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What are you waiting for? GO!

Somebody called for a Nurse?
~ Strax's first words

Strax is a member of the Paternoster Gang and a recurring supporting protagonist in Doctor Who. He is a Sontaran who was demoted to being a nurse and along with Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint aided The Doctor in the Battle of Demons Run. Strax was fatally wounded in the battle and died but two days later he was resurrected by Vastra and Jenny and became their butler and lived with them in Victorian London. He appears in the episodes: A Good Man Goes To War, The Snowmen, The Crimson Horror, The Name of The Doctor with the Eleventh Doctor and Deep Breath with the Twelfth Doctor.

He is played by Dan Starkey who also played Randal Moon in Wizards Vs Aliens.



Commander Strax was part of a clone batch of Sontarans, and was trained in the ways of Sontaran warfare. On one occasion, Strax found himself in a situation that resulted in the Doctor saving him, and Strax becoming indebted to him. At some point, Strax, rather unwillingly, became a nurse, with him claiming it was to restore the honour of his clone batch.

The Battle of Demon's Run[]

A Good Man Goes to War[]

In the year 4037, Strax tended to human soldiers at the Battle of Zaruthstra, and was summoned by the Eleventh Doctor to aid in rescuing him companion Amy Pond, and her daughter Melody from Demon's Run. Strax was pleased to return to battle, and when the Doctor's forces attacked the asteroid, Strax held Colonel Manton at gunpoint. He later aided in looking after the baby Melody, sharing camaraderie with the father, Rory Williams.

However, they would be surprise attacked by the Headless Monks, and Strax was seriously wounded when a Monk struck him from behind with its sword. As he struggled with what he believed to be his last breaths, Strax noted how he had once longed to die in combat, but now he didn't find it as enjoyable as he had thought it would be. Rory tried to comfort him, saying he was sure he would recover, but Strax reminded Rory that he was a nurse, too. However, he admitted that he had had a good life, and was pleased to live nearly twelve years.

Two Days Later[]

Following his death, as seen in the prequel Two Days Later, Strax was brought back to life by Jenny Flint and Madame Vastra, When he regained consciousness, two days afterwards, Jenny de-emphasised the severity of his wounds by telling Strax that he had just fainted. This annoyed the Sontaran who had wanted to have the glory of dying in battle. The Victorian couple then offered to take him home with them to 1888 London. At first he declined, but quickly changed his mind.

He went on to assist Madame Vastra and Jenny in Victorian London as part of the Paternoster Gang of investigators.


Like most Sontarans, Strax generally displayed the typical traits that were normal for a Sontaran, such as a willingness to die in battle, a love of fighting, and war.

He had some prejudices against other species: he once called Madame Vastra herself a "ridiculous reptile".

Despite being demoted to nurse at some point in his life, Strax was still a fierce Sontaran warrior who was willing to face overwhelming odds without hesitation or fear. An example of this trait was when he and several of the Doctor's allies were outnumbered by the Headless Monks yet he fought valiantly against them. He also showed a willingness to kill people he had once helped; for example after healing a human boy he told him that he hoped to one day defeat him in mortal combat. However he did not do so in a malicious way, but more out of respect. Strax also had a tendency to "compliment" people by telling them how much he would enjoy destroying them in battle. Although many people usually end up confused in the process, possibly thinking that Strax is joking.

Unlike most Sontarans, Strax however, he was unable to distinguish one human from another, and had no concept of binary gender, mistaking both Jenny and Clara for boys. The Eleventh Doctor said, of Strax, that "two genders is a bit further than he can count".

Strax's dedication to duty and a strict warrior's honor code was cast into sharp focus during the battle with the Clockwork Droids, wherein he was prepared to commit suicide and prolong the lives of his companions, rather than taking a breath and risking their collective demise. Thankfully the Clockwork Droids were all shut down when the Twelfth Doctor killed their leader, so Strax didn't go through with committing suicide.

Strax did not tolerate what he believed was incompetence from livestock, even if they weren't at fault. If Strax thought they had failed in their "mission", it was grounds to execute them. He killed three horses in the same week for getting lost in Yorkshire, and nearly performed a summary execution on a fourth, asking it for last words, only to get no reply, which was "the usual story", suggesting he could understand horse. Strax didn't seem enthused to make another horse go the way of the others, stating he wasn't "even hungry". However, this particular horse was spared when he got proper directions to get to Sweetville. Strax could also become hyperactive if he ate sherbet fancies. He would steal the sweets from Jenny and eat them behind her back. However, Vastra could tell when he was "overexcited" from eating the fancies, and Strax was bad at hiding the truth.

He also lacked proper manners for some things; when he asked Clara if she would like the newspaper, he literally threw it through a window and it hit her directly in the face, knocking her out, to hilarious results.

However, Strax also had a softer side and appeared to like children, tending to a young boy during the battle of Zaruthstra and offering to breastfeed Melody Pond, seeming rather affronted when Rory and Amy refused his offer. He also befriended the urchin Thomas Thomas and worked with the boy to save his friends. His softer side was also shown by the sorrow he expressed when Clara Oswin Oswald was dying.

Despite the fact that most Sontarans had always considered the Doctor to be a sworn enemy of the Sontaran Empire, Strax however, he was a loyal ally to the Time Lord, and did not appear to have any grudge against him. He knew of the Doctor's previous incarnations and had various opinions on them. Before his resurrection, Strax commented that he wasn't enjoying dying in battle as much as he'd hoped. However he was grateful for having lived nearly twelve years which, for a Sontaran, was quite a long life. When Rory tried to comfort him, insisting that he was a warrior and he could survive, Strax corrected him - he was a nurse. In the end, Strax found a greater nobility in healing than in killing- ironically he had previously described being a nurse as 'the most humiliating punishment a Sontaran can endure.'

Strax was not very intelligent but he was loyal and well meaning. Sometimes he would say something clever, which the Doctor said didn't suit him. The Doctor was often condescending towards the Sontaran, although Strax didn't seem to mind the insults directed at him, even finding amusement in them. Since he was still adapting to life on Earth, Strax often said things that were either threatening or insulting such as when he told Clara she would be "obliterated" if she tried to escape and informed Captain Latimer that he had a "puny human mind". However he would often follow these statements with something more appropriate such as "May I take your coat?" and "Try not to worry", showing that he really was trying to fit in as best he could. Strax preferred to deal with problems through force and often suggested weapons or battle tactics that could help in times of need which commonly exasperated his friends. Strax occasionally showed an uncanny fondness for grenades and acid traps. In the case of grenades, he answered the Doctor's question about the next thing to look for after finding something brand new in the world as "a grenade", and like to "play with" them when he was bored. And finally, remembering not to destroy someone with acid, on the other hand, was an old habit that Strax himself often found very hard to break.

Powers and Abilities[]

Memorable Quotes[]

Suggest we melt his brain using projectile acid fish, and then interrogate him. [PAUSE] Other way round.
~ Strax
Sir, please do not noogie me during combat prep.
~ Strax, to the Eleventh Doctor.
Horse, you have failed in your mission! We are lost, with no sign of Sweetville. Do you have any final words before your summary execution? (The Horse doesn't answer, much to Strax's anger and irritation, before he whips out his Sontaran blaster rifle) The usual story. You're the fourth one this week, and I'm not even hungry.
~ Strax, before attempting to execute the Horse for failing to locate Sweetville, before meeting Thomas Thomas.
SONTAR-HA!!! HEH HAH HA HAAAAAHHH!!! (He's literally cackling like a madman while mercilessly shooting at his fleeing enemies) YEH-HA HA HA HA HAH!!! YEH-HAH HA HAH HAAH!!!!!
~ Strax, in his Sontaran armor, while blasting at Mrs Gillyflower's own henchmen and henchwomen Pilgrims, while running past the Eleventh Doctor and Jenny, much to the Eleventh Doctor's own shock and surprise.
~ Strax, upon confronting Mrs Gillyflower, while ordering her to stand down.



  • Strax is the first good natured Sontaran to appear in Doctor Who.
  • Strax enjoys going to Glasgow on his days off from the Paternoster Gang; getting into bar fights with the locals, as sport, and even being cordial to them if they are interrupted.
  • Strax knows there's two genders, but has them labeled backwards; calling Jenny and Clara boys, along with a messenger boy a girl.
    • When he's completely unsure, he calls a human "it".
  • According to the novels, he thinks "Madame" is a rank and not a title.
  • When examining Clara's subconcious, Strax sees "muscular young men doing sport"; fans take this to mean Strax saw two girls making out, seeing as Clara is heteroflexible.


           Doctor Who - Current Titlecard Heroes

The Doctor
First Doctor | Second Doctor | Third Doctor | Fourth Doctor | Fifth Doctor | Sixth Doctor | Seventh Doctor | Eighth Doctor | War Doctor | Ninth Doctor | Tenth Doctor | Eleventh Doctor | Twelfth Doctor | Thirteenth Doctor | Fourteenth Doctor | Fifteenth Doctor
Others: Dr. Who | John Smith | The Doctor (Scream of the Shalka) | Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor | Fugitive Doctor

The Doctor's companions
Susan Foreman | Ian Chesterton | Barbara Wright | Vicki Pallister | Steven Taylor | Katarina | Sara Kingdom | Dodo Chaplet | Ben Jackson | Polly Wright | Jamie McCrimmon | Victoria Waterfield | Zoe Heriot | Liz Shaw | Jo Grant | Sarah Jane Smith | Harry Sullivan | Leela | K9 Mark I/K9 Mark II | Romana | Adric | Nyssa | Tegan Jovanka | Turlough | Kamelion | Peri Brown | Mel Bush | Ace | Grace Holloway | Chang Lee | Rose Tyler | Captain Jack Harkness | Mickey Smith | Martha Jones | Donna Noble | Wilfred Mott | Amy Pond | River Song | Rory Williams | Clara Oswald | Nardole | Bill Potts | Graham O'Brien | Ryan Sinclair | Yasmin Khan | Dan Lewis | Ruby Sunday
Prose companions
Bernice Summerfield | Roz Forrester | Chris Cwej | Sam Jones | Fitz Kreiner | Compassion | Miranda Dawkins | Anji Kapoor | Trix | Cinder
Comics companions
Sharon Davies | Angus Goodman | Frobisher | Izzy Sinclair | Kroton | Destrii | Josie Day | Tara Mishra | Majenta Price | Gabby Gonzalez | Cindy Wu | Alice Obiefune | John Jones | ARC | The Squire | The Sapling | Hattie Munroe
Audio companions
Oliver Harper | Naomi Cross | Margaret Hopwood | Ann Kelso | Mrs Wibbsey | Thomas Brewster | Marc | Erimem | Evelyn Smythe | "Mila" | Jago & Litefoot | Flip Jackson | Constance Clarke | Hebe Harrison | Raine Creevy | Hex | Sally Morgan | Lysandra Aristedes | Mags | Elizabeth Klein | James MacFarlane | Charley Pollard | Audacity Montague | C'rizz | Lucie Miller | Tamsin Drew | Molly O'Sullivan | Liv Chenka | Helen Sinclair | Bliss | Cass | Alex Campbell | Anya Kingdom | Mark Seven | Valarie Lockwood

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart | Sergeant Benton | Captain Mike Yates | Brigadier Bambera | Colonel Mace | Kate Stewart | Petronella Osgood | Shirley Anne Bingham | Rose Noble
Audio members
Colonel Emily Chaudry | Lieutenant Hoffman | Colonel Dalton | Captain Ruth Matheson | Charlie Sato | Josh Carter | Sam Bishop | Colonel Shindi

Torchwood Institute
Captain Jack Harkness | Gwen Cooper | Ianto Jones | Owen Harper | Toshiko Sato | Rex Matheson | Esther Drummond | Mr Colchester

Bannerman Road Gang
Sarah Jane Smith | Luke Smith | Maria Jackson | Mr Smith | Clyde Langer | Rani Chandra | K9 Mark IV | Sky Smith

Investigators of Infernal Incidents
Henry Gordon Jago | George Litefoot | Ellie Higson | Sergeant Quick

Paternoster Gang
Madame Vastra | Jenny Flint | Strax

Coal Hill defenders
Charlie Smith | Ram Singh | April MacLean | Tanya Adeola | Andrea Quill | Matteusz Andrzejewski

Other Allies
James Stirling | Professor Travers | King Peladon | Alpha Centauri | White Guardian | K9 Mark III | Maxwell Edison | Sabalom Glitz | DI Patricia Menzies | Bernice Summerfield | Father Octavian | The Face of Boe | Jackie Tyler | Bad Wolf | Pete Tyler | Ood Sigma | Jenny | Hostess | Craig Owens | Sophie | Brian Williams | Rusty | Danny Pink | Rigsey | Grant Gordon | Grace O'Brien | Karvanista | Claire Brown | Inston-Vee Vinder | Bel | Eustacius Jericho | Rogue

           Legodimensions logo Heroes

Good Guys
Original: X-PO
DC Comics: Alfred Pennyworth (DC Universe) | Aquaman | Batman (DC Universe) | Commissioner Gordon | Cyborg (DC Universe) | Green Arrow (DC Universe) | Jimmy Olsen | Lois Lane | Robin (DC Universe) | Superman (DC Universe) | The Flash (DC Universe) (Arrowverse) | Wonder Woman (DC Universe)
The LEGO Movie: Wyldstyle | Emmet Brickowski | Batman (The LEGO Movie) | Unikitty | Metalbeard | Benny | Good Cop
The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn | Boromir | Frodo Baggins | Gandalf | Gimli | Legolas | Meriadoc Brandybuck | Peregrin Took | Samwise Gamgee | Sméagol
Back to the Future: Einstein | Clara Clayton | Lorraine Baines McFly | Marlene McFly | Marshal James Strickland | Seamus McFly | Marty McFly | Marty McFly Jr. | Emmett Brown
Portal 2: Adventure Core | ATLAS and P-body | Chell | Doug Rattmann | Space Core
The Simpsons: Homer Simpson | Bart Simpson | Krusty the Clown | Mayor Quimby | Hans Moleman | Abraham Simpson | Comic Book Guy | Ralph Wiggum | Groundskeeper Willie | Milhouse Van Houten | Lisa Simpson | Nelson Muntz | Santa's Little Helper | Maggie Simpson | Dr. Julius Hibbert | Marge Simpson | Chief Clancy Wiggum | Seymour Skinner | Ned Flanders | Apu Nahasapeemapetilon | Edna Flanders | Snowball II | Professor Jonathan Frink | Scratchy | Martin Prince | Rainier Wolfcastle | Plopper the Pig | Simpson Family
Jurassic World: ACU Trooper | Claire Dearing | Gray Mitchell | Lowery Cruthers | Blue | Owen Grady | Simon Masrani | Zach Mitchell
Scooby-Doo!: Fred Jones | Dada-Doo | Daphne Blake | Mumsy-Doo | Scooby-Doo | Shaggy Rogers | Velma Dinkley | Mystery Inc.
Legends of Chima: Laval | Eris | Cragger
The Wizard of Oz: Dorothy Gale | Scarecrow | Tin Woodman | Cowardly Lion
Doctor Who: Captain Jack Harkness | Clara Oswald | K9 Mark II | Madame Vastra | Rusty the Dalek | Strax | Time Lords | The Doctor (First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, War, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh & Twelfth) | Torchwood Institute
Ninjago: Lloyd Garmadon | Kai | Jay Walker | Nya | Cole | Zane | Master Wu | Sensei Garmadon | Karlof
Ghostbusters: Ghostbusters (Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz, Egon Spengler & Winston Zeddemore) | Slimer
Midway Arcade: Gamer Kid | Merlin the Wizard | Questor the Elf | Thor the Warrior | Thyra the Valkyrie
Ghostbusters (2016): Ghostbusters (Abby Yates, Erin Gilbert, Jillian Holtzmann & Patty Tolan)
Adventure Time: Finn Mertens | Jake the Dog
Mission: Impossible: Ethan Hunt
Harry Potter: Harry Potter
The A-Team: A-Team (B.A. Baracus, Hannibal Smith, H.M. Murdock & Faceman Peck)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Newt Scamander | Tina Goldstein
Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Amy Rose | Big the Cat | Shadow the Hedgehog
Gremlins: Gizmo
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial: E.T.
The LEGO Batman Movie: Batman (The LEGO Batman Movie) | Robin (The LEGO Batman Movie) | Batgirl (The LEGO Batman Movie)
Knight Rider: Michael Knight
The Goonies: Sloth Fratelli
LEGO City Undercover: Chase McCain
The Powerpuff Girls (2016): Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup
Teen Titans Go!: Robin (Teen Titans Go!) | Cyborg (Teen Titans Go!) | Beast Boy (Teen Titans Go!) | Raven (Teen Titans Go!) | Starfire (Teen Titans Go!)
Beetlejuice: Beetlejuice
Others: Explorer | Heroic Knight | Pharaoh | Skutters | Snacky
