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She is one of the most beautiful strong smart amazing brave one of her kind people i've ever meet I am lucky to even breath the same air as her.
~ Mieczyslaw "Stiles" Stilinski
I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense.
~ Stiles to Scott.
Guess what?, all of us can't be true alphas! Some of us have to make mistakes! Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes! Some of us are human!
~ Stiles to Scott McCall

Mieczyslaw "Stiles" Stilinski is the deuteragonist on MTV's supernatural drama Teen Wolf, he is the brother-like best friend to werewolf Scott McCall.

Stiles is a student at Beacon Hills High School and the son of Beacon County's Sheriff Stilinski. For the most part, he is the comedic relief of the show. In season 3B he gets possessed by the Nogitsune and becomes the main villain of this season. His mother, Claudia Stilinski, died 6 years ago. He was present when she passed and has never gotten over her death. For some unknown reason, Stiles blames himself. He was a geeky but otherwise normal kid before a werewolf bit his best friend and threw his world into constant chaos. Stiles is sarcastic, funny and outspoken. He is extremely clever and has led the way in working through many of the mysteries of the show. He is a bit frustrated that the werewolf bite has cast him as Robin to Scott’s Batman but he is a solid friend and loyal to a fault.

For the longest time he held an intense but unrequited love for fellow classmate Lydia Martin. Their relationship has grown into a strong friendship, but they would begin a romantic relationship by the end of the series. While they have a typically combative parent/teenager relationship, Stiles loves his father very much and often worries about his safety.

He was portrayed by Dylan O'Brien, who also played Thomas in the Maze Runner film series, Mitch Rapp in American Assassin, Sam Taylor in Amazing Stories, and Joel Dawson in Love and Monsters, and also voiced Bumblebee in the 2018 film of the same name.


Early life[]

Mieczyslaw "Stiles" Stilinski was born to Sheriff Noah and Claudia Stilinski, and was diagnosed with ADHD, and prescribed Adderall to treat it. Stiles had a hard time pronouncing his name, and would say "mischief", leading to his mother to nickname him that. In his childhood, Claudia suffered from dementia, and saw illusions that made her believe that Stiles was attempting to kill her. One day, she attacked Stiles, causing him to have paranoia and dissociation when he was older.

Claudia passed away in the hospital, with Stiles having to experience the trauma alone, as his father was stuck in traffic when a car accident happened. Afterward, Stiles would suffer from anxiety attacks, and bouts of sleepwalking, but he grew out of it. Despite the tragic loss, Stiles and Noah became close, and would have a close bond seen through the series.

As years went on, Stiles would attend Beacon and befriend Scott McCall, and fall in love with Lydia Martin (stating it back in the third grade). Both friends joined lacrosse in high school, and dealt with bully, Jackson Whittemore. Despite joining the team, the friends rarely played games due to their lack of physical prowess. Before the event of the series, Stiles inherited his mother's jeep, and would refuse to leave the jeep anytime it would break down.

Teen Wolf[]

Season One[]

When the Beacon County Sheriff's Department discovered half a body in the woods, Stiles went to the McCall residence and told Scott that they were going to find the other half before the police do. In the woods, Stiles was caught by his father and sent home while Scott hid and was later bitten by a werewolf. The following day, Stiles met with Scott at school, and was excited to learn that he found the other half of the body and that he was bitten by an animal. When Scott lamented that he was attacked by a wolf, Stilinski scoffed at the idea, stating that California hasn't had wolves for decades. While at lacrosse practice, Stiles would witness Scott's athletic prowess, and when McCall informed him that he felt all of his senses heightened, Stilinski joked that he possibly has lycanthropy.

Returning to the woods, Stiles and Scott came across the Hale house and discovered Derek Hale, who told them that they were on private property before McCall his inhaler. When Stiles saw Scott's new prowess at practice once again, he started to worry about his friend and went home to do research. Gathering enough information, Stiles then went to inform Scott that he police believe that the woman was attacked by a wolf, and that McCall had been turned by a werewolf. Stilinski warned him not to go to the party with Allison Argent, but the latter refused despite fearing his violent behavior when he pinned Stiles against the wall. Stiles then decided to attend the party, and would run to the McCall house when Scott felt ill. Scott told Stiles to head to the Argent residence to make sure Allison was safe since Derek had taken her home, and McCall believed that Hale was one who bit him.

Stiles did so, learning that Allison was at home safe before traveling across the nature reserve the following morning, and managed to find Scott. Despite his best friend's lycanthropy, Stiles remained loyal to him as he wanted to help Scott get through the process of becoming a werewolf. Later on, Stiles learned from McCall that Allison's father was a hunter, and he was the one who shot an arrow at him the night he shifted. Stilinski continued to help his friend get through his transformations, such as when Scott's anger led him to shift during lacrosse practice. Believing that Derek bit Scott and possibly murdered the woman in the woods, Stiles wanted to find evidence against Hale. Going to Derek's home, the two unearthed the other half of the corpse from the woods, finding that she was a werewolf that could shift alongside some wolfsbane.

When Derek was arrested for the murder, Stiles confronted him, and Hale informed Stilinski that he needs to talk Scott from playing at tonight's game to prevent another transformation. At the game, Stiles would be informed by his father that the woman was killed by an animal, and Stilinski would inform Scott of this.


  • Athleticism: Despite Stiles being somewhat uncoordinated, he has shown himself to be a skilled athlete in his own right. His athleticism is something that has come into play during the battles he's been involved in, such as when he fought Donovan and was able to daze him for a brief moment, and when he was able to momentarily knock Garret Douglas down with his baseball bat, though he had taken Douglas by surprise. He has also been able to knock down, and even hurt, Theo during his brawl with him, and was able to overpower and tackle Scott to the ground in the hospital after his father was attacked, though Scott was both taken by surprise and not trying to hurt Stiles at the time.
  • Heightened Intelligence: Stiles has been described as a straight-A student, and, in terms of book-smarts, he is considered to be one of the most intelligent people in the pack. For this reason, Stiles has good intuition that contributes quite a lot for he is generally referred to as the "brains" of the pack along with Lydia Martin. He is able to distinguish and recognize patterns with ease. When Kira was kidnaped, he was the first to decipher the clues and etc. He's quite an inquisitive human being, and sometimes uses it for the advantage to create humor and lighten the tone but the questions he asks usually lead to a revelation or epiphany Stiles uses to solve the Supernatural murders or mysteries and connects the dots with information he collects before writing on his Supernatural clue board which isn’t an easy feat. During The Divine Move, Stiles intellect was so great that it helped him realized that the garden of snow was all just an illusion set by the Nogitsune's game that it looked and felt real but wasn’t. Then four managed to walk out of the illusion and into the school unharmed successfully outsmarting the dark spirit.
    • Mythological Knowledge: During Stiles' time in the supernatural world and the McCall Pack, Stiles has done a great deal of research into mythology, folklore, and the supernatural, including the Argent Bestiary. As a result, Stiles has an excellent working knowledge of the powers and abilities of various supernatural creatures, as well as their histories.
      • Occultism: Due to guidance from Deaton, Mountain Ash alone is useless and can only have a great magic effect if ignited by the belief in its ability. He instructed Stiles to use that as the spark which allows him to spread it around his position around the building to form a barrier against Kanima Jackson and his courage was so powerful that it not only resists the Anuk-ite's petrification but was also used as a weapon to kill the creature.
    • Technological Knowledge: Stiles has been shown to have an advanced understanding of technology, and has been shown to have copied keycards to the Sheriff's station using an RFID emulator, hooked up all the surveillance cameras to three of the laptops owned by the pack, and hooking up a smart watch to his phone so he can use it as a hidden camera in the animal clinic. He also claims to have figured out all of Sheriff Stilinski's passwords for his work computer, though how he came upon this information remains unknown. Stiles has also shown a degree of knowledge when it comes to electrical engineering as shown when, while in the Phantom Train Station, he was able to rewire one of the radios there so he could contact the real world, specifically the police scanner in his jeep.
    • Investigative/Law Enforcement Knowledge: As the son of the Sheriff of Beacon County, Stiles has an extensive understanding of the laws of California and the country at large, as well as police protocols, shorthand, and numerical codes. He also keeps a police radio in his car for this reason so he can remain up-to-date on what is happening in the town.
  • Pick-Pocketing/Theft: One of Stiles' most frequently used skills is his ability to easily and stealthily steal things without anyone being the wiser. He has stolen heart monitors, cell phones, frequency jammers, and keys/keycards to a variety of doors and vehicles throughout the course of the series, which has helped himself and the pack tremendously.
  • Combatant: While Stiles has not been formally trained in close-quarters combat as far as it is known, he has demonstrated he can defend himself using an informal brawling style that draws mainly on his instincts. Even when he only entered the supernatural world, Stiles showed that he could hurt and subdue Jackson, back when Jackson was still human, as a single punch to the face from Stiles left him with a bloody nose. The primary examples of Stiles' brawling ability are shown by his fight against Donovan Donati before he was killed, the several times that Stiles attacked Theo Raeken, and when he managed to throw Scott McCall around and punch him on the floor after his father was injured. However, in the latter cases, neither Theo nor Scott were interested in fighting back (in the former case, because Theo was purposely goading Stiles into hitting him, and in the latter case, Scott felt so guilty that he didn't want to hurt Stiles in any way), so it may not yield great results in a battle against a fully-powered supernatural who was actually attempting to cause him harm, but it could still make the difference between life and death in a fight nonetheless. Stiles also tried to fight against a Ghost Rider that was about to shoot him, managing to hold back its arm for a few seconds before he was pushed back, which caused him to realize he couldn't fight the Ghost Rider.
  • Fear Resistance: Even though he is an ordinary human, Stiles has courage so great that not even the Anuk-ite, a fearsome supernatural being, could affect him.


What is he, like, a were-cheetah? Does that even exist? Is that a thing?
~ Stiles Stilinski.



  • A running joke through the series is him using the baseball bat to fight supernatural threats.
  • He is a fan of the New York Mets baseball team.


           Teen Wolf Logo Heroes

Teen Wolf: Scott Howard
Teen Wolf Too: Todd Howard

Scott McCall | Allison Argent | Stiles Stilinski | Lydia Martin | Derek Hale | Malia Tate | Kira Yukimura | Liam Dunbar | Chris Argent | Dr. Alan Deaton | Sheriff Stilinski | Melissa McCall | Deputy Jordan Parrish | Isaac Lahey | Jackson Whittemore | Cora Hale | Erica Reyes | Vernon Boyd | Alpha Twins | Mason Hewitt | Corey Bryant | Hayden Romero | Braeden | Rafael McCall | Coach Bobby Finstock
