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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Steris Harms is the daughter of Lord Jackstom Harms and the half-sister of Marasi Colms, as well as the fiancée and eventual wife of High Lord Waxillium Ladrian. Steris often states that she does not fit in well with other people, and she makes up for this by relentlessly memorizing social norms and relevant facts about Scadrian society and by creating exhaustive lists of contingencies for any and every possible occasion. She is on the autism spectrum.


The Alloy of Law[]

Steris arranges a contract for a marriage between herself and Waxillium Ladrian, bringing her half-sister Marasi with her. The group later attends a wedding where Steris is kidnapped. Wax, Wayne, and Marasi rescue her.

Shadows of Self[]

Steris helps Wax in his quest to hunt a rogue Kandra. When it turns out that the Kandra is Wax's former lover and Was is forced to kill her, Steris comforts him.

The Bands of Mourning[]

Steris and Wax are about to be married when Wayne ruins the wedding. She then joins the group to hunt the bands of Mourning. She and Wax are married by the end of the novel.

The Lost Metal[]

Six years have passed and Steris and Wayne have two children together.


  • As I have said many times before, I am aware of my reputation. I must embrace my nature.
  • This is how it's going to be, with him, isn't it? Always being left behind isn't he middle of something? Always half feeling as if I'm part of his life?
  • I did not make these rules. Nor do I approve of them; many are inconvenient. But it is the society in which we live. Therefore, I make of myself something that can survive isn't his environment.
  • I've learned to fake being normal, but lists of prepared comments and jokes can only take me so far. People can sense that I'm not being authentic, that I don't like the things they like or think the way they do.



           Cosmere Heroes

Breeze | Clubs | Demoux | Dockson | Elend Venture | Hammond | Harmony | Hoid | Kelsier | Kelsier's Crew | Marasi Colms | Mare | Marsh | OreSeur | Preservation | Sazed | Spook | Steris Harms | Tindwyl | Vin | Waxillium Ladrian | Wayne | Yeden

Stormlight Archive
Adolin Kholin | Dalinar Kholin | Jasnah Kholin | Kaladin Stormblessed | Knights Radiant | Shallan Davar | Stormfather | Sylphrena | Szeth | Wyndle
