Spottedleaf is older than Darkstripe.
- Author Kate Cary says that the reason Spottedleaf was killed in the Great Battle was so that Firestar wouldn't have to choose between her and Sandstorm in StarClan, and that it was always her destiny to die saving Sandstorm. Despite this, Kate still feels bad about killing her off.
- Kate has also said that despite her love for Firestar, Spottedleaf was too committed to her duties and to StarClan to give up being a medicine cat for him.
- Author Victoria Holmes said that the reason Spottedleaf was killed off the first time was because she though she'd be more interesting as a spirit.
- She's mistakenly shown attending Nightstar's first Gathering as a leader on page 217 of Leopardstar's Honor, even though she's supposed to be dead by then.
External links[]
- Spottedleaf on the Pure Good Wiki
- Spottedleaf on the Warriors Wiki
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