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Star Saber was the Autobots Supreme Commander, and the main protagonist of Transformers Victory. Famed as the greatest swordsman in the universe, Star Saber burns with a passion for justice and peace.

Star Saber was voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka, who also voiced Otacon in the Metal Gear franchise.



Around 500,000 years ago, when Star Saber was a commander in the Autobot army, Deathsaurus threatened the galaxy with his colossal Planet-Destroying Fortress. Star Saber led a garrison of Autobots against the fortress, and battled Deathsaurus personally while his troops planted gravity boosters on the fortress's surface. The boosters de-energized the fortress and trapped it in a gravity cell at the heart of the Dark Nebula, forever earning a rivalry between the two.

Star Saber would eventually be apppointed Autobot Supreme Commander, and, he discussed whether he should take the role with his friend God Ginrai. In accepted the role, Star Saber became head of the Galactic Peace Alliance's Galactic Defense Force, dedicated to protecting planets all throughout the galaxy from the renewed threat of the Decepticons led by Deathsaurus, dubbed Emperor of Destruction.A human spacecraft was destroyed by the Dinoforce, killing all on board, save for a baby that had been placed in an escape pod. Star Saber recovered the child, Jan Minakaze, and adopted him as his son.


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When the 9 Great Demon Generals began their attack, Star Saber, combined with Victory Leo as Victory Saber, came to the rescue to save the inhabitants of Feminia, rescuing a boy named Cain. Star Saber, however, was unable to make it out, as he was caught in in the planet's explosion and was thought dead.

Later on, Victory Saber's body was found in space by Dai Atlas and Sonic Bomber, who brought him to Planet Zone for medical treatment. Impressed by Dai Atlas's skills on the field of battle, Star Saber held a ceremony to appoint Dai Atlas as the new Autobot Supreme Commander.

Other Media[]

Transformers '84[]

Star Saber appears as a member of the Autobot resistance on Cybertron in the G1 comics prequel Secrets and Lies.


  • In Western media, the term Star Saber is is used for a actual sword of great power.
  • Star Saber would serve as partial inspiration for Wing Saber in Transformers Energon.

External Link[]
