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Hero Overview

The human mind will always rely on one of three basic descriptions to describe that which they cannot fully explain themselves: magic, religion, or a science that is simply unknown to them. 'And' never seems to make an appearance…
~ Dr. Stuart Hayward in his book Demons, Legends, and Fables: Contextualized from the "Pitch Haven" Hub.
Do I feel like a protector? No, I don't. I resent that title, and anytime someone calls me that, I feel dead inside. The only person I could relate to is Sari, and that's because she did the same things I did. The two of us are the only ones left; the others… they couldn't handle being the only ones left, so they just gave up. We had the opportunity to join them, but… it didn't feel right at the time, especially after everything we've done.
Now, we just want it forgotten. We want a chance at a happier life, and hopefully we've got that by thetime you read this. Hopefully, when we've cleaned the slate, exchanged this 'divinity' for simple, human lives, ████ won't find us again. It's all we can hope for.
~ Siuward’s note found in SCP-2746.

Dr. Stuart Hayward, also known as Siuward, is one of the protagonists of the SCP Foundation series. He was originally one of the animals inhabiting the Garden of Eden alongside other animals who could change their form. After a war broke within the animals due to their Maker's decision, he alongside his lover Sari sided with the animals still loyal to the Maker before dying and reincarnating as humans who would go on to work for the SCP Foundation.

He would later due again and be revived as SCP-2999-B which as SCP-2999 was an entry for the SCP-2000 contest which won thirteenth place. He and Sarah Crowely are the main protagonists of the "Pitch Haven" series.


Siuward prior to becoming human, resembled a black cat, although just like the other animals of Eden he was capable of changing his form. After being reincarnated as a human, Siuward had the appearance of an English man, standing at 1.68 m tall. Following his infection from SCP-1903, Hayward's face grew an organic white cat mask which somewhat resembled his previous form. After becoming SCP-2999-B, Hayward took the form of a taxidermied skeleton of a black adolescent house cat, held together through leather straps, black tape, string, and super-glue, partially composed of common yarrow.

Powers & Abilities[]

In his previous life as a demiurge crafter, Siuward was seemingly immortal and a powerful reality-bender who helped construct Eden, and was also affiliated with music, being capable of using music to stop both Fredrick and Agathos. After reincarnating as a human, Stuart lost all of his powers and at a very early age he showed great intelligence which would earn him a spot at the Foundation, and was also taught various magic spells by Clovis who noted that he had great affinity with magic. As SCP-2999-B, Stuart became a sapient skeleton of a black cat which despite the fragile appearance was very durable as Stuart could regenerate from wounds, but could regenerate only when consuming additional yarrow that disappeared through his throat and if not fed yarrow then Stuart's body would slowly crumble. Stuart also gained the ability to partially manipulate video equipment that view him, as he could include subtitles to communicate and when another person was included with him in a video or photograph then that person's appearance would be altered to resemble that of Clovis which was based on Stuart's hallucinations.


In his previous life, Siuward was shown to be kind, compassionate and loyal their Maker. He seemed to dearly love his friends and fellow animals, and he especially loved his partner Sari. Despite being the one who gave the orders to punish the Furies, he and Sari deeply regretted this action, because they still felt sympathy for their former friends. As Stuart Hayward, he had become groggy as a result of having a different sleep schedule in order to properly take care of Acacia whom he loved. He hated the idea of living in an orphanage due to the poor conditions, while he greatly valued books as spend time reading them and after finishing would return them back to the abandoned library. After meeting Clovis he was at first distrustful of her, but as she took care of him the two formed a deep bond between each other, with Stuart even referring to her as his mother. Stuart would get nervous while on stage but became confident when using a special guitar gifted to him by Clovis, and when performing he would only care about his song and not about the audience’s feelings towards him. While in the Foundation he was described as committed to his work but also a solitary type. After he was reunited with Sari, who had become Sarah Crowely, the two fell deeply in love with each other all over again, spending time together as much as possible and enjoying passing time together. He and Sarah also supported their fellow personnel Dr. Harriot Crot about her transgender identity. However, after being betrayed and tricked by Clovis Stuart became paranoid as he was unsure whether the reborn form of Sarah was the real her and despised being compared to the Furies whom he still considered as evil wild monsters.


  • Stuart liked the book Against Nature by Joris-Karl Huysmans.
  • Stuart loved drinking chamomile tea.
  • Stuart was an atheist, although in his past life he served the Maker.
  • In 2014, Hayward and Crowely would be 126 years old each.
  • Stuart is one of the few Foundation employees who have been turned into SCPs.
  • The photo depicting Stuart is that of author Fantem's roommate Justin More wearing a mask made by Sabina Stan. The photo of Stuart as SCP-2999-B was made by artist gluki-goroda.
  • When the Foundation used SCP-978 to take a photo of SCP-2999-B, the picture showed him destroying a laptop containing SCP-2999-A demanding to know where Sarah was.

External Links[]


           SCPFoundation SCP Heroes SCPFoundation

Major Organizations
Church of the Second Hytoth | Dr. Wondertainment | Gamers Against Weed | Global Occult Coalition | Horizon Initiative | Manna Charitable Foundation | Nobody | Prometheus Labs, Inc. | SCP Foundation (O5 Council) | Serpent's Hand | Three Moons Initiative | Unusual Incidents Unit

Minor/Recurring Organizations
Stuff Industry

Safe SCPs
SCP-011 | SCP-085 | SCP-105 | SCP-131 | SCP-163 | SCP-181 | SCP-187 | SCP-208 | SCP-343 | SCP-387 | SCP-492 | SCP-507 | SCP-516 | SCP-590 | SCP-999 | SCP-1230-1 | SCP-1281 | SCP-2053-1 | SCP-2295 | SCP-2412 | SCP-2622 | SCP-2800 | SCP-2816-2 | SCP-2980-1 | SCP-3161-1 | SCP-3355 | SCP-3973 | SCP-5094 | SCP-5443 | SCP-7952 | SCP-8000

Euclid SCPs
SCP-049 | SCP-073 | SCP-326 | SCP-336 | SCP-451 | SCP-666-1 | SCP-706 | SCP-781 | SCP-789 | SCP-1252 | SCP-1338 | SCP-1342-3 | SCP-1530-3 | SCP-1609 | SCP-1690 | SCP-1810 | SCP-1959 | SCP-1985 | SCP-2040 | SCP-2045 | SCP-2101-1 | SCP-2241 | SCP-2273 | SCP-2331 | SCP-2370 | SCP-2639-A | SCP-2726-A | SCP-2785 | SCP-2792 | SCP-2999-B | SCP-3082-2 | SCP-3090 | SCP-4128 | SCP-4158 | SCP-4197 | SCP-4231-B | SCP-4793 | SCP-5239 | SCP-5935 | SCP-7000

Keter SCPs
SCP-734 | SCP-990 | SCP-1233 | SCP-1440 | SCP-2006 | SCP-2662 | SCP-3740 | SCP-4051 | SCP-4239-1 | SCP-4343 | SCP-4455 | SCP-4640 | SCP-4999 | SCP-5031 | SCP-5151 | SCP-5726 | SCP-6113-1

Neutralized SCPs
SCP-1508 | SCP-1762-2 | SCP-2420 | SCP-3507 | SCP-4017 | SCP-4026-1

Thaumiel SCPs
SCP-179 | SCP-2137 | SCP-3894-Alpha | SCP-4606 | SCP-6101 | SCP-6666-A

Archon SCPs

Esoteric SCPs
SCP-040 | SCP-1867 | SCP-2085 | SCP-3700-1 | SCP-4755 | SCP-5699 | SCP-7373

Joke SCPs

International SCPs
French Branch

Spanish Branch

Japanese Branch

SCP-001 Proposals
SCP-001 (The Gate Guardian) | SCP-001 (Dr. Wondertainment) | SCP-001 (The Broken God) | SCP-001 (The Foundation) | SCP-001 (The Council) | SCP-001 (The Serpent)

Ashur | Bes | Deimos | DJ Chaac | Gate Guardian | Jalakåra | Mekhane | Nahash | Pangloss | Rakmou-leusan | SCP-2662 | Yehom

SCP Foundation Personnel
Alto Clef | Calixto Narváez | Dr. Iceberg | Katherine Sinclair | Michael Edison | Simon Kells | Stuart Hayward | William Wettle

James Talloran | Thomas Yaltz

Agent Kramer | Agent J████ | Daniel Johnson | Dmitri Strelnikov | Max Lombardi | Sarah Crowely | Troy Lament

Task Forces
Auxiliary Task Force Alpha-1 | Mobile Task Force Theta-90 | Mobile Task Force Tau-5 | Mobile Task Force Omega-9

D-14134 | D-87465

Glacon | Screamy

O5 Council/Administration
Calvin Lucien | O5-█ | The Archeologist

Alexander Sukarno | Alex Thorley | Marion Wheeler | Olympia | Pietro Wilson

Andrew Llewellyn | Derdekeas | Eric | Fruit Cake | Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V | Jenna | Joey Fucknuts | Kit | Kind Man | Lewitt-Zairi Family | Mirage | Nobody | Reality-Bender | Tobin Hollis | William

From Other Media
Connor Cornwall | D-9341 | SCP-105-C | Big Charlie

Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from scp-wiki.net and its authors.
