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Starla Sorrenstein (neé Gutsmandottir), also known as Muscle Woman, is a supporting character in Regular Show. She works at Icy & Hot Jewelry & Apparel and Muscle Man's girlfriend-turned-wife.

She was voiced by Courtenay Taylor, who also voiced the female Sole Survivor in Fallout 4.


She debuted in the episode "Muscle Woman" as the main antagonist. She was first introduced as Muscle Man's ex-girlfriend. When first meeting Mordecai, she began to develop a crush on him. As indicated by a tattoo on her lower back, she also dated two other boys (excluding Muscle Man).

She developed a crush on Mordecai and dated two other boys as indicated by a tattoo on her lower back. When Mordecai broke up with her, she became extremely angry, destroying everything in her path, including a helicopter. She is back together with Muscle Man after he expressed his feelings towards her at the end of the episode and recently her and Muscle Man have since gotten married in season 6 in the episode "Dumped at the Altar".

In the end of "A Regular Epic Final Battle", Muscle Man and Starla finally have their first daughter. 25 years later, they have more than one child.


Starla's personality can best be described as tough-as-nails. She will do almost anything to get revenge on someone who wrongs her and will gladly fight for her boyfriend, Muscle Man. Although she is often given more protagonist appearances, she sometimes can be an antagonist as well. She practically destroyed the entire park in an attempt to get revenge on Mordecai for dumping her in "Muscle Woman", and she mercilessly broke Mordecai and Rigby's bones in a mud wrestling match in "Tent Trouble". Despite these two instances, however, she is often seen helping somebody out (Specifically Muscle Man). She willingly helps her boyfriend fight a bunch of evil waiters in "Fancy Restaurant", and she even encouraged him to win a hot dog eating contest against Death in "Last Meal". Also, despite being angry with him before, she now seems to be on good terms with Mordecai.


Starla is a green humanoid with shoulder-length brown hair that is half down and half tied into two pigtails. She is about Muscle Man's build and is very similar in appearance. She typically wears a plain white long-sleeved shirt in which her stomach hangs out of, a bluish-purple skirt, and a pair of black shoes. She has only dressed up differently on a few occasions, such as when her, Muscle Man, and her parents had dinner at Bistro en le Parc, and when she went roller skating with Muscle Man in Bald Spot. As a teenager, she was shown to have been much skinnier and sported a different hairstyle. It is unknown how she acquired her green complexion. She is 4'9" although during the high school flashbacks she looks taller than she is now.

During the 25-year park reunion, she wears a purple dress, and her hair is still in two pigtails, only most of it is tied up instead of being half down and half up, and her bangs are styled different.



  • She has a sister named Peggy, who was originally named Ana.
  • She bares a strong resemblance to Muscle Man.
  • As seen on her lower back tattoo, she has dated and broken up with Muscle Man twice.
  • It is mentioned in "Weekend at Benson's" that she enjoys jazz music.
  • She once dated an unseen guy named Steve, as seen on her tattoo.
  • Part of Starla's last name makes a reference to the name Guts Man, one of Dr. Light's robots from the Mega Man series.
  • Starla‘s last name also makes a reference to icelandic singer Björk Guðmundsdóttir, best known as Björk. Starla‘s father has the same last name even when according to icelandic name rules the suffix -dottir are for women.
  • In the episode "Tent Trouble," it is revealed that Starla, along with her sister Peggy are a professional mud wrestler team.
  • As of "The End of Muscle Man", she is engaged with Muscle Man. They were eventually married in "Dumped at the Altar".
  • In "A Regular Epic Final Battle", Starla approached Muscle Man upon his return to Earth with a daughter hinting that she may have been pregnant when Muscle Man was in space.

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          Regular show logo Heroes

Mordecai | Rigby | Benson Dunwoody | Pops Maellard | Skips | Muscle Man | Hi Five Ghost

Thomas/Nikolai | Margaret Smith | Eileen Roberts | Starla | Cloudy Jay | Mr. Maellard | Audrey | Baby Ducks | Guardians of Eternal Youth | Gary | Death | Don | Frank Smith | Denise Smith | God of Basketball | Techmo | Sensai | Dr. Reuben Langer | Pam | Chance Sureshot | Toothpick Sally | Recap Robot | Colonel Rawls | Archie the Archivist | HD DVD | Blu-Ray | Guardians of Obsolete Formats | Lemon Chef | Principal Dean | Earl

John | Mona | Andy | Jack Farley | Donny G.| Muscle Dad | Muscle Bro | Peter Hermanverfal| Santa Claus | Quips | Bruce Rock | Dave | Hecho

Park | Spark Initiative
