Sprig and Anne hear a monstrous screech.
Sprig being carried by Anne as she runs away from the giant mantis.
Sprig and Anne hide inside a log from the mantis.
"You're a hero! An ugly, ugly hero!"
Sprig introducing himself to Anne.
Sprig screaming comically in terror at the giant mantis who was about to finish him off.
Sprig, Polly and Anne trying to fix Hop Pop's cane.
Sprig and Polly doing the dishes.
Sprig watching Anne and Hop Pop argue.
"I can't take this anymore!"
"Not a big deal? Do you remember the Henderson's next door? They used to argue all the time, and look what happened to them."
"If we don't do something now, it won't be long before their bickering tears this family apart."
Sprig hearing Anne comment Hop Pop's surprised reaction as a catchphrase from a sitcom.
Sprig showing Anne and his family that lots of corn had been stolen.
"The injustice! The outrage! We've gotta catch this thief!"
"If the thief stole once, it'll steal again. The only way to catch this monster is a stakeout."
"And the only ones who can do it are... Anne and Hop Pop!"
"Well, I obviously can't... because I have the attention span of a... Oh, look at that."
Sprig hearing Hop Pop reluctantly agreeing to do the stakeout with Anne.
Sprig confessing to Polly that he actually stole the corn in order to get Anne and Hop Pop to get along.
Sprig being warned by Polly that he can't make people get along.
"I can, and I did. And it's going to save this family."
Later, Sprig gets out his telescope to spy on Anne and Hop Pop.
Sprig looking through the telescope.
"Just look at 'em. And now to watch the flowers of friendship bloom."
"It's working. They're... connecting."
"No, no! This can't be! They're fighting again."
Sprig trying to think of something to get Anne and Hop Pop to bond.
Sprig opening his closet after getting an idea.
Sprig planning to steal more corn from the farm.
(Polly: "You're mad!") "Try and stop me!"
Sprig about to cut some corn.
Sprig getting tackled by Polly.
Sprig and Polly being confronted by Anne and Hop Pop.
Sprig and Polly watching Anne and Hop Pop hallucinate.
Sprig and Polly dumfounded.
Sprig and Polly screaming when Anne and Hop Pop charge at them, wielding farm tools.
Sprig and Polly running through the cornfield.
Sprig and Polly having tripped where they crash into the front door.
Sprig scared after he barely dodges a scythe and pitchfork thrown at him by a drunken Anne and Hop Pop.
Sprig crying and begging for his life.
Sprig still crying as Anne and Hop Pop break out of their hallucination.
Sprig traumatized after Anne and Hop Pop fall asleep.
"Thanks, Polly, but maybe next time we do it your way."
Sprig, Anne, and Hop Pop fast asleep.
Sprig holding a melon before he throws it like a baseball.
Sprig and Anne hearing a noise.
Sprig and Anne horrified when they see giant wasps attacking a small caterpillar.
Sprig and Anne going to save the caterpillar.
"Take that, buzz brains! Go sting someone your own size!"
After saving the caterpillar, Sprig hears Anne note that the creature resembles her pet cat, Domino.
When Anne proposes to take the caterpillar home, Sprig is unsure that's a good idea as the creature is a wild animal.
Sprig being licked by the caterpillar.
Sprig deciding to keep the caterpillar as well.
Sprig watching Anne name the caterpillar "Domino 2."
Sprig and Domino 2 admiring Anne's mouse toy.
"Should we be concerned about this?"
(Anna: "Trust me. I know cats.") "Well, all right, if you say so."
Sprig peeking through the front door.
Sprig and Anne sneaking Domino 2 inside the house.
"Uh, hey, Hop Pop, what's the worst thing Charlie Bigbottom ever did, since we're talking about Charlie Bigbottom?"
Sprig distracting Hop Pop so Anne can sneak Domino 2 into her room.
The next morning, Sprig goes to check on Anne in the basement.
Sprig finding the basement covered in cobwebs.
"Hey, wake up, wake up!"-Sprig finding Anne & Domino 2 asleep.
Sprig concerned about the cobwebs and the scratches on Anne's face.
Sprig having been shot with web by Domino 2.
Sprig seeing Domino 2 eating a sandwich.
Sprig preventing Hop Pop from spotting Domino 2.
Sprig, Anne, and Domino 2 relaxing.
Sprig and Anne admiring Domino 2 as the caterpillar falls asleep.
Sprig and Anne going to get something to eat.
Sprig and Anne eating lots of food.
Sprig and Anne trying to make an excuse when Hop Pop questions what they've been doing all day.
Sprig, Anne, and Hop Pop hearing a loud bang.
Sprig and Anne being questioned by Hop Pop on what the noise was.
Sprig, Anne, and Hop Pop in the basement.
Sprig seeing a hatched cocoon in Anne's room.
Sprig being asked by Hop Pop if he and Anne secretly kept a pet.
Sprig being scolded by Hop Pop.
"Uh, I'm sorry. It's just that the caterpillar looked just like Anne's pet from back home. It was small, cute. It was black with white spots and it-"
Sprig listening to Hop Pop reveal that Domino 2 is a coastal kill-a-pillar.
Sprig and Anne listening to Hop Pop explain that coastal kill-a-pillars are dangerous frog eating predators.
Sprig, Hop Pop, and Anne as Domino 2 lurks behind them.
Sprig, Hop Pop, and Anne screaming when a fully-grown Domino 2 reveals herself.
Sprig, Anne, and Hop Pop hearing Polly barge into the basement, unaware of what's going on.
"I don't want to die in a basement!"
The Plantars being toyed with by Domino 2.
The Plantars being pinned down by Domino 2.
The Plantars being saved by Anne when she distracts Domino 2.
Sprig, Polly, and Anne pulling weeds from the garden.
Sprig and his family covered in cobwebs.
Sprig relieved to see Anne okay after she gets rid of Domino 2.
The Plantars hearing Anne apologize for nearly getting them killed by keeping Domino 2.
Sprig and Polly watching Anne comfort a crying Hop Pop when he admits he understands her pain of missing her pet cat.
Sprig and Anne in the basement the next day.
"I don't know. Sometimes it works out."
Sprig having gifted Anne a doll version of Domino 2.
Sprig, Anne, and Polly pulling weeds from the garden.
Sprig sweating from exhaustion.
Hop Pop, Hop Pop! Great idea! What if we trained the cowapillars to eat these weeds? Then we wouldn't have t--"
When Hop Pop tells him to go write his suggestion and insert into a barrel, Sprig does as he's told.
Sprig hearing the girls talk about Hop Pop not reading their suggestions.
"Oh, come on, guys. Have a little more faith in Hop Pop."
Sprig, Polly, and Anne discovering a fire pit underneath the "Suggestions Barrel".
Sprig, Polly, and Anne confronting Hop Pop for ignoring their ideas.
"Maybe. But if I were in charge, I'd listen to other people's suggestions, not burn them!"
Sprig and Hop Pop glaring at each other as they argue over how to run their farm.
Sprig and Hop Pop's tension being noticed by the girls.
Sprig ringing his family challenge bell.
Sprig challenging Hop Pop for control of the farm which Hop Pop accepts.
Sprig and Hop Pop wearing loincloths as they cover themselves in mud.
"An artful test of skill where the winner takes all!"
Sprig yelling when Polly begins the challenge.
Sprig charging towards Hop Pop.
Sprig and Hop Pop slap fighting.
Sprig at the edge of the lily pad.
Sprig outmatched by Hop Pop.
"Oh, yeah? Well, I've got the moral high ground!"
Sprig flipping Hop Pop off the lily pad.
Sprig surprised that he won.
Sprig being congratulated by Anne and Polly.
"I don't believe it! I'm head of the farm!"
Sprig celebrating his victory.
Sprig, Anne, and Polly returning to the house.
Sprig allowing the girls to keep chanting his name.
"Love it! First order of business. As long as I'm in charge, no suggestions are bad."
Sprig agreeing with the girls' suggestions to have swimming pools and dance parties.
Sprig, Anne, and Polly saluting to their farm's new flag.
Sprig giving a double thumbs up when Anne and Polly write down what they want.
Sprig helping build a swimming pool.
Sprig, Polly, and Anne sharing a toast.
Sprig letting three cowapillars into the garden.
Sprig and Polly training a cowapillar to eat weeds in the garden only.
Sprig, Polly, and Anne watching a clown's performance.
"Whoa, we paid him for this."-Sprig after Polly attacked the clown.
Sprig, Polly, and Anne partying.
When Anne notices Hop Pop not around, Sprig thinks he's off licking his wounds.
Sprig sliding down the new pool's slide.
When they get hungry, Sprig, Anne, and Polly are unable to find any food in the kitchen.
Sprig carrying beetroots from the gardens.
"Fresh from mother nature's garden of delights. Dig in, everyone."
Sprig and Anne cornered by a myriapod-like creature that emerged from the beetroots.
"Whoops, didn't check for pests."
Sprig about to shrug off Anne's worries on not knowing how to run a farm.
Sprig sleeping in Hop Pop's bedroom.
Sprig waking up when Anne cries out they have a situation.
Sprig, Anne, and Polly seeing their crops dead, their pool covered in mosquitoes, and the farm animals going crazy.
Sprig, Anne, and Polly realizing they destroyed the farm.
"I've called this meeting today for obvious reasons."
"Luckily for us, we have the power of great suggestions and management that listens. So have at it, guys. What should we do? Remember, there are no bad suggestions."
(Anne and Polly: "Let's find Hop Pop and put him back in charge.") "Hopediah Plantar was a tyrant!"
Sprig refusing to let Hop Pop run the farm again.
"Let's take 15 minutes and start this meeting over. And next time, bring a good suggestion."
Later, Sprig wonders where Anne and Polly are.
Sprig surprised when Hop Pop suddenly appears.
Sprig angry that Anne and Polly brought Hop Pop back home.
"We had a beautiful dream, but I guess I'm the only one willing to fight for it."
Sprig accepting Hop Pop's challenge for control over the farm.
Sprig and Hop Pop getting ready to fight again.
"I beat you once, I can do it again. I'll prove my way is right."
Sprig glaring at Hop Pop before Polly begins the challenge.
Sprig running towards Hop Pop.
Sprig firing his tongue at Hop Pop.
Sprig getting hit by Hop Pop's tongue.
Sprig recovering as Hop Pop tries to talk to him over how his leadership is destroying the farm.
"So I'm just supposed to go back to the way things were? You never listened to us."
Sprig hearing Hop Pop admit he was wrong to not consider the kids' suggestions on how to run the farm.
"I have to admit, most of my ideas were pretty terrible. I think we even caused permanent damage to the ecosystem."
Sprig letting go of Hop Pop after the latter promises to consider his suggestions from now on.
Sprig landing in the mud, giving Hop Pop the victory.
Sometime later, after the farm is restored, Sprig and Anne sweat as they work outside.
Sprig and Anne being provided some shade after the latter suggested it.
Sprig deeply touched when Hop Pop shows he's no longer just burning suggestions, meaning he's listening and reading them.
Sprig and Hop Pop reconciling.
Sprig and Hop Pop spitting together.
Sprig and Hop Pop hearing Anne reveal she finds their spitting disgusting.
Sprig and Hop Pop shocked before they reveal to Anne that spitting is a sport in Wartwood.
Sprig and Hop Pop praising Polly for her impressive spitting talent.
Sprig with a beard full of bugs as he watches Anne leave with Polly, taking Hop Pop's wallet.
"These chains represent our burden on society!"
Sprig, Hop Pop, and Anne arrested and sentenced to collect eggs in order to repay a debt Anne owes due to unknowingly paying with fake IOUS.
Sprig, Anne, and Hop Pop horrified when they see they have to collect spider eggs.
Sprig, Anne, and Hop Pop screaming as they are forced into the spider coop.
Sprig and Hop out of the coop when Anne suggests to Sheriff Leatherleaf to let Polly break Wartwood's spitting record and win a gold trophy at the last minute.
Sprig watching Polly going to attempt to break Wartwood's spitting record.
Sprig noticing Polly is having trouble spitting.
Sprig, Anne, and Hop Pop watching Polly spit at a far length after she and Anne make amends.
Sprig cheering when Polly successfully breaks Wartwood's spitting record.
Sprig and his family set free once their debt has been repayed.
Sprig celebrating Polly's victory.
Having melted the small piece of gold into a statue resembling Polly, Sprig places it on top of a pole.
(gasps) "You went to the spa without us?"
One day, Sprig and Anne walk through the woods.
"Where's the fun in that? This place is full of nature."
Sprig and Anne hearing something move behind a couple of bushes.
"It could be a bloodsucking predator!"
Sprig getting tackled by a female frog.
"I'm hit! Sprig down! Sprig down!"
Sprig greeting the frog who turns out to be his childhood friend,
Ivy Sundew.
(Ivy: "Can't take all the credit. You're really easy to trick.") "Well, guilty as charged."
Sprig introducing Anne to Ivy vice versa.
Sprig smiling at Ivy before she hops away.
Sprig being teased by Anne who thinks he likes Ivy.
Back home, Sprig denies having a crush on Ivy and is just friends with her.
Sprig cringing when Anne shouts in excitement.
Sprig hearing Polly say she doesn't care about setting him and Ivy together.
Sprig and Polly watching Anne and Hop Pop discuss the Firefly Formal.
"Guys! We're just friends. Besides, I'm already engaged to
Maddie, right? She gave me this nifty ring."
Sprig struggling to answer when Hop Pop mentions the Sundews have secret proprietary crops.
Sprig being shown a romantic magazine by Anne.
"Could Ivy be my eternal love, my soul mate, the cat to my bat?"
Sprig reluctantly agreeing to go on a date with Ivy, much to Anne and his grandfather's delight.
Sprig wearing a fancy, tight, ridiculous outfit for the Firefly Formal.
"Uh... I don't know about this. Ivy's gonna think I look stupid. I think I look stupid."
Sprig assured by Anne that his outfit won't bother Ivy.
Sprig and Ivy awkwardly greeting each other.
"So...you're looking like a... girl frog."
Ivy and Sprig bing applauded by a crowd of frogs.
"Didn't you know two-thirds of all mates start with souls? Ah! I mean, two-thirds of all souls start with..."
[sighs] "I can't do this."
"I'm really sorry, Ivy. I-- I don't want to date you. Everyone just convinced me this was a good idea."
After Ivy reveals she doesn't want to date him either, Sprig suggests they go watch some fireflies, which she accepts.
Sprig and Ivy running into the woods as they're spotted by their family members through binoculars.
After changing out of their formal clothing, Sprig and Ivy proceed to watch some fireflies.
"Wow. Man, this is way better than that stuffy old dance. Right, Ivy?"
Sprig seeing Ivy is nowhere to be seen.
Sprig having been ambushed by Ivy again.
Sprig play fighting with Ivy.
Sprig and Ivy continuing to watch fireflies.
Sprig learning the purple fireflies are actually babies.
Sprig dazzled by Ivy's beautiful smile.
Suddenly, Sprig and Ivy hear their families scream and realize they are are in danger.
Sprig and Ivy rescuing their families from the love doves.
Sprig and Ivy hearing their families apologize for not caring how they felt about each other.
Sprig and Ivy ready to fight the love doves.
"Take that, you beautiful creature!"-Sprig having jumped onto a love dove.
Sprig hitting the dove with a stick.
Sprig having defeated the love dove.
Sprig being complimented on his ambush by Ivy before she defeats the second love dove.
Sprig, his family, and the Sundews looking at the unconscious love doves.
Sprig, his family, Anne, and the Sundews jumping down from the nest.
Sprig hearing Hop Pop apologizing and promising to him that he'll wait until he's ready to marry someone.
Sprig waving goodbye to Ivy as he gazes lovingly at her.
Sprig and Anne realizing he had just fallen in love with Ivy.
Sprig and his family getting ready for a camping trip.
(Anne: "You guys going somewhere?") "Yep. The three of us are going to Camp Phlegmington. Gonna rough it outdoors and get filthy!"
"We know you hate dirt, bugs, rocks... and nature."
When Anne pleads to come with them, Sprig convinces Hop Pop and Polly to let her join them.
The Plantars letting Anne come with them on their camping trip.
"Psst. Hey, since you're coming with us, we gotta lather you up with this gunk. Only way to keep the ticks away."
Sprig arriving at Camp Phlegmington.
Sprig and Polly excited to do fun camping activities.
The Plantars hearing Anne is eager to start camping with them.
Sprig and Hop Pop fishing.
Sprig glancing over to Anne's poorly made tent.
The Plantars and Anne carrying buckets.
Sprig holding an axe to stop a spider from attacking Anne.
The Plantars and Anne in sleeping bags.
Sprig tending to Anne's injuries.
"So, awkward question, but are you sure you wouldn't be happier back home?"
Sprig hearing Hop Pop side with him.
The Plantars reassuring Anne they'll be fine without her for the rest of the trip.
The Plantars confused when Anne says she's not used to "easy" camping.
The Plantars glancing at Anne.
The Plantars and Anne disturbed as they meet a frog survivalist named Soggy Joe.
The Plantars and Anne hearing Soggy Joe promise to take them to an "extreme" campsite.
The Plantars hearing Anne say that she would be happy in an "extreme" camping site.
The Plantars and Anne hearing Soggy Joe introduce himself.
The Plantars and Anne following Soggy Joe into a dark forest.
Sprig horrified to see a giant spider eat a snail.
The Plantars, Anne, and Soggy Joe arriving at their destination.
The Plantars and Anne watching Soggy Joe inspect their campsite.
The Plantars and Anne eager for pancakes.
The Plantars and Anne sitting by the campfire.
(Soggy Joe: "Want to hear a tale?") "Oh, me! I love scary stories."
Sprig and Anne scared as Soggy Joe chronicles the legend of the cannibalistic Mud Men.
The Plantars and Anne traumatized after hearing Soggy Joe's story.
Sprig hearing Anne say she's having a great time.
Sprig and Anne screaming when Soggy Joe returns with an axe lodged into his back.
"It's the Mud Men!"-Sprig seeing the Mud Men appear.
Sprig's torches being put out.
The Plantars and Anne defenseless against the Mud Men.
"Really wish we had some sunlight right about now."
The Plantars hearing Anne say she has something they can use against the Mud Men.
The Plantars and Anne surviving an explosion from a bath bomb where the Mud Men are revealed to be skinny frogs.
Sprig exults with his sister, grandfather and Anne.
The Plantars hearing Anne confess she was actually miserable during their camping trip.
"I don't understand. Why lie about it? Why be miserable?"
The Plantars feeling guilty when Anne expresses how lonely she's been feeling lately and how much she likes them.
The Plantars and Anne sharing a hug.
"I don't know if it's the sweet-smelling toxins or the overwhelming emotions, but dang it, I'm a mess."
The Plantars and Anne screaming in terror when Soggy Joe gets up.
When Soggy Joe reveals to be alive, due to wearing an axe-proof vest, the Plantars and Anne catch him up on everything that happened.
The Plantars and Anne back at the house.
The Plantars being shown the Calamity Box by Anne who explains it transported her to Amphibia.
"Anne, I promise... We're gonna find a way to get you home."
The kids hearing Hop Pop say he's going to bed.
Sprig and his family working on a family shrub.
Sprig, Polly, and Anne not interested in learning the Plantar ancestry.
The kids groaning in boredom as they don't find any of the Plantar ancestors interesting due to them mostly being farmers.
"Were they really all just farm frogs? Where are the artists? The poets? The dreamers?"
Sprig and Polly relieved when Hop Pop realizes their out of glue for their shrub.
After Hop Pop leaves to go get more glue, Sprig, Polly, and Anne sit in the living room.
"Even this painting's making me feel depressed."
Sprig after having pressed a secret button within the painting.
Sprig, Polly, and Anne watching a secret passageway being opened in the fireplace.
Sprig and Polly eager to explore the secret passageway.
"Uh, did we just get locked in here?"
Sprig and Anne panicking as they bang on the sealed entrance before they decide to look for another way out.
Sprig, Anne, and Polly exploring the tunnel.
The kids gasp when they discover a secret underground laboratory.
Sprig upside down after activating a device.
Sprig excited about these new discoveries.
When Polly asks why the secret entrance was sealed, Sprig says it was sealed to keep it a secret.
Sprig, Anne, and Polly find documents, discovering the lab belonged to Skip Plantar who was a farmer and a scientist.
When Sprig pulls a lever out of curiosity, he, Anne, and Polly hear a cage door being opened.
Sprig, Anne, and Polly screaming when a pumpkin monster roars at them.
Sprig, Polly, and Anne hide from the pumpkin monster.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute. There may be another way."
Sprig coming out of his hiding spot to confront the pumpkin monster.
"There, there. Easy does it."-Sprig approaching the pumpkin monster.
Sprig hugging the pumpkin monster.
Sprig giving the pumpkin monster affection, much to Anne and Polly's confusion.
"Oh, you horrible, horrible, sweet boy."
Sprig having pushed and trapped the pumpkin monster back in its cage.
Sprig being praised by the girls for his deception.
Before Sprig and the girls could do anything else, the floor they're standing on collapses.
Having fallen into another secret room, Sprig, Anne, and Polly gasp in awe when they see the room has all kinds of weapons.
Sprig having found Polli Anna's diary.
Sprig, Polly, and Anne learning from Polly Anna's diary that she took part in many battles.
Eager to learn more, Sprig goes to pull another lever.
Sprig and Polly shocked when a suit of armor comes to life.
Sprig seeing he has activated a death trap.
"Levers are for pulling, Anne!"
Looking into Polli Anna's diary, Sprig and Anne learn the death trap was actually her training simulator.
"Okay, how do we turn it off?"
Sprig and Anne seeing Polly charging through the obstacles to get to the shut down switch.
Sprig and Anne shocked to witness Polly going through the training stimulator with ease.
After Polly turns off the stimulator, Sprig and Anne go to prevent Polly from turning it back on again.
Sprig, Anne, and Polly finding another secret hidden chamber.
Sprig, Anne, and Polly looking into which Plantar had this puzzle and game room in a book.
Sprig, Anne, and Polly learning about Emma Plantar who was a newt adopted into the Plantar family.
"Oh, Anne. Looks like you've solved the puzzle...of your own heart."
Sprig and Anne happy to learn the latter can be part of his family.
Anne and Sprig's tender moment interrupted when Polly reminds them they need to focus on getting out of the room.
Sprig, Polly, and Anne finding the exit door locked.
When Anne does the door's puzzle, Sprig and the girls are shocked to see a spiked ceiling starting to descend down upon them.
Sprig and Polly horrified to see the ceiling slowly coming down to crush them.
Sprig and Polly panicking as the ceiling gets closer to them.
After escaping from the room, Sprig, Anne, and Polly are amazed to learn they wrong about the Plantar family history.
Sprig being stopped from pulling another lever by the girls.
The kids out of breath after finally escaping the secret rooms through a grandfather clock.
When Hop Pop returns home, the kids reveal their discoveries to him.
"Everyone has to know!"-Sprig updating his family shrub with the girls.
"Oh, and there was a pumpkin abomination! A real affront to nature. I loved it! And then betrayed it."
When Hop Pop and Loggle go down into the secret tunnel, the kids hear them screaming, prompting them to go help them.
Sprig flipping pizza dough.
"Yep, I blew up the pizza."
Sprig, Anne, Hop Pop, and Polly being served soup by Stumpy.
Sprig explaining to Anne how Albus Duckweed is Wartwood's toughest and harshest food critic.
Sprig hearing Anne talk about how she dealt with food critics who came to her parents' restaurant.
Sprig at the table as Anne goes to confront Duckweed.
Sprig and his family surprised when Anne promises Duckweed's restaurant in two days.
Two days later, the Plantars return to Stumpy's diner which has been converted into Thai-frog cuisine restaurant.
"Anne! This place is amazing!"
The Plantars impressed with what Anne has done to the restaurant.
When the Plantars try to book a table, Anne tells them that all of the tables are full.
Sprig, Hop Pop, Stumpy, Anne, and Polly seeing a kraken revealing itself to still be alive.
The Plantars in the the kraken's grasp.
The Plantars and Duckweed in the kraken's grasp.
Sprig and Duckwed released from the kraken's grasp when Anne shots lemon juice into its eye.
After the kraken's defeat, the Plantars and everyone else praise Anne for defeating the monster and saving Stumpy's restaurant.
Sprig showing Wartwood's message board.
Sprig giving Anne a comforting smile to cheer her up after being bullied by several civilians.
"And tasteless."-Sprig not impressed with the new statue of Mayor Toadstool.
Sprig and his family thrown forward when Bessie suddenly comes to a halt.
Sprig and his family see three toad warriors, Bog, Fens, and Mire arrive in Wartwood.
Sprig showing Anne a map of Toad Tower.
"So, you guys are from Toad Tower?"
"Ha! My name's Sprig actually."
Sprig and Anne meeting with the tax collectors.
Sprig and Anne getting out their weapons when Fens suggests to the toads that they eat Anne.
Sprig shocked when Anne whacks Fens with her tennis racket.
Sprig witnessing Bog and Fens praise Anne for her fiery spirit.
Sprig frowning at the toads with disdain.
Sprig and Anne being called away by Hop Pop.
When Anne decides to hang out with the toads, Sprig scoffs at the thought of the toads being cool.
"If you wanna hang out with some grody toads, Anne, be my guest. No skin off my skin."
Sprig leaving with Hop Pop and Polly as Anne goes to hang out with the toads.
Sprig losing in a game with Hop Pop.
When Anne returns home, Sprig sees she has joined the toad warriors and is wearing a toad warrior armor.
Sprig unsatisfied to see Anne having joined the toads.
After Anne leaves to help the toads collect taxes, Sprig opens a window.
"I have a bad feeling about this. So, I'm gonna go follow Anne and watch over her."
Sprig being asked by Hop Pop if he could go out the front door instead.
Sprig crawling out the window to follow Anne.
A confused Sprig seeing Bog, Fens, and Mire have stolen Wally's belongings through his binoculars.
Sprig growing suspicious of Mayor Toadstool when a copper coin falls out of a bag Toadie was carrying.
"Hope you'll be okay, Anne."-Sprig before he goes to follow Mayor Toadstool and Toadie.
An angry Sprig discovering Mayor Toadstool to have been steal the people's taxes when he confronts him.
Sprig leaping in the air, having dodged Toadstool's attempt to apprehend him.
Sprig fleeing from Mayor Toadstool and Toadie.
Sprig and everyone in Wartwood defending Anne from Bog, Fens, and Mire.
After the tax collectors surrender, Sprig rushes to tend to the injured Anne.
Sprig, Polly, and Hop Pop tending to the injured Anne.
"Arrest that toad! He stole the town's money and was keeping it for himself!"
Sprig unable to lift Bog's hammer.
Sprig having revealed Toadstool's secret stash of money to the civilians and tax collectors.
After returning everyone's belongings, Sprig glares at Bog as he taunts Anne.
Sprig and everyone in Wartwood cheering for Anne and naming her their official protector.
Sprig wanting to sign Anne's arm cast.
Sprig, Anne, and Polly at a carnival.
Sprig and Polly hearing say she has a holiday similar to Grubhog Day back in her world.
"The best part of this holiday is the vomit-inducing, death-defying, unforgettable... rides!"
Sprig, Anne, and Polly eager to go on the carnival's rides.
Sprig, Anne, and Polly being stopped by Hop Pop.
Sprig, Anne, and Polly confused to why Hop Pop was hiding in the bushes.
Sprig being told by his grandfather that he has volunteered him to take care of the grubhog.
Sprig being asked by Hop Pop to take care of the grubhog.
Sprig hesitant on taking care of the grubhog until he notices Hop Pop giving him a pleading look.
"Of course I will! There's nothing more important to me than family. Rides are for dum-dums anyway."
Sprig upset that he won't get to have any fun at the fair.
Sprig wearing a fancy outfit.
Sprig cringing when he reads the Grubhog Day instructions which end with "Don't Pull a Plantar!"
Sprig watching Polly and Hop Pop going to attend the fair.
After Polly and Hop Pop leave, Sprig is confronted by Anne on not wanting to take care of the grubhog.
Sprig admitting to Anne that he doesn't want to take care of the grubhog while at the same time, he doesn't want to disappoint Hop Pop.
Sprig refusing to tell Hop Pop how he truly feels about taking care of the grubhog.
"So, you just go and enjoy those incredible rides without me."
(gasps) "Is that the Spider Spinner? I've heard it's the fastest ride ever made!"
(sighs) "But I guess I'll have to miss it this year."
Sprig sulking next to the grub hog's cage.
When Anne asks what his job is, Sprig says the instructions say to keep an eye on the grubhog.
Sprig hearing Anne propose they take the grubhog with them as they attend the carnival.
"You're a hopping genius, Anne!"
Sprig and Anne sneaking off with the grubhog to attend the fair.
Sprig and Anne getting Webby Candy.
Sprig and Anne riding on the Bumper Bugs ride.
Sprig and Anne riding on a carousel with the grubhog.
Sprig and Anne spotting Hop Pop and Polly.
Sprig and Anne manage to evade Hop Pop and Polly by hiding in a photo stand-in.
Sprig getting his face painted.
Sprig and Anne riding on the Spider Spinner ride.
"Yeah! This is amazing! Not only are we having fun, but I'm also doing Hop Pop proud!"
"A new ride! Let's do it!"
Sprig, Anne, and the grubhog getting strapped into one of the roller coaster's carts.
Sprig and Anne going about to up the ride's first hill.
Sprig and Anne at the top of the hill.
Sprig and Anne going downhill.
When their kart hits a loose nail, Sprig and Anne hear the grubhog fall off their kart.
Sprig hearing Anne say their kart will be able to come back around to the grubhog when their kart makes another turn.
Sprig getting ready to grab the grubhog.
Before Sprig and Anne can grab the grubhog, a giant vulture snatches it.
A shocked Sprig and Anne watching the vulture fly off with the grubhog.
Sprig screaming in horror.
A hyperventilating Sprig trying to be calmed down by Anne.
Sprig hearing Anne suggest they go find a new grubhog.
"The ceremony starts in five minutes!"
"Hop Pop's gonna be so disappointed."
Sprig seeing Anne having created a grubhog puppet.
"He's a friendly little guy. Maybe...we can actually pull this off."
(Anne: "It's just gotta pop out of the stump, right?") "And predict the weather, yeah."