I will keep watering until everything is sufficiently moist.
~ A Steam Gardener
Steam Gardeners are a minor race of good-natured robots that appear in Super Mario Odyssey. They reside in the Steam Gardens which is a part of the Wooded Kingdom and take care of the plant life in it.
They generally resemble yellow watering cans, with a handgrip on the left side of their figure and on the right side a holed pouring piece where they release their water from.
Their appearance lacks any kind of human-like traits, instead having a bulkier look with on the lower side a round and flat shaped attachment where they presumably move around with. A part of their chest has a more brownish complexion with a few buttons on it and on the left side a temperature meter, with on the right side a speaking monitor.
All Steam Gardeners have on their head a potted plant, this plant difference from each individual gardener.
Despite being robots, who are inorganic man-made creations, they are a very nature loving race of machines that like to help out their surrounding environment. They still, however, usually talk in a stereotypical way robots would talk, often speaking in a objective and fact-of-the-matter type way.
Just like the other friendly inhabitants in the game, they help out Mario by giving him simple hints.