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I will never leave evil standing. Taking it out wherever I find it. I am the legacy.
~ Static.
I put the shock to the system.
~ Static.

Virgil Hawkins, also known as Static or Static Shock, is the fictional character appearing in DC Comics. He is a teenage superhero in Dakota City with electromagnetic powers who gained his powers in the Big Bang. He has also been a member of the Heroes and the Teen Titans.

He was created by the late Dwayne McDuffie, the late John Paul Leon, the late Robert L. Washington III and Steve Mitchell, and first appeared in Static #1 in June of 1993.


A typical nerdy high school student with a passion for science and pop culture, Virgil's life changed dramatically after getting caught up in a local gang war and was doused with an experimental chemical that contained a mutagen agent. This led to him gaining a variety of electromagnetic powers, and as a big fan of comic books, Hawkins decided to use his powers to help clean up his community and save the innocent. A fun, humorous individual in his normal life, these aspects of Hawkins’s personality shine in his superhero persona as well, and Static is well known for his witty banter and goodheartedness.

Powers & Abilities[]

Static's powers allow him to control all sorts of electromagnetic phenomena. Beyond the ability to generate electricity—which allows him to shock enemies, generate electrical force fields for protection, and create static saucers he can ride as transportation. He can also magnetize objects and cause people or objects to stick to one another through a strong static cling. In truth, even Hawkins himself is unaware of the true extent of his powers, but he will forever dedicate them to the forces of good and the protection of his friends and family.

Static has the metahuman ability to project, channel, generate, manipulate, and absorb raw electromagnetic energy, mainly being able to generate electricity from his body and fire powerful lightning bolts from his hands. He can generate electromagnetic shields from his body in order to protect himself from bullets, lasers, energy blasts, and other projectiles, and he can also generate repulsion fields that repel virtually anything. He can manipulate magnetic fields and magnetically lift metal objects, sometimes weighing many tons (anywhere from cars to helicopters). He can use his powers to magnetize and demagnetize objects; broadcast his voice over speakers nearby; charge objects with electricity to cause them to explode; reverse the polarity of nearly any object; and bend electrons to his will.

He can also cover his fists with electromagnetic energy and employ this tactic in the use of melee attacks. Static has also had a trademark ability to generate electromagnetic energy to cling people and/or objects to surfaces, dubbing it a "Static-Cling." He can also use it to charge and levitate non-metal objects, but on some occasions, he has failed to. Static's maximum power level is unknown, but he has stated to be able to generate at least 20,000 volts of power and at one point has generated electromagnetic energy that was once immeasurable but powerful enough to destroy an abandoned building. Static uses a reinforced piece of steel to fly at up to speeds of 200 mph, controlling it via electromagnetic levitation.





  • During the development of Injustice 2, Static was initially going to appear in the game before it was cut.
  • The pre-Flashpoint version of Static would eventually have his world restored as Earth 1993 when the events of Dark Crisis resulted in the creation of a infinite Multiverse.


           TeenTitansLogoPrimeEarth Heroes

Teen Titans | Titans East | Titans West | Titans North | Titans South

Aqualad | Beast Boy | Cyborg | Kid Flash | Raven | Robin | Speedy | Starfire | Superboy | Wonder Girl

Anima | Aquagirl | Argent | Arsenal | Bart Allen | Blue Beetle | Bombshell | Bumblebee | Bunker | Shazam | Captain Marvel, Jr. | Cassandra Cain | Cassie Sandsmark | Crush | Damage | Damian Wayne | Djinn | Flamebird | Green Lantern | Impulse | Jackson Hyde | Jakeem Thunder | Jason Todd | Jericho | Jesse Quick | Jon Kent | Klarion the Witch Boy | Kole | Hawk & Dove (Hank Hall) | Lorena Marquez | Mia Dearden | Mirage | Miss Martian | Nightwing | The Offspring | Power Boy | Power Girl | Ray Palmer | Ravager | Roundhouse | Red Arrow | Red Star | Static | Steel | Supergirl | Terra | Tim Drake | Wally West | Zatara

TV Shows
Teen Titans (2003)
Robin | Starfire | Raven | Cyborg | Beast Boy | Terra | Kid Flash | Thunder | Lightning | Kole | Gnarrk | Hot Spot | Speedy | Bumblebee | Más y Menos | Aqualad | Melvin | Timmy Tantrum | Teether | Herald | Arella Roth | Argent | Bushido | Red Star | Killowat | Pantha | Jericho | Wildebeest | Red X | Tramm | Ravager | Jinx | Larry | Val-Yor | Silkie

Teen Titans Go!
Robin | Starfire | Raven | Cyborg | Beast Boy | Bumblebee | Silkie | Aqualad | Speedy | Halloween Spirit | Más y Menos | Kid Flash | Batman | George Washington | Easter Bunny | Sticky Joe | Team Robin | Super Robin | Birdarang & Beat Box | Pain Bot | Sparkleface & Butterbean | Unicorns | Superman | John Stewart | Wonder Woman | Batgirl | Wonder Twins | Polly Ethylene and Tara Phthalate

Nightwing | Starfire | Raven | Beast Boy | Hawk | Dove | Wonder Girl | Red Hood | Superboy | Krypto | Ravager | Aqualad | Barbara Gordon | Blackfire | Tim Drake | Batman

DC Animated Film Universe
Nightwing | Starfire | Beast Boy | Raven | Blue Beetle | Robin | Cyborg | Speedy | Bumblebee | Kid Flash | Terra | Superboy
