Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

I thought they were joking.
~ George after witnessing the Dragonbot for himself.

Saint George is a minor character of the Sonic the Comic Online! webcomic. He is a Roman soldier from the 4th century Time Zone, sent to defeat a dragon kidnapping maidens in Palestine, unaware that it's actually Dr. Robotnik's Badnik.


George's story mostly mirrors the real-life legend of his battle against a dragon. When the Roman Army heard that there was a dragon in the Holy Land who forced the locals to sacrifice their maidens to it, they sent George to investigate. He found the "dragon", which was, unbeknownst to anyone, a time-travelling robot created by the evil scientist Ivo Robotnik, with its latest victim. The scientist planned to turn the maidens offered to him into Badniks. Before George could do anything, a giant blue hedgehog, Sonic, leaped in and took his sword, before running off to fight Robotnik's Dragonbot, who George mistakenly believed to be called "Egg-Breath" due to Sonic referring to Robotnik this way. Taking back his sword, the soldier tried to repel the beast by makign a cross sign. Though that failed to do anything, Robotnik felt insulted by how he thought it would work, and while he was distracted, Sonic managed to slow Dragonbot down by feeding it sand, and George cut its head off. He promised to tell everyone of Sonic's aid and asked for his name, and received "really cool" as an answer, making him believe that the hedgehog was named "Reallycool the Rodent".

George took the maiden home and told about his fight against the dragon. Centuries later, several English soldiers found the text detailing it and decided to tell about George's heroics back in England, but left out the part where "Reallycool" helped George out due to finding it unbelievable.


George is a courageous soldier, ready to protect the weak from evil. He appears to be sceptical of stories about monsters, as he believed that the supposed dragon was made up by villagers before seeing it himself. Due to having no knowledge of robots and Mobians, he doesn't understand that Sonic is talking to Robotnik controlling the dragon rather than to the dragon himself, and mistakes "really cool" for Sonic's name, and the hedgehog himself for a rodent. An encounter with a talking animal prompted him to check if his horse could talk as well.


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Freedom Fighters
Amy Rose | Johnny Lightfoot | Kintobor Computer | Miles "Tails" Prower | Porker Lewis | Shortfuse the Cybernik | Sonic the Hedgehog | Tekno the Canary
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chamelion | Mighty the Armadillo | Omni-Viewer | Vector the Crocodile
Echidna Empire
Guardian Robots | Knuckles the Echidna | Pochacamac | Tikal
Blockhead Bill | Bravehog | Dr. Ovi Kintobor | Ebony | Hercules | Lieutenant Furor | Morain | Norris Wimple | Society Max | Tuftee the Squirrel

Household Keepers
Amy Rose | Commander Steele | Silver the Hedgehog
The Ultimax
Holly Thumpfoot | Miles "Tails" Prower | Theo
Bob the Plax | Niya the Gorilla | Shortfuse the Cybernik | Tekno the Canary
Blaze the Cat | Cedric the Elephant | Charles' Grandfather | Iggy the Mouse | Lumina Flowlight | Marine the Raccoon | Sally Acorn | Shadow II | St. George | Sticks the Badger | Tweet Titans

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
