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That's what you do in a herd. You look out for each other.
~ Manny.

The Sub-Zero Heroes, also known as The Herd, are the main protagonists of the Ice Age franchise.

It is a community of prehistoric mammals that originally consisted of Manny, Sid and Diego, though it would also include Ellie, Crash and Eddie, Buck and Shira along with others who joined later.


To be added



  • Scrat is the only mammal who isn't a true member of the herd, though he interferes enough in the herd's lives because of his obsession over his acorn (diverting floods and splitting continents) to gain a place in the Sub-Zero Heroes.


           IceAgeTitle Heroes

The Sub-Zero Heroes
Manny | Sid | Diego | Ellie | Crash and Eddie | Peaches | Granny | Shira | Louis | Julian

The Tribe
Nadia | Runar

Dinosaur World
Buck | Momma Dino | Baby Dinos | Roger | Gavin | Gertie | Roger | Zee


Brooke | Teddy

Scrat | Precious | Prancer | Clint
