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There will always be people who say mean words because you are different. And sometimes their minds cannot be changed. But there are many more people who do not judge others based on how they look, or where they are from. Those are the people whose words truly matter.
~ Starfire on racism.
The greater the struggle against your power, the more it resists. Embrace what you have inside, let it become you, and you will find you were meant to be.
~ Starfire inspiring Red Star to embrace his power.
Princess "Kory" Koriand'r, mostly known as Starfire, is one of the five titular main characters of the 2003 animated series Teen Titans, and the films Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo, and Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans.
She is an alien princess from the distant world, Tamaran and one of the five founding members of the Teen Titans. She is also Robin's main love interest and finally becomes his girlfriend in the series finale movie.
Starfire is the second of the three children of the Royal Family of Tamaran, born to King Myand'r and Queen Luand'r. She, her older sister Blackfire and their younger brother, Wildfire were all raised by Galfore, their guardian. When Starfire was young, her planet was attacked and devastated by the Gordanians. Blackfire made a peace settlement with the invaders by giving them her younger sister as a slave. This devastated the king and queen. Unfortunately for her captors, Starfire, while apparently rather naive and gentle by Tamaranian standards, was too much for them to handle, breaking loose and flying to Earth.
Joining the Teen Titans[]
As revealed on the prequel episode "Go," Starfire ended up escaping to the town of Jump City, California. Starfire was frightened and alone on the new planet and she started wreaking havoc on Downtown and scaring all of the civilians. However, she was stopped by four teenagers, Robin, Raven, Cyborg and Beast Boy. Robin realized the reality of the situation when he saw she was shackled and alone. He was the first person who ever showed her kindness and removed her shackles. Understanding, Robin helped free her.
After being freed, Starfire suddenly kissed Robin and instantly understood Earth's English languages. She then grabbed Robin and threatened to destroy them if they didn't leave her alone. However, Koriand'r showed a softer side when Robin was the first person to hero her. The group of teens realized the true threat was Koriand'r's former jailers, the Gordanians who would lay waste to the city if it's citizens did not turn Koriand'r over to them. The group banded together and saved the city from complete destruction. As the days past, Starfire changed from her prison uniform to her iconic costume. Robin asked the Tamaranean girl her real name because they never learned it. Koriand'r felt that her name was hard to pronounce in English, so she gave them its translation, Starfire. The group soon founded the Teen Titans together.
As she lived on Earth, Starfire developed romantic feelings for Robin.
As is typical of the Tamaranean race, Starfire has orange skin and completely green eyes with no whites or visible pupils. Her hair is also unusually long and thick compared to that of humans. She also has green eyes and long, auburn hair. Starfire's outfit consists of a sleeveless violet crop top with a matching violet miniskirt, a silver belt, and thigh-high violet boots with silver soles. For armor, she wears a silver gorget with a round green gem embedded into it, silver bracers with green gems on the back of each hand, and a silver armband on her upper right arm.
Starfire is happy, emotional, naive and somewhat insecure, but her naivete is not to be mistaken for stupidity. Though it is this naivete that endears her to others, especially to Robin. She and Robin are the closest out of all the Titans, and he takes time out to explain the ways of Earth to her. An alien and an outsider, she is still rather new to Earth and its customs. This leads to much confusion for her and others, such as the awkwardness in casually drinking mustard. She takes friendship very seriously, and is easily distressed when others, especially her friends, argue or fight.
She is arguably the most social of the Titans, regularly meditating with Raven, or lifting weights with Cyborg. Above all, she wishes to be friends with everyone she meets, and for everyone to get along. Starfire possesses a strange mixture of personality traits; most of the time, she acts quite gentle and demure, possibly due to expectations of Earth culture and desire to better assimilate in her adopted home, but when the need arises, she can be as much the fearsome warrior as any of her comrades.
Powers and Abilities[]
Tamaranean Physiology: All of Starfire's superpowers are native to her extraterrestrial species of the Tamaraeans. Though outwardly humanoid in appearance, she has several biological differences, like having nine stomachs, reddish hair and eyebrows, and very pale orange skin. All of her abilities are tied to her emotional state, and generally can only be triggered when a specific emotion is focused on; because of this, her powers can be weakened or compromised when she is in emotional turmoil, like when she lost her ability to fly due to depression.
Starfire assaulting her enemies from the air with her energy bolts.
Ultraviolet Energy Projection: As a result of being experimented on, Starfire can project incredibly powerful bright green-colored energy from her hands, activated by righteous fury. Her energy attacks produce both thermal energy and highly explosive results on contact. She can augment the effectiveness of her punches by surrounding her hands in energy, and she can also use this method to weld or carefully burn through obstacles with contact from her hands. A chiming sound is heard when using her star bolts.
Star Bolts: Starfire mainly discharges circular bolts of pure radioactive energy, which are usually launched as thrown circular projectiles.
Light Generation: As seen in "Fear Itself","Snowblind", and "The Beast Within", Starfire can intentionally use her powers to illuminate a dark area.
Star Bolt Waves: She has also been shown to shoot this energy in the form of waves from her hands.
Star bolt shields: She can erect a strong defensive energy barrier and force-field around herself, as seen in "The End - Part 1" and "Can I Keep Him?"
Star Blasts: Starfire is also able to shoot her energy in the form of powerful and large blasts from her hands. As, seen in the end she is capable of unleashing an omnidirectional wave.
Laser-Eye Beams: After going through the Tamaranean version of puberty (a process referred to as the "Transformation"), Starfire gained the highly useful ability to emit beams of her bright green energy from her eyes. Though not as powerful as her regular star bolts, these beams can be fired continuously in a steady stream, are more precise in direction, and also give her the element of surprise for when her hands are restrained. They seem to be slightly larger than Blackfire's eye-beams.
Flight: By feeling unbridled joy, Starfire can achieve wingless flight under her own willpower. In space, she can travel at nearly light speed, and her superhuman strength is not diminished when airborne.
Starfire kicks Cinderblock with all her might.
Superhuman Strength: Starfire is immensely strong. While the true extent is unknown, she is shown over four times stronger than Cyborg himself; in "Overdrive", she was seen effortlessly lifting with a single hand twice as much as what Cyborg struggled to with both hands. According to herself, is able to use her enhanced strength by using a feeling called boundless confidence.
Starfire uses her agility to evade Thunder's attacks.
Superhuman Agility and Superhuman Reflexes: Starfire possesses highly advanced agility and reflexes. Her natural fighting skills are much greater when in conjunction with her superhuman reflexes, durability, and agility.
Superhuman Stamina: Starfire can remain awake for long days at a time before tiring out.
Superhuman Endurance: She has supreme physical endurance; she was capable of surviving the most severe of snowstorms, but eventually wears down her endurance.
Nigh-Invulnerability: Like all of her kind, she is immune to most physical harm; capable of surviving a massively powerful explosion without taking much damage; as such she has bulletproof skin.
Language Simulation: As a Tamaranean, Starfire can replicate all the acquired spoken knowledge of languages from other life-forms via lip contact; a process known as "the transfer of knowledge." To which, she gains as much fluency in the dialect and idioms as the target, but she still retains her natural accent grammar. Her current known languages are: Tamaranean (native), English (from Robin in "Go!"), and Japanese (from a stranger in Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo).
Warrior Skills: Due to the warlike nature of her homeworld, Starfire is well trained in the martial arts of hand-to-hand combat and unarmed combat.
Hand-To-Hand Combat: Although she is not as skillful as her older sister, Starfire is an expert in high-levels of Tamaranean martial arts, being skilled enough to take down numerous Gordanian soldiers while her upper body was bound. She is also skilled in various fighting styles of hand-to-hand combat, such as kickboxing.
Archery Skills: She is also versed in some weaponry, using a short bow and arrow at one point in “Stranded” with little effort like Speedy.
Starfire, like many Tamaraneans, is allergic to metallic chromium. It gives her flu-like symptoms, and when she sneezes, she unleashes explosive star bolts out of her nose and mouth. Also, her powers are largely affected by how she feels, as Robin learns; if she is feeling down or confused, her abilities become severely diminished.
Like all Tamaraneans, she is not immune to her own energy blasts. Using her self-sustenance and resistance to extreme temperatures takes a lot of energy so she cannot survive forever in space. She also does need to breathe through her self-sustenance can delay that for a while.
Because of her naivety, it is easy for certain people to take advantage of or betray Starfire, as seen in "Transformation", where she is lured into a trap and almost eaten by a hungry alien. Although few have exploited it, Starfire's relationship with Robin can be counted sometimes as a weakness. Once, it was inadvertently exploited by Killer Moth when he wanted Robin to take Kitten to prom, which angered her beyond rational thought other than to protect Robin.
Like all Tamaraneans, Starfire's powers are controlled by her emotions. If she has certain feelings, she cannot use her powers. For example, when she was mad at Robin for offending her in "Stranded", she was unable to fly temporarily. Also, as Raven in "Switched", she was unable to use star bolts or fly for a while because she could not feel the joy or anger needed to use them.
I did not know you before, so to me, you are normal.
Never have I been so thankful to have nine stomachs.
I had no idea Earth people ate so many pigs and insects.
Robin, who is this Kitten person and why does she call you "Poo"?
If I am not your girlfriend, then what am I?
The greater the struggle against your power, the more it resists. Embrace what you have inside, let it become you, and you will find who you were meant to be.
Please, no more Robin yelling at Robin.
Robin, we have not forgotten the last time you faced...
We are your friends, Robin. We are not leaving without you.
Raven is complicated. There are things about her we are not meant to understand.
I wish to go the fish?
Hello, my little bungorf.
Farewell, Sister. Although you did betray and attack me, it was still... very nice to see you.
Oh, hello, my friend who I am missing already. The sight of you makes my eyes sore.
I am hopeful when this is over we may still be friends.
Someone has disposed of all our blue, furry food.
Yes, the next time I shall choose my own husband. Who is to know? Perhaps there is a groom for me on Earth.
Kick the butt!
The lesson two: We never give up!
Robin! You are unwrinkled!
This prom is some manner of duel, yes? Robin eagerly accepts!
You may be the ruler of this planet, but you are not the ruler of me!
You may not value my life, but I still value yours.
On Tamaran, this merely translates as the transfer of knowledge, but on your world, it means... More. Or so I've heard.
Starfire is the only member of the Titans who is from another planet instead of Earth, not counting Raven.
She is the only Titan in the series to not have a season's story arc specifically for her.
There was one planned involving her sister, Blackfire, however, the series was cancelled before it could happen.
Starfire is allergic to metallic chromium (allergies to chromium are very common in Tamaran).
Unlike other versions of Starfire except her Go! counterpart, her belly button (if it's exposed) is drawn occasionally.
While the original comic version was romantically adventurous, as this is a younger version in a show for kids, she was made naive and innocent about relationships further than friendship and sisterhood.
Starfire's powers, like Raven's, are fueled by her emotions. As such, her power is determined by her emotional state. But the difference is that she freely expresses herself to gain the power, while Raven needs to keep her emotions in check.
This was explored in an episode in which they body swap.